1100 Word Essay Examples

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Social Issues

Police Brutality: Persuasive Speech

July 17th, 2014, Eric Garner, a 43-year-old man, died in Staten Island after being put in a chokehold by a police officer after resisting arrest for selling untaxed cigarettes. He was later refused medical assistance after losing consciousness. I was recently watching the documentary Bowling for Columbine, and I couldn’t help but notice the amount of brutality caused by police towards people of color and other religious and homophobic stereotypes. But it wasn’t just the brutality that the police enforced,...
2 Pages 1116 Words

Police Brutality Debates: Research Paper

Did you know that police brutality occurrences have taken a toll on the Joined together States of over 1.8 billion dollars? The US has ended up unimaginably infamous when it comes to police brutality and its perils towards society. In 2018 there were 1,164 American civilians that had been slaughtered by police officers alone. This Paper will address the major issues that are appeared through acts of police viciousness, or more particularly the manhandling of approved guns, the boundless sum...
2 Pages 1105 Words

Yes to Abortion’ Essay

Over the past several years, many topics have become much more controversial in the United States and other places around the world. Gun control, abortion, vaccines, global warming, and many other topics. Some of the laws that have been enforced on this topic in certain states have left me speechless. Yet, one topic has always stuck out to me; abortion. In Alabama, Governor Kay Ivey signed the most haunting abortion law I have ever heard of. It bans abortion at...
2 Pages 1137 Words

Persuasive Essay about Abortion

In November 1972, an episode of the famous American sitcom Maude shook America with its episode « Maude’s Dilemma ». In that episode, 47-year-old Maude must face her pregnancy and chooses to get an abortion. The day after the episode aired, producers received death threats, CBS received 17000 letters of protest and the United States Catholic Conference organized a campaign against them. America didn’t seem ready for this debate, but a couple of months later, the Supreme Court issued its...
2 Pages 1052 Words

Arguments For and Against Abortion Essay

Since the earliest recorded example of abortion in 1550 BC, the question has been asked many times, 'Is abortion morally justifiable?'. Abortion is defined as 'the deliberate termination of a human pregnancy, most often performed during the first 28 weeks' (Oxford Language Dictionary) The meaning of 'morally justifiable', is an idea that is acceptable or correct because there is a good reason for it. In this essay I will be giving arguments and counterarguments for and against this question and...
2 Pages 1114 Words

Childhood Obesity Trends and Potential Causes: Critical Essay

In today’s society, a lot of kids no longer get involved in any type of physical activity, because of technology. There is also a big unavailability of healthy foods for families that are struggling with low income. Children also struggle with obesity because of issues from within such as low self-esteem and confidence issues which could often lead to eating disorders, which then would lead to obesity in some cases. Childhood obesity is an issue that many people have to...
2 Pages 1074 Words

Civil War over Gun Control: Thesis Statement

The debate on gun control has been a hot topic in the past several years, especially after the seeming rise in gun violence. Mass shootings at schools, government buildings, and concert venues are just some of the larger locations affected by gun violence. Is there really a rise in gun violence or is there just more media coverage? Firearms have a long history in this country and have many positive uses. The gun control versus gun rights debate is a...
2 Pages 1063 Words

Against Gun Control Essay

Against Gun Control What purpose does our government serve? The U.S. Constitution beautifully declares this, “We the people of the United States, in order to form a more perfect union, establish justice, ensure domestic tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general welfare, and secure the blessings of liberty to ourselves and our posterity...”(U.S. Constitution, Preamble). The inauguration of the U.S. Constitution was put in place to protect its U.S. citizens and their natural-born rights. However, can we the...
2 Pages 1127 Words

Social Media Culture Essay

People who use social media contribute to the cycle of mediated information Media is a communication that is passed down through broadcasting, publishing, or on the internet but in the olden days, it was something hard to reach worldwide as some people can’t afford it or has no knowledge of its existence. Only after the 1940s when the first computer was created, scientists and engineers begin to develop more ways to make media spread worldwide. Now in the 20th century...
2 Pages 1115 Words

Should Social Media Be Banned: Argumentative Essay

Social media contributes to facilitating information exchange and promoting interaction. The usage of Social media is an epidemic in recent years. Given the existing social media platform, an increasing number of social media platforms, such as Facebook and Instagram, is developed in recent decades. Lenhart (2015) reports that a majority of adolescents report access to social media daily. This is no doubt that social media provide them with a great deal of information. However, this paper argues for the proposition...
2 Pages 1096 Words

