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Social Issues

Reincarnation In Pets

The belief of reincarnation revolves around the idea that there is only a certain amount of energy in the world that is continuously recycled. The first law of thermodynamics includes that energy cannot be created or destroyed; it takes on other forms. The energy or “soul” that makes up a life does not burn out at death but rather altered to create new life. Cameron shows this in his novel A Dog’s Purpose in which a dog returns to his...
2 Pages 941 Words

Hubble Telescope And Contributions To Research On Astro-Distances

Astronomical distances recognized simply as astro-distances or more frequently as light years, present fascinating reasons to make ongoing explorations about the macrocosm. However, the history of astro-distances should receive close attention to understand how various calculation approaches evolved. From the development of the Hubble telescope, the existent form of calculating astro-distances means that an explicating macrocosm should present opportunities to discover what lies beyond the solar system. Background Galileo was one of initial scientists credited with conceiving the earliest measurements...
2 Pages 883 Words

Eugenics And Bioethics

Bioethics is the study of the ethical issues emerging from advances in biology and medicine. Bioethics blends issues concerning ethical questions that come from a multitude of areas, from life science to biotechnology, medicine, medical ethics, politics, law, and philosophy. It is a rather young academic field that has emerged rapidly as questions about basic human values such as the rights to life and health, and the rightness or wrongness of certain developments in healthcare institutions, such as life technology,...
2 Pages 946 Words

Forensic Or Criminal Psychology: History, Practice And Relevance

The word forensic was derived from a Latin word forensis which means forum, a place where trials were conducted in the Roman times; the word is currently being used to denote a relationship between one professional field like psychology with the legal system (Goldstein & Weiner, 2003). Bartol and Bartol (2004, p. 4) have defined forensic psychology as “the research endeavor that examines aspects of human behavior directly related to the legal process and the professional practice of psychology within,...
2 Pages 947 Words

Hoffman’s Language Acquisition

Being incapable of understanding a target language can sever or strengthen the direct link between cultures and human nature. Sometimes, people are not even aware of what they’re lingusuitc or nonlinguistic speaking process. In Eva Hoffman’s Lost in Translation, adaptability and malleability take hold of young Eva as she eventually discovers and experiments with her linguistics process. Ultimately, it is Eva’s ability to become a culture watcher that solidifies her understanding of English starting at the age of 13 to...
2 Pages 891 Words

Speech Language Therapy Service In School In Malaysia : Challenges And Future Direction

In Malaysia, people are still wondering what Speech Language Therapy is compared to other developed countries such as as United States, Australia, United Kingdom and New Zealand. It is a new or still-developing course in a Malaysia which there is only 3 universities that provide this courses which are Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia (UKM), Universiti Sains Malaysia (USM) and Universiti Islam Antarabangsa (UIA). Speech Language Therapist role is to prevent, assess, diagnose and treat speech, language, communication as well as swallowing...
2 Pages 915 Words

The Representation Of Women In A Doll’s House

Norwegian playwright Henrik Ibsen, famously known as the father of modern drama, wrote the three- act play A Doll’s House in 1879. This was a time when gender roles were clearly defined and inequality between men and women in different matters was not uncommon. Both genders were expected to conform to the social norms and play their given roles in society, in reality the role of women was often self-sacrificial. The social conflict that oppressed women’s rights were often ignored....
2 Pages 885 Words

Investigating A Quantitative Effect Of Carbon Dioxide On Photosynthesis

Introduction Photosynthesis is very complex process, if analyzed in complete detail. It involves the converting light energy to chemical energy that is used by plants. One of the main aspects of photosynthesis is the flow of electrons. In the process, there is reduction of CO₂, known as carbon dioxide, and the oxidation of H₂0, known as water. This is known as an oxidation-reduction process (Younglove, “Biological Oxidation”). Oxidation is a loss of electrons whereas reduction is a gain in electrons....
2 Pages 912 Words

The Peculiarities Of Willpower Challenge

For my “I want” challenge, my goal is to get my work done on time and reduce the amount of stress when preparing for each assignment. Ever since I was young, I would habitually let procrastination determine the outcome of my life. In the past, I would have high hopes for improvement by trying different tactics to increase my productivity; this meant I would set strict time goals for deadlines and surround myself in a peaceful environment to stay focused....
2 Pages 892 Words

Smart Doctor & Smart Patient In India

Abstract Today’s Indian peoples are smart. So they required less paper work and perfect solution of problem. So here consider medical industry. At traditional way Doctor and Patient communicate directly with prescription on paper but when patient going to Medical shop so pharmacists not aware about Doctor Handwriting as well as Medicine. Our research project connects three different peoples like Doctor, Patient and Medical Shops. Digital Health is being launched because a need for a destination that is beneficial for...
2 Pages 919 Words

