How To Overcome Anxiety During Lockdown

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Most of the people around the world are suffering from an anxiety disorder. However, the problem took a new form during the lockdown due to the pandemic. People who have a history of anxiety and depression are the people who suffer a lot due to the lockdown. Besides this, the daily wage workers got effected to the level words can't describe their misery.

How anxiety trigger? Everyone is eager to know what's happening around the world. The number of positive cases, all this kind of news triggers anxiety in people who have a previous history of anxiety. On the other hand, even normal people are feeling anxious regarding the situation we are facing.

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How to stop anxiety? Feeling anxious is a common symptom during distress. However, one can overcome it with a few relaxing techniques. This will help them in both mental and physical health. Many people won't pay much attention to anxiety, considering it to be a normal or simple problem. Severe cases of Anxiety affects the daily life of the person. Subsequently, they fall sick with different health disorders.

Relaxing techniques to overcome anxiety


A powerful technique to distracting the mind by concentrating on breathing alone. Different kinds of breathing techniques can be followed. Based on your health condition and comfort level one can select the breathing type. Deep breathing, navel breathing, slow breathing, rhythmic breathing, and so on. One can practice these techniques any time in a day early morning give more effective results and also help you to have a wonderful day.

Progressive muscle relaxation

Another excellent relaxing technique. In this one has to focus on one body part or the muscle which they want to relax. Firstly, focus on the muscle and take slow breathing and hold the breath by concentrating on the muscle and release the breath. One can feel sensation in the area and also experience the muscle relax. There are two ways to do this. Either go from toe to the neck and head order or reverse order as well.


This technique requires experts help whereas others can do by themself. This requires a lot of imagination power. Firstly, sit in a bright and quiet room once your comfortable image a place you like. A quiet place like a garden or a beach. Then imagine you are sitting there quietly focusing on your breath by closing eyes. One should also imagine the smell of the place to get a real feel. Try to do this for a few minutes after this your mind will be completely relaxed and clam.


As we all know Yoga is the best relaxing technique also the best health provider through its stretching poster. Common advice to the people who are suffering from anxiety is practicing yoga. If your a beginner, start with a small exercise. It is not advisable to practice without proper guidance. Otherwise, take up the online yoga classes if your suffering for severe anxiety problem.

Note: Yoga is an ancient and powerful technique that our ancestors followed for many years.

Repetitive prayer

Chanting mantra while breathing is another powerful and effective way to calm the mind. One has to sit in a neat and quiet place and repeat the mantra of his convenience and interest. Repeat it while breathing in and out at least for 15 to 30 mints. Try to do is early in the mornings or during the sandhya time(Twilight time) to have better results.


Put an end to the mental disturbance in the lockdown and enjoy your quarantine time with family. Follow the above-mentioned techniques. Select any technique which is convenient for you and do daily. The above mentioned is applicable only for people who have mild anxiety disorder not for a serious and extreme case for that please contact health export and take required medicine. Stay home and stay healthy.

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How To Overcome Anxiety During Lockdown. (2021, August 24). Edubirdie. Retrieved January 2, 2025, from
“How To Overcome Anxiety During Lockdown.” Edubirdie, 24 Aug. 2021,
How To Overcome Anxiety During Lockdown. [online]. Available at: <> [Accessed 2 Jan. 2025].
How To Overcome Anxiety During Lockdown [Internet]. Edubirdie. 2021 Aug 24 [cited 2025 Jan 2]. Available from:

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