1000 Word Essay Examples

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Social Issues

Character Analysis Essay on Creon from 'Antigone' as a Man Beaten by Karma

It is karma’s rule that what we put out in the universe comes back to us. We often meet some people who do not want to listen to others, they just do whatever they want to do. This makes karma realizes that it still exists. In this essay, I am going to write about a person who was beaten by karma, because of his bad deeds. Creon was a King of Thebes. His wife’s name was Eurydice and he was...
2 Pages 1011 Words

Biography Essay on the Historical Circumstances of Roe V. Wade

Roe v. Wade is a landmark Supreme Court decision that guaranteed a person's right to an abortion under the protection of the right to privacy. It was a controversial case and ruling because it articulated the right to abortion as a fundamental right, putting it in the same category as the right to marry, procreate, or decide how to parent one’s children. Before 1973, there was no mention or discussion of abortion rights in federal documents, and the states had...
2 Pages 1034 Words

Theme of Helping Others in the Gospel of Matthew and Isaiah: Critical Essay

The Gospel of Matthew and Isaiah both share the same theme of doing good things for people in order to receive the ultimate gift: the light shines on you. Christians have to listen to God in order to allow the light to be shined on them. According to Christians, without having faith in God nothing will work out for you. Jesus tells us that we are the salt and light of our world and that we can only shine if...
2 Pages 1024 Words

Analysis of the Movie 'Crash' as a Powerful Narrative: Critical Essay

Narratives play an important role in the creation of the world, making sense of our lives and constructing the ideologies and values we live by. Narratives are a significant playing a powerful role in conveying ideas and values by forcing us to consider ourselves and the world around us. The purpose of a narrative is to simply tell the audience a story, a report of events that could either be written fictional or non-fictional. Ideas are the crucial meaning of...
2 Pages 1022 Words

Survival of Print Media in the Twenty-First Century: Analytical Essay

Print media is an important and cheapest source of communication. The print side of things has declined in recent years. Part of the decline is due simply to technological advancement. The Internet has been one of the major reasons print media has declined in readership in the past decade. Even large daily newspapers aren’t able to keep up with up to the news that can be found on your computer screen. It came into notice. The debate was started soon...
2 Pages 983 Words

Child Hunger in America: Persuasive Essay

Kids who do not eat enough in the first three years of their lives grow up at a serious disadvantage in life. They may be faced with conditions like asthma and anemia and have a higher chance of being hospitalized. Kids who grow up not getting enough food also struggle in school and other social situations. Growing up in this new way of life with a global pandemic, masks, etc. makes it hard for some families to make the money...
2 Pages 994 Words

Analytical Essay on Poverty of Africa

Africa is a vast continent in our world, and it is also a continent which our ancestors came from. There is a long history along with Africa, and people here made a lot of miracles like pyramids. Back to today, however, Africa has some complex social issues, and the major one is poverty. I can conclude there are basic three reasons which caused the poverty in Africa. As we all know, Africa is now the poorest continent in the world....
2 Pages 1025 Words

Silence' by Shusaku Endo: Summary Essay

In God’s eyes, we are all thought of as His children, and like children we have differences. In a perfect world, there would be no reason for conflict, unfortunately, that just isn’t human nature. Because we carry the burden of sin, we have wars, we kill, and we are thrust into the pressures of persecution. These examples can be shown most directly through a fictional book with historical truths written by the author, Shusaku Endo. Endo uses his characters to...
2 Pages 1048 Words

Professional Development: Reflective Essay

Reflection is very significant for effective practice and the development of professional knowledge. According to John (2010), reflection is a way to reach an awareness of how and why things have occurred. Ghaye and Lillyman (2010), said it's’ ‘a transformative process that changes individuals and their actions’. Reflection may be a way of examining your experience to appear for possibility of the opposite explanations and alternative approaches to doing things. Howatson-Jones (2013), said reflection is not unusual as we can...
2 Pages 1004 Words

Professionalism in the Context of Being a Student: Critical Essay

The development of a professional identity is crucial in any profession. This literature is based on using the information in the NMC code (2018) to explore the meaning of professionalism for nursing students. Professionalism simply means acting appropriately and acceptable manner while conforming to a professional code of conduct (Dejong, 2014). Professionalism is displayed by acting in the best interest of the patients in your care, notwithstanding the position of the caregiver or nurse at where the care is delivered....
2 Pages 1022 Words

