Essay on I Love Being a Nurse

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I have Dyslexia. I tell you this not for sympathy but for you to understand that I have had obstacles. I have overcome struggles caused by Dyslexia. Despite having a learning disability, I got into Monty Tech, I got into the toughest shop which is health occ, I have an A average in Health Occ. I got my grades up. Having a learning disability has given me the ability to have compassion for others who get looked down on. I care with every part of me, I don’t give up easily. It may take more time than others to understand but that has not stopped me nor will it ever stop me from achieving my goal of being a Midwife in the Army.

Since I could remember, every time someone asked me what I want to be when I grow up I never said a princess or fairy, I said I wanted to be a nurse in the army. I have had so many people doubt me and tear me down, but that has not stopped me it has powered me to work harder. I believe that everyone is equal no matter what they do or who they are; that does not matter when you take care of someone; the only thing that matters is how you treat them. I believe you have not succeeded until you make at least one person’s day. I have the passion and experience to become a nurse.

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In my shop Jr year, they take us to a doctor's office, and we work with a Medical assistant. I impressed the manager Jackie so much that she offered me a summer job, she said I have so much excitement and enthusiasm to be a good MA. I went to that doctor's office by myself scared out of my mind not knowing what to expect. I went to that office for about six weeks and I loved it. In that time, I got to do everything on my own with an MA in the room to make sure I was ok. I took blood pressures, weights, heights, pulse, asked about meds and allergies, asked them how they are feeling. I worked with newborns to elderly, I made friends with the MAs. I was so confident with what I was doing, nothing stood in my way.

After the doctor’s office, my class switched sides and I went to the Certified nursing assistant side. On that side, we went to the nursing home again scared out of my mind but ready for a challenge. When we got there my group was brought to the rehab floor, at first we worked with a partner then slowly we got to work by ourselves. I helped residents with small things to large things whether it was to get them a drink or to sit with them. I did it because no one should be alone in a dark room. I helped them to the bathroom, I listened to them talk about their troubles and past. This one guy was sitting alone in his room and I had to get his vitals and in a positive tone I told him my name and what I was going to do. He said that he was sorry that I had to waste my time taking his vitals. I said it was ok because I’m here to help, that I love helping people. He said we are not going to get along because he doesn’t like people; he asked me again why I like people and I said I could never hate a person without a good reason. The resident started to talk about Saint Teresa and how she helped people and said I’m almost a saint. I’m not because you have to die to become a saint. The day he was discharged he stopped in the hallway and said goodbye and thank you for being a good kid I hope you do well. I made that man’s day just by being nice and positive.

Being positive is everything the people in the nursing home do not want to be there and if you act like you don’t either they will feel embarrassed or bad because you show them with body language that you don’t want to be there. So the shop and nursing home and the doctor’s office has verified that I want to be a midwife because I get joy from helping others in some way. Being a midwife means I am helping bring a life into the world, helping a mother through pain. I also want to be in the army because I can help out my country. So you want to know why I want to be a nurse the simple answer is because I love helping people. The longer answer is I have known all my life that this is what I want to do this is how I want to live my life this is who I want to be. It may take longer for me to get there but I will get there.

My grades through high school have changed for the better I started freshmen in failing a couple classes now I have A’s and B’s. I can’t say that I’m the only one who has known all her life what she was going be but I can be one of the many who works there buts off. I can say that I don’t let dyslexia or anxiety run my life. I’m in charge of my life, not dyslexia, I can be caring and determined; my teachers see that I’m so determined they wish I would be less serious and have some fun. In my shop, I’m the first to finish vocab and workbook. I love being a nurse so much I don’t really have a plan B for a career because I know I can do this I know I can get a degree. I believe in myself and I hope you look past the numbers and just look at me as a whole person. This is why I want to be a nurse this is who I want to be and I won’t stop until I become the person I want to be.

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Essay on I Love Being a Nurse. (2024, September 10). Edubirdie. Retrieved September 27, 2024, from
“Essay on I Love Being a Nurse.” Edubirdie, 10 Sept. 2024,
Essay on I Love Being a Nurse. [online]. Available at: <> [Accessed 27 Sept. 2024].
Essay on I Love Being a Nurse [Internet]. Edubirdie. 2024 Sept 10 [cited 2024 Sept 27]. Available from:

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