1000 Word Essay Examples

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Social Issues

Rap Lyrics on Trial Ethos, Pathos Logos: Essay

“ Gangsta Rap “ was first introduced in the 1990s. Gangsta Rap is a product of life experiences that are accompanied by violence, guns, gangs, drug dealing, and drug abuse. In today’s world “Gangsta Rap” has a negative impact on society and may lead to corruption. Rap lyrics are sometimes used in courts, and many of them are treated in different ways. First, they are believed to be confessions of committing a crime. Second, if these lyrics are written before...
2 Pages 1033 Words

Popular Culture and Psychology: Extrinsic and Intrinsic Motivations in 'Mulan' and 'Legally Blonde'

Movies are one of the many forms of popular culture. Even though popular culture comes with various definitions, it is a culture that is favored by the mass media. Moreover, psychology can be a component of popular culture. A psychological concept that can be in movies is intrinsic and extrinsic motivations. The textbook, Human Development for Nursing, by Reilly (2020), defined intrinsic and extrinsic motivations as follows: “Intrinsic motivation is based on internal factors such as organismic needs (competence, relatedness,...
2 Pages 1015 Words

Political Ideology of Liberalism and Ideals of Democracy: Essay

Governments need to be held accountable to ensure that they don’t overstep their mandate and encroach on civil and individual liberties. A political ideology that best achieves this (holding governments accountable) is liberalism. A political ideology is a combination of ideals, principles, and doctrines that guide a social movement and political activity in a community. The concept of ‘best’ as it is indicated in this paper’s thesis, indicates a political ideology that offers the most optimal benefits to the community...
2 Pages 995 Words

Personal Experience in Forensic Psychology

I started my professional career within the legal arena. I was a victim advocate for the Philadelphia District Attorney’s Office and through my legal work, I realized that mental health and psychology are very much related to victim advocacy and other areas of law. After my work with the D.A.’s office, I sought out working in the mental health field due to the strong connection between the two. I worked in the mental health field in various positions and my...
2 Pages 1048 Words

Models of Atonement in History: Christus Victor and Others

Chalke and Mann ask ‘How’ have we come to believe that at the cross this God of love suddenly decides to vent his anger and wrath on his own son? This highlights a point of interest, how we arrive at doctrinal conclusions about atonement. The development of atonement models is of great importance, thus Chalke and Mann introduce an interesting point. How have people understood atonement throughout history? An early understanding was ‘Christus Victor’ which focussed on ‘victory over evil’....
2 Pages 982 Words

Literary Analysis of Ralph Ellison’s “The Battle Royal”

The story, “The Battle Royal” by Ralph Ellison was published in 1952 with the goal to show what America was like for African Americans after slavery. The Battle Royal is an event in the story where a group of black men are put into a boxing ring and are forced to fight against each other while blindfolded to gain dominance. Ellison uses symbolism throughout the story to show the ongoing struggle African Americans faced for equality. Ellison was born on...
2 Pages 1037 Words

Is Rap Music a Bad Influence: Discursive Essay

Rap is a type of music that originated in South Bronx in the 1970s As a form of cultural expression that includes numerous conventional and unconventional principles, thoughts, beliefs, and ways of being seen by people of African descent it has become an increasingly popular genre over the past few years and its influences are felt throughout all of society. Although a lot of people seem to believe that rap music is a bad influence on people as a whole...
2 Pages 1020 Words

Informative Essay on Forensic Psychology

The connection of how the mind ties into behavior has been studied for centuries with the help of psychology, but new aspects of it have helped the world with delving into specific minds, ones of the incarcerated, and how psychology involves the justice system. Forensic psychology is defined as the combination of using psychological theories and the legal system to help people who have come into contact with the law. These types of psychologists do more than just the regular...
2 Pages 953 Words

Informative Essay on Bermuda Island and Bermuda Triangle

Living on the paradise Island of Bermuda was an awesome experience. Living in a foreign country was a different experience with socialism, the weather, and going to church. “Bermuda is a group of islands located in the North Atlantic Ocean, and it is a territory of the British government. Known for being among the best tourist destinations, Bermuda has also been subjected to wild conspiracy theories, some attempting to explain why planes got lost in the Bermuda Triangle. Traveling from...
2 Pages 1026 Words

Information Effect Project: Waste Not Want Not

“About one-third of the world’s edible food is lost or wasted annually according to the food and agriculture organization. Food waste is caused by many things, markets, farmers, overproduction, consumers, grocery stores, date labels, and many more. With so many contributors to the growing “63 billion tons of waste...of which 10.1 million never get[s] harvested... and 52.4 million tons end up in landfills uneaten”(Leib et al 1). With such staggering numbers, how can we individually as consumers, citizens, and lawmakers...
2 Pages 993 Words

