1100 Word Essay Examples

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Social Issues

Utilitarianism VS Ethics

There are many differences between utilitarianism and Kantian ethics. In Utilitarianism, our actions should result in more happiness than pain. Act-Utilitarianism is the thought that whether something is right or wrong directly correlates with how much happiness comes from the individual action. Whereas, Rule-Utilitarianism is the idea that rules were created to result in the highest amount of happiness. John Mill states “The creed which accepts as the foundation of morals, Utility, or the Greatest Happiness Principle, holds that actions...
2 Pages 1133 Words

Is Modern Culture Ruining Childhood?

We all know that the culture now has a big difference than the old days. It is so obvious how the modern culture affects the childhood of the young generation. Now, we will discuss how the modern culture affecting or ruining the childhood of every children. The modern culture that we are talking about is a culture full of technologies, gadgets and social medias. According to the article of one photojournalist Suhani Bhanvadia, explained that technoloy is so fast to...
2 Pages 1081 Words

The Functions of the Australian Constitution

The Australian Constitution describes and defines the way in which the executive can function. Through a discussion of three constitutional functions, including; the process of altering the Constitution, creation of the High Court of Australia, and preservation of State Powers, evidence ultimately suggests that the Constitution has been able to adapt to changes in Australian society over time. Altering the constitution The Constitution can only be formally altered by a strict process outlined in section 128 of the Constitution. There...
2 Pages 1067 Words

The Portrayal of the Characters in The Outsiders

Switchblades, jagged pipes, and busted pop bottles. Violence contained in the safeguarding walls of a house. Murder committed in the dead of night, beside the gentle spray of a fountain. All of this, and more, happens in the classic novel, The Outsiders by S. E. Hinton, where there are some pretty tough guys on the block. The toughest by far, is Dallas Winston. Despite his strong guy reputation, Dallas would do anything for his friends, and proves it again and...
2 Pages 1094 Words

Worldwide Issue of Obesity

High blood pressure in children and adolescents is a growing health problem, along with the worldwide epidemics of obesity physical inactivity and nutritional factors (Wang, et al., 2019). There is evidence of a consistent link between vitamin D and blood pressure, the study highlighted the relationship between vitamin D deficiency and hypertension in adolescents, supplementation with vitamin D and encouragement to partake in physical activities can be used as a preventive strategy in an adolescent with common and repeatedly reported...
2 Pages 1076 Words

Obesity and Sugar-Sweetened Beverage

Obesity has noteworthy financial and health costs. Approximately two-thirds of adults and one-fourth of children are obese and overweight, and the ratios perpetuate to rise, which costs the economy a substantial price. Indigenous Australians, outside major suburbs or under subordinate socioeconomic groups, are more inclined to be overweight. Overweight and obesity has led to a higher likelihood of chronic conditions and death and has high costs for the economy. To address this problem, there have been approaches through laws and...
2 Pages 1087 Words

Demand of Starbucks in the Terms of Coronavirus

A demand of Starbucks premium coffee has its own special characteristics that will determine the quantity of people that are willing and able to consume the related product and /or services of the company (StudyDriver.com, 2020). Through the years, products of the company had been influenced by various determinants of economic and market demands, including the price, the income, population and demographics, tastes, and price of related goods (Rittenberg, L. & Trgarthen, T., 2012). A price determinant of demand will...
2 Pages 1093 Words

Her Mind Is A Ghost Town: A Rose For Emily As An Example Of Gothic Literature

A more elaborate understanding on the modes of narration is later on cleared as the narrator reveals how much he or she knows when said: “Already we knew” about the sealed room upstairs and what lies behind it; however, we never knew how he/she knew. More significantly, for one of the few times in the story the narrator uses the term “they” and not “we” as opposing to the previous sections; he/she originally said “Already we knew that there was...
2 Pages 1136 Words

Rohingya Refugee Crisis: Crimes in Rohingya Camps

Introduction An increase in internal conflicts between Rohingyas at the Ukhiya and Teknaf camps in Cox’s Bazar has caused crime rates in the area to skyrocket. In the last 14 months, 22 Rohingyas have been murdered by their fellow refugees, and certain groups within them are involved in kidnapping for ransom, extortion, rape, forced disappearances, robberies, gunrunning, drug dealing, and smuggling. Moreover, hundreds have been injured in internal skirmishes. With over 250 cases having been filed against Rohingyas at nearby...
2 Pages 1121 Words

The Role Of Father In A Rose For Emily And Barn Burning

While reading “A Rose for Emily” and “Barn Burning” both by William Faulkner, I noticed there are several similarities and several differences in the fathers’ of Miss Emily Grierson and Sarty Snopes. Both stories took place in Mississippi after The Civil War ended. The stories do explain some of the main characters childhood. However, “A Rose for Emily” is more of a flashback to her childhood periodically throughout the story. In “Barn Burning” we witness Abner’s, the father’s, actions and...
2 Pages 1093 Words

