1200 Word Essay Examples

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Social Issues

Extreme Dieting: A Failed Way to Lose Weight

Do you make a wish of losing weight at every beginning of the New Year? Having a good body is the wish of most people. In modern society, a good figure is not only a healthy state but also a kind of capital that makes people show off. Especially in countries with serious obesity problems, weight loss seems to be a big deal. Who doesn't want to get rid of the swimming ring on his body? Who does not want...
3 Pages 1191 Words

David Harvey’s Views on the Reasons for Replanning of Paris in the 19th Century

The concept of the progression of society is timeless and it often is crucial for innovation and growth. Paris, one of the most iconic and well-known cities in the world today, went through a complex and drastic change in the 19th century. In a city consumed by economic and social issues, there were great possibilities of future crisis and destruction, yet still some had hope and an opportunist point of view. In the book, Paris, ‘Capital of Modernity’, author David...
3 Pages 1177 Words

Corruption in Which We Live: Essay

The most recent scandal inside a commercial business was taking place and one of the most prestigious universities of the west coast The University of Southern California also known as USC. Most recently USC had come out at the center of a college admission scandal involving federal charges of bribery, cheating, and parents who had been willing to pay thousands of dollars in order to make sure that their potential underperforming children get into a number of the nation’s prime...
3 Pages 1205 Words

Controversial Issues Regarding Organic Food and Organic Farming

When you are eating organic food from the supermarket, do you ever attempt to define organic? Or ever wonder why it’s so expensive compared to non-organic foods? Well, basically, according to dictionary.com, organic is defined as “of food or farming methods produced or involving production without the use of chemical fertilizers, pesticides, or other artificial agents” (Dictionary.com). To simplify, a type of food product that is grown with all natural materials and is processed in a clean environment. Comparatively, organic...
3 Pages 1236 Words

Andrés Manuel López Obrador as the Hope of Mexico

The streets of Mexico are infested with criminals, who are causing Mexico to bleed. It is very clear that Mexico is infamously known for its exploitation and violence. The previous presidents have selfishly allowed Mexico to get beaten down by oppressors and neglected the people, leaving them to suffer the consequences. Are the citizens of Mexico ever going to feel safe in their own homes? There is hope, Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador, also known as AMLO, has risen and is...
3 Pages 1170 Words

Speech about Corruption in Society and Fight against It

In my speech, I am going to talk about this ever-growing and dire topic: “Corruption is a cancer. A cancer that steals from the poor, eats away at governance and moral fiber and destroys trust; it eats away at a citizen’s faith in democracy, diminishes the instinct for innovation and creativity”. These eloquent words from Joe Biden and Robert Zoellick are just as relevant here in this classroom today as they were when first spoken. They accurately describe the ongoing...
3 Pages 1190 Words

A Beautiful Mind' as a Film Depicting Elements of Abnormal Cognition and Behavior: Psychological Assignment

Abnormal psychology is a branch of psychology that studies people who are ‘abnormal’ or ‘atypical’ compared to what is acceptable and follows the social norms in a given society. Their behavior may be incomprehensible to others or make others feel threatened and or uncomfortable. With this definition, a person is seen as abnormal when he/she is unable to cope with the demands of everyday life. Such people are unable to perform the behaviors that are necessary for day-to-day living, such...
3 Pages 1159 Words

History of Abolitionism and Antebellum in the United States

In my course, I read about the forms of resistance to slavery, pro-slavery justification, life for “free” Antebellum Northern blacks, and all the hateful discrimination that occurred to African-Americans during that time period. I also read about political and social conflicts that created policies that led to the Civil War which was the war that shaped America to where it is today. Slavery in the South all the way to the Antebellum period During the period of the domestic slave...
3 Pages 1157 Words

Analysing Article about History of Constitutional Convention in 1787 by Jeffrey Toobin

Those who kept up with the news would be no stranger to how dysfunctional the Congress were back in 2013, during Obama’s terms. In 2013, Jeffrey Toobin, a staff writer at The New Yorker and the senior legal analyst for CNN, wrote an impressive essay called “Our Broken Constitution”. Toobin went through the history of the Constitutional Convention in 1787, queried if there is any result of the Constitution and commented about the Constitution. I agree with him when he...
3 Pages 1176 Words

A Good Man Is Hard To Find: Irony as a Tool to Convey Religious Beliefs

A segment in a story in which the outcome, is completely different from what is expected, or is contradictory to the segment, expresses irony. Flannery O’Connor was a southern born author who often uses irony. O’Connor was an author born in Savannah, Georgia on March 25, 1925. At a young age, O’Connor began to develop a skillful interest and passion in drawing and writing. Around the age of 25, O’Connor began displaying early symptoms of lupus, and was forced to...
3 Pages 1210 Words

Holocaust Survivor Testimonies: Humanity, Religion and Truth in Elie Wiesel’s Night and Primo Levi's Survival in Auschwitz

