Atheism essays

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5 Pages 2036 Words
In 18th and 19th century England, atheists were called infidels or blasphemers, as the majority of Christians who criticized religion viewed themselves as free thinkers, as atheism was a term rarely used. Atheists such as Richard Carlile and George Jacob Holyoake were seen as dangerous, their religious views spilling into politics. Both imprisoned for blasphemy in 1819 and 1942. During...
1 Page 640 Words
Neo-atheism means a belief system comprised of three parts founded on the conviction that science provides the only road to truth, and that all religions are misleading, irrational and destructive. Atheism and secularism, the political wing of the movement, are two-third of them. Neo-atheists often assume that they are the same thing, whereas atheism is a metaphysical position, and secularism...
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