Mrs. Perry and Chris Noel's Relationships with Their Men in 'Dead Poets Society'

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Have you or a loved one ever been diagnosed with having an asshole of a significant other? Well then, this essay might be the compensation you deserve. The film ‘Dead Poets Society’ has two women, Chris Noel and Mrs. Perry, they both have controlling, dominant men in their lives and it holds them back from being their true selves. In the movie, Mrs. Perry and Chris Noel, are in the same situation, but in different ways because, they are both submissive, but Chris is more willing to stand out against her man, and Mrs. Perry is more tied to her man through legal and moral obligations.

Mrs. Perry and Chris Noel are submissive to their emotionally abusive significant other. They are similar in the fact that they both listen to what their significant other tells them what to do. In both cases, Mrs. Perry and Chris Noel, will do whatever their partner says to do, even if they find it to be morally incorrect or explicitly against what they want for themselves. They also both have an impending fear of what their man might do if they are directly disobedient. They both have this fear because of the fact that their partner is overly aggressive and controlling. This fear of what could happen is what keeps them tethered to their man.

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They may be both submissive and scared of their man, but Chris Noel is more willing to stand up against her man and his actions. In the movie, when Chris’ boyfriend, Chet, attacks Knox for sexually assaulting her while she was sleeping at a party, Chris screams at Chet to stop hitting Knox and even gets on top of Knox, putting herself in between the two men. This shows that when he is doing something, she doesn’t like, she has the courage to stand against it. Now, on the contrary, Mrs. Perry cannot find the courage to do so. In the scene where Mr. Perry is having an argument with Neil about what he wants for his future, and Neil says he doesn’t want that for himself, and Mrs. Perry is present, she cannot find the courage to say something against Mr. Perry, and his harsh treatment of Neil. Even though she is visually upset about the encounter between father and son, she still says nothing, because she is scared. In both instances, they are both outwardly upset when things are taken to far by their significant other. This shows that they are at least not too scared to show how they feel emotionally with vocal tones or crying.

They might have different abilities to stand out against their partner, but this might be because of their innate obligation to their significant other. Looking at the two, you can see that Chris has much less obligation to her partner, Chet. Mrs. Perry has many reasons to be more obligated to Mr. Perry, legally and morally. She is married to Mr. Perry, so, she has a legal obligation to stay with him, unless she files for divorce, which at the time was very frowned upon, and quite risky for the woman, which brings up the second point. Mrs. Perry is financially obligated to Mr. Perry. At the time, 1959, most women did not have a job if they had a husband, because the husband made all the money, and they stayed at home cooking and cleaning. So, if she left Mr. Perry she might be out on the street, because we don’t know if she has other family or friends who would be willing to take her in. One of Mrs. Perry’s biggest obligations so far might be Neil. She has a child with Mr. Perry which tethers her morally to Mr. Perry. In 1959, it was frowned upon to get a divorce in the first place, but if you were to do that to your kid it was considered horrible. There are many reasons why Mrs. Perry leaving Mr. Perry would be bad for Neil. Even though Chris Noel isn’t married to Chet, rely on him financially, or even have a child with him, she can relate to the fact that they both are emotionally tied to their men, as well has being socially tied to their men. Both Chris Noel and Mrs. Perry are emotionally tied to their man out of fear. They’re also socially tied to their man because they do a lot with them, and since their significant others are so controlling, they control who they are allowed to see and speak to. So, since they share a lot of friends it would cause a matter of contention in their social lives.

In conclusion, Mrs. Perry and Chris Noel have similar relationships, but at different stages and different levels of obligation. They both have very dominant partners which they submit to, but Chris is certainly more willing to stand up against Chet, and Mrs. Perry is a much greater obligated to Mr. Perry than Chris is to Chet. After comparing and contrasting Mrs. Perry and Chris Noel, I think I prefer Chris Noel Because of her willingness to stand up against her man.

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Mrs. Perry and Chris Noel’s Relationships with Their Men in ‘Dead Poets Society’. (2023, March 01). Edubirdie. Retrieved June 30, 2024, from
“Mrs. Perry and Chris Noel’s Relationships with Their Men in ‘Dead Poets Society’.” Edubirdie, 01 Mar. 2023,
Mrs. Perry and Chris Noel’s Relationships with Their Men in ‘Dead Poets Society’. [online]. Available at: <> [Accessed 30 Jun. 2024].
Mrs. Perry and Chris Noel’s Relationships with Their Men in ‘Dead Poets Society’ [Internet]. Edubirdie. 2023 Mar 01 [cited 2024 Jun 30]. Available from:

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