Chicken Bone Essay

If you’re not cautious you’ll regret it… My dog, Felix, was one year old and my brother never had a dog growing up, so when we did finally get a dog two years ago he was slightly annoyed and disappointed that he had missed out. I thought that we should go for a walk to remedy these feelings. It was about 10 am and we decided to place Felix in his harness and headed out. When we arrived on the...
2 Pages 1061 Words

Persuasive Speech on Marijuana Legalization

Marijuana, we all have an idea of what it is, what it does, and how illegal it is. But did you know there have been absolutely no deaths recorded from the usage of marijuana according to the book, Drugs of Abuse (2017)? Marijuana, according to Medicine Net “is a recreational drug that comes from the hemp plant cannabis sativa. For years, marijuana has been considered a destructible herb that jeopardizes the lives of many and is perceived to be an...
3 Pages 1133 Words

Informative Speech on Benefits of Marijuana

Introduction I. Have you ever driven down a gravel road? a. You can see it, but you might not even know what it is. b. There are a lot of different kinds along the road so don’t get them confused. II. The truth is that most assume It’s bad, but I strongly disagree as It’s a plant! III. I’ve learned some beneficial information about this plant and its effects. IV. Today I’m going to inform you on why I think...
2 Pages 1052 Words

Essay on Racism in 1920s

When I think of The roaring twenties I imagine parties, having fun, and rapid change. The twenties was a decade that saw rapid change in things like the economy and it also introduced new trends in lifestyle and culture. Movies, parties, jazz, and radio are some of the things the 20s introduced to us. While most people celebrate and think of the roaring 20s as a great and exciting time to be alive this wasn't the case for everyone. There...
3 Pages 1138 Words

Argumentative Essay on the American Dream and What Defines It

Most people, if not most of the US, always want to measure the dream at some point in their lives. But the question is, what is the meaning of aspiration, and how can people achieve this vague and illusory realization? The ambition could be a national philosophy or a belief that specifies the best factors like democracy, freedom, rights, and equality that accords every citizen's civil right to prosper and achieve their set goals. The inspiration for the American Dream...
2 Pages 1052 Words

Theme of Time in Kenneth Slessor’s Poems ‘Out of Time’ and ‘Wild Grapes’': Critical Essay

Texts are able to represent and explore the human experiences that shape our society and world. Have you ever felt like time was running past you? That the world kept spinning, while you just stood still? Time is a central theme in many of Kenneth Slessor’s poems, however it is primarily explored through ‘Out of time’ and ‘Wild Grapes’. Slessor has made it obvious that he is aware that time continues, whether we want it to or not, and this...
2 Pages 1134 Words

Does Power Corrupt a Person's Mind: Essay on the Examples of William Shakespeare's 'Macbeth' and Roald Dahl's 'Matilda'

The nature of power can undoubtedly corrupt the human mind, as power in itself manifest our inability to develop a way of thinking and thought process that is rational and logical. This can have a profound impact on the individual and society, as ones over ambitiousness can create a lack of moral consciousness, which ultimately results in a corrupt human mind. Effectively, a sense of power and corruption becomes reflected in the social and ideological part of society. This belief...
2 Pages 1053 Words

Informative Essay on How Exercising Affects the Circulatory System

In this essay, I will be outlining and describing how exercising affects the circulatory system. I will give an explanation of the autonomic nervous system and the cardiac control center, and illustrate how breathing and the heart changes and what controls this. Also, I will explain how blood pressure changes the lymphatic system, and how it benefits the body from exercise. I will give a brief explanation of the movement of blood around the body during exercise, including how oxygen...
2 Pages 1097 Words

Informative Essay on Cultural Competence in Nursing

Culture is a pattern of ideas, customs, and behavior shared by a particular people, community, or society. These patterns identify members as part of a group and distinguish members from other groups. Culture is constantly evolving. One way of thinking about cultures is whether they are primarily ‘collectivist’ or ‘individualist’. Knowing the difference can help health professionals with diagnosis and with tailoring a treatment plan that includes a larger or smaller group. The influence of culture on health is vast....
2 Pages 1109 Words

Theme of Motherhood in Buchi Emecheta's Novel 'The Joys of Motherhood'': Critical Essay

The theme of motherhood is central to the plot of Emecheta's novel 'The Joys of Motherhood'. That is because motherhood is regarded highly in Igbo culture. According to the culture, the best thing that a woman does is have children. Thus, motherhood is considered a central tool of the patriarchal machine to control women. According to Emecheta, “Women have been victimized by society, their husbands, their father, colonists, and even their children. Though each kind of victimization differs from the...
2 Pages 1114 Words

