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Social Issues

Aspects of British Culture: Analytical Essay

What is culture? Culture can be defined as the language spoken, customs, and routines in a group or society. It is also simply considered as a whole part of what people prefer and do not or what they like and dislike either negative or positive things. What people share in their social practice which involves ideologies, values, beliefs, traditions as well as perspectives is known as culture (Schein, 1985). Additionally, culture is also can be an alternative solution to dealing...
2 Pages 992 Words

Social Media Influencers Impact on Followers: Analytical Essay

The Kardashian Clan: one of the most famous families in America. With their huge social media platforms, containing millions upon millions of followers, they make a huge impact on many social media users. On these platforms they post many aspects of their lives: vacations, family, the products they use daily, etc., these posts are impacting their followers in many different ways such as self-image, mental health, and materialism. Social media influencers, like the Kardashians, have taken over the lives of...
2 Pages 994 Words

George Danton and Thomas More: Comparative Essay

Both George Danton and Thomas More were revolutionary and very controversial men for their time periods. Though, living in completely different eras these men share some similarities and differences. We can see how their ideals, status, accomplishments, and personal lives are all portrayed and developed throughout the movies and readings. As a result this better helps show how both men are different in some ways and very similar in others. The first part of this essay will predominantly focus on...
2 Pages 999 Words

Thomas More's Social Commentaries on 16th Century England: Analysis of Utopia

Utopias are imagined in the mind of humans, seeking to fix the flaws that riddle their contemporary societies. During the Renaissance, a period of elevated thought and social progress, Thomas More wrote Utopia to provide social commentary on the flaws of 16th century England, protected under a veil of satire and verisimilitude. More utilizes Raphael Hytholodeus to voice his concerns of the economic disparity, self-indulgent society, and the negative impact of monarchs on the 16th century. He uses the structure...
2 Pages 1044 Words

Ethical Considerations Scenario “Good Old Tom”: Use of Ethics in Everyday Life

Ethical Considerations Scenario – “Good old Tom” In my essay, I am going to outline the codes of ethics and the competency framework before explaining why they are an important part of policing. I will then go on to talk about “the good old Tom” scenario and where the codes of ethics and competency value framework have been considered and where perhaps it has not been considered. I will lastly talk about why I made certain decisions when I took...
2 Pages 1001 Words

White Fang Written by Jack London: Reflective Essay

Welcome to the wild where you have to hunt, or be hunted. Where White Fang has to learn the rules of the wolves, and obey those before him. Will White Fang pull through? Let’s find out. White Fang is a book written by Jack London about a young wolf who must find food and shelter to survive. The book starts with the she wolf and her pack stalking 2 men, Henry and Bill and their sled dogs trying to escort...
2 Pages 1040 Words

Feminist Ideals of Geoffrey Chaucer Represented in The Canterbury Tales

While all women in Chaucer's The Canterbury Tales share the characteristic of being far more independent and verbal than what was to be considered the norm in the Medieval Ages, The Wife of Bath is set far apart both her fellow pilgrims as well as the women of Chaucer’s time with her distinctly matriarchal and feminist view points. Evidence suggests Chaucer seems to have had an ulterior motive by creating such a character as to show an alternative view of...
2 Pages 983 Words

Critical Analysis of the Novel David and Goliath: Reader's Reflection

Through the summer I read one of the most interesting books that I have ever stidied, it was the novel David and Goliath. David and Goliath was not at all what I expected it to be, it was not a whole book about the story of David and Goliath but it was a collection of stories that were connected to David and Goliath by their similar scenarios, messages, and outcomes. Soon after reading the essay The Power Story It made...
2 Pages 1048 Words

Historical Essay on King Louis XIV: Critical Analysis of His Reign

In the year of 1638, an heir to the monarchy was born, Louis XIV, without knowing that one day he would assume personal power. His mother was Anne of Austria and his father was Louis XIII. Louis XIII passed away when Louis XIV was only 5 years old. His mother, Anne of Austria, took on his rule until he was old enough to do it himself. Then seven years later he assumes absolute power of the French nation, knowing that...
2 Pages 1025 Words

Research Essay on Greek Mythology: Role of Apollo

“I will remember, nor could I forget, far-shooting Apollo, whom gods tremble before as in Zeus's abode he is striding— then as he comes up close to the place they are sitting, they leap up, all of them, out of their seats, as he stretches his glittering bow back.“ There are many Gods and Goddess in Greek myth. They had their different stories, believers, and temples. The governors of the Greek cities worship Zeus, the king of all Gods; virgins...
2 Pages 954 Words

Comparative Literary Analysis of “The Passionate Shepherd to His Love” and “To His Coy Mistress”

