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Social Issues

Themes Of Rebirth And Gender Roles In My Antonia

‘My Antonia’ by Willa Cather is a famous novel that takes place in the late nineteenth century to early twentieth century. It has been read by numerous classes through out the twentieth century and continues to be a famous piece of literature to this day. This story has been interrupted in multiple ways and continues to fascinate critics to this day. ‘My Antonia’ is a timeless story due to its ability defy traditional gender roles of the time and its...
2 Pages 938 Words

Radiography Projections Of Pulmonary Tuberculosis

INTRODUCTION Tuberculosis, is a pathology that caused by bacterial infection that spread by air between people. When it comes to lung, the medical term for this pathology are pulmonary tuberculosis. It may cause chest pain, severe coughing, weight loss and many more. Pulmonary tuberculosis is a worldwide problem which is can affected to all age, either young or old age. Tuberculosis can divide to two groups which are active and latent forms. For the active disease, it can occur as...
2 Pages 936 Words

The Importance Of Kinship In The Anglo-Saxon Period

The earliest known records of the English language, date back to 449 AD and were derived from many different influences including but not limited to Latin, Danish, French, Dutch, Spanish and German and has been proven to the hardest language to master due to its’ many influences. (Rockett) The name of the Anglo-Saxon’s language, Englisc, gives us our term of “Old English”. The Wanderer is a tale about a lone hero, who is the last of a group of warriors,...
2 Pages 895 Words

I Have A Dream, That Black Lives Matter: Martin Luther King And George Floyd

In August 1963, an African American man, who was murdered told us,” I have a dream”. His ideas and speech gained an almost universal acceptance and saw laws changed in the United States of America. In August 2020, we have the continuing reaction to the murder of a Black man, creating the message that “Black lives Matter.” Both these messages are connected. Both these messages are about validating people, all people, as having the unalienable right to freedom, the right...
2 Pages 896 Words

Apple Incorporation Pestle Analysis

Apple Inc. established in April 1976 by its founder Steve Jobs with an aim to produce and sell electronic devices (including computers, laptops, phones & tablets) they have extended their services to both consumers and companies. Apple has become largest company in the USA and one of the top companies in the world. PESTLE Analysis Impact of Political Factors on Apple Apple is one of several American technology companies that has gained a large amount of cash. It had $34.7...
2 Pages 890 Words

The Impact Of Child Poverty On Educational Opportunities

Child poverty means something different to different people, as it can be ‘measured in varies ways’ (Full Fact team, 2015). One way to describe child poverty is when the environment the child is living in, is “damaging their mental, emotional, spiritual and physical development” (UNICEF, 2004) Child poverty at a basic level means that parents cannot afford the necessities of food, clothing and shelter. Child poverty statistics are rising in the UK; there are currently more than 4 million children...
2 Pages 930 Words

Project Time Management

Communication of Schedule Baseline A schedule baseline can be referred as a target baseline is the original approved project schedule, which is agreed by project stakeholders before the project starts. It does not change. It normally includes the expected time scale for delivery of the final project outcomes such as estimated costs and estimated use of resources. Firstly, stakeholders imagine the project with bigger picture so that the project manager should clearly communicate with then to identify, document their goals...
2 Pages 904 Words

Themes And Ideas Of War In Dulce Et Decorum Est And Futility

Imagine being a young soldier who was forced to go to war and witnessed the death of his fellow soldiers each and every day? Wilfred Owen was an English poet and soldier who discussed the horrors of war through each of his poems in the 20th century. In Wilfred Owen’s poem Futility and Dulce et Decorum Est empathy is encouraged from the readers due to the soldier’s experiences throughout the war. His poems are extremely influential and relevant to today’s...
2 Pages 920 Words

Mathematical Pythagoras Theorem And Its Use

Pythagoras theorem also known as Pythagorean theorem is a quite interesting concept, every Maths student would be familiar with the word, even non-maths students also would have gone through it in their school time. This theorem gives the fundamental aspect in Euclidean Geometry connecting the three sides of a triangle provided the triangle must be right-angled. Geometrically it would be amenable to allude the properties and its various dimensions, the pictorial representation of the theorem, its application to real-life is...
2 Pages 909 Words

Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) And Its Global Implementation

INTRODUCTION Corporate social responsibility (CSR) and holding companies held responsible for carrying out social revolution with their business views, practices, and revenues. In fact, in this modern era of CSR, some will abandon their desired corporations if they believe they are fulfilling their responsibilities towards societal and environmental issues. (Sammi Caramela, 2018) Corporate Social Responsibility. Sounds good. If it is done right, it is considered as very good for society. CSR should be a serious issue for an organization's operating...
2 Pages 935 Words

