1200 Word Essay Examples

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Social Issues

British Attitudes towards Immigrants to Britain over the Last 100 Year: Analytical Essay

Analyse British attitudes towards immigrants to Britain over the last 100 years and analyse the reasons for these attitudes and for changes over time. Immigration has long been a topic under discussion because it is a significant demographic and social phenomenon. It involves a wide range of complex issues closely related to people’s lives, which makes people’s attitudes towards immigrants vary. Figure 1 displays a detailed description of British people’s attitude changes in the last century. The detailed analysis and...
3 Pages 1194 Words

Comparing and Contrasting the Poetic Techniques Used by Andrew Marvell and Seamus Heaney

This essay will show how the tradition of animal poetry is present in both ‘The Otter’ by Seamus Heaney and ‘The Mower to the Glow-worms’ by Andrew Marvell. This essay will portray this by comparing and contrasting the poetic techniques used in these poems. Firstly, Heaney’s poem is what one would call free verse as it has no rhyme or metrical rhythm, whereas Marvell’s Poem is in a sense more traditional as rhyme, a metrical rhythm called an iambic tetrameter,...
3 Pages 1196 Words

‘The Otter’ by Seamus Heaney Versus ‘The Mower to the Glow-Worms’ by Andrew Marvell: Comparative Aalysis

In this assignment, I will compare ‘The Otter’ by Seamus Heaney (page 191-2 in The Faber Book of Beasts) to ‘The Mower to the Glow-Worms’ by Andrew Marvell (page 159 in The Faber Book of Beasts) and explore the ways in which these poets write about animals. ‘The Otter’ is a twentieth century poem and comprises seven quatrains, with no regular rhyme scheme or meter, and the lines differ in length. Throughout the poem, Heaney uses the otter as a...
3 Pages 1229 Words

Apollo and Dionysus in Our Lives Today and in the Beginning of The Iliad: Analytical Essay

The term mythology refers to the body of myths originally told by the ancient Greeks. While we recognize elements of ancient mythology as an essential component to Greek history, myths are perennial, as myth presides in everyday art and human function, and the various archetypes might be used as mirrors for identity and self-discovery. While there are many gods and goddesses of ancient Greece, we learn that two gods define Greek culture. This essay will discuss the inevitable presence and...
3 Pages 1207 Words

The Iliad Essay: Research of Medicines and Doctors during the Trojan War

The project I chose was the science/ medicine project. I decided to do this project was because the thought of how medicines and doctors helped cure people has always amazed me, and during my research, I found out that a lot of the home remedies we use today are actually from the Trojan War. For example, during the Trojan war obviously, they didn't have sunscreen to put on before they went to fight so after a long day filled with...
3 Pages 1202 Words

Essay on the World of Sculpture: Analysis of Hellenistic Period

The scope of variety within the world of sculpture is profoundly oceanic. The rich domain of history, culture, appearance, and overall styles all differ substantially, evoking different sentiments and emotions. The sculptures that derive from different cultures all speak different volumes, but sculptures from Greek culture, in particular, are undeniably breathtaking due to their realism and vivid, lifelike detail. The Greek sculptures are nothing short of staggering beauty and the sculpture of the goddess Nike of Samothrace's “winged victory” is...
3 Pages 1181 Words

An Annotated Bibliography on the Origins, Rise, and Development of Bushidƍ: Code of Moral Principles for the Samurai Way of Life

Bushido, a code of moral principles that dictate the samurai way of life, first came to the fore during the Edo period. Its origins were largely influenced by Shinto and Zen Buddhism, with many of its tenets being drawn from Neo-Confucian texts. Bushido was originally an informal code of conduct for samurai, encompassing a wide range of virtues and guides to behavior that were meant to temper the harsh lifestyle of the samurai. It acted as a training of the...
3 Pages 1230 Words

Portrayal of Pilgrims in Plymouth Plantation: Critical Analysis

Values can be defined as a person's “principles or standards of behavior; one's judgment of what is important in life” and they, furthermore, play an important role in most literature (Dictionary.com). In the short story “of Plymouth Plantation,” Pilgrims, also referred to as colonists, journey by boat to Virginia and encounter the Native Americans. After years of disagreement, the Natives and colonists feast together. They strengthen values of stability through religion and reliance on community. This short story shoes different...
3 Pages 1162 Words

Impact of Fidel Castro and Cuban Revolution on Life of Cubans: Analytical Essay

Statement of problem: To what extent did Fidel Castro's Cuban revolution change the lives of Cubans? Rationale The investigator decided to do this topic because the researcher wanted to educate themself about Cuba and one of its most famous historical events. The investigator also thought the topic to be rather intriguing to learn about. The researcher chose to focus specifically on the Cuban Revolution because of its relevance to Caribbean History and international relations and its significance to current affairs....
3 Pages 1228 Words

The Significance of Human Connections: Character of Henry V

Across a variety of topics and situations, interactions and relationships between individuals have an influence over many diverse aspects. The idea of searching for a connection to avoid isolation and produce meaningful relationships is known as human connection. Individuals who fail to maintain any connections may end up living a life much more isolated and dull. King Henry V depicts a variety of positive and negative interactions which can greatly impact individuals in different ways. Alternatively, “Where Are You Going,...
3 Pages 1152 Words

