1000 Word Essay Examples

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Social Issues

Undocumented Students Challenges In The United States: DACA As A Solution

Many undocumented children feel caught between the generation, belonging to neither the immigrant nor the citizen. They have to deal with the fact that they are not given access to legal services. Undocumented students usually have no role in the decision to come to this country; they are usually brought to this country by their parents or relatives. Many Americans take their rights as citizens for granted, and don’t often stop to think about what their lives would be like...
2 Pages 968 Words

Kurt Vonnegut's Interpretation Of Religion In Cat’s Cradle

Kurt Vonnegut’s interpretations of religion throughout his book talks about his way of what the right practice of religion might be, as expressed in “Cat’s Cradle,” the primary source of religion is bokononism. The novel takes place in a fictitious island called San Lorenzo, the inhabitants there foresee the faith if bokononism as their only way of practicing religion. Vonnegut explores the lies and truths of real hope offered to man, and his whereabouts are to express bokononism the way...
2 Pages 982 Words

Subjective And Objective Truth

Truth, in metaphysics and science philosophy, the property of sentences, assertions, beliefs, thoughts or propositions that are said to agree with the facts or state what is the case in ordinary discourse. Truth is the belief's goal; logical fallacy is a fault. Citizens need the world's reality to survive. It is important to know the truth. Believing that which is not true is capable of spoiling the plans of a person and may even cost him his life. It can...
2 Pages 1013 Words

Charity: Beneficiaries And Benefactors

“It is the apathetic person that sees the cause while the charitable person sees the need.” There are two types of people in this world, ones that help others because of need and ones that do it to help themselves. Charity is the voluntary giving of help to those in need as a humanitarian act. As we develop through time, we begin to understand that we all are capable of helping others across the spectrum. Some do it simply for...
2 Pages 979 Words

Sexism And Sexual Harassment As Forms Of Gender Discrimination In Kenya

This paper explores gender discrimination in Kenya. It discusses the different forms of gender discrimination which are sexual harassment also known as assault and sexism. INTRODUCTION The global gender gap report ranks Kenya as 76 out of 144 countries globally with significant inequalities between males and females in education attainment, health outcomes representation in parliament and participation in labor market. Gender discrimination is the gap in power status and prestige. Established Kenyan women are taking over the main role of...
2 Pages 1022 Words

Hamlet: Discrepancy Between Christian Religion And Revenge Desire

In plays, many outside forces such as geography, other characters, religion, culture, and society play an important role in the development of characters. In William Shakespeare’s Hamlet, Hamlet’s strong beliefs in Christianity influence his behavior and lead to his internal struggle of action versus inaction and ultimately tragedy. Hamlet’s Christian beliefs about heaven and hell deter his desire to take revenge for his father’s murder. Upon seeing Claudius’s obviously guilty reaction to the play, Hamlet’s yearning for revenge grows stronger....
2 Pages 983 Words

The Peculiarities Of Pain Management

INTODUCTION TO PAIN The International Association for the Study of Pain (IASP) defines pain as a highly unpleasant physical and emotional experience related to actual or potential tissue injury (Kumar and Elavasari, 2016). Pain is very subjective and specific to every individual person. Nurses are invited by McCaffery and Beebe (1989) to recognise that ‘pain is what the patient says it is’ providing they are able to express or verbalise this. Pain is a distressing experience that affects everybody at...
2 Pages 1022 Words

Themes Of Power And Ambition In Macbeth

Tragedy is a form of drama that is centred around a lead character with a fatal flaw. The main cast is often a victim/subject of their inner turmoil, which is a build-up of their mental illness, paranoia, ego, and growing greed and envy. The tragic hero’s poor decisions, as well as manipulative influences, causes a myriad of murder and issues that result in the downfall of both the country and themselves. Macbeth is recognized as one of Shakespeare's most influential...
2 Pages 1001 Words

The Importance And Principles Of Rhetoric

The act of persuasion is an ancient and delicate balance of art and science. Persuasion, in simple terms, is to coax someone through subtle techniques in order to change their beliefs, intentions or decisions. To persuade someone is to convince them to act, think or believe in a certain way that you think is best. Persuasion is not only universal disregarding all forms of gender, age, linguistic and cultural barriers, but also omnipresent. Examples of persuasion can be seen from...
2 Pages 1015 Words

Themes And Interpretations Of Harry Potter Novels

Magic of Harry Potter This article proposes that the around the world, multiage intrigue of Harry Potter may lie in the manner these accounts of enchantment address the issues of readers to discover significance in the present unmagical settings and to solve their Harry Potter Quiz. The imaginative intrigue and representative viability of the books for youngsters are examined as far as Bruno Bettelheim's The Uses of Enchantment. The improvement of Harry Potter as a legend in the mythic/fantasy tradition,...
2 Pages 1018 Words