How Does the Concept of Hubris from Greek Tragedy Apply to the Peloponnesian War: Essay

Ancient Greece — known for its sophisticated sculpture, architecture, and famous philosophers — is full of history. Moreover, Ancient Greek history is full of culture, amazing architecture, famous philosophers, and most importantly, war. The History of The Peloponnesian War, written by Thucydides, is known to be a historical account of the Peloponnesian War which centers around the fifth-century BC war between two cities—Sparta and Athens. Thucydides was an Athenian historian as well as an Athenian general during the war. The...
2 Pages 1018 Words

Historical Development and Basic Principle of Bioethics in the Field of Health Research

There are some conflicting answers to the following questions in our daily lives such as; you have to pass the exam successfully. To achieve your goal, shall you cheat on the exam or rather study hard? Patient X needs kidney transplantation, another patient is dying due to a car accident that has a normal kidney. Shall the doctor allow let the critical patient to die fast and transplant the kidney to the other patient? Two competitive companies prepared a new...
2 Pages 1028 Words

Global Warming: Persuasive Speech

Do you want your family and future generations to have somewhere to live safely? Good Morning, I am Jayden Rachmaninoff and I am here to reach out to you about global warming and climate change because I need your help to help make a difference. What causes climate change and global warming you may be asking? According to dictionary.com climate change is, “a long-term change in the earth’s climate, especially a change due to an increase in the average atmospheric...
2 Pages 1031 Words

Examples of Tragedy in Our Everyday Life

Managing a ship without experience and courage was never been easy. The captain and his crew might prepare for some conditions or unexpected events that they may experience in the middle of the sea. The Essex, the name of the ship, was run by Captain George Pollard with the help of Owen Chase and his men. In that movie, I preferred Chase as captained the Essex over Pollard since he thought about his crew and he was knowledgeable enough to...
2 Pages 954 Words

Essay on Vaccines: Outline

Introduction 1. Hook – A. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), “there are about 100,000 children under 2 years old that are not protected against potentially serious vaccine-preventable diseases.” (Zimlich) B. “Vaccines prevent more than 8,500 child hospitalizations in Colorado, 33,000 deaths in the U.S, and between 2 and 3 million deaths worldwide.” (immunizeforgood.com) 2. Background Commentary – A. There is an ongoing debate on whether vaccines are effective or not. A large percentage of families...
2 Pages 1008 Words

Essay on Taylor Swift's Personality

Why did you choose this person? in other words, describe why you think they fit this personality type. Be sure to include information related to their accomplishments, any controversies surrounding this person, and even their relationships (e.g., break up, family relationships) that support your opinion. According to the course content and the subject of the “dark triad” Which is a mixture of narcissism, psychopathy, and Machiavellianism. Taylor Swift is a famous American singer-songwriter. She is known for narrative songs about...
2 Pages 967 Words

Essay on Taylor Swift: Issues of Trademarked Song Lyrics

A world-famous American singer-songwriter Taylor Swift is not only famous for her musical creations, but she is also well-known for her methods of ensuring her musical property serves her financial interests. Unlike many other artists, who are making living out of their creative work, Taylor Swift as a wise person with a capitalistic mindset, has been testing the limits of the law by developing an unconventional strategy to prevent other people and enterprises to make a profit from her song...
2 Pages 984 Words

Essay on Summer and Winter Garden

Don’t let the temperature annoy your greenery with Artificial plants. The pleasant sun rays of winter suddenly turn into troubles. The shivers of months were pleasant not only for human beings but also for plants and greeneries. In summer, even the corners are getting so hot that is troubled by degrees of temperature. The hotness of summer is distressing every single moment of life and surroundings as well. The eminent effect of this season can be mainly seen in the...
2 Pages 981 Words

Essay on Minimum Wage

Wages, typically known as salary, play a great role of significance in the lives of employees employers, and economies around the globe. Within different economies, it can be easily seen that even the workers who get the lowest salary have a fixed salary that cannot be reduced than that this can be simplified in two words- minimum wage. The concept of minimum wage is quite simple as it describes the lowest wage any company or employer can give to any...
2 Pages 990 Words

Essay on Mephistopheles in Faust

Introduction Christopher Marlowe or other than accepted personality is accepted as one of the greatest dramatists in the Renaissance period of the invention of English blank verse and the English tragedy. Marlowe is high and will stand forever Born in Canterbury in 1564, Marlowe was an actor, poet, and playwright during the region of Britain's Queen Elizabeth. The Myth of Icarus mentioned in the Chorus Chorus. Not marching in the fields of Thrasymene, Where Mars did mate the warlike Cartage’s;...
2 Pages 1022 Words