Concept of Home in the Novel 'The Golden Age': Critical Essay

In ‘The Golden Age’, the author Joan London explores the concept of ‘home’ in the novel. In the text, London expands the meaning of home to be a place that offers a sense of shelter and belonging and permeates love and warmth. Through various characters, London posits the idea that while it is difficult to replace people’s physical home, yet what constitutes a ‘home’ or the definition of home is different to each character. London demonstrates the difficulties in replacing...
2 Pages 1052 Words

Crossing between Choice and Fate in the Tragedy ‘Romeo and Juliet’: Critical Essay

“There was once a merchant in the famous market at Baghdad. One day he saw a stranger looking at him in surprise, and he knew that the stranger was Death. Pale and trembling, the merchant fled the marketplace and made his way many-many miles to the city of Samarra. For there he was sure that Death could not find him. But when, at last, he came to Samarra, the merchant saw waiting for him the grim figure of Death. ‘Very...
2 Pages 1074 Words

Negative Effects of Social Media on Communication Skills: Critical Essay

The way people communicate with each other has changed for all time. A social community is allowing users to show the occasions of their lives thru posting snap shots and status updates, to monitor the lives of their pals, and to talk immediately through an integrated messenger has revolutionized Internet conversation, inflicting millions of human beings all over the world to percentage all sorts of facts about themselves. There have been, of path, different social networks earlier than Facebook, however...
2 Pages 1060 Words

Antigone Vs. Creon: Compare and Contrast Essay

Antigone, who was Oedipus’s daughter, had both a theme of free will and fate, however, they seemed to contradict one another. Although her fate was to live, her free will would not allow her to break the promise to her brother, which was she would give him a proper burial. This went against the king, Creon at the time, and she was to be punished by death if she chose to follow through with the burial. At this time, however,...
2 Pages 1134 Words

Main Theme of Angie Thomas' 'The Hate U Give': Critical Essay

Reading ‘The Hate U Give’ by Angie Thomas shows readers the truth about what is happening in the world, but it mostly focuses on racism. This is important because it is an issue that seems indirect and most people hesitate to discuss this topic. This book brings the subject directly into the spotlight. It also tackles, unfair racial profiling for the privileged, unfair racial profiling towards those of color, and how these issues directly relate to the issue of guns...
2 Pages 1051 Words

Bob Marley's Life Story by Roger Steffens: Biography Essay

For this biography assignment I chose the book ‘So Much Things to Say: The Oral History of Bob Marley’ by Roger Steffens. Roger Steffens goes on a unique approach to the book by interviewing 75 people Bob Marley knew. These such people included lovers, friends, and relatives. Born on February 6th, 1945, Marley was the child of Norval Marley and Cedella Marley. Abandoned by his father, a white government overseer who raped a young girl, Marley was often called white...
2 Pages 1096 Words

Critical Essay on Masculinity and Homoeroticism in the Film ‘Brokeback Mountain’

This essay will critique the representation of masculinity and homoeroticism in the film industry from the 1990s to the mid-2000s, centered around the relationship between two male characters. In particular, the film ‘Brokeback Mountain’ by Ang Lee (2005) will be considered. To evaluate the film, David Greven’s definition of the double protagonist genre will be outlined but also critiqued. This definition will then be applied to the selected film to break down each of the protagonist’s brands of masculinity, and...
3 Pages 1147 Words

Portraying the Consequences of Chinese Exclusion Act in 'Eat a Cup of Tea': Critical Essay

‘Eat a Bowl of Tea’ was written by Louis Hing Chu, and made into a film, directed by Wayne Wang in 1989. It takes place in the time after World War II when the United States has gotten rid of its strict immigration laws for China since it was an ally during the war. It began in 1875 with the Page Act which prevented Chinese women the ability to immigrate to the United States. In 1882, Chinese laborers were denied...
2 Pages 1146 Words

Should the Catholic Church in Australia Follow National Laws Regarding Same-Sex Marriage: Persuasive Essay

The concept of same-sex marriage has only been regulated through the law. The expansion of legal rights and protections afforded to same-sex couples in Australia is well developed at both federal and state level. For example, legislation now exists in New South Wales, Victoria, Tasmania, Queensland, and the Australian Capital Territory that provides for the legal recognition of relationships, including same-sex unions. The Catholic Church has exceptionally strong views about marriage and strictly supports only the right of traditional marriage...
2 Pages 1071 Words

Narrative Essay on What It Means to Be an American Citizen

“In a world of inhumanity, war and terrorism, American citizenship is a very precious possession” (Phyllis Schlafly, 2014, Eager Forum). Many people believe that Christopher Columbus was the first person to step on America, but was he really the first person to discover America? How did Africans become African Americans? Why should Americans feel lucky to be American citizens? Many people long to live in America. Why is that? All countries have their own flaws, America has lots of flaws,...
2 Pages 1108 Words
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