During the time of the Holocaust many of the world’s nations decided not to respond and almost seemed to ignore the fact that these tragedies that were starting in Germany were happening. The first example is the involvement of the United States during the Holocaust. The first politician that had found out about the actions going on in Germany was a man named Dr. Gerhart Reigner who was the representative of the World Jewish Congress in Switzerland. Once the word...
3 Pages 1229 Words

Impact of Narratives from Slave on Political Rhetoric of Abolitionism

Elizabeth Hobbs Keckley (ca 1818- 1907) was born as an enslaved person in Dinwiddie County, Virginia, to Agnes Hobbs and George Pleasant. Keckley experienced harsh treatment under slavery, including beatings as well as the sexual assault of a white man, by whom she had a son named George. She was eventually given to her owner's daughter, Ann Garland, with whom she moved to St. Louis. There she became a dressmaker and supported Garland’s entire household for over two years. She...
3 Pages 1223 Words

Parallels between European Imperialism In Africa and Holocaust: Conrad's Heart of Darkness and Levi's Survival in Auschwitz

Violence and murder became prominent in European imperialism in Africa and left the supposedly lower races destined for extinction, which would be brought about by any means, including intentional extermination of entire populations like with the Holocaust. Attempts to dehumanize the Jewish people and Africans were also very similar in structure with both authorities using a three-pronged approach. They first stripped the Africans or Jews of their identity, then physically tortured them, and lastly, redefined their humanity such that it...
3 Pages 1150 Words

Religion and Search for Spiritual Values in Modernist Poetry of T.S Eliot

The poetry of T. S. Eliot is memorable in nature as he is able to resonate with both his immediate context, and future contexts by formulating a detailed illustration of human life, presenting one’s modern-day turmoils within an atmosphere fueled by anxieties yet is futile. This modern era saw an age of heightened anxiety and the collapse of traditionalism. With industrial advancements and technological developments came spiritual and moral uncertainty, creating breakdown and disorder within society. Eliot’s insightful poems -...
3 Pages 1226 Words

Epidemiology and Bioterrorism: Steps Necessary to Secure National Well-Being

According to Saddling data (Pinto, 2013), which are viewed as epidemiologic intimations of a conceivable natural fighting Epidemiologic pieces of information of a biologic fighting or psychological oppressor assault .The event of a scourge with a comparative sickness or disorder, particularly in a discrete populace. Numerous instances of unexplained maladies or passings. More serious sickness than is generally expected for a particular pathogen or inability to react to standard treatment. Irregular courses of presentation for a pathogen, for example, the...
3 Pages 1167 Words

History of Sugar and Cotton Trade: Origins of Modern Capitalism

Around the world, the consumption of sugar is necessary and played an important role in the economy. However, but we as consumers don’t know exactly the origins of these important products that are sugar and cotton in the 18th century. In this essay, I’m going to discuss the importance of sugar, the role that played slavery in the sugar plantation, how cotton benefits the economy and also, how sugar benefits the economy. The human doesn’t know exactly the history of...
3 Pages 1227 Words

Determining the Speed of Light by Applying the Fizeau-Foucault Apparatus

1. Introduction As a fundamental constant, the exact value of the speed of light has been disputed for centuries. The measurement of the speed of light brought arise to new areas of Physics such as Einstein’s Theory of Relativity. This Theory of Relativity was based entirely on the relativistic effects caused by objects moving near the speed of light. This brought arise to an exclusively new area of Physics, furthermore it is no wonder why the velocity of light in...
3 Pages 1161 Words

Lessons Learned from Global History of Law and Discriminatory Alien and Sedition Acts in US

During the late 1820s in America, many men and women believed that an individual can be their own authority. This philosophy of life is called transcendentalism, a movement that stressed individual equality. Transcendentalists also did not trust governmental systems because of its corrupting effects on an individual. Today, the government punishes those who disobey their laws, no matter how logical or illogical the policies may be. This makes a corrupted government more likely to develop. Instead, laws should be a...
3 Pages 1212 Words

Relations between Intelligence, Logic and Creativity: Analytical Essay

Intelligence is a construct that encompasses many ways the mind processes and expands on information and stimuli. Intelligence utilises logic and creativity utilises change. Change can happen logically but that is not necessarily creativity as most logic can be replicated or has clear standing connections, but creativity is novel… sometimes utilising intelligence. Intelligence utilizing creativity may help to not only intake and understand new ideas but expand on them in abstract analytical ways. Already when we think of Intelligence like...
3 Pages 1235 Words

Reflective Essay on Workshop in Graphic Design

Graphic Designers have their own approach in order to deal with social issues and other societal, national and international aspects. It is seen that graphics have the power to demonstrate various aspects that are required to be taken in front of the people. This study focuses on an event I attended on October 15th, 2019 at San Francisco public library, Koret auditorium about “The Roles and responsibilities of graphic designers in the Trump era”. The building was so big that...
3 Pages 1235 Words

