Dog essays

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1 Page 510 Words
To be able to change the behavior of anyone or anything would be such an amazing experience and would personally benefit me greatly. I would use operant conditioning to change my pet dog’s behavior. He insists on using the bathroom inside after being walked for a long time, he also chews anything he can get his mouth on and he...
1 Page 514 Words
My dog's name is Miller. Miller is an adorable black dog that has a white mark on his chest. Miller is a labrador retriever, and he has a velvety coat. Even though Miller is huge and has a very strong body frame for only being 6 months old, he is gentle and has always been a friendly dog to those...
2 Pages 1090 Words
It was finally the day, the day that I could say I was the most excited person on Earth. I was leaving Earth to go to Mars at six in the morning sharp. I have spent years on Earth researching about Mars, but now I can finally go and do so many tests. I was even more excited when I...
3 Pages 1338 Words
There are over 340 genetically distinct dog breeds in the world, all of which have definitive characteristics. While most breeds are ideal for recreational purposes, dogs have been used in the military since 1914, as effective guards and efficient trackers with their strength, agility, and sense of smell. Dog behavior is referred to as the response of a domestic dog...
1 Page 464 Words
My pet is a dog named Yogi, and in this essay, I will talk about him. Yogi is an adorable brown dog that has a few black spots spread across his body and tail. He is a kelpie crossed with a border collie, and he has fluffy velvety ears. Even though Yogi has a very strong body frame, he has...
4 Pages 1612 Words
My son started asking me for a dog when he was 5 years old. I had the perfect excuse to deny his wish: 'We live in an apartment. Maybe when we get a house.' Soon his pleas were reinforced by the ones of his little sister, who also asked for a pet. I didn't see how we could have one....
1 Page 668 Words
It was the month of April 2013 and my birthday was coming up later in the month. My family and I only had one dog in our household at the time and I was continuously raving about how we should get another one. My fondness for dogs was endless, so after weeks of contemplating, I knew exactly what I wanted...
1 Page 639 Words
As we know, people often wonder what makes a better decision to rescue and adopt a dog from a shelter or purchase a puppy from a pet store? While both animals can give unconditional love, adopters have to consider that a puppy from a pet store come from puppy mills and that are usually using inhumane breeding operations to only...
1 Page 656 Words
Are dogs really a man’s best friend and important? In many ways, dogs are important. This is because many dogs positively influence people with diseases or with a disorder. Relationships between dogs and humans are important because dogs can help people with Alzheimer’s disease, cancer, and autism spectrum disorder. To begin with, many studies have proven that dogs impact people...
2 Pages 1066 Words
It is a well-known saying that dogs are a man’s best friend. A new study in Europe has even found that dogs have been around for 32,000 years. The first dog known to be domesticated was known as Canis familiaris and descended from Eurasian gray wolves. They were originally bred by humans to assist people in hunting, but over time...
2 Pages 904 Words
While watching my father dig a hole slowly at the bottom of our garden, I was unaware at the time this was in fact where one of my childhood best friends was going: the dog I grew up with. I was unaware of how ill he was, unaware of how far cancer had spread all over him. As a young...
1 Page 450 Words
Have you ever been bordered by your neighbor’s dogs at night when you try to sleep and they keep barking? Of course, most people have been in this situation because nowadays, there are a lot of dogs and most of the owner cannot deal with the dog’s problems. In this essay, I want to investigate the most important problems that...
2 Pages 979 Words
We are a nation of dog lovers. When you think of perfect pooches, what breeds come to mind? Pretty Poodles, cuddly Collies, lavish Labradors and cheeky Chihuahuas? But what if you are after a Japanese Tosa, a Dogo Argentino, a Fila Brasiliero or a Pit Bull Terrier? Unfortunately, these are the four breeds which have been categorized as ‘fighting dogs’...
3 Pages 1286 Words
Despite the many arguments that a vast number of people will make that dogs cannot be man's best friend it has become clear, for numerous reasons, that these arguments are wrong. Dogs are indeed man’s best friend. Firstly, there is overwhelming evidence to suggest that the companionship of a dog can benefit many people suffering from terrible loneliness such as...
6 Pages 2622 Words
The book, ‘Understanding and Handling Dog Aggression’, is an introduction into canine aggression and its causes. Its author, Barbara Sykes, is a highly experienced dog trainer and registered behaviorist and also one of the UK's top shepherdesses, winning many trials. She has a specialization in Border Collies and has also written books regarding the training and handling of that particular...
