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Social Issues

Lego Business Identity Analysis

Lego is world’s famous and largest company of plastic toys manufacturing. Lego was using petroleum manufactured ABS (acrylonitrile butadiene styrene) to make its toys’ bricks, which is not environment friendly. Lego is proactively decreasing their carbon footprints and they also announced and took initiative in 2015 that by 2030 Lego’s products will be entirely sustainable. LEGO company efforts towards their sustainability is significantly appraisable. Lego partnership with World Wildlife (WWF) promotes globalization which helped them to reduce their carbon dioxide...
2 Pages 876 Words

The Impact of Virtual Reality on the Workforce, Society and Environmental Sustainability

Virtual reality is a three-dimensional, computer-generated environment for people to explore, connect and learn. It constructs an environment where people are fully immersed within a virtual world. Virtual reality is achieved using computer technology, Omni-directional treadmills and specialized gloves to accomplish the optimal experience, this equipment is used to stimulate senses, therefore, creating the illusion of reality. Creating an adequate virtual experience can be extremely problematic if things are out of place, this questions immersiveness and realism. Immersion is the...
2 Pages 946 Words

Portrayal of Henry V by David Michod in His Film ‘The King’

‘The King’ is the 2019 film adaptation of the 15th century rule of King Henry, directed by David Michod and an invaluable historical source. It centers around Henry V, a king that was admired by England and through David Michod’s portrayal, turned into a legend as he recreated his glorious lead in the Battle of Agincourt against the cruel Dauphin. This adaptation of Henry’s life, however, is inaccurate when reconstructing the past, while loosely interpreting real events into the plot,...
2 Pages 899 Words

Circles Are Better Than Squares

Circles are better than squares. This is a fact, not a statement. Through research, the concept that circles are superior to squares has been proven. The circle found throughout the domain of the human experience. Whether it be nature, architecture, religion, design or spirituality, circles are a key part of human civilisation and obviously the greatest shape of all time. What are the reasons for why circles are so much greater than squares? There are several reasons for the superiority...
2 Pages 895 Words

Essay on the Evolution of Money

Have you ever thought of how money started? Well, it all started with bartering. People use to swap their goods for the other persons goods. Bartering turned to coins. The first coin ever minted featured a roaring lion created by King Alyattes in Lydia now known as Turkey. Coins then turned into bank notes around 1661 AD. In 1950 credit cards were then introduced. Money has evolved for the better because there is more control over how much people take...
2 Pages 930 Words

Where's the Free in Freedom of Speech

In a baffling Today Show monologue prior to the 2016 Australian federal election, television personality Lisa Wilkinson went on an outright tirade against opposition leader Bill Shorten, slamming him for the apparent sexist comments he made about the role of women in childcare decisions. Twisting his words, Wilkinson accused Shorten of being sexist by implying that he “confirmed the outdated belief that women take care of all things regarding looking after the kids”. This perverse interpretation of his words to...
2 Pages 926 Words

Cosmetic Surgery as a Way to Improve a Person's Appearance: Pros and Cons

Nowadays, physical appearance is marked as an essential part in our daily life. Men are attracted by beautiful women, women as well, are attracted by handsome, good-looking men. Therefore, many men and women are considering to make themselves look better by undergoing cosmetic surgery. Cosmetic surgery is known as a unique procedure for enhancing a person’s appearance through surgical and medical techniques. For instance, women undergo breasts enlargement while men often undergo nose jobs or face lifting. As a result,...
2 Pages 902 Words

The History of the Photograph 'Migrant Mother' by Dorothea Lange

Lange was a photographer for the Resettlement Association. For the last fifteen years or so, she’d made her living taking portraits of the San Francisco elite. But after the Great Depression hit, she left her studio and began to document the effects of the crisis on the residents of the city. On seeing those photographs, Roy Stryker immediately hired her to work for the government on a project would involve documenting poor rural workers in a propaganda effort to elicit...
2 Pages 882 Words

Feudalism as a Socio-Economic System in Medieval Europe

Feudalism was the social system/hierarchy in medieval Europe which defined what the people were and their roles. The lowest class were the peasants who worked the land for the nobles and knights so that in return they would get protection. The third class of people were the knights who fought for the kings and nobles. The second class of people were the nobles who agreed with the lords to supply the king with soldiers and horses for his army to...
2 Pages 941 Words

Kurt Vonnegut’s “So It Goes” as a Mantra of Resignation and Acceptance

Throughout the novel ‘Slaughterhouse Five’, Kurt Vonnegut uses the phrase “so it goes”. At times used tragically, at other times absurdly, this phrase, repeated more than 100 times, comes to represent the occurrence of death in the novel. As the phrase follows every mention of death, it conveys a sense of fatalism during wartime. The idea of death is strongly connected to this statement and the constant repetition of the phrase makes readers question the meaning of death and the...
2 Pages 879 Words