Malcolm X Vs Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.: Essay

Malcolm X was born in Omoha, his father, Earl Little, fought for unity of the black community. The family was often harassed by white racists because pastor Litlle preached for a unity of the black community. This is where X’s dedication to the black community came from. When Malcolm turned 18 he had to join the army where he stole weapons and tried to get fellow black sufferers together. After this he starts committing burglaries, this went well until he...
2 Pages 916 Words

Elemental Concentration Of Milk Powder

Abstract Foodstuff pollution is a major concern now-a-days, especially in Bangladesh. Toxicity assessment of baby food is essential before providing to the children. The quantitative estimation of trace and major elements, their concentration of ten different milk powder samples collected from local market has been done. The total experimental works from sample preparation to spectrum data analysis have been done at the Accelerator Laboratory of Atomic Energy Centre, Dhaka. The IBA technique PIXE and spectrum analysis shows that the major...
2 Pages 908 Words

Semiotics Of Doves Company

Semiotics is the study of culture and communication through conscious and unconscious methods that are used to understand areas such as advertising, retail and consumer behaviour (Lawes 2002). In contrast with traditional qualitative market research, semiotics looks to answer how perceptions, beliefs and attitudes towards products end up in peoples’ heads by using an outside-in approach (Lawes 2002). Throughout history the most represented object in advertising campaigns is the human body as it allows the consumer relate to the products...
2 Pages 905 Words

Are The Elon Musk’s Plans To Colonize Mars Realistic?

Elon Musk is an engineer, technological entrepreneur and founder, CEO and lead designer of SpaceX, as well as the CEO of Tesla. He has amassed a net worth of over 20 billion USD and is at the forefront of technological advancement on Earth. Musk has laid out a plan to construct spacecraft able to transport up to 100 people each to Mars in order to colonize the Red Planet, estimating that it may even be doable by 2028. Musk’s plan...
2 Pages 903 Words

Afterlife In Jewish Faith

Introduction The belief in afterlife spans across many cultures, with most of them agreeing that death is not the end of human life instead there is life after death. While many cultures present an array of beliefs on the afterlife topic, the Jewish beliefs on the same outlines a perfect cosmology which provides an in-depth explanation worth looking at. Afterlife in Jewish Perspective Most of the Jewish thoughts begin with the Torah. In the Jewish perspective, the Torah directly expresses...
2 Pages 892 Words

Jackie Robinson And Discrimination

Being a leader requires high skill and can be challenging at times but will inspire others to work hard and be productive. The skills required for being a leader is crucial to the success of a business and development of all employees. Leadership is the ability for an individual to be a role model for others within a business and provides a clear path for others to follow. Many people think that being a leader and being a manager is...
2 Pages 886 Words

Application Of Microorganisms In Biotechnology

Biotechnology is an area of biology that uses biomolecular and cellular processes that occur in living organisms or biological systems to create products and develop technological applications. There are four main areas of applications: health care, food and nutrients processing, agriculture, environmental uses (Pandey, et al., 2008). In this essay I would like to focus on microbial biotechnology and it’s applications in food and nutrients production, environmental uses and agriculture. Food and Nutrients Production One of the most important processes...
2 Pages 901 Words

Shaping Nostalgia On Screen

The word Nostalgia derives from the Greek word nóstos, which means ‘return home’ (Davis, 1977) and álgos that signifies ‘pain’ or ‘longing’. This term is frequently interconnected to the suffering from “homesickness”, melancholy and anxiety (Wilson, 2014). By the late twentieth century, nostalgia is no longer looked upon as a mental disorder, but regarded as an emotion, a wistful longing for the past (Wilson, 1999). This nostalgic feeling as mentioned by sociologist Davis is mostly characterised primarily with positive effects...
2 Pages 906 Words

The Limitations Of The Bourgeois Society Regarding Mrs. Linde’s Sacrifices In Doll's Houde

A Doll’s House is one of Henrik Ibsen’s most famous plays, and a great contribution to feminist literature even though some characters do not seem important at first. Ibsen never explicitly identifies himself as a feminist but some of his speeches and acquaintances prove that he was concerned about society's take on women; this is also proven by his play’s development and characters. Ibsen was controversial in his presentation of A Doll’s House, challenging traditional stereotypes and social norms. Usually,...
2 Pages 899 Words

The Guide To A Phenomenon Of Inspiration

Today I`m gonna talk to you about a very important part of our everyday life which is called inspiration. Surprised that I call it an everyday thing? Well, you may not notice it but each of us, from a small child, painting a picture in a kindergarten to a successful businesswoman who runs her own company, is in need of this phenomenon. In this post, I`ll tell you how to get inspired, the most popular ways to do it and...
2 Pages 916 Words

