Race, Nationality And Ethnicity In Sociology

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Table of contents

  1. Race
  2. Ethnicity
  3. Nationality
  4. Stereotype
  5. Prejudice
  6. Discrimination
  7. Multiple Identity
  8. Conclusion


The term race is given by the society to the group of people who are different in biological characters (skin color, eye color) from other people. It is not connected to families and ancestors. however, it relates to the geographical regions more. When the sociologist did the study, it revealed that the differences in color of skin has fallen in misuse. In many parts of the world black color or brown color people are treated badly by the white people. Some of these physical variations are inherited and genetics. However, we cannot do anything with this. It is the thinking of that person who do racism that different appearance people are inferior to him. He believes that, it is his birth right to insult them. while, it is not at any cost. Every person has self-respect. It has been noticed that the names of social racism are changing with time. It is used to categorize a person by his physical appearance without his skills.


Most of the sociologist believe that, the ethnicity is part of race. However, it is not like race. In addition to it its meaning changes with time. Ethnicity is the heritage culture of the group of people. It involves the language, traditions, religion and form of dress. It is learned from ancestors. It is a bit different from race. It can be defined as the group of people different in language, culture, customs. Ethnic groups are originated when two or more groups have different historical and social experience. (Crossman)

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Nationality can be defined as the illtreated behave by residential people of any nation to the people coming from the foreign. For instance, the residential people do not want foreign to come to come to their country. For example,

1497px-Sahajdhari_Sikh Figure 11.1. The Sikh turban or “Dastaar” is a required article in the observance of the Sikh faith. Baltej Singh Dhillon was the first Sikh member of the RCMP to wear a turban on active duty. This sparked a major controversy in 1990, but today people barely bat an eye when they see a police officer wearing a turban. Race and ethnicity are part of the human experience. How do the signs of racial and ethnic diversity play in a role in who we are and how we relate to one another? (Photo courtesy of Saynam Bahga).

From the above discussion, we come to know the whole society is divided into many parts(groups). Further, in these groups there are still some categories. One of the common examples of this is the minority group. It has been explained as the group of people who are being separated from their societies because of their cultural characterizes (Sociologist Louis Wirth (1945)).

In some cases, minority groups lose its own identity when they adopt the culture of any other category or group. The most common example of this is immigration of people from other countries to Canada. They adopt the culture, language, religious tradition of the country. This process is known as Assimilation.

Government advertisement in 1907 to encourage immigration and settlement of the western provinces.

One of the racial examples is the death of Michael Brown in Ferguson. white police officer named Darren Wilson shot him six times. The sociologists believed the reason behind it was the convergence among prejudice, stereotype and discrimination.


The term stereotype can be defined as simple views about a group. Further, it depends on another person that whether he has positive stereotype or the negative stereotype. In maximum number of cases, it is overserved that these stereotypes are always opposite to each other.

The stereotype is more dangerous. It is often seen that the stereotype is the major reason of bulling incidents in schools. It makes a person nervous and scary to be open towards the public, most of them are known to be gays or lesbians.


The term prejudice can be defined as the views and ideas about a person without getting any specific information about that person. Or it may be defined as the thinking about a person by getting information from others. In one seminal work, prejudice is defined as phycological process of dividing people in different groups according to their emotional or natural behavior. (Psychologist Gordon Allport,)


From the behalf of sociologists, discrimination is defined as the actions against the people different in religion, culture, health and age. In the 19 centuries, the companies used to do discrimination with the employers. They used to hire people based on from which nation or category they belong. Earlier it was very common in US.

Multiple Identity

Before the twentieth century, one more issue came in front of the society. It was believed that, if an Indian women marriage to non-Indian person, she used to lose her status of Indian. Moreover, her children had to lose the identity also. However, in case, Indian man marries non-Indian women. He was able to retain his identity and his children could enjoy this status also. https://www.jobilize.com/sociology/test/multiple-identities-stereotypes-prejudice-and-by-openstax


We must reduce the racism based upon the Race, Nationality, and Ethnicity. While we attempt in the Community Tool Box to offer simple, well ordered guidelines for network work, changing a gathering of individuals' partial demeanors and an organization's bigot activities isn't so just completed and it doesn't occur incidentally. Lessening racial preference and bigotry is a mind-boggling task that fluctuates from network to network, so it doesn't loan itself well to basic, 1-2-3 arrangements that can be embraced and connected without having an exhaustive comprehension of the unique circumstance and condition (Hampton and Lee). Something like this takes realizing your locale well and picking systems that best fit your locale's needs, history, setting, energies, and assets.

Considering that, we offer an assortment of exercises and methodologies you can lead in battling racial bias and prejudice with the goal that you can choose which of these strategies may work best in your work environment, school, neighborhood, and network.

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Race, Nationality And Ethnicity In Sociology. (2021, September 13). Edubirdie. Retrieved January 9, 2025, from https://edubirdie.com/examples/race-nationality-and-ethnicity-in-sociology/
“Race, Nationality And Ethnicity In Sociology.” Edubirdie, 13 Sept. 2021, edubirdie.com/examples/race-nationality-and-ethnicity-in-sociology/
Race, Nationality And Ethnicity In Sociology. [online]. Available at: <https://edubirdie.com/examples/race-nationality-and-ethnicity-in-sociology/> [Accessed 9 Jan. 2025].
Race, Nationality And Ethnicity In Sociology [Internet]. Edubirdie. 2021 Sept 13 [cited 2025 Jan 9]. Available from: https://edubirdie.com/examples/race-nationality-and-ethnicity-in-sociology/

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