1000 Word Essay Examples

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Social Issues

Creon as The Tragic Hero in Aristotle's Antigone

Creon out of his pride kills his own wife and son out of selfishness which make him a true tragic hero. Creon is a character who so caught up with what others think. Creon is isolated character who keeps to himself his plans and acts. He is very misleading character tries to lead others to crime. Creon faces dishonesty from others and sees the true character of people he thought he could trust. Creon as the protagonist with his stubborn...
2 Pages 966 Words

Sources Of Business Law In England

Introduction The system in England area unit created on common law which suggests precedents area unit given binding authority besides statutory laws. It conjointly considers customs, parliamentary conventions and books as sources of law. English system needs business organizations to follow multiple laws. The laws area unit created by taking the assent of each homes and Monarch. English courts area unit guaranteed to apply the statutory similarly as common laws. Sources of law The sources of law in UK (hereinafter...
2 Pages 1036 Words

The Intergenerational Cycle Of Malnutrition In India

Now, having a better understanding of ensuring food and nutrition security, it is very much important to understand the influence of the intergenerational cycle on the nutritional status of the community. We had been all the while stressing the importance of nutritional care to be given to pregnant women, but the bearing of it on the entire generation has not been discussed. This chain lays the foundation for a healthy community and claims to be an important intervention strategy to...
2 Pages 1032 Words

What Could Have Changed In The Book Death Of A Salesman In A Different Time?

Death of a Salesman is a ‘’tragic’’ play written by Arthur Miller, an american playwright. The book is about the main protagonist, Willy Loman, a frustrated old salesman who’s fired from his job. The text shows the fragmentation that the modern man experiences in an dehumanizing world. Biff admits that he wasn’t able to get a loan to start a new business for Willy and this makes him commit suicide so that Biff could use the insurance money to secure...
2 Pages 1047 Words

Media Ethics In Professional Photojournalism

While working as a Media Education Intern in Brooklyn, New York, I came across various projects related to filmmaking and Photography. One of the earliest projects of these projects was street photography, in which I was provided with a task to take pictures of random places and random people (of course once they have given their consent). The whole idea of this project was that interns can get to know the town better, get comfortable in taking pictures of random...
2 Pages 989 Words

Hospital Errors: Types And Causes

One of the most asked questions is what the leading cause of death in hospitals is. John Hopkins study claims more than 250,000 people in the United States die every year from hospital errors, making it the third leading cause of death after heart disease and cancer. By studying mistakes in the hospital, learning how to prevent them, and respond to them correctly is the key to changing the standard of care. Hospital errors are defined as mistakes done by...
2 Pages 958 Words

Reaching An Undeniable Inference, Love And Disaster And Passing In Steve Jobs' Speech You Should Find What You Love

Steve Jobs made three remarkable stories inside his 'You should find what you love,' talk. A story that dialogs about valuing something you love doing anyway then losing it all the while and finding your way back to it. Another taking a gander at arriving at a conspicuous resolution as to finding what you genuinely need to do and starting. At the point when you've found what you find what you have to do the ensuing stage is the thing...
2 Pages 987 Words

The Deadly Aftermath Of Pride In The Book The Scarlet Ibis

According to recent sibling abuse statistics in a large survey, about 53 percent of children report abuse between them and their siblings at some point (“Sibling Abuse Statistics” 1).In the year 1916, the year that James Hurst’s “The Scarlet Ibis” takes place, we can assume that that percentage was higher because back then, morals and viewpoints were different. In the short story, the narrator has a newly born brother, but he wasn’t quite what he had in mind. Having a...
2 Pages 962 Words

The Tortilla Curtain By T.C. Boyle: American Dream

Many people come to the United States thinking they will be their best self’s but face the ugly reality of the American dream. In this case, many people are afraid of coming to the united states, because many stories are told in which people work day and night to survive in the united states even though the American dream is seen in such a good light. The opposite of what the American dream specifies; prosperity for all and the ability...
2 Pages 961 Words

How Birthday Decoration Items In Bangladesh Can Make Your Birthday More Memorable

Birthday decoration items in Bangladesh are no longer limited to only balloons and a letter sign. The new trend is to celebrate this special day with something different. The good thing is you can have all in one solution. Earlier there was a hassle to find each item separately and then put together everything in sync. No need to buy Balloon, Happy Birthday Letter, Theme, Ribbon, Flower, Foil Curtain, Photo Booth, etc. individually anymore. Digitally printed birthday background can be...
2 Pages 997 Words

Pathos, Ethos And Logos In The Article “Troublemakers” By Malcolm Gladwell

The article “Troublemakers” by Malcolm Gladwell describes the story of a young child getting attacked by a dog followed by 2 more dogs in Ontario, Canada, which ultimately causes the the Ontario legislature to ban the ownership of pit bulls and “pit bull-type” dogs. The child was walking behind his parents on their way home when the dogs jumped the fence and attacked the child which hospitalized him. This ban can be questioned to why exactky pit bulls are banned....
2 Pages 999 Words

