Essay on ‘Walk Two Moons’

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In the book Walk Two Moons By Sharon Creech, A teenage girl named Sal Hiddle goes through many many changes where she has to face her fears. Sal goes through lots of internal feelings about losing her mom, moving away from By banks, and losing her grandma.

When Sal was younger she had to face one of many fears…. Pregnant Women. Sal’s mom was pregnant and was due to have a baby soon but it all changed when Sal decided to climb a Maple Tree…. While sal was climbing the maple tree she fell off she was super sore she yelled for help since it was getting dark. She was super scared until her mom came rushing over, Lifted her up, and took her home. When the baby was born it was dead sal blamed herself for the miscarriage while her mom was taken to the hospital for surgery. She was so mad at herself for falling off the maple tree and for making her mom lift her up. And that is why Sal is scared of pregnant Women.

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After the miscarriage, Sal’s mom decided to leave…. Forever. She always stated that “I will never be a true hiddle”. Sal was upset and kept thinking why would she leave me?... I thought she loved me. Sal's dad kept telling her “She just wanted a break”. A few days after Sal's mom left Her dad told Sal some bad news… that they were moving to Ohio.

Sal threw fits, Screamed, and cried but she finally gave up when her dad told her “she’s haunted by banks”. And that was true Sal couldn’t look at one thing in By banks without remembering her. When Sal did get to her new house she wanted to leave right away because there were no trees, Animals, Ponds, or hills there was just a tiny house with a row of birdhouses. She really wanted to go back to the banks with all the animals, fields, and ponds. And be happy like she used you be.

Something that changed Sal’s life was when her grandmother died. She was on a trip with her grandparent when they wanted to stop at a lake. While Sal’s grandma was in the lake she got bit by a poisonous snake. There was a creepy boy watching her but then he decided to help he got a knife and slit a cut on the bite then sucked in the blood and then spit he kept doing that until they got to the hospital. Gram had a grey face and tubes connected to her body. Gramps told Sal to leave because they would be there for a while, Sal whispered something to gram and left. When she got to a beautiful field a cop pulled her over and when he found out why Sal was there he took the car and took Sal back in a police car to the hospital. Sal kept praying gram would be alright but a few days later gram passed away. They put her in a coffin and Buried her. Sal and gramps miss gram so much that they will never forget her.

Even though Sal Hiddle is scared of many things she still finds hope somewhere in the world even though her mom and grandma are never coming back, And the world will never be the same.

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Essay on ‘Walk Two Moons’. (2023, February 24). Edubirdie. Retrieved June 30, 2024, from
“Essay on ‘Walk Two Moons’.” Edubirdie, 24 Feb. 2023,
Essay on ‘Walk Two Moons’. [online]. Available at: <> [Accessed 30 Jun. 2024].
Essay on ‘Walk Two Moons’ [Internet]. Edubirdie. 2023 Feb 24 [cited 2024 Jun 30]. Available from:

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