A Day in the Life of a Serf: Informative Essay

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During medieval times the society of England had begun to expand its population creating towns, cities, and trades. According to sources, “A new wave of monasteries and friaries were established, while reforms led to tensions between successive kings and archbishops. Despite developments in England's governance and legal system, infighting between the Anglo-Norman elite resulted in multiple civil wars and the loss of Normandy.” (Anonymous) The church was centered in the village and the castle still reigns supreme over the land. Things like trade were a way that entrepreneurs during the mid-evil times to make money through livestock or produce. They still were based on their own rules and still moved under the king's law.

To begin, the 12th century was under the reign of Henry II he reasserted royal authorities and rebuilt the royal finances, intervening to claim power in Ireland and prompting the Anglo-Norman consolidation of the country. He also strengthen England's border and used his wealth to fund a long-running war in France, which led to a revolt from his kids because they wanted to claim power as well.

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Furthermore, most people in medieval Europe lived in little provincial networks, making their living from the land. Laborer ladies had numerous local duties, including thinking about kids, getting ready for nourishment, and tending to animals. During the busiest occasions of the year, for example, the reap, ladies regularly joined their spouses in the field to acquire the harvests. Ladies frequently took an interest in essential cabin ventures, for example, preparing, heating, and assembling materials. Ladies were educated to be hitched and comply with their more distant. They were likewise educated to be hitched and bring up their youngsters. They had a superior possibility of taking in exchange from their better half or the privately-run company. However, you had peasant women who were not able to stay at the house and had to endure harsh labor by helping with their husband’s chores and taking care of their women's duties. During this time men were seen to go out and make a living off their trade while women were to stay at home and do house duties. Also, noble children were to live in the castle until they were seven if they were a boy and they would be then sent off to their own castle and train to be a knight. Otherwise, girls were sent to learn how to do daily women's duties. The children were very illiterate because the only learning they did was either how to be a knight or how to do daily chores. The church played a big role in educating the noble children. The peasant children had no hope unless they were being taught how to basic read and write by a priest.

Life during the medieval times was a society of tradesmen. The noble class significantly influenced medieval society as the nobility had a significant say in all aspects of medieval politics, culture, religion, and economics. The members of the nobility were those who fight for their barons and kings. They were responsible for the security of the serfs and the clergy. Each member of the nobility was free as a person and he was only responsible for his military duties. The social function of members of nobility was to ensure the security of the weak and poor. They were also required to follow the virtues of chivalry, so the clergy created a code of conduct for the members of the nobility, which they were expected to accept and follow. These nobles had a critical segment of the King's property and they reserved an option to gather immediate and backhanded expenses alongside rents, which was offered by the serfs. The church or the priests were held high and were regarded by serfs and nobles the same.

For serfs and normal ranchers, a large portion of their daytime was spent in trying sincerely and subsequently making riches in any case, there were events when the serfs and their masters used to rest, appreciate and engage themselves. Social exercises had their own significance and every one of the individuals from the general public was relied upon to go to these social exercises. Neighborhood serfs and dealers used to go to fairs tune in to the troubadours and watch and partake in aerobatic games. While the life of a serf was hard and occupied, the individuals from the honorability were not generally as occupied as they were during the hours of brute attacks or wars.

During the time of peace, these members of nobility had little to do but manage their portion of land. Often they had little or nothing to work for. This gave rise to the practice of tournaments. Nobles and knights from the nearby area and abroad were invited to take part in these competitive tournaments. These tournaments were held for the purpose of entertainment and engagement of members of the nobility. Oddly, in some of the surrounding peasants' and serfs' free time, they watch these tournaments for enjoyment and entertainment purposes.

London grew to become Europe’s largest City during the medieval period. The medieval city of London housed several Christians who venerated particular saints, wore badges, and often embarked on religious journeys. Wealth made or broke the quality of life for Londoners. The have-nots did not own ovens so they bought their bread from bakeries and shops that sold bread already cooked. Skill workers earned a pittance and could barely afford a brand-new pair of shoes no matter how hard they toiled. Medieval London kept a small Jewish community composed of people who earned their living by lending money and building stone houses. Jealousy took a toll on medieval city dwellers and before the end of the 13th century; the entire community of Jews was forced to vacate England. Finally, the economy of London was thriving in many ways. Trade was one of the big influences as well as the building of stone houses as well. They were able to build houses that could last because at first houses were made from wood and hay.

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A Day in the Life of a Serf: Informative Essay. (2023, July 20). Edubirdie. Retrieved January 19, 2025, from https://edubirdie.com/examples/a-day-in-the-life-of-a-serf-informative-essay/
“A Day in the Life of a Serf: Informative Essay.” Edubirdie, 20 Jul. 2023, edubirdie.com/examples/a-day-in-the-life-of-a-serf-informative-essay/
A Day in the Life of a Serf: Informative Essay. [online]. Available at: <https://edubirdie.com/examples/a-day-in-the-life-of-a-serf-informative-essay/> [Accessed 19 Jan. 2025].
A Day in the Life of a Serf: Informative Essay [Internet]. Edubirdie. 2023 Jul 20 [cited 2025 Jan 19]. Available from: https://edubirdie.com/examples/a-day-in-the-life-of-a-serf-informative-essay/

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