Computer Impacts on Society: Synthesis Essay

How does the computer affect society? The laptop impacts society with the aid of its new applications such as the net and some video games on the computer. The computer is indeed very beneficial to people presently especially us kids and teenagers. We use the computer for communication, entertainment, instructional purposes, and others. Sometimes, we genuinely get used to using the laptop because it has become a dependency for us to use it, and like me, it became a crucial...
2 Pages 966 Words

Impact of Christianity on Education: Analytical Essay

Religious experience can generally be explained or characterized as an experience that someone has had, which they may feel has some religious importance to them. That reality of the experience will vary depending on the religious tradition that the experience is a part of. Religious experience is not the same thing as Mystical experience, even though they are quite close, not all of the religions qualify as mystical. The Beginning Of Christianity The beginning of Christianity started about 2000 years...
2 Pages 1037 Words

Metaphors in 'A Midsummer Night's Dream': Critical Essay

This passage from A Midsummer Night's Dream by William Shakespeare is situated at the beginning of the play and forms part of the exposition. In it, Lysander and Hermia are together alone for the first time on stage. They are both upset because Hermia is forced, by her family, to marry Demetrius or to become a nun when she is completely against it. However, Hermia is passionately in love and physically attached to Lysander, we can see this from the...
2 Pages 1000 Words

Exemplification Essay on Professionalism in Healthcare

Having worked in professional healthcare environments for over 15 years, at the beginning of this year I felt that I had a good understanding of what it means to be a professional and the expectations of me as a developing osteopath. I understood that a professional should always act with respect, honesty, and integrity. Safeguard the patient's privacy, dignity, and confidentiality. Whilst maintaining professional boundaries and working within company policy and the relevant laws. Osteopaths are also expected to be...
2 Pages 1013 Words

Great Britain Essay: A Comprehensive Overview

Abstract Political, economic, academic, and artistic aspects all contribute to Great Britain's singular identity. A comprehensive analysis of different features of Great Britain includes its economic climate, politics, educational institutions, public transportation network, and criminal justice system. Exploration of these facets grants us profound insight into this enthralling nation. Introduction Britain, under the alias of Great Britain, resides in northwestern Europe. Comprising three main constituent countries, a political union of three nations, including England, Scotland, and Wales, makes up the...
3 Pages 1018 Words

Why People Might Do Harm to Others

After the events of the Second World War, the world was left in disbelief as to why or how so many seemingly ordinary people, were capable of committing such terrible crimes, excusing their actions and behavior as ‘following orders’. Psychologists sought to understand why people would act in the way that they did, but also how it happened on such a large scale. Shortly after the end of World War II, Nevitt Sanford and a small team of psychologists, including...
2 Pages 953 Words

Influence of Tupac Shakur and Drake on Modern Rap Music

Rap music is a popular type of genre that is listened to in today’s society. Rap music emerged from other kinds of music to become what it is today. Most people still enjoy listening to rap music. Some prefer new school rap over old school rap. The new school rap is known to have way greater quality. It’s listened to many different races. Although rap is seen to be more of a black culture, it’s sung by many different people....
2 Pages 1042 Words

Social Facilitation, Social Learning and Obedience to Authority within Educational Development

Social psychology is the study of people’s emotions, including their thoughts, behaviors and how they are influenced by actual, imagined or implied presence of others. Social psychology can be used within educational development to further develop the understandings of social facilitation, social learning and obedience to authority. Social facilitation is the question of whether the presence of others has the ability to improve an individual’s performance, whereas social inhibition is the question of whether individuals decrease within performance within the...
2 Pages 1000 Words

Reflections on Why People Should Not Be Allowed to Drive Their Cars in the Downtown Area

Private car ownership has grown rapidly during the last two decades. The number of motor vehicles in the world grew from around 75 million to 1 billion between 1950 and 2010, in which 80% of these vehicles are cars and motorcycles, which were primarily used for private transportation (Linda, 27). These increasingly high number of private cars required more parking spaces, produced more pollution, and caused more traffic accident in a crowded place such as downtown area as time went...
2 Pages 1040 Words

Positive and Negative Influence of Barbie Dolls on Young Girls

Barbie dolls, they’ve around since the late 50’s, most young girls grow up them, and I highly doubt anyone living today doesn’t know what they are. Yet so little people really look into the implications of showing young girls these dolls which are unrealistically and have unattainable to the average person bodies. They’re crazily slim, and have ‘perfect’, model bodies. Yet for young girls who grow up with them it can seem to be the norm, or something that they...
2 Pages 1007 Words

