1200 Word Essay Examples

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Social Issues

Thematic Data Analysis Method

Thematic analysis is a type of qualitative data analysis method that takes large bodies of data and groups them according to their relative similarities, which can be termed as themes. Thematic analysis can be applied to various sorts of data set from secondary sources, like media to records of focus group meetings or interviews. Also, it tends to be used to analyze huge datasets, as well as little datasets. Rigorous thematic analysis can produce trustworthy and insightful discoveries (Braun and...
3 Pages 1157 Words

Theme of Jealousy in Shakespeare’s ‘Othello’

Jealousy is a parasite on the soul, and feeds on self-gratification. Othello in Shakespeare’s ‘Othello’ is susceptible to narcissistic thoughts that cloud his judgement and opens a door for Iago to plot revenge. It ironic that Iago already had everything he needed to exact revenge inside of Othello. Othello has spent his whole life trying to cultivate a reputation as an esteemed general and a powerful man regardless of his race. However, this path leads to a weak identity, based...
3 Pages 1152 Words

The Social History of Corn in Africa

Anything that can be bought and sold is going to have a complicated story behind its existence, and certain commodities filled formative roles in important historical events. For instance, cash crops such as tobacco and cotton were a source of vast wealth for American plantation owners, produced by back-breaking labor under the barbaric conditions of the institution of chattel slavery. These crops and the products derived from them (and by extension, slavery) were what drove the economy and propelled America...
3 Pages 1165 Words

Physics Behind the Motion, Design Shapes and Safety of Roller Coasters

The study aims at discussing the physics behind design and action of roller coasters by first stating the definition of a roller coaster. A roller coaster is a type of amusement ride that employs a form of elevated railroad track design with tight turns, steep slopes and sometimes inversions (Wikipedia). The roller coaster applies a wide knowledge of physics concepts of work and energy mainly potential energy and kinetic energy, gravity and some uniform circular motion too in cases where...
3 Pages 1178 Words

The Most Impactful Day in the Life of My City and My Life

It was a regular Tuesday morning, I was getting ready for school, and everything felt typical to me. I was getting ready for my bus to come to pick me up and drop me off at my elementary school, P.S. 234 Independence School. I was at the start of second grade and preparing for the next year to learn. Finally, my bus came to my stop and I went to school. Everything around me was relaxing and calm when I...
3 Pages 1231 Words

Laws of Physics That Apply to Roller Coasters

The roller coaster has its beginning in Russia, where people applied in different ways during the 1600’s. People crafted slides made out of wood and went to the hills with sand where it could help them slowdown when they reach the downhill. This topic discussed in the essay is all about how these laws of physics apply to its design and the action of the roller coaster. Nowadays people in developed countries develop a mentality that if an entertainment park...
3 Pages 1170 Words

Informative Build-Up of Raymond Carver’s 'Cathedral'

People are part of a society where therapy would be necessary for emotional stability. The impact that therapy has on peoples’ emotional progress can pay-off their future. In Raymond Carver’s short story ‘Cathedral’, he dives into the significance of personal therapy sessions on people like the Narrator who have a difficult time expressing their feelings. People want to express the way they feel towards people they care about; however, there are things that make it difficult in doing so. Within...
3 Pages 1182 Words

Catholic Church's Understanding of Freedom

The Catholic understanding of freedom bestows a judicious response to an innumerable number of social pressures which contradict it. From a Catholic perspective, all people are vested with a free will, giving them the ability to choose good and discard bad. If people use this freedom correctly and choose good, they will ultimately achieve long-term happiness, one of the most basic human yearnings. This is quite the opposite to the secular understanding of freedom, which states ‘if it feels good,...
3 Pages 1193 Words

National Security and Its Threats

One of the most crucial government aspects of any county is the safety of its inhabitants and soil. Each country on earth has its own type of national security. According to Gale, national security is an umbrella term that refers to the stability of a country’s political, economic, and territorial integrity, as well as the preservation of its physical environment and the health of its citizens. When a government creates national security policies, they help protect the country and its...
3 Pages 1192 Words

Munro’s ‘Boys and Girls’ and Marquez’s ‘A Very Old Man with Enormous Wings’ as a Part of World Literature

David Damrosch’s essay ‘Frames for World Literature’ presents arguments for what he believes to be how literatures may be considered to be a part of world literature. His definition of world literature can be works where its writers in global languages are translated into languages and has gained a presence outside the country of origin. Works that thrive in translation can also be considered as a defining feature of world literature. Although there are certain losses when a work is...
3 Pages 1221 Words

