1000 Word Essay Examples

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Social Issues

Essay about Revealing Theme of Love in Literary Heritage

During the Renaissance the population began to make use of literature. This is because publications of classical texts began to be published throughout Europe. With the arrival of stoicism, emotions such as fear, envy or passionate love began to take shape in literary works. The genre that had the most acclaim was comedy. In contrast to tragedy, comedy deals with fewer socially elevated characters, the public is exposed to crisis of love, money and ownership. On the other hand, we...
2 Pages 951 Words

Elie's Identity Crisis in the Book 'Night'

Identity is what makes a person who they are and when one goes through trauma and dehumanization the way they see things changes, which causes their identity to reshape. ‘Night’ by Eliezer Wiesel is a Holocaust memoir where Elie narrates his life experience in the concentration camps during the Holocaust. Elie provides horrifying details of the atrocities he and the Jews suffered in the camps. The suffering and trauma Elie endures in ‘Night’ affect his choices, resulting in a loss...
2 Pages 1045 Words

Educational Philosophies and Their Application to My Teaching Future

Philosophy of education provides a framework for thinking about educational issues and also can guide our actions as a teacher. The four philosophies are perennialism, progressivism, essentialism, and social reconstructionism. The knowledge gained about the philosophy of education helped me to develop a certain framework that I can use in my classroom. It helped me answer questions like ‘What do I teach my students?’ and ‘How do they study?’. I feel personally connected to each of the four philosophies, each...
2 Pages 1019 Words

Demise of Connie in ‘Where Are You Going, Where Have You Been?’: Character Analysis

As this is the most popular short story of Joyce Carol Oates, ‘Where Are You Going, Where Have You Been?’, is the story of a teenage girl who is facing some issues in her life. This story has highlighted the thought process and actions of a teenager woman and the Connie character which can show that how a teenage girl face so many changes in her character while trying to switch from adulthood to womanhood. The story further explains about...
2 Pages 1004 Words

Commercialization of Junk Food as a Problem

Have you ever had a theme song stuck in your head from a commercial or advertisement of some sort? This is how companies and food industries convince you to buy their products. Commercialization persuades the audience of targeted civilians watching it to purchase the food/product being advertised. We can agree that American diets need to improve significantly. The best way to improve American diets is not to reduce the amount of commercialization, but to improve the food products being advertised....
2 Pages 1009 Words

Charlie Chaplin's Life Path and His Main Achievements

In this essay I will talk about Charlie Chaplin. Charlie Chaplin was an English comic actor, filmmaker, and composer who rose to fame during the era of silent film. Chaplin became a worldwide icon through his screen persona 'The Tramp' and is considered one of the most important figures in the history of the film industry. His career spanned more than 75 years, from childhood in the Victorian era until a year before his death in 1977, and encompassed both...
2 Pages 1002 Words

Character Analysis of J. Alfred Prufrock in T.S.Eliot's 'The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock'

Heartbreaks are sadly typical throughout everyday life. They are agonizing and everybody needs to stay away from them overall quite well. In T.S. Eliot's 'The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock', the hero (Prufrock) visits a lady whom he cherishes however he is not sure if she responds to his affections for her. All through the entire sonnet, he comes up with pardons for himself and works himself out of truly going up towards this young lady since he is...
2 Pages 1012 Words

Character Analysis of Holden Caulfield (‘The Catcher in the Rye’ by J.D. Salinger)

In J.D. Salinger's ‘The Catcher in the Rye’, a first-person narrative told through the lens of Holden Caulfield, we are introduced to an abnormal teenager who has not found his place in the world and suffers from mental illness. He dives into the journey of his departure from Pencey Prep last year when he got kicked out. Holden displays errant behavior that's very concerning and showcases his mental instability. He unfolds his complex character through his changing emotions from when...
2 Pages 966 Words

Character Analysis of Brutus (‘Julius Caesar’ by William Shakespeare)

It is widely known that there is much more to an iceberg than what is seen floating in the ocean. What is often perceived as raw beauty being carried by the currents is only a small fragment of what lies beneath and represents the iceberg in its entirety. In order to see the whole iceberg, one must take into account both the seen and unseen. In ‘Julius Caesar’, the audience can see two sides of Brutus. Similar to an iceberg,...
2 Pages 1015 Words

Britain's Controversial Public Policy against Dog Attacks

We are a nation of dog lovers. When you think of perfect pooches, what breeds come to mind? Pretty Poodles, cuddly Collies, lavish Labradors and cheeky Chihuahuas? But what if you are after a Japanese Tosa, a Dogo Argentino, a Fila Brasiliero or a Pit Bull Terrier? Unfortunately, these are the four breeds which have been categorized as ‘fighting dogs’ and have therefore been banned from being bred or bought in Britain. Despite this, the number of dog attacks has...
2 Pages 979 Words