How Each Of Us Supports Child Labor

Introduction We were given a independent investigation project and the goal of this project was to research a question,create notes,write a report and present a presentation.The question that I researched was What regular items could you find in your home that might have been produced through child labor? How would you know? I picked this question because many people don’t know that the products they are using are produced by children.I found out many things that even I didn't know...
2 Pages 895 Words

Arguments For Incorporating Misogyny Into Existing Hate Crime Legislation

In late 2018, the UK government agreed to a fully funded review with a wider scope of considering the recognization of misogyny as a hate crime following the withdrawal of an amendment to the up-skirting bill put forward by Labour MP Stella Creasy. This would in turn enable police to record a wide array of actions considered as public harassment of women. As offenses that are seen to be motivated by hostility towards certain races, religions, sexual orientation and disability...
2 Pages 935 Words

Logos, Pathos And Repetition In The Speech This I Believe by Jackie Robinson

“Jackie Robinson was the first ever African american to play in major league baseball”.(history on the net) His dedication and love of the game inspired him to prove everyone wrong. The name calling,thrown items, and potential fights didn’t stop Jackie from conquering what he wanted. To this day, the African american race dominates in sports around the world. He was a man who never gave up, through thick or thin he strived for what he believed in. He was the...
2 Pages 890 Words

Language As A Tool For Persuasion

The intention of most media messages is to persuade the audience to believe or to behave a certain way. Hollywood films use upscale special effects to make the spectators that what they’re seeing is real. News use several techniques – such as direct quotation of identified sources – to make their audience accept the story as accurate. The media messages that use persuasive language can be found in quite a few different spheres. Commercial advertising has a main goal which...
2 Pages 945 Words

Chlorine As A Disinfecting Agent In Swimming Pools

Swimming pools have risen in popularity over the years, meaning that we have also developed more effective ways of keeping a hygienic and safe environment for people to swim in. The issue that was encountered was the bacterial properties that still water could collect, such as escherichia coli which could lead to digestion problems. The element that is the most commonly used to divert harmful bacteria is Chlorine. Using chlorine can eliminate all the issues faced with using still water....
2 Pages 901 Words

Leadership From An Introvert Perspective

I am more of an introverted leader as I am good at one-on-one interaction, empathy and have the ability to concentrate amid distraction. In order to leverage my personality to be a more effective leader, I should try to be more comfortable in a group, should try to determine effective ways to interact and communicate with the team members, listen to everyone’s opinions and problems, should develop a strong sense of confidence and should solve problem with thoroughness rather than...
2 Pages 945 Words

Ben Witherington Iii And Bart D. Ehrman's Views On The Bible

Ben Witherington III and Bart D. Ehrman have different views of the Bible. There are many differences and comparisons between the two authors. Witherington and Ehrman have different ways of summarizing the Bible and what they emphasize. The more challenging approach for me is Ehrman’s approach. We will look at why Ehrman’s approach is a more challenging one and how just looking at the facts can feel disheartening and sacreligious. Ehrman focuses heavily on the structure of the Bible. He...
2 Pages 927 Words

To What Extent Was The Friar To Blame For The Deaths Of Romeo And Juliet

Romeo and Juliet was an ancient masterpiece that time and time again engages audience by displaying strong ideas that portray into our own lives. Author, William Shakespeare displays a wide variety of context about Elizabethan England to portray his own version of ageless ideas. This is a tragic love story that focusses on the two main characters, Romeo and Juliet. They are meant to be sworn enemies because of the long feud between their families, Capulet’s and Montague’s. Romeo Montague...
2 Pages 905 Words

What Fear Really Is?

What makes us fear? Fear is a cognitive, intellectual, emotional, and empirical cognition. Fear itself does not represent facts, but fear itself is the message that we subconsciously send to ourselves that we are at risk. Fear is what helps us survived in the past million years. Humans right now have technologies to help us survive but our ancestors in the past are at the bottom of the food chain, which is really weak. We know a human is very...
2 Pages 907 Words

What Is The Role Of Adoption Of Parents In Society?

Adoption is not just the call to have a seamless glowing family. Rather, it is a call to share and give love, kindness, and patience…! The adoption triangle comprises of the kids who are adopted, birth mothers/fathers, and the adoptive parents. Regardless of whether these three groups never get together, their lives are bound to each other through selection. Children are associated with the two arrangements of guardians, and the birth parents and adoptive parents are associated with one another...
2 Pages 877 Words
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