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Social Issues

Hope Is the Thing with Feathers': Critical Analysis Essay

Emily Dickinson was a prominent writer in the nineteenth century, a time imbued with Transcendentalism. Transcendentalism is a philosophical and literary movement based on the idea that spiritual reality transcends empiricism and science. Hawthorne was one of the proponents of this movement and, while she has not been officially claimed as a transcendentalist writer or thinker, Dickinsonhastranscendentalidealsincorporated in her work. Moreover, both Hawthorne and Dickinson admired nature, as their works include elements of the physical world, i.e. animals and plants,...
2 Pages 1008 Words

Borders' by Thomas King: Book Summary

Characters of this story by Thomas King include the strong-willed mother who feels as if she declares herself a “Canadian” she is denouncing her native roots. She sees the Blackfoot as a whole and refuses to acknowledge the “border” around it. She is loyal and stands her ground as a member of the Blackfoot tribe. Her son who is also the Narrator is about 13 years old and also the brother of Laetitia. He mostly observes the conflict although he...
2 Pages 1043 Words

Francis Bacon's Essay of Truth: Critical Analysis Essay

We can build relationships with the contemporary world with Francis Bacon's essay. We have read Francis Bacon's essays ‘of truth’, 'of single and married life' and ‘of studies. So first we will relate the ‘of truth’ to the contemporary world. So we learn from this essay that truth is achieved through hard work and people are always reluctant to work hard. Truth diminishes human freedom. The real reason people dislike the truth is that people are involved in lies, which...
2 Pages 973 Words

Critical Essay on Summers Meaning in 'The Lottery'

A person’s free will is limited because of gender and traditions. The people of the town are taught from a young age to be a part of the tradition because of society. At the beginning of the story Jackson writes, “The boys run around and gather rocks. The girls talk to one another and the woman greeted one another and exchange bits of gossip as they went to join their husbands.” We can infer that when the adults of the...
2 Pages 990 Words

Critical Essay on Revisionist Socialism

What is Social Democracy? Social democracy is a political ideology that originally advocated a peaceful evolutionary transition of society from capitalism to socialism using established political processes. In the second half of the 20th century, there emerged a more moderate version of the doctrine, which generally espoused state regulation, rather than state ownership, of the means of production and extensive social welfare programs. Based on 19th-century socialism and the tenets of Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels, social democracy shares common...
2 Pages 1005 Words

Critical Essay on Renaissance Paintings: Sandro Botticelli's 'Birth of Venus'

Birth of Venus is one of the most famous paintings around the world. Botticelli was born in 1444 in Florence, Italy, and was an early Renaissance artist (Kleiner 239-240). Even though he was a goldsmith at 14, he preferred to paint so he became an apprentice under Fra Filippo Lippi, and later to Antonio del Pollaiuolo, both of them were master artists of the early Renaissance, Florence. Lippi had a significant influence on Botticelli's delicate style, such as techniques of...
2 Pages 1040 Words

Critical Essay on Lincoln Electric Case Study

The key factor that helped Lincoln Electric in its success was the founding philosophy, namely, the idea about human motivation formed by James F. Lincoln. He believed in the individual and the equality of management and workers. He implemented the unusual structure of compensation and benefits which was the basis of his philosophy of 'incentive management'. In 1951 he wrote in his company-published monograph: 'There never will be enthusiasm for greater efficiency if the resulting profits are not properly distributed....
2 Pages 991 Words

Is Chivalry Dead: Analytical Essay

The historical definition of chivalry would imply a summation of all Knights, Noblemen, and horsemen in Medieval times. Upon breaking down the old French origin of the word, “chivalry,” boils down to two French words, “chevalier” and “cheval,” which mean “knight” and “horse” in English respectively. In the past, this is all the word would imply. However, time has evolved humans’ perception of the word and changed its meaning accordingly. In old French, the word “chivalry” might create the image...
2 Pages 1015 Words

Definition Essay on Archaeology

Archaeology can be defined, as the ancient and recent human past thus, the study of human history and prehistory through material remains. Archaeology is a scientific research discipline that delves more into the history of humans, the things they produced, the materials they used, and the material things they discarded. Archaeology is a subfield of the study of all human culture. Archaeology can deal with the four million-year-old antiquated remains of our ancestors. Archaeology is also the ultimate discipline tasked...
2 Pages 971 Words

Narrative Essay on a Brother Lost

Before taking this course what I knew about addiction wasn’t very much at all. Throughout my life, I have seen and been around strangers and in close contact with people that I know personally who were addicted to a substance, but I never really understood what addiction really meant. Later on, while taking this class was when I got the understanding that addiction is a very complex condition, it is a disease that manifests itself in the brain, and even...
2 Pages 997 Words

