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Social Issues

Essay on Literary Devices in 'Beloved'

It has been argued that motherly love has challenged the horrors of the institution of Slavery. Examine Harriet Stowe's Uncle Tom's Cabin (1850) and Toni Morrison's Beloved (1987) in light of this view. Toni Morrison illustrates Beloved as 'reflecting the harrowing legacy and long-term effects of Slavery as it chronicles the life of a Black woman'. Morrison's description reflects the dehumanization of African American slaves and how it continuously affects descendants of Slavery as shown through Paul D, who was...
2 Pages 905 Words

Essay on Enlightenment Vs Great Awakening

Throughout our history, civilization has been constantly evolving. It was different in the 1800’s than it was in the 1600s or 1500 and it is completely different now. The impact of religion, conflict, economics, and philosophy all play a role in the formation of American civilization and the government. Throughout history, mankind and civilization have been constantly changing, even now. This is due to the many different impacts mentioned and some examples of events that contributed to our civilization are...
2 Pages 898 Words

Vietnamese Personal Identity Essay

I first learned of Moi Tran’s work in 2019, through her performance titled The Bolero Effect, which she had staged in an old French house in Hanoi and performed by a local community ensemble of untrained performers. The play incorporated Vietnamese ‘Bolero’ music, a style of music that had been popularised in Vietnam in the 1950s, and used it to examine the complex transnational identity of the Vietnamese diasporas and homeland. As a Vietnamese artist born and raised in Hanoi,...
2 Pages 949 Words

Essay on the Pomegranate Tree in 'The Kite Runner'

Amir is full of regret after everything that happened to Hassan. However, Baba was very proud of Amir for winning the kite tournament. Unfortunately, Amir's guilt over Hassan made it impossible to enjoy his father’s pride over him. The event was haunting him and preventing him from enjoying his win to the fullest. On page 86, when everyone is sleeping Amir said, “I watched Hassan get raped,' to no one and hoped that someone would wake up and hear, so...
2 Pages 891 Words

Naturalism in 'To Build a Fire' Essay

When people think about winter they may think about snow and the cold temperatures. Normally they do not think about the harsh consequences that can come with being in the winter wilderness. However, in Jack London’s “To Build a Fire”, those harsh consequences are brought to life as the main character has to deal with them. London’s style of writing is part of the naturalism movement. This means that the environment and nature have a huge significance in the story....
2 Pages 903 Words

A Christmas Carol' Theme Essay

In A Christmas Carol Dickens uses the theme of poverty for the Cratchit family to show how most poor lives lived, on the other hand, the rich lived happily in Victorian Society. In A Christmas Carol stave 1 Scrooge does not lots of what the Cratchits are going through by shows his ignorance to Bob by asking for a day off. This is seen in the quote 'A poor excuse for picking a man's pocket every twenty-fifth of December' The...
2 Pages 898 Words

Essay on Why Is Frida Kahlo a Hero

The artworks and artists that I have chosen to compare and contrast are ‘Self-Portrait with Thorn Necklace and Hummingbird’ by Frida Kahlo and ‘Golden Tears’ by Gustav Klimt. While they share similarities, there are many contrasts between the two. The similarities and differences involve the artist’s background, influences, technique, theme, and the elements/principles of design. Both artists are known as one of the greatest artists in their culture. For example, Kahlo was the greatest in Mexico and Klimt was the...
2 Pages 935 Words

Feminist Essay on 'The Lottery'

In the story “The Lottery” written by Shirley Jackson, uses the typical feminist stereotype in her story. With using a character named Tessi and having Bill Hutcheson as the male lead. This is a common thing in Jackson's books where the female character has more of the spotlight than other characters in the story. It is said by Carpenter that Jackson stories female character is, “a social misfit, not beautiful enough, charming enough, or articulate enough to get along well...
2 Pages 923 Words

Unemployment and Crime Essay

Northern Mexico is notorious for high crime as a result of inequality (Enamorado et al., 2016). Drawing on empirical evidence of the link between education and crime reduction (Jonck et al., 2015; Chioda et al. 2016), the vision of this project is to reduce crime among adolescents, by increasing upper secondary school attendance, improving the quality of learning, and increasing completion rates of upper secondary school. To achieve these objectives, a two-pronged approach comprising a conditional cash transfer (CCT) program...
2 Pages 933 Words

Response Essay on 'To Build a Fire' by Jack London

An unnamed man’s journey through the Yukon forest is an example of the ultimate test of determination and having the will to live. While traveling by himself with only a dog for company, the man thinks back to when an old man advised him against ever going out on the trail in temperatures below -50 degrees. The temperature now is much more frigid than what he was advised against. However, being the self-confident man that he is, the traveler continued...
2 Pages 878 Words