Analytical Essay on Technologies Used in Apollo 11 Space Shuttle

The US needed win the space race to represent the dominance of the free world of witch it was the leader of the 50s and 60s However john f Kennedy had stressed the importance achieving a difficult goal and the success the Apollo 11 mission despite many disasters and setbacks allowed all mankind to be proud of this momentous achievement Apollo 11 Space Shuttle Apollo 11 was the spaceflight that first landed humans on the Moon. Commander Neil Armstrong and...
2 Pages 1155 Words

Descriptive Essay on China’s Exploration: Voyages of Naval Admiral Zheng He

With the goal to establish that China was the first to discover and map the ‘New World,’ Gavin Menzies beings to “trace the voyages of [Admiral Zheng He's] great [Chinese] treasure fleets in the ‘missing years’ from 1421 to 1423” in his book 1421.[footnoteRef:1] With the introduction of two “artifacts” of carved stone, which were erected in the Chinese cities of Chiang-us and Liu-Chia-Chang and carried inscriptions of the achievements of the Chinese naval admiral Zheng He, Menzies describes the...
3 Pages 1243 Words

Analytical Overview of Industrial England in North and South by Elizabeth Gaskell

Historians study the past to help us better understand the past and avoid old mistakes. They reassemble the facts to create a picture of a time, a place or an event that may be completely foreign to the way we think and behave today or may explain why we do. Historians use all sorts of data to help create the picture of society; census data, economic reports, laws, newspaper articles, poetry, and even literature. In every part of the world,...
3 Pages 1236 Words

Fate of Poseidon: Descriptive Essay

Everything started with 'Master Erebus' the lord of Trenches when he trespassed against his siblings by entering the god's chamber without the ruler of the god's assent so far as that is concerned and intentionally taking the cutting edge of Olympus without considering the results because of a demonstration of his disloyalty, he left Mount Olympus on the blocks of franticness, Zeus was crushed when he entered the chamber and found that the sharp edge was gone and he could...
3 Pages 1240 Words

Stonehenge As the Most Iconic Pre-historic Monument: History of Creation

It’s one of the world’s most iconic pre-historic monuments. Questions like ‘Who built it and why’, has been inspiring countless theories. It could have been an ancient cathedral, or a burial place or also could have been a stone-age observatory. Every generation for a very long time has been coming up with newer theories. 5000-year-old bones testify to the elite families, perhaps a single dynasty that ruled Stonehenge. However even bigger questions that transpire are, what actually motivated these people...
3 Pages 1231 Words

Case Study of Mental Retardation in Patients

Case No 5: Name: F. R Father’s name: M. R Age: 19 Gender: Female Religion: Islam Address: Faisalabad Birth order: 1st Siblings: 4(2 brothers, 1 sister) Marital Status: Unmarried Education: 2nd Year Father Alive/Dead: Alive Mother Alive/Dead: Alive History: The client's name is F.R. she is of 19 years and lives in Faisalabad and has studied till 2nd year. Her mother and father both are alive. She has 2 brothers and 1 sister and her birth order is 1stamong his...
3 Pages 1163 Words

Remember by Christina Rossetti and Funeral Blues by W.H Auden: Comparative Essay

Two poems, Remember by Christina Rossetti and Funeral blues by W.H Auden have the same motif of loss yet are almost the antithesis of one another in execution of attitudes to death. The speaker, Christina Rossetti in her poem Remember entreats her lover for remembrance after death yet speaks with a poignant realism in the acceptance that he may forget her for a while, seeing it as ultimately better for him to “forget and smile” than to “remember and be...
3 Pages 1208 Words

Changing Views and The Paradigm Shift: Study of Employee Motivation

Study of Employee Motivation In Chapter One of our text, we learned that employees are considered human capital, which means they are valued for what they know, their education, their experience, and their individual skills. (Luthans, Luthans, Luthans, 2015). We also learned in chapter one that the aforementioned fact was not always the case. We discussed Douglas McGregor and his theories. Managers used to believe that the employees within an organization were only interested in money, and that if you...
3 Pages 1199 Words

Reflective Essay on Pros and Cons of Communist Manifesto

The Communist Manifesto The Communist Manifesto was written as a guide to the idea of Communism. Communism, to them, was the struggle of the working class under the ruling class. The two different classes mentioned within the document were the ruling bourgeoisie class, and the working proletariat class. The main point stressed within the document is that the bourgeoisie class is oppressive and takes advantage of the proletariat’s work. They also outline how they would like society to be set...
3 Pages 1216 Words

Essay on Theories of Human Resource Development: Analysis of Positive and Negative Reinforcement

1. Human resource development. Human resource development includes the training of an employee after he/she has been hired by providing opportunities such as employee training, employee career development, coaching, mentoring and succession planning for learning new skills, knowledge and abilities that are both beneficial to the individual and also to the organization. Types of Human Resource Development On the job training which involves impacting knowledge and skills to an employee to perform a task while still performing that same task....
3 Pages 1216 Words

