1200 Word Essay Examples

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Social Issues

Essay on Tragic Hero in Julius Caesar

Textual Background It is thought that Shakespeare composed Julius Caesar between 1599 and 1600 and even though there were many prior accounts of Caesar`s rule and demise, Shakespeare is the only one that follows the other characters, particularly Brutus (Shakespeare`s Plays). The only reliable text of Julius Caesar comes from the First Folio of 1623 and it is believed to be derived from a promptbook by the theatre company rather than Shakespeare, because of the inclusion of stage directions (Greenblatt,...
3 Pages 1246 Words

Student Essay about Responsibility

Being the oldest of three has been one of the toughest obstacles that I have gone through due to all the responsibilities: taking care of my sisters; earning good grades so they can view me as a role model; being the first one to speak English in my family and having to translate for my mom. “ There’s agua in la casa mommy!!” The night was pitch black and the water was up to my knees the rain outside was...
3 Pages 1214 Words

Realism Essay

Classical Realism: It is defined as a theory that was established in the post-world war 2 era and explains international politics as a result of human nature. The term “classical realism” was coined by Richard Lebow. The word “order” has importance in this theory. Classical realists argue that order is fragile and created through constant matters between state nations. Also, related to classical realism theory there is another theory called human reshaping which puts forth that the world can become...
3 Pages 1214 Words

Essay about My Parents

Growing up, I was extremely lucky to have many great literacy sponsors that I had the ability to interact with and learn. Each one has furthered my knowledge in ways that benefited me in one shape or another. But one sponsor out of them all, had the biggest impact on me growing up into who I am today, and that is my parents. Whether it is telling me what I can’t watch or listen to as a young child, or...
3 Pages 1184 Words

Johari Window Essay

Introduction Self-awareness is defined as “an individual’s ability to understand one’s feelings, even as they change from moment to moment.” (Abrahams,2007). self-awareness refers to the person’s potential to become an object of one’s own attention (Duval &Wicklund,1972), in which the person actively identifies, processes, and stores information about the self. Which means it is an awareness of one’s own mental state like perception, sensations, emotions, attitudes, and intentions. According to (Gowing, 2001; Jacobs, 2001 Macaleer and Shannon, 2003; Zuckerman et...
3 Pages 1241 Words

Is Cost of College Too High: Argumentative Essay

Is college for you or against you? The cost of a college education greatly affects a family's financial situation. Students often accumulate a large sum of debt and end up working to pay it off for years down the road. Roger Scruton, author of “The Idea of a University” informs readers despite the cost, universities are an irreplaceable value. However, there is no denying that college costs have catapulted over the past decade; as the costs of tuition continue to...
3 Pages 1223 Words

Essay on Importance of Goals in Life

With all the lessons that I have in this training “TEACH ON: Keeping the Passion Alive”, I’ve learned a lot that will help me in my teaching profession as a newly hired teacher. And before it ends, there’s one word that always stuck in my heart; the word “Passion”. I’ve realized that once you teach from the heart and not just the use of the book, there is a passion that keeps burning in you. Meaning, we don’t need to...
3 Pages 1173 Words

Essay on Importance of Constitution

The UK is one of the few countries among modern democracies that has no single, definitive written constitutional document. The reason for this lies in the history of the evolution and development of British society and government. Low (1904) highlighted the evolutionary nature of the constitution through his commentary that ‘ other constitutions have been built; that of England has been allowed to grow.. our constitution is based not on codified rules but tacit understandings. Given the evolutionary nature of...
3 Pages 1219 Words

Impact of Covid-19 on Business: Essay

Introduction: Through this reflective Journal, I would be illustrating how the current covid-19 pandemic has dramatically impacted the hospitality industry and how industries had implemented strategies to recover or survive from the covid19 pandemic, I would also be talking about how covid-19 has impacted me personally, how I have coped with the current situation and how I prepared myself for -my WIL-3 and any big changes that hotel implemented during this challenging time. Impacts of Covid 19 on the hospitality...
3 Pages 1218 Words

I Have a Dream: Rhetorical Analysis

Martin Luther King Jr. wanted life to be fair, enjoyable, memorable, equal, and loving, he wanted to make the world a better place. He went out to people of all nationalities, backgrounds, and ethnicity to make sure that they knew his message because he wanted to spread the word of love and equality. King’s passage in “I Have a Dream” speech, personally connects with every African American out there because he experiences everything that they go through. For example, the...
3 Pages 1212 Words

Essay on Horror Movie

Understanding the term “Horror movie”, its definition can be acknowledged as intellectual nourishment that seeks to elicit fear. It was like a flavor that has been added to make the dishes become more delicious, nutrition or subsistence to our body, and because of all the emotions, our brain perceived that forces us to become more emotional. Horror movies have existed for more than a century and it contains various genres such as comedy horror, action horror, psychological horror or disaster...
3 Pages 1173 Words

