Pets essays

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4 Pages 1994 Words
‘Quality of life’ can be defined in many ways. It is a multi-faceted summation of how healthy, happy and comfortable we are within our lives. There are many factors that influence this standard, and this documentary investigates how pets and animals help to improve human quality of life. Humans and animals share a unique bond based upon love, trust and...
1 Page 635 Words
Introduction Imagine a classroom filled with students eagerly engaged in their lessons, their eyes occasionally wandering to the friendly presence of a furry companion nestled beside them. Pets have long been cherished members of our families, bringing joy, companionship, and emotional support. In this essay, we will explore the benefits of allowing pets in schools and argue that schools should...
2 Pages 710 Words
A law exists that states that you are not allowed to treat people with disabilities differently because they are disabled or require any special requirements for example a guide or assistance dog. It is forbidden to not permit them into shops so why are they not allowed into school, isn’t that breaking the law? There are over 7000 people with...
2 Pages 678 Words
Establishments are continuously aware of the significance of employees’ well-being, satisfaction, commitment, and retention (Barker, 2005). A growing trend has shown that emotional intelligence, trust, and perceived organizational support can have positive impacts on employee performance, retention, as well as the general health of workers in organizations (Jain and Sinha, 2005). Reports have shown a link between the positive anecdotal...
5 Pages 2464 Words
College can be rough at times. Sometimes you need something to help relieve your stress, and what better than that is a pet? They have multiple benefits, and it’s been noted that student’s may do better in school with a pet. Pets are loved by many people, and one thing that college students miss while they’re away at school, is...
2 Pages 901 Words
Is there any inevitable connection between fast-paced life and keeping pets? In an increasingly urbanized society with fast speed lifestyle, most people have less and less space and time for their own life and activities, and fewer opportunities to communicate with other people. We can see various kinds of pets’ supplies, from shampoo to clothes, even pets also need to...
2 Pages 1087 Words
Linda Rodriguez McRobbie address in her article ‘Should We Stop Keeping Pets? Why More and More's Ethicists Say Yes’, right of animal’s self-determination. Dr. Hal Herzog, cited by McRobbie, claimed we give our pets the characteristics of a family but restrain them with our choices. McRobbie argues that keeping pets is unethical and people are taking away their freedom. Even...
1 Page 642 Words
Imagine banning one type of person based on the fault of others. This is what we did to Pitbull Terriers in 1991. This ban has cost many innocent and harmless dogs their lives. Pitbulls get labelled as an aggressive dog breed, but with good ownership and proper care can be one of the most gentle and affectionate companions. Pitbulls aren’t...
1 Page 444 Words
One recently published study shows that In Sydney, dog owners and dogs go to trips together 2.6 million times a week (Kent & Mulley, 2017). Unfortunately, pets are not allowed on public transport in Australia. Many people think pets should not be excluded from public transport. Because pets are part of many people's life, and accepting their lifestyle is a...
1 Page 468 Words
Today pet owners have been spending billions of dollars on their pets rather than welfare. Buckhard Bilger argues that Americans spend too much money on their pets. I agree with Bilger argument. Pet owners could be using their money differently and animals have a sense of knowing they won’t live for too long meaning we shouldn't let them endure the...
2 Pages 1109 Words
Stress, anxiety and temporary depressive states are common for those just living their daily lives. However, studies have proven that a simple companion could change this. Having animal companions, such as dogs, have a great impact on overall health and happiness. Spending quality alone time with an animal whether it be your own or one from a group organization bringing...
7 Pages 3235 Words
There are too many pets all over the world, but too many are being euthanized. According to statistics provided by the ASPCA website, around 1.5 million shelter animals are euthanized each year, and each year around 710,000 animals are returned (‘Shelter Intake and Surrender’, n.d.). 1.5 million is a huge number which shows how many pets die unnaturally each year....
2 Pages 1098 Words
Anthropomorphism is the attribution of human motivation, characteristics, or behavior to inanimate objects, animals, or natural phenomena. In other words, anthropomorphism is when we humans give human characteristics or behaviors to animals. According to the RSPCA, there are an “estimated 8.5 million dogs in the UK”. We are a nation of dog lovers and according to a survey “90% of...
1 Page 516 Words
It has been scientifically proven that having a pet such as a dog or cat in your daily environment, improves your mental health. This is because when you spend time playing with your pet the stress hormone, cortisol, is reduced within your body. During lockdown, this hormone may have been increased as a result of the rule of social distancing,...
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7 Pages 3114 Words
Why keep buying while those in shelters are dying? Millions of animals find themselves surrendered to shelters each year. The growing numbers are cause for the overpopulation crisis that shelters face. To relieve the shelters, millions of animals are euthanized every year, and in order to save these animals, the community needs to not only embrace the motto: ‘Adopt, Don’t...