Social Customs As A Factor For Revenge In The Play King Lear

Would you ever want to get revenge on society, because of how it treated you? In the play King Lear, there were many social injustices going on. Characters were treated unfairly, and it drove them to get revenge. The shadow, Edmund, was Gloucester’s illegitimate son. He wanted to get back at society for labeling him a bastard. Goneril and Regan however, behaved that way because of how they were treated, and they wanted to get back at their father. They...
2 Pages 981 Words

The Theme Of Paranoia In The Tell Tale Heart And The Tragedy Of Macbeth

The literary archetypal theme of paranoia is used precisely and is strongly featured in “The tragedy of Macbeth”, written in 1606 by William Shakespeare. Such parallel themes are established in Edgar Allan Poe’s short story “Tell-Tale Heart”, written in 1843; corresponding to ‘Macbeth’ by incorporating similar ideas. In both instances, the psychological consequences of paranoia take over the protagonist with the inevitable drive to murder, which then goes on to fuel their paranoia after committing the murders. Within these themes...
2 Pages 991 Words

The Harm Of Tobacco Use And The Preventions To Minimise It In Australia

Tobacco is defined by the Cambridge English Dictionary as: ‘A substance prepared from the dried leaves of a tobacco plant. It can be chewed and smoked in cigarettes, cigars or pipes’ (“Tobacco”, 2019). Whilst tobacco remains a legal drug, the physical ramifications from using it can be catastrophic and lead long-lasting impacts on the smoker, their family and community. Tobacco is often perceived as a better drug compared to methamphetamine, cocaine or heroin. The purpose of this essay is to...
2 Pages 978 Words

How To Know People Are Lying

We never know what's in people's hearts. The real thing is not necessarily what others tell us. This is not the time to go easily and trust people. You must be vigilant if you do not want to be fooled. It is not really difficult to know if the person is telling you the injustice. Because, without knowing it, the person does or says something that indicates that he is lying. Here are ten ways to discover that people lie...
2 Pages 990 Words

Recommendations For The Mental Wellbeing Of The Employees In Apple Company

As Apple is known as one of the world’s biggest organisations in regards to both computing hardware and software, but also as a lifestyle brand as well as based in Apple’s proud history, Apple’s purpose under Steve jobs was 'To make a contribution to the world by making tools for the mind that advance humankind'( as cited in (Farfan, 2019). As Apple has and continues to create tools that advance mankind and create change as Steve said, “Man is the...
2 Pages 956 Words

Jay Gatsby: The Story Of West Egg Mystery Man

Egg’s most well-known young millionaire, Jay Gatsby was shot and found dead in his private pool on October 3rd. Police confirmed his death as an apparent murder-suicide caused by George Wilson, a garage owner from New York, who had the purpose of avenging his wife’s death. Myrtle Wilson reportedly ran in front of the car as if she recognized it, but the car fatally hit her. Police later identified the automobile as being the property of Mr. Gatsby. As a...
2 Pages 982 Words

The Idea Of One Human Race In The Works Of Anna Quindlen, Eboo Patel And Abraham Lincoln

After the terrorist attack on September 11th, 2001, on the twin towers, it left the world in a state of fear and distrust. In these three speeches, titled “Quilt Of A country” where others should come together as one unit, “Making The Future Better, Together”,when it shows how the generations come together. and “The Gettysburg Address” in which Abraham Lincoln also explains how we have to unite. Anna Quidlen, Eboo Patel, and Abraham Lincoln all summarize how people with their...
2 Pages 985 Words

The Peculiarities Of Science Fiction In Harrison Bergeron And The Pedestrian

Science Fiction usually is focused on imagined future advances in science and engineering or major social and environmental modifications, frequently showing space and time travel or life on other world or earth. The short stories “Harrison Bergeron” by Kurt Vonnegut and “The Pedestrian” by Ray Bradbury are good examples of how technology with excessive government control. . Science fiction often discusses the potential consequences of science and other developments. Common themes include the downfalls of man's world; hence, technology destroys...
2 Pages 977 Words

The Tragedy Of Julius Caesar By William Shakespeare: How Love Can Lead To Tragedy

One central theme that is identified in William Shakespeare’s play “Julius Caesar” is how love can lead to tragedy. This is shown by Brutus’ love for Rome, Julius Caesar’s love for Brutus, and Portia’s love for Brutus. People presume that they can find happiness in love which is why they often pursue it. But contrary to popular belief, love can ultimately lead to tragedy, self-conflict, or destruction. This is amply implied in this play. In the play, Brutus is constantly...
2 Pages 1014 Words