In Marlowe’s “The Passionate Shepherd to His Love,” the shepherd promises certain pleasures if the person he loves will “come live with [him].” The shepherd promises for his love in lines 15-16 “Fair lines slippers for the cold, / With buckles of the purest gold.” amd in lines 17-22,“A belt of straw and ivy buds, / With coral clasps and amber stud,” which is idealistic because in the sixteenth century, gold and other precious metals were not readily available to...
2 Pages 1003 Words

Manipulation and Rhetoric: Mark Antony and His Speech at Caesar’s Funeral

Rhetoric is defined as “the art of speaking effectively, such as the study of writing or speaking as a means of communication or persuasion” (Merriam-Webster). Mark Antony, a character from William Shakespeare’s play Julius Caesar, is a skilled orator who often uses rhetoric for his agenda. In this play, Antony depicts multiple themes, one of which being the strong use of rhetoric can influence and manipulate others’ actions and beliefs. The first example of Antony’s strong use of rhetoric is...
2 Pages 976 Words

Role of Augustus and Augustan Army for Roman Empire: Analytical Essay

Question: examine the significant contributions of the Augustan army to the achievement of pax Romana and the subsequent development in Roman north Africa. Augustus was a Roman Statesman and a military leader who became the first Emperor of the Roman Empire. Augustus reigned from 27 BC until his death in 14 AD. His status as a founder of the Pax Roman has consolidated an enduring legacy as one of the most effective and controversial leaders in human history. Augustus was...
2 Pages 984 Words

History Investigation on The Legend of the Trojan Wars and Its Heroes

The legend of the Trojan wars with its heroes like Achilles, its tale of a wooden horse, and Helen the most beautiful woman in the world has fascinated people for thousands of years. The historical evidence from archaeology and modern scholarship has been unable to conclusively prove accounts of the war left to us by poets such as Homer. Written evidence from the Hittites tablets suggests it's possible that the Greeks attacked Troy, whilst the field research of greek archaeologists...
2 Pages 1004 Words

Charles Mair’s A Ballad for Brave Women and Thomas D’Arcy McGee’s Jacques Cartier: Critical Analysis

Depictions of the great northern wilderness are often found in Canadian literature. The natural environment and the landscape of Canada have always been a fundamental part of the identity of the country and of the country’s literature. In different works, we find that the natural world is portrayed differently yet similarly, and looking at Charles Mair’s A Ballad for Brave Women and Thomas D’Arcy McGee’s Jacques Cartier, we notice how landscape and the natural environment play a significant role in...
2 Pages 1008 Words

Realism and Illusion in North and South by Elizabeth Gaskell: Critical Analysis

The social-political novel and romance ‘North and South’ by Elizabeth Gaskell examines the contradictions and real disparities that existed in Milton in the early Victorian era between the south of England, traditionally at the seat of power, and the north of England, which was historically more prosperous but where aristocratic wealth was still primarily derived from landowning. And the north of England, which was strongly embracing manufacturing, as a result of which the population was migrating from rural areas to...
2 Pages 1033 Words

Burning of the American Flag in Protest Is Legal: Arguments For and Against

Everyone is entitled to their own thoughts and feelings. The first amendment was made to allow people to say and do what they want however now, people are starting to take advantage of it by disrespecting the country. They are taking privilege of the first amendment and using it freely to burn the flag in disgrace. Many people disagree about whether burning the American flag in protest is constitutionally protected and okay or not. Both sides have their reasons, though...
2 Pages 989 Words

Visual and Verbal Rhetoric in Political Poster: Persuasive Essay on Possibility to Use the American Flag

Examining the persuasive approach of Visual and Verbal Rhetoric in Political Poster We the People art campaign came into existence around the time of Donald Trump’s inauguration as President of the United States. The street artist Shepard Fairey who is known for his famous Obama Hope poster is the one who is behind the series of We the People art. The poster art campaign started due to Donald Trump’s presidential campaign provoked disturbing emotions in the entire nation, especially among...
2 Pages 1033 Words

Food Aid and Impact of Green Revolution: Analytical Essay

The delivery of food aid to the global South, specifically Sub-Saharan Africa (SSA), masquerades as a noble and generous policy that stimulates development. Such aid is inextricably bound to the legacy of colonialism, perpetuating an entrenched system of poverty and dependency on donor nations. It is crucial to recognize that the global South’s position in the global market has always been one of inferiority, which is inflamed by forms of aid, most notably food aid. Food aid is effectively the...
2 Pages 1035 Words

Role of Mao Zedong in China's Political Reform: Analytical Essay

China's political reform is not the political system reform understood by many western scholars, which does not involve the change of the basic political framework, but a reform focusing on government governance or government management system. The Chinese path is characterized not only by its proven diversity, which cannot be replicated in the west but also by the fact that it is an embodiment of the global accumulation of democratic and socialist achievements. China's rise has much to do with...
2 Pages 974 Words

