1000 Word Essay Examples

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Social Issues

The Haunting of Hill House: Full Book Summary

Hoping to cause a sensation in the field of parapsychology, Dr. John Montague rents Hill House, a secluded manor with a reputation for being haunted. He carefully selects two participants for his study—Eleanor Vance, a thirty-two-year-old woman who was reported to have had experiences with a poltergeist as a child, and Theodora, a woman marked in one of his lab’s studies as having psychic abilities. A third participant, Luke Sanderson, also joins the group. Luke stands to inherit Hill House...
2 Pages 989 Words

Why Nations Fail' Summary

Why do some nations prosper while others struggle and are plagued with poverty and greed? Some people say it has everything to do with a nation’s location, culture, or lack of knowledge. But surely this can’t be the whole picture. Just look at Botswana. It currently has one of the fastest increasing economies in the world. Meanwhile, close by Congo and Sierra Leone are stuck in a cycle of violence and poverty. Why Nations Fail: The Origins of Power, Prosperity,...
2 Pages 1016 Words

We the People: James Madison's Best Invention Yet

In his book, Inventing the People, Edmund Morgan answers a question posed by philosopher David Hume, who noted “the easiness with which the many are governed by the few.” Morgan agreed with Hume that governments operate under tacit consent, and adds that the consent implies acceptance of fictions meticulously cultivated by those who govern. One of those fictions is a central tenet of democracies all over the world: “the people” and their sovereignty. Today, the more direct implementations of democratic...
2 Pages 1008 Words

‘The Unknown Citizen’: A Short Analysis of the Poem

‘The Unknown Citizen’ begins with a prefatory dedication which identifies this ‘unknown citizen’ only by a number (which roughly follows the structure of US social security numbers). Auden’s dedication suggests the poem was written to be inscribed on a marble monument to this ‘unknown citizen’, but of course, such a monument is fictional (as is the ‘Bureau of Statistics’ in the poem’s opening line). His ‘unknown citizen’ is being memorialised because of his remarkable averageness. What is Auden saying with...
2 Pages 984 Words

A Dead Men's Path' Analysis

Imagine one day you are enjoying peace amongst your family and a white man forces his way into your place of living, driving you to surrender your social convictions. While he discloses to you that he and his men are better finished than you, yet they are the foreigners. Simply not recognizing what’s in store, in result you end up feeling apprehensive. Presently you feel like the outsider in your own homeland that you’ve known your whole life to be...
2 Pages 1027 Words

The Subliminal Message of Nikki Giovanni’s 'Allowables'

Poetry has many legs that take readers places and forces them to see things in different perspectives. Nikki Giovanni’s poem “Allowables” articulates subliminal meanings that revolve around the death of a spider. This poem illustrates someone admitting to having killed a spider out of fear and then reflecting on their actions. Nikki Giovanni’s “Allowables” poetically develops the unequivocal theme that humans should be kind and not harm any living thing through the demonstration of various literary elements. The speaker/narrator of...
2 Pages 976 Words

The Way How Did the World Learn About Emmett Till’s Murder

On August 31, 1955, the body of Emmett Till was found at the bottom of the Tallahatchie River in northern Mississippi. Beaten to a pulp and with his eye gouged out, his face was disfigured almost beyond recognition. His great-uncle Moses Wright may have only recognized him because the 14-year-old boy was still wearing his father’s initialed ring. News of Till’s murder sent shockwaves through the Black community. Five days after his body was recovered, more than 50,000 mourners paid...
2 Pages 985 Words

Captains of The Industry: Never Enough in The World of Business and Industry

Is enough ever enough? A happy employee of any company who has job satisfaction in activity, wages, and benefits will change companies if offered the same job with better wages and better benefits. A Fortune 500 company is not likely to hire an candidate for Chief Executive Officer (CEO) who says they will do nothing to increase profit margins or reduce production costs. The human condition pushes individuals to want to improve their situation, even when they have enough. Though...
2 Pages 969 Words

Gender Criticism in 'A Rose for Emily'

Inequality headlines the media every day: racism, skin color discrimination, sexual preference, and gender. Women from the past, present, and future have been fighting against inequality. The Feminist Movement developed based on their battle for their right to be equal to males. In William Faulkner’s “A Rose for Emily”, the theme of gender equality can be seen through the townsfolk’s patriarchal mindsets, Emily’s struggle to survive in this society, and how the lack of equality against women lead to Emily...
2 Pages 1013 Words

The Celebrated Jumping Frog of Calaveras County': The Theme of Vernacular Realism

