Simon Bolivar essays

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Essay topics
2 Pages 953 Words
Currently, in the world we live in, there is a growth of corruption in governments all around the world, which negatively affects the lives of millions of people. This ultimately undermines the values and institutions of democracy. However, there is a specific country in South America that is currently undergoing one of the most tragic crises of all time. Hello,...
6 Pages 2830 Words
Background Since Simón Bolívar’s independence movement resulted in the liberation of most of the Americas, Latin America has lived with a certain affinity for military leaders and their charisma. This affinity has been a blessing and curse with the likes of Peron and Pinochet creating terror in their countries with the use of military regimes. Venezuela, even though blooming with...
4 Pages 1927 Words
Latin American colonies built their independence off a foundation of colonization and conquest. In search for unity and peace, the colonies worked hard to obtain their freedom from the Crown. Although there was a struggle, the journey of Latin America stems from its inhabitants. Friction caused by prejudices, discrimination, and exploitation from the Spanish Crown on the residents of Latin...

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