Artificial Intelligence Dealing With Social Media And Human Rights

When people think of the world, people automatically think of tech. Our future will no longer be on paper and pencil, but everything will be technologically advanced. We all know these now, just like 200 years ago our ancestors dreamt of tall buildings and remote communication devices. The world doesn’t wait, it advances. Artificial intelligence is already something that is a big part in the world we live in. Artificial intelligence is the theory and development of computer systems able...
2 Pages 1054 Words

The Features Of Type 1 Diabetes

What is Type 1 diabetes? How does it affect the body’s natural homeostasis? Are there ways to prevent and even get treatment? As your reading this research paper on Type 1 diabetes you will see multiple factors on how this disease can cause and even play in effect on other organs in the body such as the heart, pancreas, and even the kidneys. Let’s begin with discussing what Type 1 diabetes is. Type 1 diabetes is an auto immune disease,...
2 Pages 1135 Words

Why Do Victims Of Domestic Violence Stay?

Domestic Violence, a taboo subject that many pretend doesn’t exist. Unfortunately, it’s becoming a common trend among society today. 1 in 4 women and 1 in 7 men have experienced extreme domestic violence. (Lancer, Darlene, Psychology Today) These concerning problems raise a question. Why don’t the victims just walk away? What is keeping them receiving the help that they need. The answer is far from simple, but most victims stay for one of the following reasons: fear, obligation, guilt, isolation,...
2 Pages 1121 Words

The Psychosocial Elements of Schizophrenia

Abstract Schizophrenia is not a common mental illness so scientists today still do not know how exactly schizophrenia manifests. The main theory of how schizophrenia comes about is through genes. Although there is no specific gene that causes the disorder itself, it is believed theinterplay of genes plus an individuals environment combine to determine if schizophrenia develops. The environmental factors that can have an effect are malnourishment before birth, problems during birth, and the most influential, psychosocial factors. This study...
2 Pages 1101 Words

The Factors of Obesity in Kids

Childhood obesity has become a complex health concern for public health officials. Obesity in children has reached its peak with more than one- third of children being either overweight or obese. (Salem Press,2014). Childhood obesity can be defined as when a child is above the normal weight and height for his or her age. The excess weight may come from either bone, fat, muscle, water or a mix of all four. (Davidson, 2013). It is also suggested that this can...
3 Pages 1127 Words

HIV and AIDS International Impacts

The revelation of the human immunodeficiency infection (HIV) as the causative living being of (AIDS) and the powerlessness of present day drug to discover a solution for it has set HIV as a standout amongst the most feared pathogens of the 21st century. (AIDS) is an ailment brought about by the human immunodeficiency infection (HIV). HIV contamination is an extremely present danger and can without much of a stretch is named as revile upon humankind. Mainstream researchers originally saw and...
2 Pages 1102 Words

The Correlation of Smoking and Social Interactions

Since the start of my time in undergrad school, I have seen the smoking society that exists among undergrads. This caught my advantage and when I got the chance to think about a brain science related marvel, I chose to complete a more profound investigation and examination on smoking in connection to social collaboration. For this writing survey, I have evaluated three papers to comprehend the connection between smoking, social collaboration and social conduct. The primary paper is an exploration...
2 Pages 1075 Words

Biblical Relations In The Book Lord Of The Flies

Published in 1954, Lord of the Flies by William Golding is a classic novel that talks about the conflict between the human impulse towards savagery and the rules of civilization. It is an allegorical tale where Golding explains the brutality of World War II, as it delivers a message about real-world issues and incidents from the war to help people understand the importance of laws and rules. Golding uses biblical allusion to portray the character of a boy named Simon,...
2 Pages 1145 Words

Teen Suicide: Does The Exposure To Suicide Content Trigger Suicidal Behavior To Predisposed Teens?

Suicide continues to be a serious public health issue across the world. Reporting and portrayal of suicidal behavior in the media may have a potential to negatively influence and encourage suicidal acts to predisposed teens when exposed to such stimuli. Evidence continues to accumulate on the significant impact of media coverage on suicide ideation. Ayers et al. (2017) conducted a quasi-experimental study to find out if there is an increase in suicide search after the release of ​13 Reasons Why​....
2 Pages 1081 Words

How Does Bradbury Make Clarisse A Striking Character In The Novel Fahrenheit 451?

