Essay on 'Truman Show'

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In 1998, one of the most original movies in history came out, yes I’m talking about the ‘’Truman Show’’ By Peter Weir with the amazing performances of Jim Carrey(Truman) Ed Harris(Christof) and Laura Linney(Meryl) Imagine living in a world, where everything is fake. Imagine, every day waking up to go to work and then coming home to watch tv, in other words living a normal life, while millions of people are watching you on tv from different parts of the world for their entertainment, imagine having a wonderful wife, best friend and parents, people that you appreciate and love are actors that feel nothing for you, imagine being a puppet of a corporation that creates a tv show with you as the protagonist and that every event of your life is fake. Well, this is the best definition of the Truman Show. Personally, I believe this is one of the most original ideas in the history of cinematography because shows us a different perspective of life and also reflects a lot of things that are happening nowadays in our society. Not only the Idea of the movie is the best, but also the acting and music are amazing.

The Truman Show by Peter Weir presents us the life of a man named Truman(Jim Carrey)Truman’s life is created by a director for a tv show, and this same director made Truman live his first experience with love, his adventures, his failures, and his studies. As time moves on, Truman begins to think more clearly and start to see out of the box, to explore to escape from his daily routine to see what is the real meaning of life.

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From the start, the plot of the movie is amazing, and also the reason why this movie became so popular. In the beginning, we saw how Christof (Ed Harris) talks and explains how The Truman Show works and how is different from other cinematographic projects, he explains that The Truman Show is a piece of art. The Truman Show represents and creates an image of our society nowadays, somehow The Truman Show predict the future 21 years ago. In the movie we saw how people spend their entire day watching The Truman Show without paying attention to what is around them, we need to remember that the show is 24/7 no interruptions. This same fact lets us see how much the show affects the lives of the millions of people who watch the show, during the movie we saw a huge amount of advertisements for different products around Truman. There is a moment, in which two brothers push Truman to a wall, where there is an advertisement for a chicken restaurant. This is enough reason for fans of Truman to buy the product. Also, the movie creates a picture of the lives of a lot of us. Truman is a puppet of the system(Tv show) that lives in a cycle wake up, working, and going home and he repeats this daily routine every day. Now, mentioned if we compare Truman’s life with ours, we will find a lot of similarities, we also live a daily routine that we never break, because we are in a comfort zone, we have everything, and we believe that we are in a paradise. The only reason that keeps us in a comfort zone is that we are afraid of what is waiting for us out of our bubble, I believe that’s the strongest message in the movie, in order to find the real meaning of life, we need to face our fears and overcome those fears, just in that way we will escape from our bubble and will find the real meaning of life and freedom, ‘’Life begins at the end of your comfort zone’’, Neale Donald Walsch.

According to Rita Kempley ‘’Addresses the end of privacy, the rise of voyeurism, and the violation of the individual’’ I believe she is right, Truman doesn’t have any privacy, we see everything he does during his day, but apparently, nobody cares about Truman’s privacy in the movie, only Sylvia, she is the only one. According to Betty Jo Bunker ‘’The movie introduces us to the evils of television, and it stretches this theme beyond the breaking point’’ People spend too much time watching tv, and sometimes this keeps us distracted about what is happening in our society, but the worst things are that sometimes tv keeps us ignorant for the good of our leaders.

The acting and music in this movie are excellent, personally, I believe that the acting and music work together. Good acting and perfect music create wonderful scenes and capture the audience's feelings and souls. The Truman Show is the perfect example of that, Jim Carrey has a reputation as a comedian, but in this movie, he proves that he can act in any movie style. Jim Carrey did an excellent job in this movie, the scene when he reunites with his father was amazing, but at the same time was inhuman. The music played a big role in this scene, the music adds a sense of joy and sadness to this magnificent moment, the joy of Truman to see his father again and the sadness to know that this moment is fake and Christof uses it to increase rating and everybody know it, except Truman. Jim Carrey( Truman), Brian Delate(Father), Ed Harris(Christof), and Philip Glass( Music composer) make a wonderful job. The ending scene, when Truman crashes into the wall, means the end of his comfort zone and the end of his jail. When he punches the wall with hate, the moment he realizes that his entire life is a lie. I am sure, nobody could make that scene as Jim Carrey did.

In conclusion, The Truman Show is a movie that is outside the common movies, this movie will always be remembered, for the messages that the movie has and the way these messages apply and appear in our society. The importance to face and overcome our fears in order to discover the real meaning of life is the most important message that The Truman Show leaves us. The great acting of Jim Carrey brought smiles and tears to our faces. The great music of Philip Glass gave us wonderful moments in the movie. The Truman Show is a movie for everybody, a movie that makes us think about the way our society lives their daily life.

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