A Doll's House' Marriage Essay

In A Doll’s House and A Doll’s House Part 2, we see that being independent comes up many times in both plays with one of the characters, Nora Helmer. Being independent affects Nora in several ways because it is what she is trying to change about herself throughout both plays. Nora’s husband, Torvald is one of the big problems of why Nora cannot be self-sufficient. Nora and Torvald seem to have it all in the first Doll’s House, but in...
2 Pages 915 Words

How I Plan to Be Successful in Completing the Nursing Program: Essay

Almost three months ago, I found myself 31 years old, with four kids, failing as a student, and battling with life priorities. After failing out of the nursing program for the second time, I ask myself every morning, “How am I going to be successful?”. Well, the answer to this question pushes me to do what it takes, no matter what, why, and how many times I stumble and fail. I raise my head and push forward. With all intention,...
2 Pages 882 Words

Park Avenue: Money, Power and the American Dream' and the Problem of Greed in Modern Society: Essay

As Janwilliem Van de Wetering states in 'Just a Corpse at Twilight', “Greed is a fat demon with a small mouth and whatever you feed it is never enough” (2003, p.118). Greed is the insatiable desire to possess more than we need or deserve, especially concerning material wealth, in other words, it is a dangerous sin. Yet, it is instilled in many of us still in today’s society, having no limits or shame and definitely not for the better. This...
2 Pages 894 Words

Literary Analysis of 'The Seventh Man' and the Theme of Guilt Highlighted in It

Imagine taking a daily stroll down the street and witnessing something unexpected: a bully in action. As a witness to this terrible incident, the immediate thought is to intervene, but the physical response is to ignore and avoid the situation. This is the exact dilemma the seventh man faced in the story 'The Seventh Man'. Many people believe that the seventh man should not be held responsible for K.’s death because he was only a child and ran away in...
2 Pages 881 Words

Essay on Moorish Architecture in America

The term ‘Moors’ referred to Islamic peoples from North Africa who were typically of Arabic or Berber lineage, they were diverse in skin colors and languages and kept migrating to Europe, Asia, and Africa. This made them do not belong to any particular country or group. In 711 AD, Moors people swept in from Africa and conquered the Iberian Peninsula or so-called Medieval Iberia, while the rest of the Western Roman Empire was falling under the Dark Ages. There was...
2 Pages 905 Words

Essay on Calligraphy in Islamic Architecture

The Alhambra Palace is located in Granada, Spain. It was built by the Nasrid Dynasty in the 13th and 14th centuries when they had control of the Islamic territories in the south of Spain. In 1492, that area was conquered by the Christians. The monarchs leading that conquering were King Ferdinand and Queen Isabella - the same king and queen that financed Columbus’ exploration. After the King and Queen conquered Granada, many changes were made to the site to make...
2 Pages 909 Words

Stressful Personal Experience Essay

Being in love; who would’ve knew that such an idyllic feeling could be so complex and stressful at the same time. Falling in love was one of the best experiences of my life - I just wish I was more mature at the time to appreciate it. For the longest time, even at a young age, I never thought I’d fall in love. I’ve always been over-obsessed with how I look and deeply self conscious about my weight. I often...
2 Pages 949 Words

Essay on History of Gender Stereotypes

This research seeks to investigate and identify stereotypes of gender within schools, and if this may lead to a possible difference in treatment. There will be some references to any stereotypes throughout history, and if they have perhaps lessened in today's society, or are still practiced even today. However, history and current time will be evaluated. The individual aims, which will be provided ahead, will help identify answers for this. Aims: the first aim of this research is to identify...
2 Pages 950 Words

Legacy of Civil Rights Movement Essay

First and foremost I would like to thank Mr.Booker T. Washington, for implementing institutions like vocational schools. For one, I work in a vocational technical high school, and what an incentive, kids get the knowledge of learning a trade and furthering their education academically. They have the opportunity to experience both sides of either learning a trade or furthering their education. Right after the Civil War, we have two great leaders of the black community, with different Ideas, First, we...
2 Pages 888 Words

Essay on Why Are Veterans America's Heroes

Furthermore, the war was of great importance in that it completely altered the demographic of the disabled population in Britain: the returning veterans were fit, enfranchised men, previously comprising the most dependable portion of the citizenry. Indeed, 70% of amputees were less than 30 years of age. This demographic shift served to challenge prevailing conservative and eugenic conceptions of disability as a societal burden, associated with vulnerability and deficiency. In a reversal of previous perceptions, disability, albeit that of the...
2 Pages 882 Words

