Compare and Contrast Oedipus and Creon: Essay

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In the play, Oedipus King Sophocles portrays two characters, Oedipus and Creon, as rulers of Thebes. These two men each have notable potential to be kings and both were but, one did significantly gain greater recognition.

After the homicide of Laius, former King of Thebes, Oedipus became the leader when he efficiently solved the riddle of the Sphinx with Creon with the aid of his aspect except soon after Creon has been given the opportunity to lead as well. In spite of their virtue, they had been both remarkable leaders both possessing distinct characteristics making them both contrast. This essay will be discussing precisely that; Oedipus and Creon as rulers of Thebes.

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In the eyes of the townspeople, Oedipus is seen as an appropriate leader. He demonstrates the features any proper leader possesses. When Oedipus realized the plague that had to unfold through the town he without delay took motion formerly than the city confronted him with their fears. Upon assembly with the town, he notified them of his moves and his understanding of their concerns associated with the outcome of Thebes. Oedipus says, “You can believe me. I am geared up to help, I’ll do anything. I would be blind to misery now not to pity my humans kneeling at my feet” (Sophocles 159).” even though these weren’t his people he was greater than equipped to stand behind them like a fellow king would- a future leader.

Upon Creon’s return from the oracle, Oedipus demonstrates his honesty, truthfulness, and determination as a leader. Creon states, “If you favor my document in the presence of these people…I’m ready now, or we would possibly go inside” (Sophocles 163). The news from the oracle counseled that the sole way to give up the plague was to remove the source of Laius’s death, both through banishment and murder. Oedipus immediately seeks to uncover the murderer of the former king. These traits are these admired in a leader, like Oedipus, but hard to find in Creon since we don't have plenty to judge off of.

Creon is portrayed as an enormously stand-up guy. He shows himself to be honest, forthright, even-tempered, and reasonable. He is greater known to be the person that guides others through existence like Oedipus. Even though they have their disagreements Creon has a harsh way of expressing himself. For instance, when he was speaking to Oedipus he stated; “Look, if you think crude, senseless stubbornness such a gift, you’ve misplaced your sense of balance.” Creon is talking to Oedipus. This line becomes both ironic and iconic as it displays a common theme woven throughout the play: Stubbornness brings disaster. Creon’s advice to Oedipus is wise, but he himself doesn’t live in harmony with his personal words. We examine later that Creon’s own “crude, senseless stubbornness” destroys his household and his life.

In conclusion, the story portrays two rulers of Thebes in the play Oedipus the King. Oedipus and Creon share similarities and differences that characterize them as leaders of Thebes. Oedipus is seen as a good ruler due to the fact that he possesses the qualities the town seeks in a leader. Creon is deemed a bad ruler since he places himself above the state, people, and gods, therefore, being a feared and intimidating leader. With these two men in mind, I do believe that Oedipus was a greater ruler than Kreon but, still believe that they would’ve worked better together since they have the same morals and values as one another just with a different perception of life:)

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Compare and Contrast Oedipus and Creon: Essay. (2023, April 21). Edubirdie. Retrieved January 11, 2025, from
“Compare and Contrast Oedipus and Creon: Essay.” Edubirdie, 21 Apr. 2023,
Compare and Contrast Oedipus and Creon: Essay. [online]. Available at: <> [Accessed 11 Jan. 2025].
Compare and Contrast Oedipus and Creon: Essay [Internet]. Edubirdie. 2023 Apr 21 [cited 2025 Jan 11]. Available from:

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