Essay on Media Analysis

As the use of social media has been increasing day by day, a large amount of user content is freely available on social media sites. Nowadays companies need to monitor and analyze customer content on their social media sites to increase their competitive advantage and growth of their businesses. We conduct a detailed case study for the analysis and comparison of the content available on social media. We picked the top 5 games (GTA 5, Red Redemption 2, Assassin's Creed,...
2 Pages 1025 Words

Essay on Hood Metaphors

As fictionalizations of universal human experiences, fairy tales have the capacity to communicate core societal values and expectations essential to an individual’s survival within a particular context. The modification of literary fairy tales over diverse contexts enables composers to expound reflection on the cultural context. Prevalent ideologies Through the reimagining of the traditional oral tale, Little Red Riding Hood (LRRH), in Charles Perrault’s cautionary tale, Le Petit Chaperon Rouge (1697), followed by Rotkappchen (1812) by the brothers Grimm, and lastly,...
2 Pages 983 Words

Essay on Hip Hop in South Korea

Hip hop in South Korea differs from American hip hop – not only by sound and language but also culture and lyrics. The term “K-hip hop” was coined to describe this sub-genre of music. Hip-hop culture in South Korea consists of various elements such as rap, graffiti, DJ-ing, and b-boying. However, rapping takes up a large part of the culture and the term ‘hip hop’ is largely recognized and understood as rap in South Korea. While Korean hip-hop adopted American...
2 Pages 952 Words

Essay on Gilgamesh's Friend

The Epic of Gilgamesh renditioned by Danny P. Jackson depicts the search of a king for immortality and discovering the meaning of life. Gilgamesh, the king of the city of Uruk, two-thirds god, one-third human, believes he is a god-like figure and the only one who can lead the city of Uruk. In doing so, believes he can have his way with any woman in the city, and thus the people of the city were enraged. The people went to...
2 Pages 987 Words

Essay on Gilgamesh: Character Analysis

Through the encounters of the rule character, King Gilgamesh, the 'Epic of Gilgamesh' recommends that demonstrations of individual significance and self-centeredness are not the way to a satisfying life and heritage. The Epic of Gilgamesh is based on friendship and moreover is the tale of gods, beasts, and men. The heritage of the story Gilgamesh was turned into various components that had been discussed throughout the story. Throughout the Story in the Epic, it is the childishness depicted by King...
2 Pages 975 Words

Essay on Gender Differences in Experiencing Embarrassment and Related Emotions

There is a plethora of evidence contributing to the emotional expression in individuals and whether or not, it varies according to gender. Chaplin and Aldao (2013) found that positive emotion expressions and internalizing negative emotion expressions are more evident in girls whereas externalizing negative emotions are expressed more by boys. However, Ferguson and Eyre (2000) reported contradictory findings on gender differences based on previous evidence. For instance, they found that female preschoolers exhibit more overt aggression and self-distress, as components...
2 Pages 1005 Words

Essay on Ethnography

Ethnography is the systematic finding out about a unique crew of people based upon large subject work in one or extra selected locals. Contemporary ethnography includes the use of sound and digital platforms. These contemporary ethnographic tactics consist of sonic, visible, and digital ethnography. They have extra value discounts and extra fee effective, extra genuine responses, extensive time saving, safe and impenetrable approaches, easier for respondents, and more powerful outputs. Nevertheless, contemporary ethnographic processes have a tendency to be affected...
2 Pages 951 Words

Essay on Eating Habits: Case Study

One of the biggest challenges right now facing England is obesity. In 2011, the World Health Organization (WHO) stated that childhood obesity is one of the “most serious public health challenges of the 21st century.” The graph below shows obesity in teenagers in England has risen significantly during this 10-year period – 5%. The National Child Measurement Programme now states currently obesity among teenagers is fairly common in the UK “with around one in five 11-15-year-olds being obese.” This opens...
2 Pages 958 Words

Essay on Cold War

After World War II, tensions between the United States and the Soviet Union escalated and world hegemony became a superpower. The United States represents the capitalist countries, while the Soviet Union and Russia represent communism. Therefore, there has always been competition between the two great countries. This confrontation is called the Cold War because it triggered diplomacy rather than war. These differences eventually led to the Cold War that began in 1945. Germany became a hot spot during the Cold...
2 Pages 1016 Words

Essay on Child Observation

In this essay, I will discuss child observation that I completed for six weeks. This essay will narrate my experience and reflections on how the theory and practice of compliance will be helpful in social work practices. This essay will also discuss the importance and effect of seminar group discussion. I will also explore Child's world in the narrative part of this essay which consists of Appendix 1 and 2 According to Daniel Goleman 2018, pg1, self-awareness can have a...
2 Pages 1010 Words
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