Essay on American Horror Story Culture

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American Horror Story created by: Brad Falchuk and Ryan Murphy is a horror/drama TV series, that began on October 5, 2011. Which has become an American phenomenon, and its series has charted any other Fox Network show in the horror/drama genre. The show has a series of different seasons for a total of 10, and every season is unique to its storyline. There is a particular audience for this show because within each season there are advisories for the viewers. Rather it’s from the use of profane language or graphic imaging. The age restriction is 18+ and is advised to be accompanied by an adult under the age, due to its levels of intensity for adult scenes and sexual content.

The series American Horror Story is a show that has grown over the years under the production of FX networks. Each series has a different setting and characters for its plot, and the producer has made a dynamic casting that fits the narrative of each season/episode. Within each season you are bound to see recurring actors/actresses from the previous season, but there are little to no correlations between its setting and or plot. Throughout its currently 10 seasons the show has retained its darkness in scaring its viewers and, having a cathartic appeal to the audience. Most viewers look for TV series today to have a more relative nature, whereas American Horror Story has developed its appearance.

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Where some aspects are seen to be similar to societal normalities of TV screenings, the show has twisted the genre of Horror in its depiction of reality for dark shadows. Under the extreme understanding that a show should be cultivating and needs to be reeling in its audience under catharsis. That in which has been surpassed through the meaning of anthology for its now second genre being musicals. Many may find themselves ‘binge-watching’ each series, as they become more and more intrigued with the relatively scary casting and famously edited settings. Yet they are unable to peel away from such screenings due to their very horrid and sexually violent scenes, conducted to scar or even heal the viewers of their fears.

The reason why I have found a liking to this show is because of its unique storyline and how each series is different in many ways. At first, I was a bit skeptical about the show because the background was spoiled for me, but not like a spoiler it was just a synopsis of the overall show. And my initial review was that “this show was insane and you have to be weird to sit down and watch this”. Meanwhile 9 seasons later I have yet to skip a season, as the show increasingly becomes interesting because of its well-developed settings. American Horror Story is by far my favorite TV show, as it can be easily accessed through many streaming services. Such as Netflix, Hulu, and ON Demand. Not only are you able to watch and view this show through the many cable services, but you are also able to indulge in an episode or two anywhere outside of your home. This is another reason why the popularity of this show has grown tremendously.

The first season that I saw was “Coven” season 3 produced by Brad Falchuk and Ryan Murphy. Where there is a house of undiscovered witches, that join forces to beat the odds of the dark spirits of the voodoo world. It is primarily led by an all-female cast, which struck my interest in watching it even more. It is not often that in today's TV broadcasting, you can find an all-female casting, that is somewhat diverse. For the total of 13 seasons, the season has done an amazing job of drawing an image for modern witches. If this series were to be produced in a more sacred period, most of its content would not have been able to be published onto “Fx Network” or even any other production. With the advancements of streaming services today shows like this one have more of a broad audience to appeal to. Where the restrictions are minimum to none, lots will result in viewing it through streaming it.

Work Cited

    1. Falchuk, Brad, and Ryan Murphy, directors. American Horror Story: Coven: La Terza Stagione Completa.
    2. Falchuk, Brad, and Ryan Murphy, directors. American Horror Story. FX Networks, 2011.
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