Asthma Treatment Methods

Asthma is one of the most common diseases in the world especially in children it’s an obstructive pulmonary condition which affects airways such as the bronchial tubes. Asthma can be triggered by various factors such as allergies, smoke, weather and many other factors. These triggers could result in a reaction in the airways which could damage them depending on the sensitivity, lifestyle and the genetic history of the person who is at risk of asthma. These triggers cause the muscles...
2 Pages 970 Words

Women's Rights And Feminism In The Play Lysistrata

In Aristophanes’ play Lysistrata, Lysistrata- the main protagonist- calls the women of Greece to a meeting to discuss the plan to end the Peloponnesian War. Lysistrata plans to ask the women to refuse to have sex with their husbands until a treaty of peace has been signed. Lysistrata also plans to have the older women of Athens occupy the Acropolis and seize control of the treasury- which holds the funds the men need for war. While some of the women...
2 Pages 959 Words

Listening Competence In Business Communication

Introduction to listening Listening is one of the major skills that human possesses. Listening is required for us to gather information, understand it, enjoy it and also learn. Listening process can be defined as a form of process which involves a series of intellectual process that includes receiving, understanding, remembering, evaluating, and responding. Listening is a very important process either in everyday life or in professional areas. Effective listening can contribute to proper communication. The more the chance of improving...
2 Pages 972 Words

Love: Environmental Ethics, Bioethics And Altruism

From my personal standpoint, habitually, people talk about love, what is it to love someone unconditionally, the genuineness of love, and the line between self-love and self-less love, but we do not delve about its true essence. Misconceptions always play with certainty about the efficacy and value of love which thereby holds us back to promote and generate love toward others. Love does not entail possessiveness nor prorietorial. People view love as the possession of something or someone that needs...
2 Pages 1047 Words

Organizational Culture And Work Climate

Of all the components that an organization consists of, culture and climate are the most influential but yet, most difficult to change. Culture plays a “key role in impacting and improving organizational performance” (Azzolini, Riccardi, & Gray, 2018). Moreover, the climate of an organization can simply be the perception of the work environment and the affect that it has on motivation, productivity and employee behavior. The leadership within the organization needs to have an understanding of the culture and climate,...
2 Pages 961 Words

Race, Nationality And Ethnicity In Sociology

Race The term race is given by the society to the group of people who are different in biological characters (skin color, eye color) from other people. It is not connected to families and ancestors. however, it relates to the geographical regions more. When the sociologist did the study, it revealed that the differences in color of skin has fallen in misuse. In many parts of the world black color or brown color people are treated badly by the white...
2 Pages 989 Words

The Ways To Accommodate Population In India

India is the second most populated country in the world with nearly a fifth of the world's population. According to the 2019 revision of the World Population Prospects population stood at 1,352,642,280. Population Growth is becoming a huge issue in our country and world today. The reason that it has become such a pressing issue is that our growing population needs a growing economy and has growing needs. As our population grows, the needs of the population become bigger. Very...
2 Pages 981 Words

Philosophical Concept Of Truth

For as long as human beings have been able to think, they’ve had the desire to understand the truths of life. In ‘The Allegory of the Cave’, when referring to these desires Plato states, “God knows whether it is true”. When trying to answer many of life’s questions people usually have conflicting views that can never be proven true. Which makes you wonder, is truth even meant for humans to understand? It has been proven time and time again throughout...
2 Pages 1025 Words

Culture Impact On Conflict Resolution

Culture is ideology, beliefs, typifications, and practices of a particular society of people (Sewell 1999)1. Conflict occurs when differing views or beliefs meet each other. Culture and conflict are closely linked and have an impact on identity, relationships and the conflict resolution processes undergone within a dispute (Loode 2001)2. This essay argues that culture negatively impacts on a just outcome of conflict resolution. Firstly, the ability to have an equal opportunity in a case is significantly affected by cultural differences....
2 Pages 960 Words

Terror Management Theory In Understanding Violence And Conflict

Terror management theory (TMT) assumes humans have protective defence mechanisms for existential anxiety experienced when they contemplate their mortality. Unlike animals, the ability to conceive our own death internalises an immense fear. What makes us overcome this and distinguishes us from animals is ‘culture’. Culture provides a lens through which to view and interpret the world; a source of meaning and value; dependant on conforming. (Greenberg et al, 1986). Terror is managed by a cultural worldview, containing an anxiety buffer...
2 Pages 978 Words

