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Social Issues

Correlational between Emotional Intelligence and Leadership Practices

Over the last 50 years, organizations have been obsessed with identifying the traits or characteristics associated with effective leadership (Parry and Meinal, 2002). According to Voger (2018), “leadership is about developing people and helping others reach their full potential. It’s about equipping others with the light tools and strategies no one to maximize the success of an organization but also the lives of individuals.” It means that leaders are responsible in maximizing the work of their association and it can...
2 Pages 891 Words

The Relation Of Video Games And Depression

Video games: A game played by electronically manipulating images produced by a computer program on a television screen or other display screen. Pre-teens in America have been linked to the problem of depression due to video games. Video games are almost constantly blamed by people to cause depression. They are also said to be the cause of some mass shootings in the United States. Though people say these things occur due to video games, they really don’t. Video games don’t...
2 Pages 915 Words

Lack Of Communication As The Root Of All Conflict In Franz Kafka’s The Metamorphosis

“Adfbafiwf dijabi dribankamishnit nadroobi ald kizohatro” You would probably think the above-written quote is just a typo; Or maybe I’m not thinking right? Well, what if I told you this quote makes absolute sense to me? That I am assuming it makes absolute sense to you, too’? Because, to me, this is English – the language we are currently communicating in. Communication – it can be said that it is the most vital element to human survival – Or the...
2 Pages 940 Words

Juvenile Justice And Juvenile Delinquency

While other developed nations are trying to reduce the levels of imprisonment, United States of America has focused much on penal sanctions on a variety of offences touching on adults. In 1970s, when American politicians realized that rehabilitative programs could not work, they persuaded American people that there was need to use tough methods for adult offenders. So from that time up to date United States prisons population has tremendously increased. Juvenile justice system has received mixed reactions from different...
2 Pages 926 Words

Romanticism And The Gothic Literature

The 19th century was a marking era in literature with many movements and genres gaining popularity. After examining the romantic and gothic genre, it is clear that Frankenstein written by Mary Shelley respects the ideals of romanticism and the gothic genre. It is thus because of the setting’s frightening and sublime elements, it t is a work of the romantic and gothic genre. This is present in the sense of mystery they evoke, the value they attribute to nature and...
2 Pages 948 Words

The Usage Of Literary Devices To Convey Themes In Fahrenheit 451

Authors often use literary devices to convey their themes and express their ideas. Fahrenheit 451 is a complex story written by Ray Bradbury that takes a lot of thought to process and break down. In Fahrenheit 451, Bradbury uses comparison and symbolism to convey how an authoritarian society emerges from a lack of care for knowledge. Information in Fahrenheit 451 is highly controlled and any sort of knowledge is banned in favor of superficial entertainment. Because of this, the people...
2 Pages 943 Words

The Analysis of Samsung Economy

Since 1938 to the present day, Samsung is one of the major electronics companies worldwide in the IT sector (Samsung, 2013). Beginning in Korea, it is now spreading internationally. Samsung specialized in digital devices, including laptops, televisions, microwaves and fridges, electronics, semi-conductive equipment and network connectivity (Samsung, 2013). Samsung, which is more than a century old, revealed a decrease over the sale of its smartphones to maximize their profit because the other goods show a decreasing deal, such as home...
2 Pages 893 Words

Systemic Racism In The United States

The United States is a melting pot of countless different cultures and races, and they are all given equal rights under the law. Ideally, this means that all people would be treated equally, but there are still many instances of racism that occur every single day. However, these instances aren’t as obvious as racism was in America’s past. They happen subtly but still have a great impact on society. According to Solid Ground, systemic racism, or institutional racism, is “the...
2 Pages 928 Words

The Dramatic Effect of Deception Shakespeare Presents in the Play Much Ado About Nothing

In the Play ‘Much Ado About Nothing’ written by one of the best English playwrights; William Shakespeare, the role of deception is an important theme that is presented frequently through the characters. The play is based upon deceptions and multiple schemes that are used to show the thoughts of nearly every character and the characters deceive themselves by putting on a different public facade instead of showing their true feelings and personalities. The play also involves a complex order of...
2 Pages 920 Words

The Rules of Financial Reporting and the Starbucks Corporation

Accounting standards of a company such as Starbuck were set by the Financial accounting Board’s Standard’s Board’s accepted accounting principles or GAAP. The main aim of these principles is curb fraud and errors that may prejudice the financial statements of a company. In accordance with an organization’s rules and regulations, incompetent employees can be identified, protection of company’s assets and reduction of cases about its loss can only be achieved through internal control. Assurances regarding dependable financial Statement made under...
2 Pages 940 Words