Sexual Preferences And LGBT Issue In Fun Home

Fun Home: a Family tragicomic, by Alison Bechdel, deals with the difficulties that a father and daughter face with sexuality/ being gay. Alison Bechdel realizes that Bruce and her are on opposite side of the Kinsey scale regarding their gender preferences. The story pursuit an understanding of how Bruce and Alison differently perceive their sexual preferences. We can wonder, how does she represent their differences in the graphic memoir ? Fun Home begins with Alison describing her father’s personality, by...
2 Pages 919 Words

The Effects Of Identity Theft On The Victims

Identity theft is among the largest problems experienced in our society today. It is an invisible and silent crime where someone unknown to you steals your personal information quietly without consent from the owner or that of the immediate authority with an aim of using it for their own financial gain. The victims of this theft undergo financial stress and later might experience emotional, physical and social stress as well depending on the kind of crime committed with the stolen...
2 Pages 931 Words

Gender Moral Orientation And Development

As individuals, we internalize and resolve problems in different ways. Some may wonder why that is and how moral reasoning came to be in every individual. Those questions have been theoretically “ answered “ by two psychologists: Piaget and Kohlberg. Piaget’s theory set a foundation for moral development, consisting of three levels of morality: pre-conventional, conventional and post-conventional (Moral Development). Kohlberg built onto Piaget's foundation by introducing two sublevels in each stage, resulting in six stages in total. Although Kohlberg’s...
2 Pages 893 Words

The Challenges And Solutions Of Outsourcing Service In Thailand

Outsourcing is ‘the process of arranging for somebody outside a company to do work or provide goods for that company’ (Oxford Dictionary, 2019) and it has three main advantages including the cheap cost, no full-time employee and the latest development from outsourcing firm (The Economist Magazine, 2008). Currently, worldwide organizations including Thailand have changed their structural foundations by using the outsourcing model. Outsourcing has various type of operation for collaboration companies such as service, IT, finance, logistics or manufacturing. Though...
2 Pages 915 Words

Sigmund Freud: Life And Contributions

Sigmund Freud was an Austrian neurologist and credited for the discovery of psychoanalysis. He spent much of his life researching and studying psychology and it took him almost nine years to graduate with his medical degree because he spent so much time interested in neurophysiological research. He sought his medical degree for financial reasons but continued to study his true interests and learn about mental health. Sigmund Freud was born in Freiberg, Moravia which is now Příbor, Czechia on May...
2 Pages 893 Words

Sexism in Video Games Essay

When someone thinks of video games, one would mostly think of men designing, playing, and streaming the game. However, there is a community of female players who are breaking this stereotype. Unfortunately, women are facing sexism, sexual harassment, triggering language, explicit pictures, and sexual assault from men who feel inferior that women are in the gaming industry as a player or developer. This isn’t current problem, sexism since 1982 when there was a leaked design for Texas Instrument’s,”Hunt the Wumpus”...
2 Pages 927 Words

Cultural Stereotypes And Sexuality In Daisy Miller And Where Angels Fear To Tread

Written by two male authors, Daisy Miller and Where Angels Fear to Tread emphasize the lives of women and men who are sexualized differently due to European stereotypes. Daisy Miller, the main character in the novel Daisy Miller, is a woman seen as an “American flirt” who shows the morality and sexual challenges faced by foreign women abroad in Europe. Gino Cerella is the male protagonist in Where Angels Fear to Tread who shows the image of the stereotypical Italian...
2 Pages 947 Words

The Importance Of Children Discipline For Parents

As a parent, it’s their job to educate and support their child all throughout their childhood and teenage years. A baby isn’t born given a handbook figuring out what’s right from wrong, it’s the parent’s job to teach them. As a baby begins to grow, so are their cognitive skills and intellectual thoughts. At a young age, kids will start to detect information quickly, however they might not know what they’re saying or doing. In addition, an important parental aspect...
2 Pages 902 Words

Distributed Decision Making As The Main Factor To Smarter Mobility

In the context of smarter mobility, decisions need to be made on various different levels: strategic, tactical and operational. The strategic level includes processes and activities for setting long term goals, policy development and visions. At the tactical level decisions are made on projects, funding and establishment of networks and partnerships. At the operational level it involves the implementation of projects and provision of solutions to many complex problems. Therefore, is distributed decision making the answer to the many decision...
2 Pages 887 Words

Social Darwinism And Its Role In A Christmas Carol

Social Darwinism is a bias between social groups. The idea that the rich or those who have a higher quality of education are somehow better and more powerful than the poor or those who are unschooled or uncultured. There is also a misconception that the rich work harder and the poor are just lazy. One would probably find if they looked close enough that a lot of those who are poor or lower class often work two or three jobs...
2 Pages 895 Words

Does Monsieur Deserves His Fate In The Short Story The Necklace?

