Virtue Theory: What Should I Do?

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Virtue theory, rooted in the philosophy of Aristotle, represents a significant paradigm within ethical studies, focusing not merely on the actions one should take but on the kind of person one should become. Unlike consequentialism, which emphasizes the outcomes of actions, or deontology, which stresses adherence to rules, virtue theory emphasizes the cultivation of moral character and virtues such as courage, temperance, and wisdom. This essay explores the fundamental principles of virtue theory, examines how it guides moral decision-making, and evaluates its relevance in contemporary ethical dilemmas. By delving into the essence of virtue ethics, we can better understand the question: "What should I do?" through the lens of becoming a virtuous individual.

Understanding Virtue Theory

At its core, virtue theory posits that ethical behavior stems from developing a virtuous character. Aristotle's concept of "eudaimonia," often translated as "flourishing" or "well-being," is central to this theory. According to Aristotle, eudaimonia is achieved by living a life in accordance with reason and cultivating virtues through habituation. Virtues, in this context, are qualities that enable individuals to act in accordance with reason and human excellence. For example, courage is not simply about facing danger but doing so with the right reason and in the right way. Thus, virtue theory emphasizes moral education and the development of good habits, suggesting that ethical behavior is a reflection of one's character rather than a mere adherence to rules or a calculation of consequences.

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Virtue Theory and Moral Decision-Making

When confronted with the question, "What should I do?" virtue theory guides us to consider what a virtuous person would do in the same situation. This approach involves reflecting on the virtues that are relevant to the context and striving to act in a way that exemplifies those virtues. For instance, in a professional setting, honesty, integrity, and fairness might be the virtues that one prioritizes. The decision-making process, therefore, involves more than assessing the immediate outcomes or adhering to a prescribed set of rules; it requires an introspective evaluation of one's character and the cultivation of virtues over time. This perspective encourages individuals to develop moral wisdom or "phronesis," which is the ability to discern the right course of action in diverse and complex situations.

Relevance of Virtue Theory in Contemporary Ethical Dilemmas

In today's complex and interconnected world, virtue theory offers a robust framework for addressing ethical dilemmas. Modern issues such as environmental sustainability, social justice, and corporate responsibility benefit from the character-focused approach of virtue ethics. For example, addressing climate change requires not only technological solutions but also fostering virtues like responsibility, foresight, and temperance. Similarly, social justice efforts are grounded in virtues such as empathy, fairness, and courage. By focusing on the moral development of individuals and communities, virtue theory provides a holistic approach to ethical challenges, promoting a culture of integrity and ethical excellence. This relevance underscores the timeless nature of virtue ethics and its applicability across diverse contexts and eras.


In conclusion, virtue theory offers a profound and enduring approach to ethics that emphasizes the importance of moral character and the cultivation of virtues. By focusing on what it means to be a virtuous person, rather than merely what actions to take, virtue theory provides a comprehensive framework for ethical living. It encourages individuals to engage in continuous moral development and to consider the broader implications of their character on their actions. In the face of contemporary ethical dilemmas, virtue theory remains a valuable guide, promoting a culture of ethical excellence and moral responsibility. As we navigate the complexities of modern life, the question "What should I do?" can be effectively addressed through the lens of virtue ethics, guiding us towards a life of flourishing and moral integrity.

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Virtue Theory: What Should I Do? (2024, October 22). Edubirdie. Retrieved October 26, 2024, from
“Virtue Theory: What Should I Do?” Edubirdie, 22 Oct. 2024,
Virtue Theory: What Should I Do? [online]. Available at: <> [Accessed 26 Oct. 2024].
Virtue Theory: What Should I Do? [Internet] Edubirdie. 2024 Oct 22 [cited 2024 Oct 26]. Available from:

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