Essay on Maturity as a Skill

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According to Nerthra Murali, a financial analyst at Boeing Commercial Aviation Finance Division said that 'You are the CEO of your life. You have the power to stage and compose it the way you want it to be. To me, this quote means that females control their lives and make their own decisions without anyone telling them who they want to be. Being a woman can have its advantages and disadvantages in the real world but being a woman is a great thing. Women are the definition of a go-getter because they will do anything to achieve their goals. They will work double overtime shifts or go to sleep until 2 a.m. after getting their work done or even they will provide for their children as a single parent. People especially men should appreciate women because without them we wouldn't be able to achieve our goals. I appreciated women because they worked hard to achieve their goals so they could benefit from it and be able to provide for their families. Now, we are in the 21st century, and women are taking over everything such as being Fortune 500 CEOs, owning their businesses, and becoming independent women. According to WBENC, In 2018 there were 12.3 million women-owned businesses in the US. Women are showing men that we can be better leaders and can do the same job as them, but much better. I believe that Women make better leaders than men. What makes a woman a better leader is that she has a higher level of education, nurtures her workers to make them succeed, and displays a higher standard of maturity.

Women make better leaders because they are receiving higher achievement in Education. Education is the most important ability to have in your life. Being a woman, Education is number one because by having an education we will be able to get top-qualified jobs. First, More females are attending and graduating from schools and obtaining Bachelor's and Master's degrees. Secondly, Education makes women obtain managerial and teaching opportunities. Thirdly, Education helps women reduce population explosion. Education leads women to better leaders because is that they will be able to gain confidence as leaders and it will help women to improve themselves professionally and personally. According to Claudia Buchmann, a professor of sociology at Ohio State wrote in her 'The Rise of Women: The Growing Gender Gap in Education and What it Means in American School' that in 2010, 36% of women received their bachelor's degrees, and roughly 50% in the master degrees (38). And also, the book says that in the 1980s female enrollment had surpassed male enrollment in college and women graduated college in high numbers (28). According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, in the Current Population Survey, in 2016 there was 65% of women were Education Administrators and 74.2% of women were Human Resources Managers. According to a study that was done by UNDP, researcher Wolfgang Lutz and his team discovered that an uneducated Malian woman would have given birth to 7 children but for an educated Malian woman who has up to 4 children. Lutz shows that education leads the population to have a slow-growth of children. These statistics and case study shows that Education makes women better leaders.

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Women make better leaders because they are the best nurturers. Nurturing is defined as the act of caring and encouraging for someone or something. Nurturing is a natural thing for women because we spend our time and energy supporting and motivating our loved ones. Women are the nurturers in our lives because they are compassionate, empathize with others, and show love to everyone. Nurturing leads women to better leaders is that they can care for others. Also, Nurturing leads women to be better leaders is that they will be able to learn from working with the elderly so that when they have their children they can be ready to raise and care for them. First, Most Women have jobs that deal with the nurturing of elderly women and being their caregivers than men. Lastly, in the workplace, Women are the most caring individuals to work with because they will be there for you when you are going through problems in your life. According to the Family Caregiver Alliance, a study that was conducted in 2003 61% of caregivers were women who were employed to care for these elderly women at the ages of 65 and up.

Women make better leaders because they have a higher standard of maturity. Maturity in women shows that they aren't immature in making decisions that will benefit their lives. Women are more mature than men because we are taught to sit properly, seeing our mother putting everyone's needs before herself and we are groomed to look a certain way in public. Maturity makes women better leaders because they can make decisions more calmly than men when making decisions men tend to be loud about how the decision is made but women are smoother sailing. And they have a better understanding and experience in everything. First, we live in the 21st century, and most women CEOs of these multi-million companies are very mature not just because of their age, but the way they make decisions on how they run the company. Lastly, Women are the mature ones in the workplace when it comes to paying attention, being clear on their goals, and always helping people when they need something.

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Essay on Maturity as a Skill. (2024, September 10). Edubirdie. Retrieved September 27, 2024, from
“Essay on Maturity as a Skill.” Edubirdie, 10 Sept. 2024,
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