1000 Word Essay Examples

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Social Issues

Shopping Mall Observation Essay

K11, a shopping center in Tsim Sha Tsui in Hong Kong, is constructed with almost 4,600 square meters of green walls and a green roof featuring urban farms (Astbury, 2019). Hong Kong is well-known for its shopping paradise, and this huge and beautiful shopping center has provided customers and tourists with more wonderful experiences when visiting this place. To be honest, there are several large-scale shopping malls in Hong Kong and other places, but K11 is famous due to its...
2 Pages 982 Words

Essay on Is Mechanical Engineering Hard

Everybody makes a big deal of how challenging it is to find a career path to pursue, I have had the idea that I wanted to be a Mechanical Engineer since I was in 4th grade. Ever since I was young I loved playing and building stuff, whether it was building Lego Ninjago sets or playing with trains. I never really knew what occupation those skills would apply to until I learned what my mom did which was mechanical engineering....
2 Pages 1041 Words

Essay on Universal Healthcare in Brazil

What is human well-being? Human well-being refers to people’s quality of life and their happiness. It is the recognition that everyone regardless of race, age, gender, where you live, etc. aspires to live well. Unfortunately, the global distribution of human well-being is unequal. Human well-being is measured using the HDI index (human development index). This was created by the United Nations Development Program (UNDP). Many factors impact an individual’s ability to live well, including war, conflict, social implications, housing, and...
2 Pages 1049 Words

Essay on Weaknesses of Utilitarianism

The problem with utilitarianism is that morality depends entirely on calculations of consequences, but we cannot create a simple formula for complex moral decision-making. Gut feelings have no numerical value, furthermore, we simply can’t evaluate each action based on the effects it will have. One can never be certain that an action is indeed right and produces the greatest happiness, which is a major flaw in this philosophy. A utilitarian could respond to my claim by stating that all people...
2 Pages 955 Words

Essay on Movies about Postpartum Depression

Baby Blues (2008) This movie is based on a true story which is Andrea Yates and her family where 5 of the children have been drowned in the family bathroom by their mother. In this movie, there is a family farm with 4 children which is Jimmy as the eldest son, James, Cathy, and Sammy their mother suffers from postpartum depression and it becomes worse when her husband, a truck driver, goes back to work after being at home for...
2 Pages 993 Words

Essay on Dimensions of Self Concept

The world we live in is vast. Our plant is home to approximately 7.7 billion individuals.1 While humans as a species share general traits, people belonging to different cultures and nationalities differ from one to the next. Beliefs and customs differ. Fairy tales are told differently depending on how your parents told you them as a child, and how their parents told them these same stories. It is hard to imagine that every one of us is unique from one...
2 Pages 985 Words

Abortion and Birth Control Essay

Many individuals view abortion as a solution to unplanned pregnancies and a way to relieve responsibility for children. Many individuals also see abortion as an invasion of everyday life and depravity to society. Many women do not receive the support, education, and resources needed to take care of their pre-pregnancy children. Lack of education, resources, and contraception has broken the bonds among members of society and made abortion a significant problem. Abortion has become a social issue as a result...
2 Pages 996 Words

Essay on Marriage in the 1950s

The 1950s were an inauspicious time for women. It was an era that birthed the ideology of living the post-war suburban dream, in which a woman’s place was to serve and obey their husband, often suppressing their needs and desires to marry, bear children, and run a household. Women’s social standing at the time was that they were submissive and inferior beings to men. The play The Season in Sarsaparilla written by Patrick White explores the theme of living the...
2 Pages 1047 Words

A Thousand Splendid Suns' Essay on Social Issues

In the book A Thousand Splendid Suns written by Khaled Hosseini, in part three of the book, the attention turns back to Mariam's point of view, in which she and Rasheed take care of Laila. Laila was rescued by Rasheed who found her in the rubble and saved her life. Later on, Rasheed decides to marry Laila because he says if he lets her out, her life could be in danger and Laila says yes to marriage. Mariam and Laila...
2 Pages 1038 Words

Essay on Is Harry Potter Magical Realism

A posse of people consists of specific and international behavior that sets them apart from other distinctive groups. Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone by J.K. Rowling is a magical realism novel. In it, the protagonist, Harry Potter, sets off to Hogwarts - a school of wizardry. There, he learns about what it takes to become a wizard. Before he can start with lessons and lectures, new students like him are placed into particular houses by who they are as...
2 Pages 1045 Words