Persuasive Essay on Veterans

Donald Trump has strong beliefs on how United States veterans should be treated and handled. He firmly believes that veterans are a top priority in our society, and should be respected and recognized. Since his presidential inauguration in 2016, Trump has notably decreased veteran unemployment and signed multiple acts regarding veterans’ safety and rights, one of which being the Veterans Appeals Improvement and Modernization Act. This Act will create a safer and more comfortable environment for veterans when requesting disability...
2 Pages 914 Words

Discipline Investigate Essay

Culture of discipline is a phrase used by Jim Collins (Good to Great) in his study of great companies. All of the great companies, those that far outperform others, have a culture of discipline. This does not mean that they spend their time disciplining people. When you have a culture of discipline you rarely need to discipline people. A culture of discipline is not about punishing people, but it is about control. It is about self-control. Disciplined thinking leads to...
2 Pages 945 Words

Graduation Story Essay

I have always had a desire to constantly bring out positive changes in my life and others. I believe that qualities like helping others to excel in their life, educating others, and never giving up were always inherent in me, because of my upbringing. My parents inspired me at different stages of my life. Another person who inspired me greatly is Ratan Naval Tata, former chairman of ‘Tata Sons, who is not only a top Indian industrialist but also a...
2 Pages 946 Words

Narrative Essay about Loneliness

How many times in my own experience has this chilling killing feeling of loneliness come to strangle me as well? I can't get away from it no matter what I do. Sundays, or long evenings, can be the loneliest times since everyone is busy with something else. How could I not feel angry, miserable, and forlorn, since options for socialization are limited by a physical disability? Even if someone is not hindered by a disability, he may find himself in...
2 Pages 910 Words

Candy Loneliness Essay

Many of the characters in Of Mice and Men appear to be “lonely” to an extent, although, the theme of loneliness is extremely noticeable in Crooks, Candy, and Curley's wife. These three characters all can be related together because they are all similar in that they are the same type of lonely, a physical lonely. Objective loneliness refers to the physical state of being alone or socially isolated. Subjective loneliness, on the other hand, refers to the feeling of being...
2 Pages 939 Words

Essay on 'Fifth Chinese Daughter' Summary

Summary In this autobiography, we meet Jade Snow and her Chinese American family, the Wongs. This book starts with Jade in her earliest years as the narrative simply walks us through the Wong family’s whirling world around her. Throughout this book, little Jade grows, and with her grows a more complex and complicated narrative as Jade grows more complex and complicated herself. Jade was born into a traditional Chinese family that continued to follow homeland traditions despite being born in...
2 Pages 923 Words

Essay on 'Dreams' by Langston Hughes Meaning

Life is filled with adversity, lost dreams, and suffering. Thus, making life challenging and onerous. Lorraine Hansberry’s “A Raisin in the Sun” and Langston Hughes’s poems both use the themes of broken dreams, poverty, and determination to show the struggle that African Americans faced during the 1950s. The authors may have similar themes but their works explain them differently. A dream is valuable, but also fragile. The authors Langston Hughes and Lorraine Hansberry use the American Dream as a theme...
2 Pages 906 Words

Essay on Rock and Roll Music and the Civil Rights Movement

There is no denying Rock n Roll had some major impacts on Australian culture and society, without it society would not be the same today. Rock n Roll was first introduced into Australian society after World War II. Many soldiers had come across African American music during the war and brought it back to Australia. Rock' n Roll is defined as a type of dance music originating in the 1950s, characterized by a heavy beat and simple melodies. A blend...
2 Pages 949 Words

Peer Pressure Argumentative Essay

As a result of the increased popularity of social media, the younger generation faces constant peer pressure. When I scroll through social media, I see many models, what my friends are doing, advertisements, and so much more. It encourages me to try to look like those models and do what my friends are doing just to feel accepted. Social media influences our appearance, our outlook on ourselves, and even our actions. We can be influenced to follow friends and do...
2 Pages 949 Words

Maus' Argumentative Essay

Maus I and 11 is a publication by Art Spiegelman that illustrates how his elderly father Vladek Spiegelman survived the holocaust via a comical representation of the holocaust. This comic has been crafted as a masterly art that is filled with truth and is emotionally captivating. It has essentially, portrayed the actual families that were lucky enough to survive the atrocities of the holocaust. The portrayal of the atrocities via the lens of animals essentially has enabled the world to...
2 Pages 906 Words
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