Symbolism in "The Cathedral"

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At the heart of "Cathedral" lies the complex symbolism of blindness and sight. The protagonist’s initial reaction to Robert's blindness is one of discomfort and prejudice. His inability to see beyond Robert's physical blindness mirrors his own emotional and spiritual blindness. He is a man trapped in a monotonous life, devoid of meaningful connections and deeper understanding. His wife's fondness for Robert only accentuates his feelings of inadequacy and jealousy.

Robert, in contrast, embodies a vision that transcends physical sight. His ability to "see" into the lives and emotions of others, despite his blindness, stands in stark contrast to the protagonist's limited perspective. This dichotomy is evident when the protagonist grapples with the concept of a cathedral. His inability to describe it to Robert symbolizes his lack of deeper insight and understanding of both the external world and his inner self.

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The Cathedral as a Symbol of Unity and Transformation

The cathedral itself serves as a multifaceted symbol in Carver's narrative. Historically, cathedrals are grand architectural feats that represent human creativity, spirituality, and community. They are places where people come together, regardless of their backgrounds, to seek solace and meaning. In the story, the cathedral becomes a metaphor for the protagonist's potential for transformation and the possibility of a deeper connection with the world around him.

The act of drawing the cathedral with Robert is a pivotal moment in the story. It is through this shared experience that the protagonist begins to break free from his self-imposed isolation. The act of drawing requires him to engage with Robert on a level that transcends words and superficial judgments. In this moment, the protagonist experiences a sense of unity and connection that he has long been missing.

The cathedral, therefore, symbolizes the protagonist's journey from isolation to connection, from blindness to sight. It represents the possibility of transcendence and the realization that true vision comes not from the eyes but from the heart and mind.

Breaking Down Walls

Another significant symbol in "Cathedral" is the act of breaking down walls, both literal and metaphorical. The protagonist's home is a physical representation of his emotional and psychological barriers. He is a man who has built walls around himself to protect against vulnerability and intimacy. His interactions with his wife are characterized by a lack of genuine communication and emotional distance.

Robert's arrival disrupts this carefully constructed isolation. His presence challenges the protagonist to confront his own prejudices and insecurities. The act of drawing the cathedral together becomes an exercise in breaking down these walls. As they draw, the protagonist is forced to let go of his preconceived notions and open himself up to a new way of seeing the world.

The act of drawing with Robert becomes a metaphor for the protagonist's willingness to break down the walls that have kept him isolated. It is a moment of vulnerability and connection that allows him to experience a sense of unity and shared humanity. In this way, the story suggests that true transformation and insight come from the willingness to break down barriers and engage with others on a deeper level.

The Role of Art and Imagination

Art and imagination play a crucial role in "Cathedral" as symbols of liberation and transformation. The protagonist's initial struggle to describe a cathedral to Robert highlights his lack of imagination and creative vision. He is a man who is trapped in the literal and the mundane, unable to see beyond the surface of things.

However, it is through the act of drawing that the protagonist begins to tap into his own creative potential. The process of creating art allows him to see the world in a new way and to connect with Robert on a deeper level. The cathedral, as a work of art, becomes a symbol of the transformative power of imagination and creativity.

In this context, the story suggests that art and imagination are essential tools for breaking free from the limitations of the literal and the mundane. They allow individuals to see the world in new and profound ways and to connect with others on a deeper level. The act of drawing the cathedral, therefore, becomes a metaphor for the protagonist's journey towards greater insight and understanding.


In "Cathedral," Raymond Carver masterfully uses symbolism to explore themes of vision, transformation, and connection. The story's central symbols – blindness and sight, the cathedral, walls, and art – serve to highlight the protagonist's journey from isolation to connection, from blindness to sight. Through his interactions with Robert, the protagonist is able to break down the walls that have kept him isolated and to tap into his own creative potential. In the end, the story suggests that true vision and insight come not from the eyes but from the heart and mind, and that the willingness to engage with others on a deeper level is essential for personal transformation and growth.

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Symbolism in “The Cathedral”. (2024, October 22). Edubirdie. Retrieved October 27, 2024, from
“Symbolism in “The Cathedral”.” Edubirdie, 22 Oct. 2024,
Symbolism in “The Cathedral”. [online]. Available at: <> [Accessed 27 Oct. 2024].
Symbolism in “The Cathedral” [Internet]. Edubirdie. 2024 Oct 22 [cited 2024 Oct 27]. Available from:

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