Samuel Longhorn Clemens, under the pseudonym Mark Twain, uses southwestern dialects and local vernaculars to create realistic characters that accurately reflect the people and familiar scenes of mid-nineteenth century Southern American life. In the stories “The Notorious Jumping Frog of Calaveras County” and “The Mysterious Stranger” Twain uses dialect and the local vernacular as a powerful instrument for deflating hypocrisy and pretension. Out of respect for the simple things, Twain chooses a plain style of clear writings that incorporates the...
2 Pages 974 Words

The Relationship between Personality Traits, Meaning in Life and Beliefs about Free Will

The desire to find meaning is recognized as a fundamental human quest. Adler introduced us to the realization that humans live in the world of meaning, Frankl convinced us to believe that our life is directed at and guided by meaning, while Freud suggested that all our actions mean something. Meaning in life is seen as an important construct which is implicated in various research topics, including beliefs and having a consistent understanding of self, others and life in general....
2 Pages 982 Words

Gambling Effect on a Person's Life

The Number of legal Gambling money spent in 2017 was $500 billion. There they go again putting money into risky games and bets. Gambling is playing games of chance with hopes to win money. The real question, is who really wins in Gambling and why do people participate in these games? Gambling can lead to long term debt and a dramatic effect on a person’s life. Gambling has been around for quite a while, but has anyone ever thought to...
2 Pages 1018 Words

Robert Browning: The Meaning of ‘Porphyria’s Lover’

In essence, ‘Porphyria’s Lover’ is a controversial poem by renowned Victorian-era Romantic-style poet Robert Browning, published in 1836. Being a dramatic monologue, it creates the persona of an unreliable narrator. Also a social criticism, it censures the blatant discrimination of women. Written for an audience which promoted a distinct patriarchy and deemed women inferior, women were expected to be obedient, employed exclusively in the domestic sphere, and fundamentally, property of husbands who expected them to be young and virgo intacta....
2 Pages 1019 Words

Ethical Issue: Tube Feeding and Patients with Dementia

“Health care professionals have an ethical obligation to protect life and to relieve suffering”. Like other health professionals, registered dietitian nutritionists (RDNs) follow a code of ethics. The principles and standards of the Code of Ethics for the Nutrition and Dietetics Profession encompasses non-maleficence, autonomy, beneficence, and justice. “Dietitians are expected to exercise professional judgement and practice dietetics based on specific principles and current practice”. Ethical issues are usually complex, especially when it encompasses tube feeding and patients with dementia....
2 Pages 984 Words

Nicomachean Ethics' Main Ideas

The word happiness in the Ethics is a translation of the Greek term eudaimonia, which carries connotations of success and fulfillment. For Aristotle, this happiness is our highest goal. However, Aristotle does not say that we should aim at happiness, but rather that we do aim at happiness. His goal in the Ethics is not to tell us that we ought to live happy, successful lives, but to tell us what this life consists of. Most people think of happiness...
2 Pages 985 Words

The Definition of Conservation

Humans need this wondrous plant Earth we call home, to survive, grow and prosper as a living organism. The Cambridge Dictionary defines conservation as, “carefully using valuable natural substances that exist in limited amounts in order to make certain that they will be available for as long a time as possible” (“Conservation”). The Cambridge Dictionary also goes on to state that conservation is also, “the protection of plants and animals, natural areas, and interesting and important structures and buildings, especially...
2 Pages 963 Words

History and Cultural Features of Chinatown in New York

Chinatown in New York was first established in about 1870s which is a “Home” for large numbers of Chinese immigrants to gather and live together in the United States. Thus, Chinatown can be seen as the historic product of Chinese immigration. With the development of Chinatown, more and more new immigrants from China are coming to gather around here. As new immigrants come from different provinces in China, people with the same hometown are willing to live with each other,...
2 Pages 968 Words

Dehumanizing Women in The Media

Women account for about 51% of our population, so why is it that we are consistently dehumanized (Miss Representation)? Women are pressured to live up to the expectations of the media. Tall and skinny with the perfect, clear skin and long, straight hair is being set as the ideal for girls and women around the country. With almost eleven hours a day of media a day, teens are constantly surrounded by what they should be and what the expectations are....
2 Pages 970 Words

Jacque Derrida’s Deconstruction Theory

Deconstruction theory, derived from the works of philosopher Jacques Derrida, is a theory of literary analysis that opposes the assumptions of structuralism. Its primary purpose is to discern the relationship between text and meaning. In performing this task, deconstruction theory is critical of the structuralist ideas of logocentrism and binary oppositions and instead seeks to understand the meaning as abstract and fluid. Deconstruction may be seen as a means to understand the relationship between text and meaning, institution and nature,...
2 Pages 1008 Words