Generation Z's Efforts to Achieve the American Ideal of Universal Equality

The U.S. Constitution establishes the equal treatment of people across all states, but forms of inequality – such as racism and discrimination – are still prevalent today. In spite of the on-going hardships, we’ve faced as a nation, Generation Z has the ability to use social media to address and directly combat such injustices. Martin Luther King Junior’s speech ‘I Have a Dream’ says: “This will be the day, this will be the day when all of God’s children will...
3 Pages 1201 Words

Examples of Totalitarianism and Its Consequences in the Novel '1984'

Orwell observed that every line of serious work he’s written since 1936 has been written, directly or indirectly, against totalitarianism and for democratic socialism, from his understanding. Around the time of World War II, George Orwell was a major contributor to anticommunist literature. Orwell lived in England during World War II, when Nazi Germany, a totalitarian state, was at war with England and destroyed the city of London. “‘I know that building’, Winston finally admitted. ‘It's now a shambles. It's...
3 Pages 1219 Words

Eminem: The Journey of the King of Hip Hop

Let’s be honest, we all love celebrities. As fans, we can’t enough of their activities, likes, and everything else. Some people are actually really crazy about their favorite celebrities and follow them everywhere. But there’s much more to a celebrity’s life than getting all dressed up and flaunting their luxury accessories or giving some nice interview and hitting the stage in one of their massive concerts. A celebrity is essentially a normal human being. So, it must make them happy...
3 Pages 1170 Words

Demonstration of Various Aspects of American Culture and Its Ideals in 'The Dick Van Dyke Show'

‘The Dick Van Dyke Show’ was one of the greatest television shows of the early 1960s. By genre classifications, the show was a situation comedy (sitcom). The show was created by Cark Reiner and ran from 1961 to 1966. It was based on the ideal suburban American family through the personal and professional life of Rob Petrie. Rob’s profession is being a writer working for the fictional Alan Brady Show. He faces competition from other workmates like Buddy Sorrell and...
3 Pages 1154 Words

America's Literacy Crisis: Persuasive Speech

Poverty, homelessness, hunger, crime, juvenile delinquency, drug abuse, single motherhood. These are just some of the pressing social and economic issues that plague our society today. But what if I told you that there was another problem, underlying all of these issues, that if we could solve it, would dramatically increase people’s chances of escaping these cycles of despair and improve their chance at life success? A single issue that, if we addressed it, could give people in the most...
3 Pages 1234 Words

Critical Analysis of How Newborn Neurons Contribute to the Functioning of the Adult Brain

In this paper, I will discuss and critically analyze how newly born neurons contribute to adult brain function in humans and why their continuous renewal throughout life hints at a functional role for these neurons. Supporting an analysis of newly born neurons and their contribution to adult brain function, I will start by drawing on the study by Spalding et al. (2013), and subsequent developments in this area. The existence of adult neurogenesis in sufficient numbers to contribute to brain...
3 Pages 1212 Words

Unveiling the World of Amy Tan Essay

Let’s dive into the intriguing realm of Amy Tan's novels. If you love getting lost in the pages of a book as relatable as chatting with a friend, you're in for a treat. Tan's writing isn't words on paper; it's like an invitation to explore the intricate threads woven through culture, family, personal identity, and her background. So buckle up and get ready to unravel the layers of emotion, history, and connection that make her novels so darn special. Amy...
4 Pages 1228 Words

Why the Sugar Act Violated the Fundamental Freedoms of Colonists: Synthesis Essay

1. During the age of exploration, many countries set out with the hopes of discovery. This was simply due to the search for monetary gain through learning new trade routes, gold, silver, or new crops. Spain became of one the leading countries in exportation and certainly had one of the greatest impacts. The competition over the new world stemmed from many things. Typically, it was a fight over religion, gold, and fame. Many looking to conquer the new world had...
3 Pages 1199 Words

Why Is Falling in Love Important for Human Beings: Argumentative Essay

Human beings have a lot of necessities; eat, sleep, move, and breathe, but there is also one thing that for us is as essential as those already mentioned, love. Love is a word that could not be described exactly with a worldwide definition, some say is an emotion, a feeling, a state of mind, a phase, a goal, or from a more medical point of view, love is a mix of a big amount of hormones produced by your brain...
3 Pages 1189 Words

Use of Phones While Walking on Road: Analytical Essay

Abstract Using smartphones while walking has become quite risky for people's safety. The people who use smartphones while walking on roads are at life’s higher threat than people who do not prefer to use them, so it needs to a solution. There comes a danger alert feature that alert people while walking if anything is coming in their path like a vehicle and can detect another obstacle like not small stones it detects little bit big stone etc. if we...
3 Pages 1203 Words

