‘Under the Shadow’: Movie Review

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In the middle of a community torn apart by the post-revolutionary Tehran in the 80s, a restorative under study by the name of Shideh is destroyed when she is told that she can no longer continue her medical examinations due to her contribution with understudy liberal gatherings. Just while all of this is going on, the war between Iran and Iraq continues and strengthens. Sideh chooses to remain in the city with her little girl Dorsa while completely ignoring the fact her husband and father to her daughter Iraj, who eventually gets sent out to be a specialist for the military administration and doled out to a zone of overwhelming battling. Iraj needs Shideh to remain with his folks in a safer place within the nation, yet Shideh will not. The movie talks about this constant struggle with civilization and the time that this particular group lives in. They do not only struggle with the world they live in but they are living in a reality that is like no other. Shideh and Jahmil are making problems that they should be dealing with and additionally some that they should not be as concerned about. Due to all of the above, I think that the movie ‘Under the Shadow’ is a fast and exhilarating movie because it relates to real life, it has an interesting plot setup and it expresses the cultural significance of the Iran and Iraq people.

‘Under The Shadow’ has an interesting and thought-provoking plot setup. The overall structural set up is the same as many other movies, but the story has multiple little setups and setups within other systems. Such as the nuclear missile that gets stuck in their house, but doesn’t blow up and then while all that is going on the father of the family is calling the mom and daughter and he is worried sick and the daughter is getting taunted by a demon. There is a tangle of problems that you just can’t wait for the characters to sort through. Dorsa and Shideh have tons of nightmares which turn into foreshadowing for the demons that try to taunt them. These demons are considered evil by locals and they say that these demons take what you love most to lure you into being possessed. Since the movie has so much going on at once it keeps everything interesting and while everything is going on you get lost in the movie. Between the demons, missiles, explosions, and over all fright within the movie. The story also starts super eerie and sets the overall tone early. It starts with a happy but not realistic happy tone and it enhances the horror effect. This movie is a one-of-a-kind type of horror.

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The overall structural set up is the same, but the story has multiple little setups and setups within other setups. The movie has multiple problems that keep the viewer enticed the whole time. The story starts super eerie and sets the overall tone early. The movie has a nice plot set up, but the viewer can easily get lost in the plot if they do not have the context of what the Middle East was like at the time. A viewer could also easily get lost if they do not have the context of Middle Eastern lore and they type of horrors they believe in like Djinn. The one thing that I love the most about this movie was how it really closed all of the ideas and almost all of the questions one could ask about it. For example, I wanted to know what was going on in the wartime and why everyone had such differing opinions and I was given a very specific backstory to every differing opinion and I could really see that the directors had a good character development.

There is this youthful mother that lives in Tehran, the capital of Iran, around 1988, and in her instinctual run for well-being from the malevolent evil presences that taunt her, she forgets to cover her head with a hijab. This is important because a lot of horror movies are about abandoning the haunted house. Not many horror movies show someone running from an unholy terror in their home only to be arrested for not wearing proper clothing in public. This shows the horror of being in the Middle East and I think the producers of this movie did a good job making those problems very personable. The movie speaks volumes about the Iranian culture. It shows all of the crazy beliefs and radical thoughts along with the divide in the Islamic belief. It manages to do all of that while staying fairly neutral politically. This also shows how, despite the common interpretation men in the Middle East are not always rude, disrespectful, or flat out abusive to women.

To recap, I think ‘Under the Shadow’ is an exceptional type of horror. It is a film about the startling truth of war, the hardship of women's privileges under the mask of Islamic superstition, religion, and the supernatural. The film fills in as otherworldly horror simultaneously as you feel the disorder that is engaged with regular day to day existence during the Iran-Iraq War as experienced by the individuals of the zone that resemble all of us and not by the higher up individuals or phony and unreasonable individuals. Yet, despite everything it figures out how to not be an excessively political film and doesn't agree with a particular position in the war since they keep the substance to frightfulness or reality. It is about people trapped in an awful circumstance where the repulsion is numerous and complex and totally nonsensical. Thus, why ‘Under the Shadow’ is an awesome mix of frantically genuine loathsomeness and horror that isn't totally sensible yet creepy all enveloped with a decent film involvement.

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‘Under the Shadow’: Movie Review. (2022, December 15). Edubirdie. Retrieved September 26, 2024, from https://edubirdie.com/examples/under-the-shadow-movie-review/
“‘Under the Shadow’: Movie Review.” Edubirdie, 15 Dec. 2022, edubirdie.com/examples/under-the-shadow-movie-review/
‘Under the Shadow’: Movie Review. [online]. Available at: <https://edubirdie.com/examples/under-the-shadow-movie-review/> [Accessed 26 Sept. 2024].
‘Under the Shadow’: Movie Review [Internet]. Edubirdie. 2022 Dec 15 [cited 2024 Sept 26]. Available from: https://edubirdie.com/examples/under-the-shadow-movie-review/

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