Tom Wolfe: The Satirist Whose Wit Hardened into Contempt

No other writer was so good at distilling the political from the cultural as Tom Wolfe, who died in May at the age of 88. Whether dispatching the pretensions of modern painting (The Painted Word), architecture (From the Bauhaus to Our House), or radical grifters and their marks (Radical Chic & Mau-Mauing the Flak Catchers), Wolfe was adept at extracting how power worked to shape our physical and intellectual environments. Yet, as is so often the case with critics, his...
2 Pages 1002 Words

The Haunting of Hill House': Analysis of Eleanor's Character

The Haunting of Hill House features many characters as they stay a summer in a supposedly haunted house. However, one character is affected by its presence more than anyone. The story is strongly centered around Elanor as a protagonist and details how she handles the supernatural phenomena in the house. The way Shirley Jackson sets up Eleanor’s character in the introduction gives importance and context to hauntings that occur later. In fact, the drive to Hill House is the considerable...
2 Pages 1018 Words

The Meaning of National Women Party

Judge a nation by studying the status of its woman. This statement stands true in all times, as woman represent the standard culture of any age. Their social status speaks of the social spirit of the time. In our country India, woman for the longest time have been worshipped as 'idols' but in the real world, they are neglected, suppressed and exploited. Ideally, a woman is called the embodiment of 'Shakti', a symbol of 'Purity', 'Religiousness' but in practice, they...
2 Pages 986 Words

Is the Electoral College Fair? Essay

The 2016 election of Donald Trump put many things in motion. The 2020 election might do the same thing—especially if President Trump is re-elected in a manner similar to his 2016 victory. That’s because his election led to ongoing attacks on an invention of our constitutional founding fathers. That invention, of course, is the electoral college. For the fourth time in our history a Democrat presidential candidate who won the popular vote was denied the presidency by failing to win...
2 Pages 953 Words

American Wildlife: Trapping Coyotes

Through the course of reading these forums, doing further research and the discussions my peers discourse about, I think to myself, “Are we seriously debating about trapping coyotes and relocating them to different regions for our own selfish needs?” Coyotes are known to have a negative connotation that has been implanted in our minds from the way others and our environment perceive them, but is running them around and “releasing” them in different locations the most conventional method? Europeans for...
2 Pages 966 Words

Othello': The Idea of Reality and Illusion

An individual’s self-perception varies based on what they believe is an illusion and what they believe is reality. In today’s society, this same idea is present when people interact with one another, as they may retain a different perception of what others think of them compared to what the blunt truth is. As a matter of fact, humans possess the potential to influence the behaviours and thoughts of others in a way that benefits themselves, and lets down those close...
2 Pages 1042 Words

The Autobiography of an Ex-Colored Man': The Use of The Mirror and Diction Techniques

In the book titled The Autobiography of an Ex-Colored Man, by James Weldon Johnson, the topic of race and identity are discussed through the experience of a biracial American. When this man, the protagonist, is introduced the concept of race does not seem to affect his day to day life until a moment when he is grouped together with the coloured children. This occurrence is then followed by a scene when the protagonist examines himself in detail for the first...
2 Pages 1047 Words

The Man Who Would Be King': Main Ideas

Rudyard Kipling achieved an artistic coherence in his short stories that he never attained in his longer episodic fiction. 'The Man Who Would Be King,' collected in Under the Deodars in 1888, is one of his best early stories, illustrating the skill with which he transformed apparently simple tales into multileveled fictions. Early readers like Henry James and Edmund Gosse admired his portraits of ordinary soldiers, whom he depicted with keen psychological insight. These early stories offer strikingly ironic pictures...
2 Pages 972 Words

Liberalization of The FDI Regime

There has been a considerable thinking about FDI by central government since it came into power in 2014. The country which has adopted many revolutionary economic changes like GST was not considered as an “ease of business doing country” in many surveys. But, on January 10, 2018, the Union Cabinet approved certain key amendments to the Consolidated FDI Policy Circular of 2017. The amendments aim to further liberalize and simplify the FDI Policy to create a more foreign investor-friendly atmosphere...
2 Pages 1048 Words

The Issue of Definition of Modern Freedom

There is no one answer to how modern freedom is defined within political philosophy. In a free country with a modern democracy, political freedom could be defined as justice and fairness. Rawls and Nozick both present a version of negative liberty but offer different views of what freedom is. Both of these two philosophers envision a different role for government on how to enforce and protect their version of freedom. There are two types of liberty; positive and negative. Positive...
2 Pages 983 Words

The Nature of Sustainable Development's Concept

The satisfaction of human needs and aspirations is the major objective of development. The essential needs of vast numbers of people in developing countries for food, clothing, shelter, jobs – are not being met, and beyond their basic needs these people have legitimate aspirations for an improved quality of life. A world in which poverty and inequity are endemic will always be prone to ecological and other crises. Sustainable development requires meeting the basic needs of all and extending to...
2 Pages 962 Words
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