Surrealist Movement after World War I and Its Inspiration: Analytical Essay

Surrealism, founded by the poet Andr © Breton in Paris in 1924, after World War I, its roots were found in Dada, but it was less violent and more artistic, Surrealism was an artistic and literary movement and its goal was to liberate thought, language, and human experience from the oppressive boundaries of rationalism 'Surrealism is not a poetry but a poetics, and even more, and more decisively, a world vision.' (Paz, 1987) surrealist artists and photographers showed their worldview...
3 Pages 1153 Words

Stand Your Ground Law Pros: Critical Essay

Self-defense In this research paper, we will explain and discuss the “Stand Your Ground” law and how it relates to “Self Defense”. As you talk about this law you must incorporate a lot of different situations and cases. As well as this law being changed or tweaked multiple times. Nowadays a lot of people don’t actually understand the “Stand Your Ground” law and when it falls into effect. We will also weigh out the pros and cons of the Stand...
3 Pages 1248 Words

Should Schools Offer Fast Food Options: Argumentative Essay

Should schools sell fast food instead of traditionally cooked, cafeteria food? Across the United States, students that attend a four-year traditional college would either prefer eating in the campus cafeteria, or a fast-food chain like Pizza Hut or McDonald's. With the students being able to choose between the two, this affects those eating fast food by becoming a direct effect on their health and a problem for the colleges. Whether there are students that eat at the cafeteria or a...
3 Pages 1190 Words

Should Parents Be Held Responsible When Their Children Break Laws: Argumentative Essay

Why Parents Should Not Be Held Responsible for Adolescents’ Cyberbullying Cyberbullying commonly affects teenagers when online communication becomes prevalent as technology develops. They feel important to stay connected with friends online in order to gain peer acceptance while their online behaviors are influenced by friends and peers significantly. Instead of listening to their parent’s advice, they do what their friends do or told them to do. They want to be independent and do not need adults' intervention. Many of them...
3 Pages 1242 Words

Research of Previous Experience: Narrative Essay

Introduction The following proposal has been written with the aim of introducing my research question and structure for my final dissertation, it will begin with my motivation for the topic, followed by reviewing existing literature and focusing on the impact variables I will be investigating have had in previous research and then describing the sources for my data and methodology. In the final dissertation, I will also present my empirical findings and suggest how my research could be expanded into...
3 Pages 1173 Words

Renaissance as a Turning Point in History: Synthesis Essay

The three major turning points throughout Western history that stick out are the fall of the Roman Empire in 476 AD and its effects throughout Europe, the introduction of humanism in the 14th century and how it shaped the Renaissance, and also, the invention of the movable type printing press that shaped the world as we know it. On September 476 AD, Romulus Augustulus, the final western emperor of Rome, was overtaken by a German nobleman named Odovacar, who had...
3 Pages 1220 Words

Pros and Cons of the Civil War: Critical Essay

The Civil War was very stressful for people during this time period but also very positive in many ways, it completely destroyed the land and took many years to reconstruct, it gave people new freedoms by ending slavery, and lastly, it also took many lives of soldiers and reshaped the role of women. It was time for a positive change in the South and a change of old ways. Leaders came together to make reconstruction happen and to change the...
3 Pages 1175 Words

Plato's Views on Body and Soul: Critical Analysis Essay

After learning where we stand in what our current situation is, what technologies have we already acquired, and which we are soon to have available, only one question comes to mind: what will be of humans, both as individuals and as a community? Throughout history, many philosophers have tried to define what a human is. Plato described humans as a being with a body, made from matter, and a soul, similar to an idea according to his philosophical teachings, a...
3 Pages 1163 Words

Nicolaus Copernicus: Informative Essay on Renaissance

Nicolaus Copernicus was a Renaissance-era mathematician and astronomer. Nicolaus Copernicus was born on February 19, 1473, in Torun, a city in north-central Poland. Nicolaus was the son of Barbara Watzenrode and Nicolaus Copernicus Sr. Technically, he was a German, but his parents immigrated to Poland before he was born. Then, Copernicus's parents became official citizens of Poland. Copernicus was the fourth and youngest child in his family. He had two sisters, Katharina and Barbra, and a brother, Andrew. He was...
3 Pages 1152 Words

Narrative Essay about Obstacles in Life

Making a successful career change is not easy. If it was easy, everyone would be doing it. It is a process that requires a great deal of research, many conversations, and in my experience, the confidence to get out into the real world to really test your ideas to see if they will work. Over the past five years coaching a whole range of people from those in their mid-20s to others in their early 60s, I see the same...
2 Pages 1158 Words
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