Arthur Miller's ‘The Crucible’ as a Protest Against Communist Hysteria of McCarthyism and HUAC Actions

Arthur Miller utilises his literary masterpiece ‘The Crucible’ as a vehicle to expose to the audience that maintaining personal integrity requires great courage and strength in the face of hysteria and frenzy and refusing to name names can come at a high cost, especially amidst an autocratic rule. He does this through thoughtful characterisation, symbolism, language, allegory, imagery and characters’ moral dilemmas. Arthur Miller's outstanding 1953 play, effectively utilises allegory to draw parallels between the period of McCarthyism within the...
2 Pages 936 Words

Costco's Key Competitive Strategies

Primarily, Costco’s strategy is to create maximum market and sales volumes by selecting high quality, branded product with wide spreading merchandise in minimal revenue. As Costco is a wholesale store every items can only be purchased in bulk. For example, Advil comes only in 360-count bottle, which is very much larger than common sized found in supermarket or a drug store. In the same way, Costco’s core focus is to sale definite product in a huge quantity with less profit...
2 Pages 893 Words

Reflections on the Problem of Abuse of Power

We are not so different today as in the Seventeenth Century. People in positions of power abusing their positions is as prevalent today as it was then. ‘The Crucible’ is a 1953 play by American playwright Arthur Miller. It is a dramatized story of the Salem witch trials that took place in the Massachusetts Bay. Abuse of power is using power and authority for personal gain, and it is twice as bad when it causes an ill effect on other...
2 Pages 881 Words

Significance of the 19th Amendment for Women's Equality

Women were denied many rights that men had and were discriminated because of their sex. They were seen as fragile individuals that were not capable of doing hard work without being hurt or to take decisions having conscience of what was going on. They are denied many job and educational opportunities and are taken away by the dream to be someone. They are also limited to the right to have power to have an influence in the laws and policies...
2 Pages 901 Words

Minimum Wage Essay

The minimum wage is a fundamental labor policy that sets a legal floor for hourly wages, ensuring workers receive fair compensation for their efforts. This essay explores the impact of minimum wage on various aspects of the economy and society. By examining both the advantages and disadvantages of minimum wage laws, we can gain a comprehensive understanding of their effects on workers, businesses, and the overall economy. Ultimately, the goal is to assess how minimum wage policies promote fairness and...
3 Pages 913 Words

Rhetorical Devices in Antony's Speech

It is unbelievable how much we are affected by others around us. Not just by their words, but by their actions. Some people can be so influential that they change someone's views on a topic in just a couple minutes. This is exactly what Mark Antony did to the people of Rome at Caesar's funeral. As a matter of fact, Antony uses three rhetorical devices in his speech with the hope of secretly persuading the plebeians to be on his...
2 Pages 891 Words

Animals Are Intelligent: Neurons Make The Magic Happen

Have you ever heard of a gorilla that can use sign language? Or understand human language. I believe that animals are intelligent. Animals are intelligent because they know how to interact or may even be as smart as a human. For example, an elephants neurons measures to the human brain amount, but they are still not the smartest, that means there are animals more intelligent than humans. Some can have half a million neurons even though this does not scale...
2 Pages 883 Words

Japanese Canadian Internment During World War II

With updates on the assault on the American maritime base at Hawaii on December 7, 1941, long periods of seething trepidation and hatred against Japanese Canadians detonated into frenzy and outrage in British Columbia. Inside days of the Pearl Harbor assault, Canadian Pacific Railways terminated all its Japanese laborers, and most other Canadian ventures stuck to this same pattern. Japanese fishers in British Columbia were requested to remain in port, and 1,200 fishing boats were seized by the Canadian naval...
2 Pages 931 Words

The Issue of Lethal Force by the Police

In 1982 James and Kelling proposed the idea of broken windows. The theory ties disorder and hatefulness within the society to subsequent events of serious offence. One of the principles represented in the broken principle of windows is that there is little empirical evidence that conditions are causing crime when left unchallenged. Law enforcers tend to concentrate on serious crime involving crimes that are perceived to be serious and significant to the victim, such as rape, robbery, and killings. Police...
2 Pages 886 Words

