The Shining’ and ‘South Park’: Comparative Analysis

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The Shining is originally a book written by Stephen King in 1977 after experiencing a horrible nightmare in the Shining hotel in Colorado about killing his family. It was later adapted into a movie in 1980, directed by Stanley Kubrick, and was later condemned by Stephen King. South Park Nightmare on Facetime Season 16 Ep 12 was produced in 2012 as the Halloween special for the series which is a parody of the movie The Shining but the Title is a play on words of the horror movie nightmare on Elm Street. The episode was produced by Trey Parker. The Episode is about Stan’s dad Randy purchasing a blockbuster video store.

Southpark is a satirical cartoon invented in 1997 by Matt Stone and Trey Parker, there are now 300 episodes to date. Episode 12 season 16 is called Nightmare on Facetime. The plot of the episode is as follows: Stans's family is told by Randy his dad that they have purchased a Blockbuster video and that they will soon be rich. But Stans's family seems reluctant to the idea as the days of video rental stores are over and there is no money in them anymore. Stan had previously been planning on going trick or treating with his friends but Randy forces him to stay insisting that there will be heaps of customers tonight as it is Halloween. (there were none.) Stan then decides to go trick or treating through facetime and get his friends to collect the lollies. After a while, Randy starts seeing visions and is told by the voices to ‘discipline’ Stan. Randy then starts to wander around the Blockbuster looking for Stan while calling his name out. While doing this he comes across his daughter shelly burning down the blockbuster from the inside. After a while, the BlockBuster burns down, and Randy is seen sitting in the snow looking frozen to death. But he isn't.

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​The Shining movie was directed by Stanley Kubrick and released on the 23rd of May 19890, the budget of the movie was $19 mil USD at the time, and made $44 mil USD box office at the time. The plot goes as Jack Torrance signs his family up for being caretakers for the hotel The Shining in Colorado during winter. After a while, he develops a horrific form of Cabin Fever and begins to try to murder his family as that is what the ghosts of the previous caretakers tell him to do. In doing this he chases his family through the hotel looking for them and the chase eventually leads them outside where Jack gets stuck in the maze in the middle of a winter night while Danny(the son) and Wendy (the wife) are able to escape on a snowmobile.

The frozen scene in The Shining is where Jack gets lost in the maze and is unable to find his way out and freezes to death in the snow, making the iconic face in the final scene, The Southpark adaptation of this scene shows Randy Marsh frozen in the snow holding a Blockbuster DVD, this scene is a parody through imitation of the original by making the iconic face. The bartender scene in The Shining is where Jack starts to go insane and sees the long-since-dead bartender in the hotel as a long-since-dead ghost. Hinting to him that he should murder his kid and wife as he did the same. It shows the bright luminous glow under his face, while the SouthPark adaptation does something similar but instead of being a bartender he is a clerk manning the counter, he is also hinting that he should kill his kids and wife.

The opening scene of the shining has the camera following the car over the mountain range as the infamous Shining music starts. This is the first scene in many where Southpark mock the Shining and is the first giveaway that this is a parody episode of South Park as not all Southpark episodes are parodies. Turning mad scene, this is where it is very obvious in the Shining movie that jack has completely gone insane as he makes a psychotic smile, which seems to be a Stephen King trait as Pennywise makes the same face in the other Stephen King novel IT, the infamous smile is parodied by Stan in Southpark when he starts to be told to kill his family by the ghosts.

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The Shining’ and ‘South Park’: Comparative Analysis. (2023, March 01). Edubirdie. Retrieved June 30, 2024, from
“The Shining’ and ‘South Park’: Comparative Analysis.” Edubirdie, 01 Mar. 2023,
The Shining’ and ‘South Park’: Comparative Analysis. [online]. Available at: <> [Accessed 30 Jun. 2024].
The Shining’ and ‘South Park’: Comparative Analysis [Internet]. Edubirdie. 2023 Mar 01 [cited 2024 Jun 30]. Available from:

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