Meeting at the Party: Romeo and Juliet

Infatuation… Warmth… Happiness… Those are the words people think of when they hear the word love. People seem to feel that love only has positive traits because the negative ones are often overlooked people find themselves exhausting significant amounts of energy on one person, creating unhealthy side effects. Love is a very strong force that can scientifically change the levels of chemicals in your body which can cause irrational actions and amplified feelings. In Act II, Scene II of The...
2 Pages 1010 Words

Analysis of Documentary about the Spanish American War and the Philippine “Insurgency”

The Spanish American War and the Philippine “Insurgency” were very fascinating events to learn about in the film and the sources that were given. Entering the Imperial Age, America was in its reconstruction era and was culturally divided due to the recent conclusion of the civil war. During this time America was very interested in expanding its empire and turning itself into a world superpower. America felt that it was their destiny to be on the top as shown by...
2 Pages 1017 Words

E.H. Carr’s Book 'What Is History?': Book Review

At first, I thought it would be about some definition or information about the subject history but after reading E.H Carr’s book, I realized there’s more to us than meets the eye. I now found that history isn’t just a mere subject of the past; it’s more than that. I got the image of history, not just being a record of dates but how historians arrange the facts by looking through the evidence and influencing them with their own knowledge...
2 Pages 1037 Words

What Is History': Critical Analysis

1. Historians and facts are too much related because if there is no historian then there are no means of storing facts. This is because no one can interpret thoughts and they will be useless. E.H. Carr also said that facts are just like the ordinary past. But a historian according to his point of view selects an ordinary fact and converts that ordinary past into a known fact. He said a historian is the only person who starts the...
2 Pages 1032 Words

A Christmas Carol': Compare and Contrast Essay

In A Christmas Carol, Dickens presents the hope of redemption in the novel as a whole through the contrast and by using Scrooge from stave 1 to stave 5. At the start of the novella, we see how Scrooge has disconnected himself from society. He doesn't allow Bob to heat the office by burning coal, he believes Christmas is a 'humbug' and something which effectively steals wealth from him and he refuses to donate to the charity workers who are...
2 Pages 1011 Words

Visit to the Hospital: My Time with My Grandfather

Beep… down the sterile lonesome hallway. Beep… a lapse of space and time. Beep… the final, last breath. Beeeeeeep. Now, laid down in my cozy, messy, bed. Enclosed by still moments of time, bringing back those ecstatic memories, like diving into a tranquil, serene bubbly hot tub, then back to realization. Alone. Defeated. Lost. But little did I know that tingle in your belly, that happy state of mind was never gone. Perhaps in retrospect, my grandfather, who I have...
2 Pages 1048 Words

Sojourner Truth and Susan B. Anthony as the Most Significant Social Activists in History

Throughout history, society has been presented with many predicaments and complications. Many wrongs have been made and social activists play a major role in righting those wrongs. They have such an influence on humankind that some of the greatest moments of triumph throughout the ages are credited to them. Two of the most successful social activists that have brought about some of the most remarkable advances throughout history are Sojourner Truth and Susan B. Anthony. Sojourner Truth, originally named Isabella...
2 Pages 970 Words

The Power Within: Unleashing Courage for Personal and Societal Transformation

Courage, a virtue as old as humanity itself, can ignite change, inspire greatness, and propel individuals and societies toward progress. It is the driving force that pushes us beyond our comfort zones, empowers us to stand up for what is right, and emboldens us to challenge the status quo. In a world that often demands conformity and complacency, the presence of courage becomes all the more essential. This essay explores the multifaceted nature of courage, examining its impact on both...
2 Pages 1036 Words

Which Crimes Had Oedipus Unknowingly Committed: Essay

Oedipus The King is a work heavily focused on Justice. Oedipus, as a king, discovers that the only way he can save his beloved city and its people is to seek and punish the murder of his predecessor. He is determined to establish justice and peace in his city. He starts to uncover the murder mystery but he faces harsh and irrevocable consequences. The most promising theme of the play is that human beings are powerless before faith and God....
2 Pages 1035 Words

Which Character Usually Only Visits to Borrow Money in 'Fences': Essay

In “Fences” written by August Wilson there are two brothers, Lyons is the oldest brother and came from a previous marriage by his dad Troy, and Cory is the younger brother and is the son of both Troy and Rose (Wilson Fences 2016). With Lyons and Cory having different mothers there are slight contrasts between them throughout the story (Wilson Fences 2016). We will compare and contrast the similarities and differences between Lyons and Cory, these similarities and differences come...
2 Pages 1030 Words

