Essay on Leadership: Bill Gate's Way in Business

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Bill Gates is an enthusiastic and courageous man, born in 1955 in the USA, He had a passion for computers and began programming and tinkering with computers when he was very young. He developed his own version of basic computer science while attending a top University. He grew the foundation of Microsoft as a partnership with his childhood friend Paul Allen. Microsoft became an incorporated company in 1981. (Leadership and Development, 2020)

Bill Gates is renowned in the business world often ranking in the top 10 of most admired business leaders. Up to the point of him retirement from Microsoft, Gates was stated by many as being a very demanding and slightly abrasive boss who encourages creativity and innovation and recognizes individual and team achievements and success. Gates would request his employees to present reports out of their ideas and findings to him on a regular basis. During meetings he was known to regularly interrupt his employees in the presentation of their ideas in order to question and challenge facts and assumptions, this shows me that Gates presented a more transactional leadership style, as he influenced employees to bring ideas, challenged them and influenced what they have to offer for a positive end result. (Leadership and Development, 2020) I feel that this was positive for Gates and his employees as it helps them to improve their ideas and creativity on the other hand the negative aspect of this is that it was said that Gates was very abrasive and could come off as being rude which I feel did impact the employees view of him causing most not to like him. In my own opinion, I think the transactional leadership style was a positive approach for Gates as it did bring new ideas from his team and it allowed for more productivity amongst his team a worker which contributed to the innovation of Microsoft practices.

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Bill Gates's leadership style is presented as being autocratic style, however, most leaders including Gates can show more than one style of leadership such as the stated transactional style. Different styles of leadership can be adopted depending on the situation or outcome, however, most leaders have one or two influential styles that are noticeable in the majority of the time, It would not have been possible that Gates would have been as successful as he was if he only just adopted an authoritarian style. The authoritarian style is known to not be conducive to innovation as the controlling aspect of it hinders a follower’s ability to be creative. In this aspect Gates implemented a transformational style.

Authoritarian leaders will always like to keep control of what they're leading. Gates required so much control that he even signed off the expenses of Steve Ballmer second in command of the company at the time. This style of leadership is a very effective style for use in emergency situations or for where quick decisions must be made where a situation demands it making it a requirement. Much of Bill Gates's success can be attributed to his quick decision-making process. I feel that this was a positive aspect to Bill Gates's leadership as it allows him to make quick decisions and to get objectives completed on time and having control, it also allowed Gates to smoothly get what he wants and he visions and insertions are done the way he wants, however, the negative aspect of this is that Gates authoritarian style tends to not be conducive to the innovation of the company as the controlling aspect of it can put a dent in a follower’s ability to be creative, which can affect the ability to come up with ideas thus him having to challenge his employees on their ideas as he wants them to bring it out. In my own opinion, I feel that this style he used was an effective one as it was very effective for use in emergency situations, It helped Gates get out of a serious situation.

By implementing the transformational style to his leadership style allowed Gates to conduct innovations into Microsoft as transformational leadership is a concept that is based on the followers of the leader, being inspired by the leader to achieve better outcomes for the company or organization, Gates use this concept in Microsoft to inspire his workers to be more productive and more importantly to be more creative in mindset, this allowed him to get a more creative aspect to his ideas from his workers bringing extraordinary outcome for his company, I believe that this was a positive aspect to Bill Gates leadership as it allows him to make decisions and to get objective complete on time, it also allows his to have a large array of innovation in Microsoft, the negative aspect of this is due to Gates challenging nature the decision making process of these creatures may become larger due to Gates personality. In my own opinion, I feel that this is an important trait that Gates used in his leadership style as it proved to be a successful style that brought forth a multi-billion dollar company.

Effective leadership has been a success factor of Bill Gates in his reign at the helm of Microsoft Company. Bill Gates's leadership played very successfully in scheduling commitment at the top of his priority. One way Bill Gates used to achieve these achievements was his tinkering with the present-day managerial skills that have become widespread all over the world. Bill Gates aligned his characteristic leadership with the company's core values. Bill Gates is a modern type of leader who pushed through these routes and delivered his team to success. Establishing and building upon these leadership traits at a tender age, Bill Gates ended up transforming the Microsoft world in a way no one could ever have imagined (Mwita, 2010). In the end, Microsoft has emerged as the world's leading torch-illuminating software technology and internet provider solutions.

Bill Gates was born on October 28th, 1955 in region of Seattle in the USA, Washington. Gates grew up in an upper-middle-class family with an older sister and a younger sister. His father, was a promising, law student when he met his future wife. She was an athletic, outgoing student at the University of Washington, actively involved in student affairs and leadership. This lifestyle and occupation of Gates did contribute to Gates and his leadership style of Microsoft. (, 2018) as shown Bill Gates was in the upper middle class in status and grew up with many siblings, this contributed to his leadership as he was a person who took charge of his family affairs, just like the way he takes charge at Microsoft, Gates grew up with many influences as his father was a law student, this would contribute to his leadership has it would influence his skills as a negotiator and a person who can put his point across, these are skills he would use in his leadership of Microsoft, influences from a young age.

The Gates family atmosphere was warm and close, and all three children were encouraged to be competitive and strive for excellence. Gates showed early signs of competitiveness when he coordinated family athletic games at their summer house on Puget Sound. This lifestyle and occupation of Gates did contribute to Gates his leadership style of Microsoft, contributing to his behavior in leading Microsoft as again Gates would request his employees to present and report out their ideas and findings to him on a regular basis, this shows that this influenced Gates's behavior leadership as this style believes that leaders can be made, rather than are born and behaviors can be learned more readily than traits. (UKEssey.2018) His upbringing influenced his way of leading such as in team activities as he did and lead with his own family. I feel that this is a positive aspect of Gates as his upbringing was drawn to his style of communication and teamwork and I think that it made him a better leader. The negative aspect of this is Gates had a very strict, serious and courageous person meaning he was very determined to get things right all the time, which caused a very big demand in his workers to produce all the time new results that fit his standards, if not as stated earlier that Gates was very challenged full in new ideas. In my opinion, I believe that Bill Gates's behavior was extremely important in his role as the leader of Microsoft as his behavior is what will inspire, influenced and motivate his workers, as Gates was a forward thinker and a determined man I think it rubbed off on his works as seeing his tenacity it motivated them to be more productive in this work, ideas, ideology and creativity to create and initiate innovation in the Microsoft company. These factors are what made Microsoft a multi-billion company.


In conclusion, Bill Gates's different leadership qualities played a crucial role in the development of Microsoft, Bill Gates played a crucial role in the development of Microsoft and in achieving organizational goals. This insight was demonstrated by this critical analysis through its discussion of Autocratic, transformational, behavioral and innovative leadership. Bill Gates was able to promote trust and motivation both for himself and for his workers, typical of transformational leadership theory.

On the other hand gates, their leadership style was not always absolute as many have stated that his personality traits have got in the way of some clear ideas or new products, gates works mostly in an autocratic manner, compared to other successful men such as Steve Jobs, who leading apple also applied an autocratic leadership style, this shows how Effective the style is and how it has been a great successful style for Bill Gates. In my own opinion, I believe that the style used by Gates was a good positive aspect to his company Microsoft and it proves that suits the needs of the organization raising it to what we know to say.

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Essay on Leadership: Bill Gate’s Way in Business. (2022, December 27). Edubirdie. Retrieved January 15, 2025, from
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