1200 Word Essay Examples

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Social Issues

Children of a Lesser God' Analysis

The play, Children Of A Lesser God, written by Mark Medoff, was the winner Tony Award winner for Best Play in 1980, and also won the Laurence Olivier Award and the Drama Desk Award. In essence, the play is about a deaf girl named Sarah and her relationship with a hearing man named James. The play is told from the perspective of James’ memory. According to Fuchs, the first step in analyzing a play is to envision the world on...
3 Pages 1199 Words

The Effects of Littering on Humans and Species

Along with many pollutions in the water (oceans, lakes, rivers, etc.), plastics are one of them. Eight million tons of plastics enter the oceans every year, with 10,000 tons entering one great lake just by us, Lake Michigan. People who helped volunteer clean up (https://gradesfixer.com/free-essay-examples/an-essay-on-recycling-and-itsimportance-2/) litter found that eighty-percent of anthropogenic litter on the shorelines of the Great Lakes is comprised of plastics. Cigarette filters are the most common liter on Michigan’s shoreline. Plastics can have negative effects on the...
3 Pages 1245 Words

La Nina and Its Effects on The Environment

What is La Nina? La Nina originates from Spanish with the meaning ‘small girl’ refer to a phenomenon that describes cooler than normal ocean surface temperatures in the Eastern and Central Pacific Ocean; regions close to the equator off the west coast of South America. La Nina is considered to be opposite or counterpart to El Nino. It is one part of the larger and naturally occurring ocean-atmosphere phenomenon known as the El Nino/Southern Oscillation or ENSO cycle. ENSO is...
3 Pages 1210 Words

Francis Bacon, The Original Thinker of The 17th Century

Francis Bacon was born into a prominent wealthy family in London, England, on January 2, 1561. He was the family’s youngest son. Bacon’s father was Sir Nicholas Bacon, who held the powerful government position of Lord Keeper of the Great Seal. His mother was Anne Cooke, a scholar, translator, and holder of strong Puritan beliefs. She tried hard to ensure that her children were as well-educated and as puritanical as she was. Anne Cooke’s father had been tutor to King...
3 Pages 1232 Words

Oil Spill Crisis as a Result of the British Petroleum

The oil spill leaking into the Mexico gulf is as a result of the British Petroleum drilling rig which exploded at a rate of five thousand barrels a day. It was reported that about eleven workers died in the explosion that took place on 20th of April (Jones, 2010). The likely cause of the disaster was a cementing operation when the drilling by BP contractor Deepwater Horizon was at the verge of completion. The oil spill is going to affect...
3 Pages 1206 Words

Analysis of The Side Effects of Traumatic Brain Injury

For anyone who is familiar with rugby and other contact sports it is common knowledge that these sports are not always safe and have the potential to go incredibly wrong. It has been stated by Hosea, H (2012) “sports activities cause an estimated 20% of all TBIs among youths and young adults” which results in an estimated 300,000 cases per year. Repeated disturbances to the brain are not healthy to the individual and I believe it is important that these...
3 Pages 1170 Words

Sweat': The Gender Discourse

The short story “Sweat” by Zora Neale Hurston details the finer points of the abusive relationship and failing marriage of Delia and Sykes Jones. Hurston presents Delia as a hardworking woman and a faithful wife, but the same cannot be said of Sykes’ character. Sykes has no recognizable redeeming qualities. He is neither hardworking nor faithful, and be both physically and emotionally abuses his wife. Throughout the timespan of the short story, readers see the witness the relationship between Delia...
3 Pages 1218 Words

The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock': Evolution of Attitude in Eliot’s

T. S. Eliot’s notoriously opaque “The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock” can be interpreted only by acknowledging that the speaker’s thought process is not consistent throughout but an ongoing process. On first reading, the poems stanzas seem to belong to separate plots or lines of thought, but unity can be perceived if we think of the structure of the poem as reflective of the developing mental state of the speaker, with certain longer stanzas representing the processing of an...
3 Pages 1181 Words

In Search of The Meaning of Life

Every decision, every breath one takes, and every step one ever walks brings one closer to a single goal — to find the meaning of life. The summation of one’s decisions, steps, and movements through life shapes one’s individual existence and leads to proliferation of the damning idea of finding that sense of meaning. For many, this pursuit is never realized, and to others, the entire idea of successfully finding the meaning of the deep, dark mystery of life might...
3 Pages 1243 Words

