A Funding for The Coronavirus

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The coronavirus has developed into a devastating level of threat to our nation's security. More funding is needed for this rapid spreading virus to help aid in finding treatments for this virus. On January 31, 2020, the Health and Human Services announced a concerning health message for citizens of the United States to help aid in the nation’s healthcare community. On February 24, 2020, the Trump administration asked congress for more funding to be provided for the coronavirus project. With many politics arising from this epidemic, funding is needed more than ever if we are ever going to be able to have a hold of the situation. Furthermore, I agree that more funds are needed to help secure the spreading contagious virus. Without the proper funds needed for the coronavirus, our world as we know it may change.

The Trump administration has asked congress for over a billion dollars to help “get ahead” and control and treat the coronavirus (Weiland, 2020). Asking for this much money to be diverted just shows us how long it’s going to take to get control of the epidemic. With the administration plan, the money would be used and funded by diverting some money away from less serious causes. The request made from the administration, who asked for $1.25 billion in money to be transferred from other federal programs just shows the importance of this new threat. The funds would be used for more research of the virus, the search for a cure, and emergency medical supplies in a letter to congress. The letter also provided the administration was ready and waiting to send help in gaining control of the developing issue. (Weiland, 2020). Even if the administration could not get the funding approved in a timely manner, the Trump administration stated if needed, they could move money from other federal accounts to fund the coronavirus outbreak such as transferring funds from other federal programs.

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The administration wants to transfer an additional $535 million in funding for the coronavirus from an Ebola protection federal account. Many democratic representatives have turned against this idea saying that the funds simply can't just be diverted from another federal program. What many people aren’t seeing is the importance of controlling this virus before we become like China. Diverting or cutting funds from federal programs such as the wildlife foundation to help in aiding in the prevention of the coronavirus outbreak is the goal and plan for the Trump administration and shows how important this issue is. This just shows how serious this outbreak is. Many airports and borders simply don't have the funding, nor equipment needed in screening for the coronavirus. Local health officials around the country have claimed they need more funding in order to have a better screening process for individuals coming into the country. (Weiland, 2020). This just shows how easy it is for anyone coming into the United States to pass by without being screened. Not only will funding help in the spread and prevention of the coronavirus, but it can also help in having an advanced screening process for incoming individuals that have been traveling . Furthermore, with flights being suspended to and from China, this could also have a huge effect on the United States stock and trade markets. China is ranked second in the world for having the largest economy. Many trades, goods, and imports that the United States receive and ship out to come from China. If we do not get the proper funding needed to control the coronavirus, the United States stock market and revenue will further decline.

Stock markets have been declining due to the outbreak and fear from citizens. It could even worsen the international trade situation if goods and people can’t get in or out of the country. Some forecasting firms are already estimating a sizable reduction in economic growth in the first quarter. Goldman Sachs estimates the crisis could cut as much as 0.5 percentage points off U.S. gross domestic product (Bartash, 2020). Funding is needed fast if we are going to be able to maintain the stock market of our economy. Wall street has been paying close attention to this epidemic. In January, the ISM survey of American manufacturers index fell below the 50% range.. Without proper funding for the coronavirus, our economy will suffer by having more cases of the virus and less revenue from trade and stocks related to the United States closing traveling and trading to and from China. Getting ahold of this outbreak before it reaches maximum impact is necessary. More than 44,000 cases have been confirmed in China. Already around 1,100 of those victims have died from this deadly virus. Unemployment rate in China has increased dramatically. “The job outlook is certain to worsen with the unemployment rate likely to rise to 5.3%” (Kalinoski, 2020) . Major franchises such as Ikea, Starbucks, and Mcdonald’s have closed down many stores in China due to the outbreak. This also shows what could happen to the United States if we do not get the situation under control. This also shows how with all of these stores closing down how bad it is affecting China’s economic climate. Several more outbreaks have now been confirmed nationwide including Italy, Canada, and Russia.

There are now more than 20 confirmed cases in the United States. “Our window of opportunity [for containing the virus] is narrowing, so we need to act quickly before it closes completely,” World Health Organization director-general Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus said. (Stieb, 2020). Trump administration officials have reportedly expressed concerns that the coronavirus is spreading undetected inside the U.S., the possibility of political blowback could soon affect the White House’s response to the outbreak. This can also lead to many arising problems with the upcoming election. If the coronavirus is spreading under our radar undetected, many citizens are currently at a higher risk of being exposed to the virus. Without the proper medical equipment and supplies needed, hospitals and other facilities will not be prepared for the outbreak. This virus shows us how unprepared we are to deal with biological threats. Even though these outbreaks are in a sense predictable, each one presents a unique puzzle to public health officials (Hamburg, 2020). This also shows the great importance of how desperately we need funding for the coronavirus.

Other problems have included the strain on health-care systems and supply chains, in addition to the various ways outbreaks of disease disrupt people’s day-to-day lives, communities, and workplaces. Specific to the U.S., the potential political impact of an outbreak in an election year shouldn’t be underestimated (Stieb, 2020). In conclusion, The United States needs the proper funding in order to have a sense and control of the coronavirus. Many more cases are developing everyday and it’s just a matter of time before more outbreaks start to happen in the United States undetected. Having the funds quickly will help better prepare the United States for more outbreaks of the coronavirus that are destined to come in the future. Getting a hold of this virus before it becomes pandemic is essential. Having the necessary medical supplies and a screening programs are imperative and will help aid in the fight again the coronavirus.


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  2. CDC. (2020, February 23). 2019 Novel Coronavirus (2019-nCoV) Situation Summary. Retrieved February 25, 2020, from https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/summary.html
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  4. KALINOSKI GJ. China’s coronavirus catastrophe. Fairfield County Business Journal. 2020;56(7):3. http://search.ebscohost.com.northeasttexas.idm.oclc.org/login.aspx?direct=true&db=bwh&AN=141798399&site=ehost-live. Accessed February 25, 2020
  5. Stieb, M., & Danner, C. (2020, February 24). Why Trump's Coronavirus Response Continues to Cause Concerns. Retrieved February 25, 2020, from https://nymag.com/intelligencer/2020/02/what-we-know-about-the-trump-admins-response-to-coronavirus.html
  6. Taylor, A. (2020, February 24). Retrieved February 25, 2020, from https://abcnews.go.com/Politics/wireStory/white-house-readying-coronavirus-response-request-69177192
  7. Weiland, N. (2020, February 24). White House Will Ask Congress for Emergency Coronavirus Funds. Retrieved February 25, 2020, from https://www.nytimes.com/2020/02/24/us/politics/trump-coronavirus-response.html
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