Totalitarian Society In Dystopias 1984 And Harrison Bergeron

Dystopian literature is often defined as a fictional genre that depicts the society to be unfair and setting. Dystopian literature has been around for a while now. Dystopian literature usually depicts the future of society, whether it's the lives of the citizens or the overall control of the government. Characterization is defined as is the act of creating and developing a character. Characters in the dystopian genre develops all throughout the story just like any novel. Lastly, setting is the...
2 Pages 1029 Words

Frankenstein: Mary Shelley Modifying Paradise Lost

While there are many differences between Frankenstein by Mary Shelly and “Paradise Lost” by John Milton, there are plenty of things to compare. Both the authors write about the major struggle between good and evil. The characters in both Frankenstein and “Paradise Lost”, have similarities such as God and Victor to the devil and the monster. God and Victor are similar since they are both creators of life. The devil and the monster are similar because they are both cast...
2 Pages 1021 Words

Positive And Negative Aspects Of Globalisation On Ethnicity

Ethnicity can have a significant influence on our identity and experiences of belonging. What impact do globalization, increased mobility and/or migration have on ethnicity today? The essay will be focusing on the impact of globalisation on ethnicity. One can identify globalisation as the intensification of social relations worldwide that link distant localities in such a way that things happening one place are shaped by events that occurred in other countries (Aas 2007). Globalisation has resulted in the integration of people...
2 Pages 1021 Words

Anti-Muslim Racism Issues In The Book Islamophobia By Naved Bakali

Islamophobia by Naved Bakali is a novel about the anti-Muslim racism faced by Muslim youths in Canada and the challenges they have encountered since the 9/11 attacks. Bakali holds a “PhD in Educational Studies from McGill University, with interests in critical race theory, anti-Muslim racism and post-colonial theory.” (Bakali, 2017). This novel strives to retell the stories of marginalized youths within the systemically biased Canadian system and urges readers to work towards a more equitable society. I believe every Canadian...
2 Pages 1041 Words

The Writing Styles Of J.K. Rowling And John Green

J.K. Rowling and John Green are both very famous authors. J.K. Rowling and John Green were both creative and outstanding writers. J.K. Rowling is a fiction author while John Green is a realistic fiction author. Both of them had an interesting childhood and career besides their phenomenal style of writing. Green’s books reflect most of the troubles he faced in his life; for instance, his novel Turtles All The Way Down showed how he lived in constant fear. On the...
2 Pages 998 Words

Defining Poetry Is That It Does Not Have A Singular Definition

What is poetry? Believe it or not, most people struggle to answer this question, most times individuals will give their interpretation as opposed to a solid definition. Even the major dictionaries differ at times in defining what a poem is. If you haven’t already, ask yourself. What is poetry? Can poetry be more than just a literary definition? Here’s what a few popular dictionaries have to say. Webster’s dictionary describes poetry as metrical writing // writing that formulates a concentration...
2 Pages 1003 Words

Critical Thinking: Discussion And Problem Solving Technique

Critical thinking is crucial in daily life to make rational and prominent decisions by properly interpreting the problem. It is reflective and open mind thinking which concentrates to grasp the logical aspects behind the issue. Critical thinking is used to make judgments in a situation where more than one alternative is available. It is the outcome of any discussion and problem-solving technique. Concentration, learning, brainstorming, and plain hard work are required to gain critical thinking skills, but it is attained...
2 Pages 999 Words

Scientific And Religious Beliefs Of The Book Dracula

During the late Victorian Era, Britain experienced a controversial period of development where new technology and science threatened the religious beliefs of society. Bram Stoker’s gothic novel of Dracula (1897) addresses the fears and anxieties brought about by modernisation and highlights the clash between old and new beliefs and values. Stoker incorporates a variation of superstitious and scientific elements into this fictitious context to pose his view that science alone isn’t enough to prevail the supernatural forces and that traditional...
2 Pages 1010 Words

Australian Civil Rights Movement Process

The creation of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights helped pinpoint the discrimination of many Indigenous peoples around the world. The Universal Declaration of Human Rights was made after World War II, in 1948, to prevent any similar events. When this was created it showed how, in many countries around the world, Indigenous people had little to no rights in comparison to others. Thus, the Civil Rights movement was created. Many Indigenous people stood up for their rights and protested...
2 Pages 1011 Words

Hypertension: How Salt Can Impact Your Blood Pressure

Hypertension is a very dangerous condition, and it is because of the heart problems that it can cause a person. “Hypertension is a disease whose chief characteristic is high blood pressure. High blood pressure occurs when the blood being pumped from your heart, pushes too hard against the walls of your veins” (Jenkins 2). Mainly it is very detrimental when a child has high blood pressure, when they have this heart disease it can affect them more in their adult...
2 Pages 1025 Words
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