What is the Extended Metaphor in 'The Road not Taken': Essay

In life, taking the known route does not necessarily have the most beneficial ending- this is partially due to the fact that the unknown road provides options for personal growth and new experiences. This idea is conveyed throughout ​The Road not Taken​ and is specially reinforced in the last stanza. ​The Road Not Taken​ was written by Robert Frost in 1915. This poem functions as an extended metaphor about someone who is faced with a simple yet significant decision. The...
2 Pages 965 Words

Was the Civil War Necessary: Essay

The war is one of the foremost deadliest wars in history however it conjointly was the largest turning purpose in history yet. one of the foremost necessary events regarding the war is the finish of slavery. The aftermath of the war created the thirteenth, 14th, and fifteenth Amendments. This aftermath is termed reconstruction. but we have a tendency to be here to debate materials that are associated with the war just like the confederacy, the union triumph, and reconstruction. The...
2 Pages 982 Words

Thomas Paine's Narrative on Boston Tea Party

My dear mother and father, I must apologize for my mistake first. I did not send any letters to any of you because I’ve been pretty busy now here in America. I’ve been busy writing something that is very important to America now and on the same side, may seem harmful to England’s interests. Actually, I am writing a document that states the necessity of the 13 colonies uniting together and being a new, free, and united country. I know...
2 Pages 961 Words

Should Celebrities Who Break The Law Face Stricter Penalties: Argumentative Essay

In today's society, the idea of jail is not so taboo anymore. More and more people are incarcerated every single day, and the legal system is always busy. Celebrities on the other hand have broken the law and have cheated the system as we know it. When it comes to the law, celebrities should be treated like the average person. When someone in the spotlight fails to abide by the law they should face equal punishment too as any other...
2 Pages 1007 Words

Should Celebrities Be Role Models: Argumentative Essay

Celebrities and their virtues What is virtue? If anyone is asked to define the word virtue, they would give a wide range of meanings spanning from their understanding of the word to the vocabulary they have in their arsenal. However, whichever meaning they provide to the word all points down to the same thing; 'Being good'. So virtue can be defined as the good behavior of a person as considered by society or the moral excellence of that individual. Celebrities...
2 Pages 1031 Words

Role of Christianity in Evolution of Environmental Ethics

For Christianity to continue to be a living religious tradition it must modernize and adapt to remain relevant, and this is why environmental ethics evolved. Christians have shaped a system of ethics that contains the strong significance of stewardship encouraging the protection of the environment. Before this it wasn’t a priority or thought into environmental ethics because Christians had an anthropocentric view of the environment, conversely, this has now changed. There have been two approaches to environmental ethics within the...
2 Pages 987 Words

Rhetorical Question in 'The Cleaving' by Li-Young Lee: Analytical Essay

In “The Cleaving,” Li-Young Lee presents two contrasting perspectives on eating. The first perspective shows how eating leads to death and separation. The second perspective signals eating’s transformative growth and blending of opposites. Rather than introducing these two ideas in static opposition to each other, the poem explores a progression from the first idea to the second. By employing repetition and Socratic-rhetorical questions throughout the poem, Lee introduces a possible resolution to this binary opposition, where purposeful growth leads to...
2 Pages 1005 Words

Rhetorical Question in 'Sunday Bloody Sunday' by U2: Analytical Essay

“Sunday Bloody Sunday”: The Bloodshed of 1972 and it's Legacy U2 lead singer Bono in the song, “Sunday Bloody Sunday” (1983), condemns the violence caused by the Troubles, implying that the bloodshed has gone on for too long. Bono supports his condemnation by using poetic devices, such as rhetorical questions, repetition, and a war motif to emphasize the true horrors of the Troubles. The songwriter’s purpose is to encourage peace by criticizing the violence and taking a nonpartisan position on...
2 Pages 1027 Words

Report on Hurricane

On August 25, 2017, Hurricane Harvey made landfall as a Category 4 tropical storm near Rockport, Texas. Harvey's outrageous breezes and tempest flood caused annihilation along the Texas coast. As Harvey moved gradually inland, meteorologists anticipated that Harvey would drop between 900 - 1000 mm (35-40 in) of rain during the following week in coastal Texas (Risser). In certain regions, these expectations were surpassed, especially in the greater Houston region. As a result, unprecedented flooding occurred over an area the...
2 Pages 1036 Words

Reasons for Using Cosmetic Surgery

As much as the world advocates for “loving yourself” and being happy with who you are, just as you are, realistically speaking, the society we live in, puts great importance on looks and physical appearance. Cosmetic surgery wouldn't exist if that weren't the case. In ethics, it is agreed that based on a society's belief system, we, as people have decided what is to be accepted and what is not. Naturally, in order to survive such a system, you either...
2 Pages 1045 Words
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