Fever of Unknown Origin: Clinical Manifestations, Diagnosis and Treatment

The title fever of unknown origin is foremost aloof for children with a fever documented by a healthcare provider (physician) and for which the cause could not be identified after 3 weeks of estimation as an outpatient or after 1 week of evaluation in the hospital. Patients with fever not meeting these criteria and especially those admitted to hospital with neither an apparent site of infection nor a noninfectious diagnosis may be considered to have a fever without localizing symptoms....
2 Pages 882 Words

An Overview of Feudalism as the Dominant Social System in Medieval Europe

Feudalism started in 800 C.E to create order and make Europe civil again. This came because the people needed protection from barbarians. Feudalism is a medieval government and the people needed it to keep control and have a leader. The Classes of the Feudal System The King The King was responsible for his kingdom. There was only one King and he was the highest of the classes. The King would delegate his duties to Nobles and Knights. He would stop...
2 Pages 949 Words

Holistic Education as Educational Theory

Holistic education is an educational theory built on the assumption that everyone wants sense, identity, and aim in lifetime via community networks to the natural world, and to humanitarian principles like empathy and reconciliation. Holism in education requests to bring people forward and inherent respect a deep desire for life and learning (Miller, 1992). No doubt holistic approach in education is education for 21st century, aimed at advancing globally conscious individuals, harmony, an image of peace and brainpower (Nava, 2001)....
2 Pages 905 Words

The Role of Magical Animals in Rowling’s Novel ‘Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone’

In everyday reality, one can only command as few animals as possible, the connection between humans and animals in everyday life is much more ordinary, however, in the magical world of Harry Potter, animals have a greater role, significance, and connection with people. In J. K. Rowling’s ‘Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone’, the magical nature of animals speaks of Rowling’s world where animals communicate with humans in unusually magical ways. One magical creature that stood out in the story,...
2 Pages 945 Words

Examining the O.J. Simpson Murder Case

The high profile case that I have decided to research is the case involving O.J. Simpson. I picked this case because it involved a former NFL running back and the NFL is my favorite sport to watch. Also, this case received a lot of media coverage and was talked about across the United States. The People of the State of California vs. Orenthal James Simpson (OJ) was deemed the trial of the century because there was so much media attention...
2 Pages 902 Words

Income Inequality in South Africa

Leibbrandt and Shipp break down the source, cause and solution to the income disparity in South Africa. Their findings tackle how the bridge between the rich and poor, gender and racial inequalities, equalization workers’ wages and salaries, stability of the middle class and the division caused by the need for some form of tertiary education. This essay will explore a more circumstantial point of view towards their points. The most unmistakable way to combat income inequality in South Africa is...
2 Pages 947 Words

Smartphones for Our Mental Health

The introduction of smartphones has been proven beneficial in many aspects, tremendously changing our lives. It allows us to gain access to virtually ‘anything’ we could ever need such as entertainment, a camera, music, communication and web surfing. However, this access to just about ‘anything’ is short-lived. Notwithstanding the fact of convenience, one thing that smartphones cannot provide is support for our mental health. Although the introduction of the smartphone has brought about an undeniable amount of benefits, it cannot...
2 Pages 908 Words

Reflections on Whether the United States Would Have Entered World War II Without Pearl Harbor

Would the U.S. have entered World War II without Pearl Harbor? It's a very serious question that hasn't been discussed for too long. Many questions could stem off this one question such as, would there be a significant difference in present day if World War II did not occur or how would it have affected certain things back then. There's so many questions to be answered. Many will be answered in this excerpt, there's so much information to be shared....
2 Pages 904 Words

Negative Effects of the Minimum Wage and Its Increase on Pakistan

Have you ever wondered why our business world has made such a limited progress since independence? Have you ever thought why our nation still is in the list of N11 from last 17 years and still could not be a progressively developing nation? It is because of the limits we set in every sphere of our life. It is because of the fact that we have stopped thinking big. It is because we find our satisfaction in making both ends...
2 Pages 894 Words

Don't Close Your Eyes to the Racial Discrimination of Modern Society

I’ve been interested to see a flurry of activity and debate over the past few weeks within our local community regarding Black Lives Matter and racism in general. I have contributed my opinions and debated with people, been pleased that so many are actively discussing issues and ways to eradicate racism and equally dismayed to realise that some people are opposed to the fight against racism. Once again, I have been told “f you don’t like this country, why don’t...
2 Pages 885 Words

Vitamin D's Ability to Protect Against Covid-19

Daily a new report regarding COVID 19 comes out which is quite overwhelming to the people. In this article, we will not discuss the microbe that put the entire world in chaos and crushed the global economy. Moreover, we focus on Vitamin D and its facts regarding COVID 19 and also how it played a major role in the human body functioning. Importance of Vitamin D Since vitamin D plays a major role in the boosting immune system to fight...
2 Pages 948 Words
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