The Lone Ranger and Tonto Fistfight in Heaven essays

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3 Pages 1566 Words
Humor is one of the significant elements that make up American Indian worldview. American Indians, who have a “comic spirit” (Weaver, 1997: 141), are spontaneously humorists and witty people. More than an ethnic characteristic, humor becomes a survival strategy for American Indians. Both Reservation Blues and The Lone Ranger and Tonto Fistfight in Heaven are full of examples that display...
3 Pages 1394 Words
The main characters Thomas, Victor and Junior all have family problems one way or another. First of all, the father figures in their lives are problematic; drunken and jobless fathers who can never fulfill their fatherhood responsibilities. Victor and Junior have already lost their fathers, and although Thomas’s father Samuel is alive, Thomas does not hesitate singing a mourning song,...
2 Pages 792 Words
The Making of “The Other” Have you ever felt like a lone wolf, endlessly walking through your life in a society that doesn’t feel like home? That’s how it feels to be “the other”, and you are not alone. In “Black+White…equals black” by Lawrence Hill and “The Long Ranger and Tonto Fistfight in Heaven” by Sherman Alexie, characters also undergo...

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