Descriptive Essay on Harry Potter

When we think of heroes, we tend to associate them with a cape or a mask. This statement has not remained true in both early and modern times throughout history. Odysseus who was King of Ithaca and a hero in Homer’s poem “The Odyssey” was a prime example of an individual with nobility and strength. Now Gilgamesh did not quite show nobility in the beginning, but eventually showed true heroism and strength following his transition into a better King. An...
2 Pages 987 Words

Virtual Reality and Artificial Intelligence Essay

Virtual reality is a syntax environment that is created in the software and users are presented in such a manner that suspends users’ suspension and accepts them as a real-world environment. On a computer through internet service, virtual reality is tested through two points: vision and sound. The easiest source of virtual reality is a three-dimensional image that can be interactive on a personal computer, usually by adding a button or mouse to move zoom or zoom in a specific...
2 Pages 1022 Words

Essay on Hermes in 'The Odyssey'

The Patron and Protector of travelers, herdsmen, thieves, orators, and trade. The herald and messenger of Mount Olympus. That was what they called me. The great god Hermes was reduced to nothing. My only purpose was to look over petty thieves and lowly herdsmen. I had done more important things in my immortal lifetime, like guiding Perseus in his quest to slay the Gorgon Medusa, providing guidance to lower Deities, and delivering gifts from the gods. I wanted to be...
2 Pages 986 Words

Utilitarianism and Euthanasia Essay

Is it acceptable to end a human being’s life who is in a critical state that is suffering through excruciating pain and suffering? In this essay, we will discuss how the philosophical principle of utilitarianism is applied to the complicated issue of euthanasia and the unique moral beliefs that come with different types of euthanasia. I’m also going to discuss passive and active euthanasia from a utilitarian point of view as well as a unitarian perspective on non-voluntary and voluntary...
2 Pages 952 Words

Marriage Vs Living Together: Compare and Contrast Essay

The subject of human associations has been identified as one of the most complex issues in human lives. Opinions on marriage love affection sexual relationships and cohabitation tend to vary from person to person resulting in an absence of a particular point of view. However, Lundberg, Pollak, and Stearns (2016) have stated that in recent times one of the most critical areas of concern lines on aspects related to cohabitation before getting involved in marital association. The thesis statement of...
2 Pages 1016 Words

Compare and Contrast Essay on Laila and Mariam in 'A Thousand Splendid Suns'

In the book A Thousand Splendid Suns written by Khaled Hosseini, in part three of the book, the attention turns back to Mariam’s point of view which she and Rasheed take care of Laila. Laila was rescued by Rasheed who found her in the rubble and saved her life. Later on, Rasheed decides to marry Laila because he says if he lets her out, her life could be in danger and Laila says yes to marriage. Mariam and Laila both...
2 Pages 1039 Words

The Color Purple' Book Review Essay

Although it may seem that an impactful book couldn’t relate to a song by Stevie Wonder, those assumptions are proven wrong. The Color Purple is a novel written by author Alice Walker that discusses issues women face, such as abuse and the lack of an education. In this novel, the reader sees how women forming strong bonds can forge significant friendships that subsequently result in their independence and acceptance of themselves. The novel is told from the point of view...
2 Pages 977 Words

The Color Purple' Comparison Essay

Two of the most powerful bucks that I have ever read were The Color Purple by Alice Walker and Beloved by Toni Morrison. Both books have completely different plots where one book focuses on the trials and tribulations of the main character Celie and the other depicts the life of a black female slave in the pre-civil War days in Ohio. These two books have such different diverse plots, but both show the life and characteristics of not only black...
2 Pages 993 Words

Essay on Dance Is My Passion

I have spent much of my time learning and practicing the art of dance since I was four years old. Thus, when it was time for me to make a decision about a major in college, my decision was simple and rather obvious. After high school graduation, I plan to continue my studies in a fine arts dance program to continue to grow as a performer and also in my knowledge of dance. When I was younger, I dreamed of...
2 Pages 1027 Words

Essay on Renaissance and Baroque Dance

The Renaissance The Renaissance period has the opposite relationship between music and dance than the Medieval period did. In this period, the music became more revolutionary, thus making it more important than the dancing that was being performed with it. The new style of polyphony was introduced making the music more complex. Polyphony is when different voices have different rhythms and tunes but are all performed at the same time. Below is an example of polyphony within a bassoon quartet,...
2 Pages 955 Words