Book Review on 'Man, the State, and War: Theoretical Analysis' by Kenneth Neal Waltz

In this book, the author Kenneth Neal Waltz who is a realist academic has established a system using three 'images of analysis' in explaining the root and the cause of conflicts in international relationship criteria. Waltz has believed in realism and using realism approach and theory in explaining and describing the international system as he talks about the power distribution and the roots of the conflict are in human nature. It is a philosophical problem in explaining why humanity can’t...
2 Pages 991 Words

Beauty Standards Should Be Changed

86% of women in a given study reported that being in shape and dressing in trendy fashions contribute to their overall confidence (‘Sources of Standards of Beauty’). All around the world, the idea of beauty is supported on the concept that attractiveness is the most important advantage that people, the majority being women, should aspire to have. Beauty standards have become more and more unattainable moving throughout history and as people’s mindsets change. At a time where any given person...
2 Pages 1037 Words

Analysis of William Wordsworth's Poem 'I Wandered Lonely as a Cloud’

The poem may additionally moreover start on a pretty unhappy be mindful when the speaker claims that he “wandered lonely as a cloud”, then again the tone of the poem hastily grew to boost to be joyful, when he spies a crew of daffodils “fluttering and dancing in the breeze”. He declares that with such a sight “a poet ought to no longer on the different hand be gay”, in unique when he is in such “jocund company” as the...
2 Pages 982 Words

Analysis of the Movie ‘The Hole Story’

‘The Hole Story’, by Richard Desjardins and Robert Monderie, is a charged and heavily biased point of view documentary about mining practices and communities affected by mining in Northern Ontario and Quebec. The documentary is intrinsically linked to an environmental justice-oriented agenda, and while the topic of the documentary is of importance to Ontarians and Quebecois, the documentary itself is unfortunately unfocused and lacks the critical thinking required to fully do justice to the topic. About This Movie ‘The Hole...
2 Pages 1024 Words

Analysis of the Movie ‘The 13th Warrior’

‘The 13th Warrior’ narrates the story of Ahmad ibn Fadlan who is a Muslim poet sent to a mission by where he faces the Vikings. Specifically, regardless of the narrative and subtitle attributes of the script, Ahmad ibn Fadlan is considered as a leading Muslim fighter. Let's notice that the story is based on reality and has benefited from little storytelling. The main character is a Muslim traveler who, in the Middle Ages, takes a long journey from his country...
2 Pages 953 Words

Her Movie Analysis

‘Her’ (2013) explores the relationship between Theodore Twombly, a lonely, recently divorced young man and a sentient artificial intelligence named Samantha. Set in the near future when the rapid developments of AI have reached a point where computer systems can mimic a human consciousness, with all its unique quirks and flaws, to an indistinguishable degree from that of a human. Spike Jonze communicates a relationship to the audience that begins as friendly but quickly becomes romantic, a relationship that feels...
2 Pages 987 Words

Analysis of the Influence of Surrounding Circumstances on Personal Development through the Character of Rufus in Octavia E. Butler's ‘Kindred’

The surroundings of an individual strongly have a large contributing factor in how a person will turn out, while others believe it predestines a person to conduct oneself a certain way. Written by Octavia E. Butler, ‘Kindred’, takes place in 1815, Antebellum South and in 1976, Los Angeles, California. The protagonist is a young African-American woman writer, Dana Franklin, who unexpectedly travels back to pre-Civil War Maryland. Hearing the screams of a drowning red-haired kid, Dana comes to the child’s...
2 Pages 1021 Words

Analysis of the Film 'Psycho'

The 1960s slasher film ‘Psycho’ set new precedents for both filmmaking and the entire horror genre. The film depicts the harrowing story of Norman Bates, a serial killer with a murderous split personality disorder and Marion Crane; a woman with a guilty conscience and the tale of her gory end. The overall feeling of fear that looms over the film heavily correlates with the filmic devices; from the choice to use black and white entirely, down to the angle of...
2 Pages 988 Words

Essay on Main Characteristics of Developing Countries Using the Example of Zimbabwe

Economic development can be defined as improving the quality of life of the country's citizens. When there is economic development, there is provision of food, shelter, clean water and medical facilities. According to Gillis et al. (1992), economic development involves structural changes in the structure of the economy. The extraordinary development of information technology has led to the development of other countries, such as the United States of America, where workers work fewer hours at companies such as Google and...
2 Pages 1019 Words

Analysis of Group of Students from the Movie 'The Breakfast Club' through Tuckman's Model

The movie I chose for the film response paper is ‘The Breakfast Club’ written by John Hughes. This movie was famous and relevant because it allowed teens everywhere to relate to at least one of these characters. This movie is a dramatic comedy that is destined to make people laugh, cry, and angry all brought together in one film. This movie had great humor along with love. ‘The Breakfast Club’ is full of comedy, drama, and mostly rebellion. These four...
2 Pages 1028 Words