1 Page 518 Words
Dogs play an extremely important role in a person’s life. Humans have been using dogs to survive in dark eras. Dogs, since then, have been protectors, companions, workers, and of course, best friends. Dogs make a change in people, by working in the military, making us feel stress-free, and by being a service to the community. Superheroes come in all...
3 Pages 1150 Words
The Ethical Dilemma of Pet Cloning There are few things harder than saying goodbye to a beloved pet. It can be utterly heartbreaking, but what if you didn’t have to say goodbye? What if you had the technology to bring your furry friend back, would you? Should you? The ability to clone animals, specifically mammals, has been considered feasible for...
5 Pages 2251 Words
It’s been scientifically proven that feeling securely attached to a living being can reduce a lot of stress and therefore positively affect your breathing rate, blood pressure and oxygen consumption. (Fricchione, 2016). When the owner looks into the eyes of his dog, a hormone called oxytocin, which is released by the pituitary gland that causes increased contraction of the uterus...
2 Pages 1026 Words
What do you expect to find in a classroom? Students, books, pens, pencils and dogs? For pupils in primary and high schools in Scotland it is not common to be greeted by a furry friend in the work area. In my opinion, the idea of having trained dogs in the classroom to help with learning is a great one and...
2 Pages 1109 Words
Stress, anxiety and temporary depressive states are common for those just living their daily lives. However, studies have proven that a simple companion could change this. Having animal companions, such as dogs, have a great impact on overall health and happiness. Spending quality alone time with an animal whether it be your own or one from a group organization bringing...
2 Pages 997 Words
Animals use sound to communicate for reasons of survival, friendship, and breeding. Following the start of life on Earth 3.5 billion years ago, sound communication has since been a key aspect of animal lives, allowing for the enunciation of varying ideas to others. The conflicting purposes of auditory communication can be through several animals such as birds, chimpanzees, and dogs....
3 Pages 1502 Words
Imagine you are all worn out from a long day at work. The first thing you see as you walk into your house is an animal with an uncontrollably wagging tail coming at you and melting away all your stress. Whether or not you have a pet in your house, you can tell with absolute confidence that it is a...
2 Pages 743 Words
It’s the age-old battle, cats versus dogs, everyone’s heard it, most of us have argued about it, but no one seems to change their mind. Both sides have valid arguments and criticism but no one can decide what outweighs what. Maybe the reason is that everything is subjective, it is fruitless to argue what’s better because people value different things....
2 Pages 1098 Words
Anthropomorphism is the attribution of human motivation, characteristics, or behavior to inanimate objects, animals, or natural phenomena. In other words, anthropomorphism is when we humans give human characteristics or behaviors to animals. According to the RSPCA, there are an “estimated 8.5 million dogs in the UK”. We are a nation of dog lovers and according to a survey “90% of...
2 Pages 711 Words
Reviewed double_ok
Did you know that there is around 86.4 million cats and 78.2 million dogs in the USA? Dogs are the most popular pet around the world, owned by 33 percent respondents, with cats next at 23 percent. There are many differences between cats and dogs but also many similarities. Cats and dogs have different ways they hunt, when they die,...
1 Page 642 Words
Imagine banning one type of person based on the fault of others. This is what we did to Pitbull Terriers in 1991. This ban has cost many innocent and harmless dogs their lives. Pitbulls get labelled as an aggressive dog breed, but with good ownership and proper care can be one of the most gentle and affectionate companions. Pitbulls aren’t...
2 Pages 768 Words
These days many families have pets in their households. Our pets are an extension of our family tree. Deciding on the perfect furry friend to bring home can often be a difficult decision. The pets commonly found in our homes today are cats and dogs. For years, there have been debates about which species is superior. While both animals make...
6 Pages 2936 Words
'Assistance dog' is a term defining a diverse range of dogs that have undergone training which allows them to help and support their owner who has a disability (Assistance Dogs International Inc., 2006). These animals perform a variety of tasks for their owners, depending on their role and their owner’s disability (Equality and Human Rights Commission, 2017). Among the general...
2 Pages 721 Words
The animals on our earth seriously need our help. For animal rights activists, recent years have shown an outpour of emotion and pledge for help as millions of animals face the suffering of animal cruelty and testing every day. Many campaigns and organizations have been put together on social media and online to reinforce the importance of putting a stop...
2 Pages 1129 Words
Reviewed double_ok
Cats Versus Dogs: Main Reasons Cats Take Up Less Space Have you ever had to share bed space with a Golden Retriever? Or what about a little puppy? Dogs tend to need a lot of space to lie down. Besides a dog’s size, most dogs enjoy stretching themselves into long lengthy lines and squishing you out of your part of...
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