Essay on Money Motivation Theory

Motivation has been defined as an internal drive that leads individuals to achieve their goals or organizational objectives (Certo, 2000). Several organizations these days attempt to find the best way to motivate and increase their workers’ efforts and performances as when workers are motivated, it contributes to the actual productivity of the organization. There are several factors which influence employee motivation and one of the most significant factors is money. Since money can be used to fulfill their basic needs...
1 Page 989 Words

Fight Club' Essay on Violence

Written by Chuck Palahniuk in 1996, Fight Club follows a dejected man suffering from chronic insomnia who meets a peculiar man named Tyler Durden. The nameless Narrator soon finds himself living in Tyler’s condemned house after his perfect apartment is destroyed by a mysterious explosion. The two jaded men form an underground club with stringent rules and fight other men who are fed up with their tedious, button-down lives. Their perfect friendship frays when Marla Singer, a fellow support group...
1 Page 981 Words

Essay on Warrior for Honour and Glory

The Glory in Death In the world of heroes, they all have the same goal they strive to be glorified or honored after death. The Greeks use the phrase “Kleos aphthiton” or “Eternal Glory” (Van Bryan). Take Achilles in Homer’s Iliad for example. He was a strong, cunning warrior who was a demi-god renowned for his prowess on the battlefield, especially in his victories against the Trojans. You might have heard the term “ Achilles Heel” In the legend Achilles...
1 Page 1045 Words

Essay on What Does New Money Mean

'Whenever you feel like criticizing anyone, just remember that all the people in this world haven't had the advantages that you've had' (Shmoop Editorial Team). ​The Great Gatsby revolved around the essence of money and wealth. As noted in the quote above, some are fortunate to be born into such wealth, whereas, others may have labored and fought their way to the top. Throughout the novel, multiple characters undergo their turmoils regarding wealth and all it may entail. The portrayal...
1 Page 951 Words

Essay on Minimization of Racism

Being of a different race in the United States, I have always been told not to judge people by their appearance. Although there were instances where I was discriminated against, if I was to be fair to everybody, people would eventually accept me for who I am. This was hard for me at first because I did not understand why I had to treat everyone fairly when the others were not treating me equally as. Through different lectures on racism...
1 Page 1005 Words

Adoption Problem Solution Essay

Introduction The reason I picked this question is because of my cousin. She was adopted by my aunt and uncle when she was about 7 years old. A few years in she started to show signs of a mental disorder. After a few doctor's appointments, she was diagnosed with bipolar disorder. Ever since then, I have always wondered if being adopted had anything to do with it. I also wondered if other children are being affected by mental illnesses because...
1 Page 1009 Words

John Locke Theory of Knowledge Essay

If a tree falls in the forest and there is no one around to hear it, does it make a sound? In order to answer this question, we must first understand John Locke and his view on epistemology in order to get a clear meaning of this philosophical puzzle. First, what is epistemology? Epistemology is one of the four main branches of philosophy along with metaphysics, logic, and ethics. It is the philosophical study of the nature, origin, and limits...
1 Page 1046 Words

Men's Gender Roles 'Fight Club' Essay

Palahniuk depicts how the narrator, in pursuit of rejecting society’s ideologies about these concepts, begets toxic behavior. Satire is a miscellaneous genre that exploits irony, exaggeration, and humor pragmatically and constructively to mock or taunt the diabolic vices and absurdity that have plagued society. Although satire utilizes a comedic approach to address toxic ideologies and norms, the primitive purpose is to employ laughter as a weapon to penetrate sensitive social taboos. Through the witty facade of entertainment, satire effectively educates...
1 Page 1042 Words

Essay on Honour in 'The Odyssey'

There was a time when the goal of all good, great, and decent men was to obtain honor. Every motive, dictated by their sense of honor, was aimed at bolstering it or regaining some that had been lost. To fulfill their sense of honor, men of valor would slay the dragon, overthrow an evil villain, or defeat the monster. In Homer’s epic poem The Odyssey, Odysseus is considered honorable for his actions on his journey home to Ithaca. Not only...
1 Page 1000 Words

The Kite Runner' Honour Essay

Novelist Paulo Coelho once said, “When we least expect it, life sets us a challenge to test our courage and willingness to change.” Much like this, Amir is influenced by challenges put in front of him by the cultural environment in Khaled Hosseini’s, “The Kite Runner”. This cultural environment, represented by the settings, characters, and the Afghan culture in the novel, influences Amir. Various settings within the novel influence Amir. One such setting that changes Amir as a person is...
1 Page 979 Words
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