Clarisse is portrayed by Bradbury in Fahrenheit 451 as a vivid character as she stands out from the other characters. She is different from the others as her character is not influenced by the society she lives in. Together with her family’s dynamic and different style of parenting, this enables her to be wise beyond her years. Possessing these special characteristics, she is able to challenge other characters in their beliefs about what should be right and wrong. Her presence...
2 Pages 1074 Words

The Ways Contemporary Society May Appreciate Ray Bradbury’s Fahrenheit 451

People have everything in front of them, people have nothing in front of them; People are on the way to heaven, people are going to the door of hell. Fahrenheit 451 is a frightening alternative world and it is symbolistic of a society in which the switch from contemplating books to mindlessly craving the instant satisfaction that comes from technology has had a grave effect on its citizens. It is also a not too distant reality of our world. ‘Fahrenheit...
2 Pages 1116 Words

Examples of Empathy in to Kill a Mockingbird

It’s not a simple task to try and step into another’s shoes, however defying general beliefs to empathize with another is a feat many cannot achieve. The novel To Kill a Mockingbird was composed by Harper Lee and is told from the perspective of Scout Finch, a child growing up in Maycomb County with her father and brother in the 1930s. The reader is carried along with Scout as she expresses her evolving interpretation of the world and her deeply...
2 Pages 1119 Words

The Adventures Of Huckleberry Finn: Slavery In Antebellum South

Mark Twain, the author of The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn (1885), introduced the novel as a kind of sequel to one of his past renown books, The Adventures of Tom Sawyer (1876). At first glance, most readers often view The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn as nothing more than a comical sequel due to its very vernacular language, risky adventures, and often silly/childlike humor within the novel. However, this novel is more profound than what one might expect from it. Although...
2 Pages 1137 Words

Elements And Characteristics Of Gothic Novel

Spawning in the 18th century was a widely popular genre of literature. Known as gothic literature, it explored the supernatural and mysterious elements of our world. Containing spooky tropes like haunted houses, a spooky castle with trap doors, etc. Not only was this genre spooky it was romantic and maintained intense emotions between characters in the stories. Although we can identify these characteristics that this genre is popular for, what really makes a gothic novel a gothic novel? A true...
2 Pages 1066 Words

Does Violent Media Promote Violence In Our Society?

There have been so many arguments over whether or not violent media has affected our society. Have they become more aggressive? Is there more crime? How does popular media affect real-life assault and violence? These questions have been asked over the years and it is still puzzling as to what the potential impact is. Not only do children- but adults as well spend hours upon hours playing games and listening to music that includes aggressive words and actions. These words...
2 Pages 1142 Words

Mark Twain’s Use Of The N Word In Adventures Of Huckleberry Finn

The N word, a racist, frivolous word by today's standards, but was is always like this? Mark Twain explores this idea in his novel Adventures of Huckleberry Finn. In his novel, Huck Finn and Jim go on an adventure together to freedom. On their way, Mark Twain uses the N word 219 different times to show how much people used it in the 1800’s. Mark Twain’s use of the N word in his novel Adventures of Huckleberry Finn should be...
2 Pages 1119 Words

An Analysis Of A Juvenile’s Violence And Delinquency

ABSTRACT The Retribution given to an adult is not as the same for a child though the crime committed by them are same. Juvenile delinquency is an act or omission by a child or young fantasy, which is punishable by law. The Delhi gang rape in a bus where the juvenile offender had been released after 3 years of term at the probation home, the adult offenders still has a pending review plea for their hanging. The Juvenile Justice act...
2 Pages 1121 Words

Rape Culture As A Real Modern Issue

For a moment, think about the six most important women in your life. One of six women throughout their lifetime will be raped. That could be one of the six most important women in your life. Rape and sexual harassment are issues which are growing in our society and we are only accomplices to rape if we are not part of the solution. Why do some people think rape is okay? Here’s why. The media. The media projects this idea...
2 Pages 1085 Words

Humans VS Humanity

Whether its technology such as touch screen phones, laptops (handheld computers), smart TVs, etc. Machines all serve their purpose to help benefit us in our daily lives. The industry constructing machines creates a huge need of laborers to work with and run machines. In result of the increased labor filled from open employment opportunities, and production. Companies noticed economic profits increase drastically and humanity gains large benefit from using machines, also it leads to massive improvement in worker efficiency. First...
2 Pages 1066 Words

The Catcher in the Rye: Holden as an Abnormal Adolescent

In The Catcher in the Rye, J. D. Salinger tells the journey from adolescence into maturity for Holden Caulfield. Adolescence is the stage in one’s life in which maturity into adulthood occurs. The story starts off with Holden getting kicked out of the fourth preparatory school he has gone to, Pencey Prep. Instead of waiting for his Christmas break to officially start, he decides to leave school early. He heads towards New York City by himself to go home. Holden’s...
2 Pages 1102 Words
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