Phrenology: How Pseudoscience Defined Modern Science

In the late 1700s, researchers were interested in finding ways to link the brain and specific behaviors together, or essentially, brain mapping. One of these researchers was a German born physician, Franz Joseph Gall. He came up with five basic tenets including that the brain is the organ of the mind and is composed of distinct innate faculties, which means that each faculty should have a separate organ in the brain. He also claimed that the size of the brain...
2 Pages 961 Words

Nations under Totalitarian Rule and Their Histories

Why would anyone want to give up their liberty to be controlled completely by a supreme figure? Totalitarianism was found in a few European countries and the common reason between them was that they were living in miserable conditions, and it feels irreparable. Some of the outcomes of their conditions caused production to plummet, faltered economies, and a rapid decline in population. The people of these falling nations began to reject their current government because they were unable to hold...
2 Pages 994 Words

Johann Sebastian Bach and His Legacy

Johann Sebastian Bach was conceived March 31, 1685, and passed on July 28, 1750, he is a German arranger and organist. A few people observe Bach's birthday on March 21. Other individuals light the candles on March 31. The right date relies upon whom you inquire. Bach was conceived in Thuringia in 1685 when the German state was all the while watching the Julian schedule. Today, we utilize the Gregorian schedule, which moved the dates by 11 days. And keeping...
2 Pages 954 Words

In What Ways Can Social Media Affect an Individual?

In our situation now, many of us rely on social media pages and websites like Facebook, YouTube, Twitter, and many more to connect with our family and friends and also to find something that we can do while staying at home. Many people are looking for the companionship of others online, looking for someone to support them, and finding platforms in social media to post and express their selves. Technologies and social media are evolving too quickly nowadays. This is...
2 Pages 1030 Words

Hunger for Thriving through Hard Times

After a calculated and convincing survey, the United Nations have narrowed it down to 17 salient Sustainable Development Goals, or SDGs in the year 2015. Among them, what might be often overlooked is the second goal. Which, according to me, can put an end to the global crisis. So, what is the second SDG? ‘Zero Hunger’ is what the UN aims to achieve by the year 2030. The goal targets to eradicate hunger and all forms of malnutrition and to...
2 Pages 1038 Words

Gross Domestic Product of the United States

The United States GDP in the second quarter was a total of $5,335,067 million. GDP is a total monetary or market value of all the finished goods and services produced within a country's borders within a specific time period. GDP does not take into account intermediate goods, which are goods used to make other goods, such as oil that is then used to make gas, nonmarket transactions, second-hand transactions, and the black market. GDP then has two subcategories: nominal and...
2 Pages 984 Words

Different Approaches to the Mind-Body Problem

What is the relationship between our mind and our body? Is there an alliance between the biological processes of the body and voluntary action, which gives rise to the notion of free will, or is the mind simply an ontology of the brain and are fundamentally the same? Such questions have led to the mind-body problem and the long-standing conflict between the ideology of the ancient Greeks (in particular the Aristotelian view): the human mind and body are not separate,...
2 Pages 962 Words

Descartes’s Mind-Body Dualism

The mind-body dilemma has been the subject of philosophical analysis for decades and has but to be wholly understood. As the main advocate for dualism, Descartes states that as people we are composed of two essential substances: the mental and the bodily, which manipulate to exist aspect by way of side. Without a doubt, Cartesian dualism used to be one of Descartes’s major contributions to the find out about philosophy; though with which I agree based on the following analysis....
2 Pages 968 Words

Benjamin Franklin Essay: A Catalyst for Change

Few figures shine as brightly as Benjamin Franklin in the vast expanse of American history. A true Renaissance man, Franklin's contributions spanned science, politics, writing, and diplomacy. His legacy is not just etched in the annals of history, but is alive in the very fabric of modern America. From his astute observations in “Poor Richard's Almanac” to his groundbreaking experiments with electricity, Franklin's life was a testament to the power of curiosity and perseverance. As we delve deeper into his...
3 Pages 1042 Words

Unpacking the Magic of Literary Criticism: Understanding Stories Better

Humans have relied on cultural and traditional stories forever.  Throughout history, stories ranging from epic sagas to current literary works by authors such as J.K. Rowling have captivated, motivated, and challenged our ideas. Literary critics play Crime Scene Analysts, tracing patterns and meanings in texts with trained eyes. We discover extra levels of meaning when we examine them more attentively. We will explore the geography of literary theory, emphasizing its importance, in the article below. What Is Literary Criticism? Literary...
3 Pages 1031 Words
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