Consequences of Plastic Pollution Problem

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In your room, in your home, on the street you live in, and in your workplace, it's everywhere. Since the discovery of plastics in the early twentieth century, and has penetrated in all aspects of life in an unreasonable way, it was able to replace the natural raw materials, which were used widely in successive centuries, which began to drain heavily, whether wood, rocks or metals, was A person must provide a suitable alternative that meets his needs, while at the same time reducing the burden and cost he incurred. But because everything has a price, plastic has become a threat to us and the environment in one way or another. It is slowly decomposing unlike other organic materials, and its recycling process is much less than that of its manufacture, resulting in the accumulation of huge amounts of it across the planet awaiting an uncertain fate. Scientists are trying to explore it, which appears to be the price paid by a human for the great benefits he or she earned from these substances. The theme of `` Overcoming Plastic Pollution '' was the theme of World Environment Day 2018, chosen by host country India last year, which calls for changes in our daily lives to cut back the serious burden of plastic pollution on our natural places, wildlife and health.

Plastic and human health. Micro-plastics, very small plastic parts, can affect human health by eating seafood such as fish and mussels that ingest plastic. Health also threatens their access to salt flakes, as plastic waste has reached sea salt used by humans in food daily. Because these molecules originate from seawater from which salt is extracted, the researchers believe that there is a very high possibility that table salt in other countries may also be contaminated with plastic particles. To stop ocean pollution, experts believe that the source of pollution must be closed by a waste prevention strategy of reducing the rate of plastic garbage significantly. Soft plastic bags that are used in commercial markets and fill garbage streets and estuaries should be recycled. Several countries have banned the use of plastic bags, including France, Belgium, and China.

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Degradation of plastics takes hundreds of years. In a shocking recent study of the recycling industry, the University of Georgia reported that more than 91 percent of the world's waste ends up in the ocean, in Europe, with seventy percent of its waste ending while not utilization. Plastic materials take between 10 and 1,000 years to decompose. Plastic bottles, for example, take an average of 450 years to decompose. Glass residues, although made from dirt, are never degraded, while leaves take two to six weeks to decompose. Even the cigarette butts, despite their small size, have a decomposition period of up to 12 years. Scientists agree that the best way to tackle the overcrowded waste crisis is to minimize the plastics industry as well as to try to make materials that replace plastic bags but are environmentally friendly to be reused or decompose quickly even if disposed of.

Research has revealed that plastic pollution, in the world's oceans, costs the international community billions of dollars each year, through its impact on the resources that benefit man. Fisheries, aquaculture and recreational activities are particularly affected by plastic pollution, with an estimated loss of between 1 and 5% of the benefits to humans from the oceans. The loss of these benefits, known as the value of the marine ecosystem, amounts to $ 2.5 trillion (£ 1.9 trillion) a year, according to a study published last week in the UK in the Marine Pollution Bulletin. The study showed that an estimated eight million tons of plastic pollutants enter the world's oceans every year. Dr. Nicolas Beaumont, an environmental economist at Britain's Plymouth Marine Laboratory, who led the study, said the investigation was the first of its kind to explore the social and economic impact of plastics at sea.

To sum up, the issue of waste is at the forefront of health and environmental issues, which are receiving increasing attention at all levels and plastic bags, constitute a large part of them because it is a mass unable to decompose for many years, leading to health and environmental damage in addition to distorting the public landscape. Our country is one of the countries that still use plastic bags extensively to the present time, where the importance of addressing this aspect lies in the priority list of health and environmental issues that developed countries and some developing countries have already paid attention to and eliminate them by finding appropriate and safe alternatives.

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Consequences of Plastic Pollution Problem. (2022, September 15). Edubirdie. Retrieved February 18, 2025, from
“Consequences of Plastic Pollution Problem.” Edubirdie, 15 Sept. 2022,
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