Essay on Why Is Vaping Bad

Vaping and the Health Risks Behind It Vaping is just another method for smoking, and in order to reduce the number of uses, laws should restrict all advertising for vaping products. This would be very complicated, and it will take time for the government to enforce laws that would make this happen. Vaping is dangerous and can cause some very serious damage that could lead to death. We need to stop our youth from vaping so that they don’t get...
3 Pages 1189 Words

Essay on Importance of Continuing Education

The profession of nursing involves a multitude of qualities that are needed in order to successfully provide care to patients. Our group has created a Coat of Arms depicting just a few of the key qualities involved in nursing. The Coat of Arms consists of five symbols, each representing an important quality in nursing. The first symbol is a dragon, which represents integrity. A dragon represents integrity, as it conveys strong morals, honesty, and accepting responsibility, this is also the...
3 Pages 1200 Words

Essay on How Does Covid 19 Spread

COVID 19 The Pandemic Severity of pandemics COVID 19 and MERS COV As the world is witnessing the epidemic of COVID 19 a disease caused by the novel coronavirus (SARS-COV 2), as per the genetic and clinical evidence COVID-19 shows similarity to the previous pandemics that SARS-COV (2002) and MERS-COV (2011). The first case of COVID-19 was noticed in Wuhan, Hubei province, China, and MERS COV in Jeddah Saudi Arabia. All these viruses are of zoonotic origin. That means this...
3 Pages 1220 Words

Essay on How Cancer Affects Families

Cancer The phrase everyone dreads and wishes to never hear
 you have cancer. Cancer will take you by storm not only affecting you, but your loved ones, nurses, and healthcare providers. It is a beast that can drain you and everyone around you emotionally. Treatment can be exhausting and alters clients and their everyday life. With organizations like The American Cancer Society assist families and clients with everyday needs like transportation and support them in difficult times. Communities really come...
3 Pages 1235 Words

Working in an Office Vs Working at Home

One of the most crucial aspects of any organization is providing a very conducive, productive atmosphere in the office since it is where innovative ideas are created. Highly skilled people are hired, meticulous, fearless decision makers and goals are driven. Working in an office can be a pleasant experience in the case of proper organization of workplace and dynamic working culture within an office. It gives specific advantages for employees. Like employees are provided with supervision and support by the...
3 Pages 1168 Words

Why Are Depictions of Mental Illness in Films Dangerously Misinterpreted? Essay

For years, films have been criticized on how they portray mental disorders in film. From ‘Psycho’ in 1960, which devised the persistent confusion on whether Norman Bates is schizophrenic or has dissociative identity disorder to ‘One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest’ in 1975, that created the idea that psychiatric hospitals are prisons where there is no concern on a patient's rights; films struggle to escape the blame for the ongoing stigma relating to mental illnesses. Throughout the years, films have...
3 Pages 1204 Words

What Was the Influence of Michael Jackson’s Manipulation of the Music Video on His Rise to Fame?

After the breakout success of The Jackson 5 with the release of 1969’s ‘I Want You Back’, Michael Jackson, who was 11 at the time he began as lead singer in the band, has been front and center within the public eye. While Jackson’s first four solo studio albums saw middling success, it was only after his first album with Epic Records, 1979’s ‘Off the Wall’, that the whole world witnessed as he ascended from relative fame into superstardom, crowning...
3 Pages 1215 Words

Victims of the Holocaust According to the Book 'Night'

“A new survey by the Azrieli Foundation and Claims Conference finds, in April of 2018, an alarming 52% of millennials cannot name at least one concentration camp or ghetto, and nearly one quarter, or 22%, of millennials have not heard, or are not sure, if they have heard of the Holocaust” (Azrieli). The danger of a single story is the leading cause to genocide of a certain group. My purpose is to describe to the teachers in the RBHS English...
3 Pages 1205 Words

Essay on Tourism and the Environment

In modern era, tourism becomes a trend for individuals. Tourism is the act of visiting new places with religious and historical importance for recreation. Travelling helps people to interact with others, and gives the chance to expand knowledge and build strong overseas relations. Recently, there have been large number of persons who love visiting. Foreign investment is mostly done by tourisms. Travelling is not only for joy and rest but also to develop an industry. According to Hunsicker and Kraft...
3 Pages 1152 Words