‘Under the Shadow’: Movie Review

In the middle of a community torn apart by the post-revolutionary Tehran in the 80s, a restorative under study by the name of Shideh is destroyed when she is told that she can no longer continue her medical examinations due to her contribution with understudy liberal gatherings. Just while all of this is going on, the war between Iran and Iraq continues and strengthens. Sideh chooses to remain in the city with her little girl Dorsa while completely ignoring the...
2 Pages 975 Words

‘Citizen Kane’ as Revolutionary Technical Breakthrough in American Cinema

The film ‘Citizen Kane’ was released in the United States in 1941, It was a famous masterpiece written, directed and performed by Orson Wells, a 25-year-old film master at the time. It is not only an important experimental film in the history of American cinema, but also an innovative and classic film in the history of world cinema. What’s more, the method breaking through the traditional shooting of the movie also provided a direction indicator for later American movies. Deep...
2 Pages 1049 Words

The Selfish Gene' by Richard Dawkins: Book Review

Written in 1976 by Richard Dawkins, ‘The Selfish Gene’ discusses key concerns related to evolutionary processes. Initially, Dawkins, introduces the reader to the most prevalent theories at the time, notably the group centered theory of evolution proposed by various academics. The book proposes the alternative theory of a ‘gene centered’ view of evolution as opposed to the former theory. Lastly it also discusses a new form of replicator known as the ‘meme’. The book begins by introducing the reader to...
2 Pages 961 Words

The Scarlet Letter' by Nathaniel Hawthorne: Hester Prynne Character Analysis

Hester Prynne is the most important character around whom all the events and incidents of the novel ‘The Scarlet Letter’ center. She committed the sin of adultery and fell a cruel victim to the stern Puritan law. The Puritan moralists find Hester guilty of an unpardonable sin. Hester, on the other hand, does not think herself guilty as she responded to a natural urge only. She seems to be a free-will agent and defies the Puritan strictures. But at the...
2 Pages 957 Words

Apocalypse Now': Film Analysis

‘Apocalypse Now’ is a 1979 film directed by American director Francis Coppola and adapted from Joseph Conrad's ‘Heart of Darkness’, but the background is set in Vietnam. During the Vietnam War, Special Forces Captain Benjamin L. Willard was ordered to go to Vietnam to sanction Colonel Walter E. Kurtz, who has lost control. Through his various experiences on the way, he profoundly exposed the deepest fear of human beings' destruction and reflected the primitive jungle culture and the war behavior...
2 Pages 1004 Words

How have Australian Animals Adapted to their Environment Essay

Introduction Australia is a unique continent that is home to some of the most diverse and interesting creatures in the world. Many of these animals have evolved to survive in the harsh conditions of their environment. This essay will discuss how Australian animals have adapted to their environment to ensure their survival. Camels Australian animals have developed a wide range of adaptations to survive in the harsh, dry environments found throughout the continent. From freshwater crocodiles that can survive in...
3 Pages 994 Words

The Development of American Rock and Roll

Rock and Roll is a combination of country music, rhythm, blues, bluegrass, country, reggae, jazz, gospel and psychedelic rock. It started in the 50’s and really hit the fan in the 60’s with artists like The Grateful Dead, The Eagles, Metallica, Guns ‘N’ Roses and many more. Rock and Roll typically started with the piano and saxophone which then moved to the guitar and drums soon after. It is usually a dancing beat with a fast paced rhythm hence the...
2 Pages 1031 Words

Summer Versus Winter Compare and Contrast

We all know that in four seasons, there is spring and autumn. These two seasons make a difference in our nature because as the weather is changing our nature are also experiences changes. They are both beautiful and awesome seasons we have. What is your favorite season among these two? Which is best for you? But what are the similarities and differences between these two seasons? And what they can contribute to our nature? First, we will define and gives...
2 Pages 994 Words

Importance of Atmosphere Essay

Earth is a planet with an ecosystem composed of four domains: atmosphere, hydrosphere, lithosphere, and biosphere. They represent air, water, land and life respectively. Each of these spheres is important in making Earth what it is now: the only planet in the solar system that can support life (Rosenberg, 2020). Each place on earth has a unique distribution of characteristics in these spheres, which makes this place unique: landform, body of water, atmospheric pressure, humidity, altitude, etc. Therefore, it is...
2 Pages 1017 Words

Heating of the Atmosphere Essay

We humans are engaged in a variety of behaviors that are antagonistic, destructive, and catastrophic to our own kind and to our nature. Those performances have very devastating impact in human nature and to our one of a kind environment. We are dependent of inhumane behaviors that involve deforestation, mining, destruction of animal habitat, intensive pollutionary works, urbanization, and perilous invention of technologies. Those endeavors can root to degradational problems and depletion of resources, loss of wildlife habitats, forest fragmentation,...
2 Pages 1006 Words
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