Parthenon essays

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1 Page 545 Words
I strongly think that the Parthenon marbles taken by Lord Elgin form Greece should be returned back to Greece because Lord Elgin did not have permission to take the marbles. The Greeks couldn’t do anything to stop Elgin at the time as they were part of the Ottoman Empire. All the other museums are retiring stolen artefacts so why shouldn’t...
3 Pages 1391 Words
Entasis in Antiquity Refinements of architecture play an essential role in shaping the visual image and structure of the building. Refinements are conscious decisions made by the architects to revise the otherwise strictly straight lines of the building for aesthetic or practical reasons. Entasis, a slight convex curve of the shaft of a column, is a refinement frequently embodied by...
3 Pages 1349 Words
There have been many cases of Western Architecture that have been destroyed in acts of war, natural disasters, or because of structural integrity failure. In this paper, we will look into why some buildings were rebuilt, how they were rebuilt, and why some buildings weren’t built the same. Other topics that may be touched on here will also be temporary...
3 Pages 1339 Words
Moshing as artifact: in relation to the history of the Parthenon. Through August to September of 490 BC, a battle between Athens and Plataea against the Persian Empire erupted in Marathon, Greece; this would be the first of a further series of conflicts between Greece and The Achaemenid Empire. The battle had been instigated by the Greek involvement in the...
5 Pages 2155 Words
Lying on Acropolis, the magnificent birthplace of Greek myths, Parthenon serves as the most representative figure in Greek culture, and was built to worship Athens' patron deity, Athena. Funded by the Delian League in memory of the victory in the Persian War, Parthenon has also seen a demonstration of absolute Athenian dominance, built right on the debris of the original...
1 Page 675 Words
The thought that great historical monuments should be preserved has its roots in the preservation of the history and beauty expressed by the monuments, but the underlying reasons are often overlooked. In “The Lovely Stones,” writer Christopher Hitchens puts forth a detailed argument that the original Parthenon sculptures should be returned to Greece. Doing so, he employs a variety of...
2 Pages 732 Words
The Parthenon was a large marble temple for the goddess Athena in the city of Athens overlooking the city and Aegean Sea.Athens was one of many Greek cities and almost all had had an Acropolis. Athens was one of the most powerful city-state and around that time The Parthenon was built. The Parthenon was a Sacred precinct rather than a...
2 Pages 731 Words
I personally love Greece and there are numerous reasons why I love this beautiful country. Not only about their history but how the country is so beautiful and how is located at the southeast end of Europa, and geographically. You can see where its located on a map, and surrounded by neighboring countries such as Macedonia, Bulgaria, Albania and Turkey....
2 Pages 861 Words
The Parthenon was built by the Ancient Greeks and is found in Athens during the pre-Christian’s times. It is preserved as a respected constructed architecture by many individuals. It is established on the application of ancient Greek mythology. It has been known that every mind composite of structures was guarded by different Gods. The intention of the building was a...
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