Feminism In The Works Of Jane Austen And Charlotte Bronte

Over the centuries, women did not have equal rights and privileges as men on many levels. Regarding English literature written by men, women were just objects and no leading roles. However, at the end of the 18th century, women began to write literary works and the female roles became individuals rather than serving as accessories of male roles, as they used to be. On the contrary, they got independent dignity, flesh and blood, and vivid features. Two of the most...
2 Pages 895 Words

How Lying Effects Moral Principles

The effect that lying has on our moral can change our lives. People would call you names, they wouldn’t want to listen to you because all they think your saying is all lies, they won’t wanna be your friend, or be around you at all. When you lie in a work place you could be fired or you could lose the respect that people had for you. Each lie i tell contradicts the part of me that that gives me...
2 Pages 950 Words

Analysis on Conflict Perspective in Titanic

Abstract The theory of conflict is one of the most common and discussed theories. We are always trying to draw line between the unequal distribution of power, wealth and resources. With several presentations and examples, the strong disparities and class structure are felt, but modernism supports the idea that we were able to make changes slowly and blur the lines of conventional economy system. The film reference about “Titanic” (1997) is taken into account in this paper and further used...
2 Pages 917 Words

Facebook: Opportunities, Problems, and Ambitions

Facebook is a multi-billion-dollar social networking company that connects billions of people globally. Behind the scenes, and from the help of global marketers, the company uses a powerful strategy to acquire subscriber's personal information. The company uses unique advertising techniques that coerce people into revealing more information about them, then they realize. Moreover, in-return, Facebook profits from it. This leaves critics concerned and asking questions about how the company will handle user’s information and who has access to this personal...
2 Pages 890 Words

Society’s Influence on Capital Punishment

Abstract This paper shows the correlation between society and capital punishment. Many people examine the effect society has on capital punishment and vice versa (French, 1987; Haines, 1992). They show that depending on the type of society has a direct impact on the type and frequency of capital punishment. It can also impact who is affected the most. Capital punishment also can help shape society. Executions that do not go well can be a driving force for change. Society is...
2 Pages 910 Words

The Conflict and Message of The Kite Runner

In the conventional Hero’s Journey narrative, the Hero overcomes adversity in order to obtain their resolution. It is in the face of this adversity that superior works of literature maintain a healthy confusion in which readers find both enjoyment and disquietude, and is in this confusion that readers are able to better connect with characters and find the incentive to keep reading. Khaled Hosseini’s book The Kite Runner is one such superior work of literature. It follows the Hero’s Journey...
2 Pages 894 Words

The Effects of Cybercrime on Social Media

Back when the term 'computer' meant mainframes and reel-to-reel tape drives,computer criminals were masterminds who used their programming talents to glean millions of dollars from banks and corporations.These crooks were so ingenious in their schemes that many banks and corporations cut deals to hire them as security consultants rather than send them to prison.Today, the average desktop workstation has all the computing power of one of those old mainframes, the average American home has at least one computer, and computer...
2 Pages 935 Words

The Meaning Op Piggy Character In The Novel Lord Of The Flies

A stereotype is a mistaken idea or belief many people have about a thing or group that is based upon how they look only on the outside. The character, Piggy, defies stereotypes by using his intelligence through his words instead of his actions. The novel, Lord of the Flies by William Golding, tells a story about a group of British schoolboys whose plane crashes on a deserted island. The rules and regulations that they develop slowly fade because of the...
2 Pages 929 Words

How Children Develop their Language and Communication

To understand the child we need to build good relationship with the child as a parent/carer or as a practitioner. When we talk to a child from early age or older children we give a children time they need of interaction understanding of the world around us and the important thing in language new vocabulary and sounds that is the base of communication and development. Through interaction we can ask questions, explain with our gesticulation body language, bend down to...
2 Pages 934 Words

Ethical Issues in Biomedical Science

Abstract This report includes a definition of ethics and morality. I combined them and how can it be embodied in biomedical engineering. Then I will give 2 examples --Biomedical Imaging and Neural Engineering, Which contain the main challenges they face in ethics. Introduction What is ethics? The term ethics comes from the Greek ethos, meaning “custom.” It means human relations and the rules for dealing with these relations.[2] With the tremendous infusion of technology into the practice of medicine[1], the...
2 Pages 908 Words

How do Powers under the Police and Criminal Evidence Act Disproportionately Affect BAME Community?