Working Memory Model: Overview of Theoretical Approaches

In 1960s, researchers were inspired by the invention of computer system and characterised STM as a computer with limited capacity which most verbal information is temporarily stored (Broadbent, 1958). Atkinson and Shiffrin (1968) then introduced a Dual-Store Model that maintained the short-term memory’s capacity is limited and rehearsal for the retention of information is essential. However, Baddeley and Hitch (1974) disagreed with the idea that short-term memory was a unitary system and introduced a multi-component system, which was the three-component...
3 Pages 1216 Words

Representation of Julius Caesar, Antony and Cleopatra in Cinema: Analytical Essay

Immediately after the release of Anjan Dutt’s film Srijit Mujhkerjee’s Zulfiqar came out in October 2016 and the audience witnessed a combination of Julius Caesar and Anthony and Cleopatra [Figure 29]. The first half of the film adapts Julius Caesar, while the latter half adapts the plot of Anthony and Cleopatra and the two halves are skillfully linked instead of mixing them throughout the film. In Zulfiqar, the city of Rome is replaced with the brutal politics of the dock...
3 Pages 1156 Words

Portrayal of Women by Thomas Hardy in Tess of the d’Urbervilles and Jude the Obscure

While many people claim that Hardy's portrayal of female characters is considered as biased, but what I believe is that Hardy has only portrayed women so weak and vulnerable because of the societal pressures they have been faced with. A Society is an environment created to cater to the rational basic needs and rights of its inhabiting individuals. However, a closed and oppressive society has been noticed to view the MALE as a superior gender. Both men and women readily...
3 Pages 1243 Words

Experience of Horrible Living in Nazi Camp: Analysis Survival in the Auschwitz

The Nazi’s rule is taken into account to be the foremost oppressive and discriminative rule in present time. During this rule, which lasted until the period of the Second war, the Nazi engaged in widespread discrimination against European Jews. One of the Most known cam was Auschwitz concentration camp, where millions of Jewish prisoners were killed. Before being killed, the prisoners were taken through a process of dehumanization by the Nazi guards.The theme brutally informs us about the systematic nature...
3 Pages 1163 Words

Discovering Personal Legend in The Alchemist by Paulo Coelho

Originally published in 1988, The Alchemist was written by the world renown and best-selling author Paulo Coelho. Being an allegorical novel, the author writes a story about a young shepherd from Andalusia who is on a journey to the pyramids in Egypt. His goal is to acquire the treasure that he keeps having recurring dreams about. Throughout his journey, he meets many influential characters and faces a multitude of situations that leads him towards searching for his personal legend- one’s...
3 Pages 1225 Words

“We The Animals” by Justin Torres Versus “Drown” by Junot Diaz: Comparative Analysis

Within the book “We The Animals” by Justin Torres a common issue is the lack of parenting. Jonah’s parents have negative parenting skills towards their children and within each other. Such as physical abuse, absence of parenting, and lack of motivation. Each of these factors has affected the boy’s behavior and childhood experience. Each parent has its own flaws and negative behaviors. The father’s overall character is abusive, aggressive, and “macho”. Throughout the book, he does take advantage and physically...
3 Pages 1240 Words

Narcissism Versus Narcissistic Personality Disorder: Analytical Essay

Echo and Narcissus by Ovid a myth in his epic Metamorphoses Echo was a beautiful nymph who loved the wildlife. Something about Echo was she talked way too much; she would not shut up and would always have the last word. One day a nymph Juno was looking for her husband who was flirting with other nymphs behind her back which Echo knew. She was able to stall Juno so the nymphs could escape because she didn’t want them to...
3 Pages 1201 Words

Statement of Purpose: Reflection on My College Days

Statement of purpose Always amused with the power the computers possessed and the technological advancements, I wanted to explore the limits to which the computer can utilize the computational power to help make our life easier and more interesting. I have decided to pursue my Master’s in Computer Science. In this innovative world of Computer Technology, where each new day sees a plethora of new concepts and emergence of new trends, one is inspired to stay abreast with the latest....
3 Pages 1186 Words

Major Depression Disorder Treatments: Analytical Essay

Abstract With the rising number of clinically diagnosed teens and adults, there is also a need for different treatments due to the different lifestyles of individuals. Newer advances such as a new use for ketamine, acupuncture therapy, and even a mild form of therapeutic shock therapy have all shown to improve one’s condition by either working side by side the antidepressant medication, or completely replacing it altogether. All three methods have shown to improve one's rating on the depression scale...
3 Pages 1218 Words

My Experience of Transformational Learning in Australia: Reflective Essay

Week 1: When I walked around the Sydney CBD during my first week here, people who begged on the street were caught my attention. Most of them are healthy, which means physically they are able to have a job and can earn money for their life. Some of them are yang, and even one of them is a lady who looks pretty if she cleans herself. I was shocked and asked myself why they are begging on the street instead...
3 Pages 1242 Words
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