Reflective Essay on the Lack of Senior Fashion Designers

The development of the fashion industry is vigorous, it is one of the industries that many youngsters dream to work at. However, the blooming development of the fashion industry is only focusing on the design which is mostly about children, teenagers, and adults. About elderly fashion, the fashion industry is lack of senior fashion designers. It seems like young designers do not like the market of senior fashion. But contrariwise, the senior design market is what we should be focusing...
2 Pages 1152 Words

Reflective Essay on Prevalence of Medication Treatment for ADHD

What is ADHD? The controversy surrounding overmedication of children diagnosed with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder or ADHD is an ongoing contemporary issue. There are three categories of ADHD, Hyperactivity/Impulse (ADHD-HI), Inattentive (ADHD-I), and Combined inattentive and hyperactive impulsive (ADHD-C). Symptoms are usually identified by age four. Overall, I have found significant studies that confirm ADHD is under diagnosed. I was baffled to find this out as common as it is to hear the acronym ADHD. Working for Modesto City School...
3 Pages 1192 Words

Reflective Essay on Impressionist Sunrise by Claude Monet

The Art of Claude Monet - Impressionist Sunrise Introduction I chose the art which is “Impression Sunrise” that made by Claude Monet French painter, that done with oil paint on a canvas. On first sight, I found this piece of art very attractive and unique. I personally love to make more deeply observation on this piece of art. It would be very interesting to know about type of art, it’s historical position in history, what makes this art more revolutionary...
3 Pages 1170 Words

Principles of Experimental Design Applied to Engineering: Analytical Essay

Experiments are conducted in order to observe how changing a single factor or multiple factors affect the response variable(s). The purpose of experimental design or DOE is to create an effective procedure to create efficient experiments to make it much more easier to reach objective conclusions. Experimental design has three basic principles and they are briefly described below. Randomization This is the first principle of experimental design. It is a simple process of randomly allocating changes to the factors. The...
2 Pages 1151 Words

Abstraction in Photography: Analytical Essay

Almost two centuries after its invention, artists are still grappling with defining and discovering the limits of photography. These limits are meant to be questioned. Photography is debatably one of the most confusing mediums. It has gone through extensive interrogation, and has dramatically transformed through technological development, more so than painting or sculpture. Photography is no more than a recording of light, and any attempt to label it further is simply wrong (Rexer). The medium is uniquely frustrating because it...
3 Pages 1230 Words

No-Zero Policy Pros and Cons

The No Zero Grading Policy Hurts Students “The grade you get is the grade you’ve earned.” Most of us have heard this phrase is high school, probably as you were desperately trying to convince your teacher to bump your grade. Some may have taken this with a grain of salt, others may have taken this phrase as a motivator. With that said, it leads us to ask ourselves, is the grade you get really the grade you’ve earned? Well, with...
3 Pages 1225 Words

Nationalist Identity Politics of Vladimir Putin in Russia: Analytical Essay

Nationalist Identity politics in Russia Introduction: In this report, Russian nationalist identity politics will be examined through the use of findings and discussion. Below a list of results from extensive research will be listed, then followed by a brief discussion on how Putin uses Russian Nationalism to assert dominance and control over the west. Firstly though, a brief overview. Relations between the west and Russia are at their worst since the Cold war, yet Nationalism is on the rise with...
3 Pages 1196 Words

Modernism vs Romanticism

Romanticism can be defined as a type of reaction alongside age that involves logical decision-making and reasoning. Romanticism as an ideology is comprised of three main themes which include human emotions, the love of nature, as well as the belief in the supernatural. The concept of romanticism involves strong emotions, a festivity of the individual, curiosity of the normal man as well as babyhood, the admiration of nature as well as imagination (Furst and Lilian). Romanticism's historical creation first originated...
3 Pages 1231 Words

Michelangelo Personality

Understanding different developments and the timeframes in which they existed can empower an individual to more promptly recognize the more unpretentious subtleties of workmanship and the importance behind them. Workmanship thankfulness ought to be unique and interesting. One ought not to depend on the investigation or assessment of others while shaping their own viewpoint on a given piece. Thus, one ought not to feel as if one needs a supposition on each bit of craftsmanship one sees. A certifiable sentiment,...
3 Pages 1187 Words

Management of Creativity in Journalistic Work in Media Organization: Analytical Essay

The articles examine concerned of management of creative journalistic work in a media organization. It is draws on the literature and research about creativity management, the author emphasizes that there is scarcity of in-depth research evidence on process of creativity management. The article is based with empirical research with a case study that investigate and explores the experience of set up an international media corporation. Developing new personal competencies and skills are vitals factors given that many journalist felt that...
3 Pages 1165 Words
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