It is apparent that the relationship between the police and BAME communities is vastly damaged and this is due to the ill-judged use of policing powers. Police powers remain among the most controversial components of British police force to stop and search individuals in public. The Police and Criminal Evidence Act was first introduced in 1984 as a reform against the perception that the public had lost equity in the English justice system. What was meant to be a legislation...
2 Pages 920 Words

How Individual Differences In Intelligence And Personality

Intelligence can be defined as the “inferred process that humans use to explain the different degrees of adaptive success in people’s behaviour” (Good, 2020). There are many types of intelligence, such as academic, social and emotional. Personality is defined as “the characteristics or blend of characteristics that make a person unique” (Weinberg and Gould, 1999). There are many individual differences in intelligence and personality, and this may be a result of differences in the cerebral cortex. The cerebral cortex is...
2 Pages 879 Words

The Spread of Disinformation and False Claims about Coronavirus Discredited

The Coronavirus pandemic has led to an outbreak of false information with well-meaning individuals sharing false remedies and circulated news to friends and family on messaging platforms including Facebook and WhatsApp resulting in a rapid increase of false claims. Nearly half of UK adults online have been exposed to misleading or false information claims Ofcom has warned. Here is a list of false Covid-19 stories being shared. Holding your breath for ten seconds means you do not have Coronavirus This...
2 Pages 903 Words

The Ethics in Fire Fighting

Code of conduct and ethics in the fire service matters so that firefighters to have trust one another and this can’t happen without a workplace culture that values integrity and moral. Ethics is also essential to the citizens so they can have faith and trust firefighters to keep them protected and safe. Ethics is defined as the comprehension of what is right and what is wrong within the moral context. Philosophical ethics is the study of morality through rational means...
2 Pages 885 Words

Using Artificial Intelligence: Robotic Process Automation Opportunity In Cyber Security

Indeed, so great is the chance to improve efficiency in the public sector that the federal government is now mandating that agencies adopt technologies such as RPA. In addition to enabling employees to shift more valuable activities from routine tasks to more complex tasks such as data analysis, data collection and analytics, R PA also uses artificial intelligence elements to process workflows, enabling more efficient use of time and resources and greater efficiency. Automation also enables the automation of possible...
2 Pages 927 Words

The Contemporary Challenges of Refugee Protection

The refugee regime has encountered areas of considerable challenge in the modern sphere. The most striking of these challenges is the terminology used to specify what constitutes a refugee in the 1951 Convention of Status of Refugees; ‘a well-founded fear of persecution’ was undoubtedly fitting following World War II when the convention was drafted, when ‘indeed, refugees were primarily the persecuted victims of highly organized predatory states’ (Shacknove, 1985: p.276). However, the current period has expanded the boundaries of what...
2 Pages 883 Words

Collaboration: Case Study Of Flood In 2018

Introduction The flood started on the 8th of August 2018 and ended on the 30th of August 2018. The main dilemma was that the dam was not opened so as days went the rain started and the dam got filled . Then this got into a huge topic to alert the other districts as they were also under threat. So in this report we are going to see the perspectives of the other countries and responses of the nation. Global...
2 Pages 906 Words

An Updated Message Of Love, Duality Of Human Nature And Feminist Ideals In Kenneth Branagh’s Cinderella

Kenneth Branagh’s Cinderella is the twenty-first century because it reflects feminist ideals, conveys an updated message of love, and explores the duality of human nature. In most of the stories analyzed in class the Cinderella character was subservient and very passive. However, the 2015 Cinderella is feminist in many ways. One aspect of the movie is that she is intellectual. In most if not all of her conversations with the prince she points out the wrongness of some traditions. During...
2 Pages 921 Words

Odysseus: Honorable Man Or Dishonest Person

A man in the likeness of dishonesty is like an illusion, one that hides his deception and guile. Odysseus displays a false representation of merit as his more prominent heroic qualities conceal his dishonorable traits. However, mere strength and bravery alone, does not make a hero honorable. Honor can be defined as an individual who adheres to a right or conventional standard of conduct. Odysseus does not abide by these standards, instead creating his own code of conduct for himself...
2 Pages 947 Words

Depiction of Free Will by Oedipus Rex by Sophocles, The Tragedy of Macbeth by Shakespeare, and The Guest by Camus

Do humans have free will? Or are they just objects the greater force plays with? The subject is addressed in Oedipus Rex by Sophocles, The Tragedy of Macbeth by William Shakespeare, and “The Guest” by Albert Camus. These stories portray how humans are being control by greater forces creating no free will. In Oedipus Rex by Sophocles, people are controlled by destined fates created by an outside force. For example, the oracles. In The Tragedy of Macbeth, Macbeth is shown...
2 Pages 926 Words
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