1 Page 542 Words
I’m absolutely certain that dogs are the best pet to get and here’s why. If you are ever feeling down, dogs can almost instantly cheer you up. It’s like magic. Dogs can also help you stay healthy. By putting you through an intense workout session called ‘walk’ you could lose weight in no time. Mess? No problem the dog is...
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4 Pages 1635 Words
Abstract Pets that are obese is a growing concern and suffer from various diseases just like the humans (Whistle Lab Inc., 2019). Numerous of people who own pets have difficulty determining if their pet is fat and are at a loss on what action to take in remedying the issue (Sciences, 2019). Pets become obese for various of reasons and...
2 Pages 827 Words
Introduction People always consider pets from the staid side as they can give true positive emotions and allow them to forget or switch from stress and related issues. However, using cats or dogs as a beneficial element in services bears numerous questions as huge people flow in the cafe or hotel transforms a moment of kindness and emotional contact from...
3 Pages 1335 Words
Everyone has a best friend,but they can be a hassle at some point in time.Some of them can do some despicable things that most people cannot even imagine it.Many people have wondered if they can consider a pet or pets to be their best friends in life.People do not necessarily have people as best friends because pets make a great...
2 Pages 1098 Words
On Sunday (Oct. 16), a toddler in Texas was attacked by a pet mountain lion kept by his aunt and was later hospitalized. In September, an 80-year-old man in Ohio was almost killed by a 200-pound kangaroo at an exotic animal meet and greet. And in June, a Nebraska man was strangled to death by his pet boa constrictor. It...
2 Pages 1042 Words
An exotic pet is a rare or unusual animal that is kept as a pet. It is also refers to animals that are unusual to keep within human households or are generally thought of as a wild species than a pet. Today, we are going to share about exotic pets. Throughout this presentation, we will share about types of exotic...
2 Pages 768 Words
These days many families have pets in their households. Our pets are an extension of our family tree. Deciding on the perfect furry friend to bring home can often be a difficult decision. The pets commonly found in our homes today are cats and dogs. For years, there have been debates about which species is superior. While both animals make...
1 Page 446 Words
Today we are going to pick up my cat. This will be my cat. My mom, my dad, my sister, my aunt, and my baby cousin will all be coming to get my new cat. We all got in the car. After driving for what seemed like forever but we were only driving for thirty minutes. My dad would not...
3 Pages 1286 Words
Despite the many arguments that a vast number of people will make that dogs cannot be man's best friend it has become clear, for numerous reasons, that these arguments are wrong. Dogs are indeed man’s best friend. Firstly, there is overwhelming evidence to suggest that the companionship of a dog can benefit many people suffering from terrible loneliness such as...
3 Pages 1536 Words
Cardiovascular diseases are the leading cause of death worldwide, according to WHO report as of today. This has led to the fact that there are currently many investigations aimed at better understanding them in order to guide an appropriate treatment, which allows us to reduce a significant way this type of pathologies. Within these pathologies we find heart attacks, strokes...
6 Pages 2936 Words
'Assistance dog' is a term defining a diverse range of dogs that have undergone training which allows them to help and support their owner who has a disability (Assistance Dogs International Inc., 2006). These animals perform a variety of tasks for their owners, depending on their role and their owner’s disability (Equality and Human Rights Commission, 2017). Among the general...
2 Pages 878 Words
Domestication of animals occurred years ago, and since then it has almost become a human tradition to most, to have own a household pet. It is quite well-known that there are many beneficial aspects to owning a pet. Not only is it very entertaining to have a pet but they also teach you become a more compassionate. It is also...
2 Pages 1129 Words
Reviewed double_ok
Cats Versus Dogs: Main Reasons Cats Take Up Less Space Have you ever had to share bed space with a Golden Retriever? Or what about a little puppy? Dogs tend to need a lot of space to lie down. Besides a dog’s size, most dogs enjoy stretching themselves into long lengthy lines and squishing you out of your part of...
2 Pages 711 Words
Reviewed double_ok
Did you know that there is around 86.4 million cats and 78.2 million dogs in the USA? Dogs are the most popular pet around the world, owned by 33 percent respondents, with cats next at 23 percent. There are many differences between cats and dogs but also many similarities. Cats and dogs have different ways they hunt, when they die,...
5 Pages 2251 Words
It’s been scientifically proven that feeling securely attached to a living being can reduce a lot of stress and therefore positively affect your breathing rate, blood pressure and oxygen consumption. (Fricchione, 2016). When the owner looks into the eyes of his dog, a hormone called oxytocin, which is released by the pituitary gland that causes increased contraction of the uterus...
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