In the story, ”The Necklace” by Guy de Maupassant, it follows a couple whose names are Monsieur and Madame Loisel. Monsieur Loisel tries to make his wife happy but fails to fully understand her feelings. Madame Loisel aspires to feel rich and have fancy items like jewelry, expensive tapestries and fine furniture, but she feels that her items that she already has are undesirable. Her husband later brings her an invitation to a dance and is surprised when she said...
2 Pages 887 Words

Communication Skills: Types And Theories

In this essay, I am going to be reflecting on my stimulated service user interview and will focus on two communication skills I used, the theory behind them and what I have learnt for my future practice. I will be using the reflection model from Rolf et al’s (2001) by looking at what skill I used, what effect this had and how I will be using this going forward. I will also be looking at the importance of relationship-based practice...
2 Pages 931 Words

Suspense, Characterisation And Resolution As The Attributes Of Mystery Story In The Book And Then There Were None

And Then There Were None is a well-renowned murder mystery novel written by Agatha Christie. It is one of Christie's finest works of literature and subsequently an ideal example of a good murder mystery novel. To determine whether a novel is a good example of a murder mystery novel, one must have the ability to utilize and understand the ultimate necessities required to structure a murder mystery novel. This is because the book consisted of suspense, characterisation and a satisfying...
2 Pages 891 Words

Themes, Conflicts And Techniques In The Book In Cold Blood

Antagonist and Protagonist To start off, the protagonist of “In Cold Blood” would have to be the detective “Al Dewey”. Al was a cop that came to the scene. He wanted to find the killer of the family because the Clutters were a popular family that really did not have any problems with anyone. It was almost like Al was best friends with the Clutters because he was trying so hard to find the person that killed them. Dick was...
2 Pages 899 Words

Symbolism In Lord Of The Flies By William Golding

What does symbolism add to the literature? Symbolism is a literary device used to express something in an indirect way. William Golding’s Lord of the Flies is an example of literature that uses symbolism frequently. Lord of the Flies narrates the story of a group of boys that are stranded on an island, and what happens to them during the time spent there. Throughout the novel, Golding uses symbolism through his characters as a way to express notions in an...
2 Pages 879 Words

A Topic Of Pain In The Novel A Separate Peace By John Knowles

There are people from all over the world who live their life entirely in denial, unable to see what is right in front of them. They try to keep their innocence for their whole lives in order to not see the real world around them. In John Knowles’s novel, A Separate Peace, one of the main characters, Finny, pursues his life goals and dreams by putting up a curtain for himself, so that it is impossible for him to see...
2 Pages 917 Words

Breast Cancer Screening In Hong Kong

Breast Cancer is a common cancer in Hong Kong. It can be divided into invasive and non-invasive (Akram, 2017). Breast cancer does not only exist in females, but also exist in males. According to the Centre for Health Protection, there are total 4108 females and 15 males who are diagnosed in breast cancer respectively in 2016. The morbidly rate in females is more serious than males. Among females, breast cancer has become the third leading cause in Hong Kong. When...
2 Pages 918 Words

The Feminist Point Of View For Wife Of Bath

In her Prologue of “The Canterbury Tales” by Geoffrey Chaucer, The Wife of Bath gives readers a complicated picture of a medieval woman. As it explains how the Wife of Bath is shameless about her sexual exploits as she makes use of her sexual power to get what she wishes. In other words, it is a way of doing exactly these matters as she is confirming the horrible stereotypes about ladies by proving that ladies are both manipulative and deceitful....
2 Pages 933 Words

Mission Statement For ADN College Of Nursing

Introduction According to Ekpe and Sunday, mission statement is very important and a critical part of an organization and its overall operating plan (2015). Mission statement defines the goals and the vision of the organization. According to Ekpe and Sunday, mission statement “should provide a unique and directional statement, on why the program exists” (2015). People involved in an organization, have an opportunity to achieve their desired goals and work independently to perform at a desired level. This assignment will...
2 Pages 909 Words

International Standards And Ethical Principles Of Universal Health Care

The issue of private versus publicly funded health care remains controversial, with nations around the world employing a combination of these systems to varying degrees of success. Regardless of the system in place, millions of people still have inadequate access to health care, which can lead to poor health outcomes and decreased quality of life. In order to regulate standard of care, governments should implement universal health care systems that allow all citizens, irrespective of socioeconomic status, to receive free...
2 Pages 910 Words
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