Rhetorical Devices In Sherman Alexie's Indian Education

Sherman Alexie wrote “Indian Education”, and does a splendid job at showing different types of rhetorical devices, such as ethos, pathos, logos, symbolism, irony, and even hyperbole. Even though Alexie faced many struggles because he was different, he still had the strength and willpower to receive a good education and he uses several rhetorical devices to help show his life over the years. The story takes place in an Indian Reservation, as well as a predominantly white school outside of...
2 Pages 1023 Words

How Does The Great Gatsby Relate To Current Society

The Great Gatsby was written many years ago, but many of the events and things that they do in the book can still be related to today. The wealthy and famous people rule the world and the less fortunate people. The book used materialistic items to describe people and how they fell during this time period in the book and we still use this today. Everyone wanted to be wealthy and were drawn to the higher class more than the...
2 Pages 999 Words

Characters Ambitions Comparison In The Tell Tale Heart And Macbeth

Using the characters, ambition is used strongly throughout both Macbeth and The Tell Tale Heart. Macbeth, through his ambition, goes from being a dedicated and honourable soldier to being a murderer and traitor. The first performance of Macbeth was in 1623 and it was written in 1606. The Tell Tale Heart was released in 1843. There are several quotes explaining the ambitions of the characters. You can also discover ambition by looking in quotations for symbolism, foreshadowing, repetition, metaphors, allusion...
2 Pages 980 Words

The Life And Contributions Of Mary Wollstonecraft

Mary Wollstonecraft was born on April 27, 1749, in Spitalfield, London. Eight days before her birthday when she was twenty three her mom died. Before Mary was popular and famous the word feminist didn't even exist. Her parents were Elizabeth Dixon and John Wollstonecraft, her mom was often sick. Her dad was abusive and was often drunken or in drunken mood, especial after he lost money to being ill-judged but mostly when their farms failed to sell. Mary was the...
2 Pages 952 Words

Transgender Representation In Hunter Schafer

Gender awareness is greatly explored in Jules Vaughn’s (played by Hunter Schafer) character as a transgender, such as how her differences in roles and relations with different genders had a great impact on the show’s credibility and authenticity, as well as how her story and experiences is introduced and narrated throughout the show. Her character shows that she is different from other characters which has a binary gender identity because it emphasizes distinction, that is, she is not considered as...
2 Pages 1002 Words

Corporate Citizenship In North America

Corporate citizenship is the new social identity supposing an important role in a firm’s life in the U.S. and Europe today. It is not enough for companies to generate a profit. U.S. and European citizens expect them to generate a profit and conduct themselves in an ethical and socially responsible manner. The ethical guidelines help organizations facilitate this expectation, which is vital for corporate growth and maintaining a competitive edge. Managers who deal with ethical and social responsibility problems often...
2 Pages 979 Words

Lady Macbeth Ambition

Introduction The play ‘Macbeth’ was written by one of the world’s greatest writer’s ‘William Shakespeare’. It is recognised as one of the most tragic stories that has ever been written. He uses numerous characters to develop the downfall of Macbeth. Characters such as Lady Macbeth is one of the most significant protagonists in the play as she manipulated Macbeth to find his quest in becoming the king. Lady Macbeth portrays herself as a hubris character who believed that nothing could...
2 Pages 996 Words

Herman Melville And His Novel Moby Dick In The American Literature

Herman Melville (1819-1891) was born in New York. He was the son of a prosperous importer who went bankrupt and died young. He worked in a bank, as an elementary school teacher, and contributed to the local newspaper. He sailed as ship’s boy to Liverpool, and then joined in a whaling voyage to the South Pacific. He deserted his ship in the Marquesas, lived with a cannibal tribe, reached Tahiti and returned home aboard the frigate United States three years...
2 Pages 1015 Words

Reasons For The Abolishment Of The Death Penalty

Martin Luther King, Jr. (Ebony, 1957) when being asked the question of “Do you think God approves the death penalty for crimes like rape and murder?”, answered that: “Capital punishment is against the best judgment of modern criminology and, above all, against the highest expression of love in the nature of God”. For many centuries, capital punishment has been one of the most controversial affairs for mankind, due to the complexity of humanity, justice, and its two-sided consequences. Executions are...
2 Pages 1004 Words

The Issues And Challenges Of Modern News

“Most ‘news’ is just press releases and breathless exaggerations of isolated problems” Being born right after the turn of the century, I grew up on the cusp of old-fashioned news and the transition into social media. I remember excitedly waiting every Sunday morning for the paper to arrive and get the youthful thrill of feeling like a well-informed adult – to the best of my seven-year-old ability. In my developing teen years however, I stopped reading the paper and turned...
2 Pages 984 Words
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