Speech About My Brave Son

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In my speech I intend to pay tribute to my son. After showing courage and bravery aboard the Essex, he deserves not only a pat on the back, but he deserves to feel the thanks from the survivors and feel their gratitude towards him. We all know him as the man who saved the crew of the Essex. The first mate who defied his captain to spare his men. These are acts of bravery, and these are what makes my son my son. These are acts of bravery, and that's what makes him who he is.

“With the new day comes new strength and new thoughts”, as Eleanor Roosevelt said. This is the quote that I taught my son as a child, and through all his hardships this is the quote that he has held most close. Back in 1819, when my son first set off for his voyage, I gave him a diary to record his adventure. Of all the things that he saved from that ship, it was this very diary, which I hold in my hands. On January 22nd, he wrote about a storm. He says: “Despite my better knowledge and decisions, Captain Pollard decided to sail directly into that storm. He claims it was to test the men, but the only thing I see being tested is my patience. After we anchored, I was told that the captain wanted to see me just before dinner. I have yet to see him, I shall go soon. I intend to stand up for myself and the crew of this ship, no matter what happens in that room”. This says to me that he was able to stick up to someone higher ranked than him and do it with courage and determination. Son, your determination to stick up for other people and yourself is one of the first things that shapes the captain that you now are.

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After 34 days being stranded, the steadfast crew of the Essex sighted land. After all the hardships they had been through, they had a window of opportunity wide open for them. As Victor Hugo once stated, “Perseverance is the secret of all triumphs”. But, whilst the whole crew contributed, after talking to a few of the sailors on the Essex, they all agreed that my son’s willingness to stay alive, as well as keep everyone else alive, was what made them, and the rest of the crew, persevere through the hardest of times and make it that far. Being the stubborn sailors, that they are, I think that the crew could have survived on their own, but my son kept them all in good spirits and after arriving on the island, understood the crew’s needs and allowed them time alone. This shows that he can understand people and respect their needs, as well as provide those needs for them.

8 years ago, his mother, my wife, died. This period of time was obviously very difficult, and grief-stricken for the both of us. We had been living together after we received the news and neither of us could bring ourselves to believe it. Throughout this time though, my son has shown the most bravery I have ever seen out of anyone I have ever met. Whilst I grieved for my wife, he completed the daily tasks that we both needed to survive. This included washing, cooking, as well as all the other maintenance that needed completing. Whilst it may have been because it gave him something to do, I think it was also because he knew these things needed to be done, and the fact that he was able to keep doing these small things and make others’ lives easier before his own, is what makes him a persevering, selfless and caring man. Margaret Mead once said: “Never believe that a few caring people can’t change the world. For indeed, that’s all who ever have”. This is so true for my son, and this is certainly the best quality about him.

My son is a wonderful man whom I am proud to call my son. In conclusion, I want to pay tribute to his bravery, perseverance, strength and concern for others. He grew up and became a wonderful person.

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Speech About My Brave Son. (2023, March 01). Edubirdie. Retrieved June 30, 2024, from https://edubirdie.com/examples/speech-about-my-brave-son/
“Speech About My Brave Son.” Edubirdie, 01 Mar. 2023, edubirdie.com/examples/speech-about-my-brave-son/
Speech About My Brave Son. [online]. Available at: <https://edubirdie.com/examples/speech-about-my-brave-son/> [Accessed 30 Jun. 2024].
Speech About My Brave Son [Internet]. Edubirdie. 2023 Mar 01 [cited 2024 Jun 30]. Available from: https://edubirdie.com/examples/speech-about-my-brave-son/

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