Role of Dentistry in Antibiotic Crisis and What Can Be Done to Reduce Its Impact

Antibiotic resistance might be a term far disconnected from the world of dentistry; however, it remains to be one of the biggest threats to public health in the 21st century. Data from the CDC (Centre of Diseases Control and Prevention) reports that antibiotic resistance is responsible for 25,000 deaths in the EU per year and this is set to increase in years to come. A global report indicated that by 2050, approximately 10 million people per year could die as...
3 Pages 1150 Words

Role of Biomedical Science in Cancer Diagnosis

Biomedical science involves using a range of laboratory techniques to diagnose and find treatments for various diseases. In this essay we will focus on the role that biomedical science plays in diagnosing various types of cancers. The different approaches in biomedical cancer diagnosis that will be covered are: biomarkers (i.e., miRNA), biopsies (i.e., liquid biopsies), blood tests and histology image analysis. Biomarkers are found in blood, tissues as well as other fluids in the body. These are biological molecules that...
3 Pages 1163 Words

Relationship between Dana and Rufus in Octavia E. Butler's ‘Kindred’

‘Kindred’, by Octavia E. Butler, tells the story of Dana, a 26-year-old African American woman from the 1970s, who is constantly called into the 19th century antebellum South by her white ancestor, Rufus Weylin. After learning she must keep Rufus alive to ensure her own bloodline, she explores her family’s roots while at the same time, struggles to witness and endure the hardships of slavery. By allowing Dana to lose her arm on her last trip back from the past,...
3 Pages 1176 Words

Life and Times of Michael Jackson

Michael Jackson - musician, dancer, environmentalist, icon
 the list could go on. He was born on August 25, 1958 in Gary, Indiana. His mother and father, Katherine and Joseph Jackson, always had a love for music. They were devoted Jehovah’s Witnesses, but he later converted to Islam. When Michael was 6, his father decided to create ‘The Jackson 5’, a musical group consisting of his 4 older siblings. Although Michael wanted to pursue music, he was regularly beaten and threatened...
3 Pages 1233 Words

Job of an Athletic Director and Why I Want to Achieve It

The athletic director (AD) reports directly to the president of the school. In this role the AD serves as an administrator over functions of an athletic nature. The program can encompass several sports in either the NCAA or NAIA championship programs, the coaches, assistant coaches, athletic trainers, sports information, and student workers. The athletic director provides administrative direction and oversight for all aspects of the school’s athletic program with special attention to recruiting athletes and developing resources for the area...
3 Pages 1170 Words

Irony of Martin Espada's Poem 'Bully'

In ‘Bully’ Martin Espada uses the first stanza to introduce the theme of his poem. “In the school auditorium/the Theodore Roosevelt statue/is nostalgic” (lines 1-3). The statue described emanates a nostalgia for the Spanish-American war, which was considered by many to be a morally reprehensible act of hate upon Hispanic people. The author of the poem, Martin Espada, was introduced early on to political activism by his father, Frank Espada, who was a leader in the Puerto Rican community and...
3 Pages 1197 Words

Influence of the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution on the Formation of Modern America

The Declaration of Independence was written because people were escaping King George the Third, who was a tyrant and oppressed his people in Great Britain. The people escaped to what is now America. Later, the DOI was created on July 4, 1776. The hope of these founders was to create a better nation with values and ideals to improve government as opposed to King George’s ruling. The DOI lists all the bad things the tyrant has committed which hurt domestic...
3 Pages 1226 Words

Influence of Enlightenment Ideology on Struggle of the Americans and the French for Independence

Throughout history, many ideas influenced many nations around the world. Whether it was big or small, civilizations everywhere were swayed by others in which they too wanted to be just as prosperous as their neighbors. One of the biggest influences across the world was that of the works of the Enlightenment ideology. The Enlightenment ideas were those surrounded by freedom: freedom of speech, freedom of religion practices, equality, the list goes on. Many countries used this proposal as a way...
3 Pages 1206 Words

Impact of Terrorism on the World

Terrorism is not a new concept or thought process. The idea of terrorism has molded the course of history of multiple different countries to include the U.S. Before the inevitable attacks on the Twin Towers, and Pentagon acts terrorism was not given the same attention from multiple different news outlets that it gets now based on what objective, proposed target. People use this type of deliberate violence to help influence the host government to carry out plans in the hope...
3 Pages 1222 Words

The Great Gatsby: Did Gatsby Really Love Daisy

Is the love that Gatsby feels driving his relentless pursuit of winning over Daisy? Are all of his schemes to ‘win’ over Daisy worth it? In Gatsby’s eyes Daisy represents the American Dream, wealth, power, fame, and beauty which is the reason why Gatsby is attracted to her. Although Gatsby's fantasies with Daisy never become a reality, his love for her can only be felt in the pursuit, not in 'having' her as his own. In ‘The Great Gatsby’, Fitzgerald...
3 Pages 1228 Words
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