Essay on 'Inception': A Dream Movie

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“You mustn’t be afraid to dream a little bigger darling” - Eames (Tom Hardy), ‘Inception’.

And the director Christopher Nolan clearly wasn’t afraid to dream bigger. In 2010, after success in movies such as ‘The Prestige’ and ‘The Dark Knight’, Nolan released ‘Inception’. This isn’t just one of the best movies of all time but pathed the way for other science fiction classics by Nolan such as Interstellar. Nolan is the number one ranked director of all time both by fans and by critics, according to IMDB, one of the Internet’s most coveted movie sites. Furthermore, Screen Rant named ‘Inception’ as the best Nolan science fiction movie and second-best Nolan film overall, behind only ‘The Dark Knight’. This essay will convince you that ‘Inception’ is an all-time masterpiece and, in my opinion, the best movie of all time.

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The biggest criticism I can see for this movie, and the most frequent one I’ve heard is that it is too hard to follow. I see this argument and say that it doesn’t matter; it simulates dreams which are not always clear to us while or even after we’re dreaming them. It also does make sense and can be followed eventually with the correct attention to detail and moderate suspension of disbelief. I in turn think that this works in the movies favor, due to the mildly heavy plot and all the subtleties cramped into this film I genuinely don’t think a more rewatchable movie has ever been made. I’ve watched this movie around five times now and I still notice things I’ve never seen before that each develop the plot in a different way and serve to only strengthen my love and enjoyment of this movie. The high concept allows this movie to thrive among even the most highly regarded science fiction movies even 10 years on and likely for many years to come.

The movies general plot revolves around a team of heist planners who go into people’s dreams to make them think things upon their wake. They then accept a crushingly hard assignment, leading to the film going through several motions and eventually climaxing with a final scene that brings the entire movie full circle. The genius here is that Nolan finds a way to make every scene unique while keeping them all important and having them each serve the plot in a different way. Howard Hanks, the director of movies such as ‘Scarface’, once said, “A good movie is 3 good scenes and no bad scenes”, this applies to this movie. ‘Inception’, unlike many science fiction movies is able to establish a world and its limitations and then follow these rules throughout the rest of the movie. Despite this, it keeps flowing and does an incredible job of developing character throughout its 162 minutes. In the words of ‘Wreck It Ralph’ director Rich Moore, “A good movie makes the audience feel like they’ve journeyed with the characters”, that is exactly what we get in this movie. These characters begin as only people on screen but throughout the movie we gain a true emotional attachment to them as their backstories and characteristics are discovered. For example, Leonardo DiCaprio’s character Cobb starts as an unknown character who only exists to train another protagonist later becomes an emotionally compelling role who the viewer becomes genuinely worried for by the end of the film. While the film has more difficult to follow segments, which can be followed with the correct attention, Cobb’s character arc is easy to follow, emotional and attention grabbing, making this movie more diverse and ensuring that this movie is easier to follow.

One of the largest arrows in the quiver of ‘Inception’ is that it has a cast of recognizable and loved Hollywood stars including Leonardo DiCaprio, Tom Hardy, Elliot Page, Michael Caine and others. These characters are cast to near perfection, and each play their role fantastically to the point where I would have no problem believing that the personalities of the characters these people are portraying is that of the actors themselves. These characters deliver excellent dialogue and some of the best one-line quotes in all of cinema including the one I mentioned at the beginning of this essay. Aside from this some longer quotes are truly thought provoking and interesting to think about. An example of this is this: “You’re waiting for a train, a train that will take you far away. You know where you hope this train will take you, but you can’t know for sure. Yet it doesn’t matter”.

If all this doesn’t inspire you Nolan and the cast have won several awards for ‘Inception’. At the 2011 Academy Awards the movie won four Oscars out of the eight they were nominated for. These include Best Visual Effects and Best Sound Editing, while they were nominated for some larger awards such as Best Original Screenplay and Best Picture. The movie is also currently ranked as the ninth best movie on the IMDB Top 100 list (at the time of writing). According to Rotten Tomatoes, the movie is 87% acclaimed and is quoted as “smart, innovative and thrilling. A blockbuster that succeeds viscerally as well as intellectually”. There are also countless articles online from credible sources that discuss why even today this movie could and should still be regarded as a great movie. One example of this is an article by titled ‘Inception: 10 Years Later, Why It’s Time to Declare This Nolan’s Masterpiece’. ‘Inception’ also made a bang in the box office, currently being the 81st highest grossing movie of all time. and the 6th highest grossing of its release year 2010, proving that it was appointment viewing on release and has stayed as such over time.

To conclude, this movie excels in many different fields and shows very few weak spots. The casting, development of character, direction, visual and special effects and the commitment to a great plot all work in this film’s favor and serve to make it an all-time great in the eyes of me and many others. I personally favor this film above possibly any other film I’ve ever watched and find the ability to rewatch it several times and still develop my understanding of it a truly wonderful thing. I can ensure you that at least one of this movie’s aspects will appeal to you no matter your taste or what you enjoy and would highly recommend adding it to your watchlist. It truly is a dream movie.

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