Opportunities and Challenges of Climate-Smart Agriculture: Analysis of Shortcomings of the Green Revolution

Climate-Smart Agriculture (CSA) is AN approach for reworking and reorienting agricultural systems to support food security beneath the new realities of global climate change. As reiterated by Taylor (2018), it comprises a unified governance framework designed to defuse agricultural methods and technologies that increase the productivity of a given crop while simultaneously building resilience to global climate change and reducing gas emissions. The revolution, or Third Agricultural Revolution, is a set of research technology transfer initiatives occurring between 1950 and...
2 Pages 961 Words

Simon Bolivar and Bolivarian Revolution: Analytical Essay

Currently, in the world we live in, there is a growth of corruption in governments all around the world, which negatively affects the lives of millions of people. This ultimately undermines the values and institutions of democracy. However, there is a specific country in South America that is currently undergoing one of the most tragic crises of all time. Hello, my name is Gabriel Fusaro, and today I will be informing you of the political, economic, and environmental crises in...
2 Pages 953 Words

Analytical Essay on Poems by Robert Browning, Louise Gluck and Band Coldplay

My Last Duchess” is a poem written by Robert Browning from the point of view of Alfonso, the Duke of Ferrara during the 16th century. His speech is very formal, using a very strict rhyme scheme and rhythm to establish couplets. This shows that the Duke appreciates control, and applies effort to control his statements. The sentence structure of the poem contradicts its rhyme scheme; the lines are paired as rhythmic couplets or rhymed couplets, but the couplets are 'open'...
2 Pages 982 Words

Analysis of Principal Achievements of the Cuban Revolution

How did Cuba manage to end up a communist state in 2020? Cuba was founded by the arrival of Christopher Columbus in 1492. The society developed after Spain colonized in the 16th and 17th centuries. Cuba awakened in the 19th century because of the growth of the US as an independent country and because of the collapse of a Caribbean country named Haiti. Cuba transformed from a useless, sleepy country to a country producing mass amounts of sugar. Because of...
2 Pages 980 Words

The Issue of Citizenship in America and Amendments to American Constitution: Analytical Essay

Racism The issue of citizenship in America, together with voting rights, has been a hot debate over the years. This issue has led to most amendments in the great American constitution. These amendments include the 13th, 14th, and 15th, which have been termed as reconstruction agendas. However, people have misinterpreted these amendments, going contrary to what they advocated. Over generations, people in the country have questioned about their well-being, especially black people and other races. Main Ideas A history professor...
2 Pages 956 Words

Analysis of Main Themes in Atlas Shrugged by Ayn Rand

All along he knew that his family was taking advantage of him, but felt responsible to help them, thus employing self-sacrifice. He did so once again with his affair with Dagny. He knew that he should divorce his wife, but he chose to let her determine the future of their relationship and complied with her decision, which was against his objective perspective. He went against his judgment and allowed himself to be exploited. This breach of integrity however is observed...
2 Pages 978 Words

Evaluation of Gang Prevention Programs: Analysis of Always Running

Also, there is also an evaluation of gang prevention programs for female youth gang members. This evaluation showed that gang membership has shown as much disparity for young females as it did for men. (Maxson, 282) Quite often communities with poverty contain high amounts of different groups of gangs. Although some suburban areas contain a small amount of gang members, compared to other communities with poverty, it’s a very small number. In cities like LA and Chicago the gang and...
2 Pages 952 Words

Opinion Essay on The Little Prince: Analysis of Characters, the Best and the Worst Parts

1. Who among the characters do you like most? Explain further. The fox is one of the characters that captures my attention, one of the earth’s inhabitants that the Little Prince encountered on his journey. What I like about the fox is that his words leave readers with such a meaningful realization about life and friendship. In fact, the way in which the fox puts the word “tamed” in his words makes sense. I never thought that there would be...
2 Pages 981 Words

Importance of Women's Health Magazine: Discursive Essay

Women's body magazine covers create social values with practically every issue they publish. To start, the cover gives the reader an insight into what's written inside the magazine. Based on how appealing the cover is, readers chose particular magazines. As a result, magazine authors use every trick in the book to reel readers in. When it comes to women's body magazines, authors tend to follow a pattern. For certain words, they increase the size of the font so that they...
2 Pages 983 Words

The Wernicke-Korsakoff Syndrome and Retrograde Amnesia: Reflective Essay

General Psychology Module Five Reflection Human behavior is often followed by a pleasant or unpleasant outcome. When behaviors are followed by a desirable outcome, the behaviors are likely to be repeated. When behaviors are followed by an unpleasant outcome, they are less likely to occur (King, 2019). These pleasant and unpleasant outcomes are called reinforcements. Reinforcement is the process by which a stimulus or event (a reinforcer) following a particular behavior increases the probability that the behavior will happen again...
2 Pages 957 Words
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