Essay on Physical Education National Standard

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Physical educators have a unique opportunity to have a positive impact on young people. They empower their students by providing them with the information and resources necessary to live healthy and physically active lives. Today, with the increasing incidences of obesity and other health risks, it’s clear young people not only need to be taught how to maintain good health, but they also need to recognize the value of maintaining a healthy lifestyle. Therefore, physical educators must focus on the importance of lifetime physical activity and the methods for delivering effective physical education programs. The National Standards provide the framework for any effective physical education curriculum; they determine the program's focus. As such, physical educators must establish programs that enable students to meet those standards. If they don't, students will leave the K-12 education environment without important life skills. Physical education provides the opportunity to teach students about movement, strategies, teamwork, problem-solving, and health-related fitness. This allows students to participate in various physical activities, sports, and methods of fitness that can provide enjoyment of the physical activity, as well as build social, psychomotor, and conceptual skills. I wish to provide an environment for students to enjoy physical activity and become more confident with their abilities, increase their knowledge of health-related fitness, and help them find ways to be active.

As a future educator, I want students to have the freedom that allows for expression and creativity. Students should be able to experiment with likes and dislikes realizing their strengths and weaknesses to improve. I want to create an environment that is safe for learning for all students. For example, effective classroom management is important in creating an environment that is conducive to student learning in a physical education setting. By establishing an appropriate learning environment that incorporates structured procedures and experiences, physical educators allow their students to be physically active and practice appropriate behavior. Students don’t necessarily know what to do or how to behave when entering the gymnasium. Teachers must help students understand exactly what’s expected of them and the consequences of misbehavior. For example, routines are an important proactive classroom management. They can include entering the gymnasium, signals for attention, specific gathering areas for instruction or discussion, routines for grouping students, and procedures for dealing with equipment.

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My personal goal as a future physical educator is to challenge students and watch them grow to their full potential, both in fitness and health. I want to take students at different levels of ability and see them develop skills, techniques, and advance in their overall abilities. Students learn skills when they’re allowed to practice them. For students to learn a motor skill in a class setting, they must be engaged at a high level and be successful at the appropriate task in enough time. Therefore, it’s critical to minimize the amount of time spent on management issues and to ensure that students are engaged in appropriate learning activities. Tasks that are too difficult will discourage students from practicing, while tasks that are too easy can bore students and leave them more likely to misbehave. Being proactive about the unexpected also can prevent problems before they occur. For example, if a particular student tends to act out during instructions, consider placing her near you so she will be less likely to act out.

Motivating students to participate and develop skills and knowledge in physical education is important. As a physical educator, I plan to develop good student-teacher relationships by being available and visible to them. Acknowledging students by their names and interacting with them in class, cafeteria, or hallway. This shows students that you care about them and that they can approach you with any concerns. As a physical educator, it is important to remember to enjoy students and everything they have to offer. I know how valuable teacher encouragement and motivation are for personal initiative, so I intend to motivate my students while teaching them to be intrinsically motivated through challenging yet supportive and rewarding lessons and assessments.

Ultimately, the best practices in classroom management for students involve creating rules and routines that are easy to follow. Also, setting clear expectations, holding students accountable, planning for maximum time on task, and anticipating the unexpected. As a prospective educator, my philosophy, teaching style, and tactics may change throughout my teaching career, and I want to remain receptive and open to improvement. No matter what, there’s always the power to make a change in the lives of students to improve their abilities and success in fitness, health, sports, and recreation.

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Essay on Physical Education National Standard. (2024, May 20). Edubirdie. Retrieved January 11, 2025, from
“Essay on Physical Education National Standard.” Edubirdie, 20 May 2024,
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Essay on Physical Education National Standard [Internet]. Edubirdie. 2024 May 20 [cited 2025 Jan 11]. Available from:

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