Discussion on Whether Animals Should Be Kept in Zoos

Due to many tragedies happening in zoos, wildlife sanctuaries number of questions arises about the safety of animals and humans and whether zoo is the place for animals (https://gradesfixer.com/free-essay-examples/a-narrative-of-my-love-foranimals-and-how-they-have-strengthened-my-compassion-for-all-living-things/) to live. Many tragedies like Drunk women sneaks into zoo, bitten by tiger, Omaha’s Henry Dorrly Zoo and killing of the gorilla in the Cincinnati Zoo, Tourist gets his jacket ripped off by a panda inside Chinese Zoo. These situations raised a question whether the zoo officials are providing, doing enough...
3 Pages 1212 Words

Proposed Behavioural Model Towards Investment Decisions

This paper investigates the background regarding the factors which drives the investors for planning and taking investment decisions. The main idea of this paper is to develop proposed model towards investment decisions and its future implications. The research is based on searching keywords in database in Google Scholar and Emerald on the basis of number of publications and times cited in the respective field to measure the contributions of active researchers. The papers reviewed are mostly empirical or theoretical in...
3 Pages 1206 Words

The Idea of Devilish Influence in 'A Year of Wonders' and 'The Crucible'

Within the Puritan society of the seventeenth century, the fear of the Devil fueled the actions of individuals; this idea is reflected in two significant works of literature, A Year of Wonders by Geraldine Brooks and The Crucible by Arthur Miller. This idea of devilish influence is exemplified by the actions of Josiah Bont (for Brooks) and Abigail Williams (for Miller). On the contrary, the virtuous character of Reverend Hale in The Crucible contradicts this common trait of personal expediency....
3 Pages 1201 Words

The Impact of Monetary Policy on Financial Markets

The global economic crash of financial markets in 2008 resulted in widespread international turmoil. Central Banks were forced into making decisions in relation to their policies and regulations; one being monetary policies. Monetary policies play a huge role in how financial markets fluctuate. The Taylor Rule is a model used to estimate what the interest rates of a countries economy should be and will be, depending on how certain changes in the economies occur. This review will highlight some of...
3 Pages 1162 Words

Oedipus the King': Analysis of a Play

For this essay styled essay response, I’ve decided to combine two of the three questions I’ll be answering into one whole response since I find my response of both questions to be one that I can combine into a singular response to fluidly move into my next essay response as I’ll be discussing on the chorus overall with the addition to my two answers. So, with this being said, the two questions I’d like to answer are that of the...
3 Pages 1202 Words

The Hours': The Role of the Book in Feminism

I first saw the 2002 film, The Hours, an adaption of The Hours by Michael Cunningham and Mrs. Dalloway by Virginia Woolf, I had just turned 14. I watched it again and again, drawn to it but not sure why. Years later, when I had come to terms with my bisexuality, I understood that I was drawn to the themes of repressed sexuality in the movie. The film follows three women across three different decades, one of them Virginia Woolf...
3 Pages 1194 Words

What We Talk About When We Talk About Love': Theme Analogy

Raymond Carver uses a literature style that enriches the portrayal of the themes of each short story he writes. Yet his style of work demonstrates a common crucial problem: the misinterpretation of the message his theory attempts to portray to this audience. This misinterpretation stems from Carver’ minimalist writing technique that is simple yet effective in his work. He uses this technique to provide the reader with little information, along with a glimpse of the desperate characters tackling their unstable...
3 Pages 1248 Words

The Man Who Started the Illuminati

The 18th-century German thinker Adam Weishaupt would have been stunned if he had known his ideas would one day fuel global conspiracy theories, and inspire best-selling novels and blockbuster films. Until he was 36, the vast majority of his compatriots would have been equally stunned to discover that this outwardly respectable professor was a dangerous enemy of the state, whose secret society, the Illuminati, was seen to threaten the very fabric of society. Born in 1748 in Ingolstadt, a city...
3 Pages 1180 Words

Reasons Why Big Data are Relevant to Risk Management

In the Islamic financial world where there are many questions regarding the Islamic risk management which there are numerous issues such as the limited data. the illiquid instruments to use and many other risks. A lot of studies have focused on risks that are particularly aimed at being controlled risks and how to manage them in a way of that reduces “bad effect” in decision making wherefore the issue of how the risk originally exists and why it is perceived...
3 Pages 1241 Words

Islamic Golden Age: Rise and Fall

When we hear the word “Renaissance’, we usually refer to the European Renaissance that lasted from around the 14th to 17th centuries. Michelangelo, Botticelli, Donatello and many other names come to mind when we discuss this Renaissance, which was a period when Europe started to abandon many traditional customs from the Middle Ages and started the quest for learning. Today, we will go back even further before the times of Renaissance (from the 8th to the 14th century) when the...
3 Pages 1214 Words

Florida Civilians Refuse to Follow Hurricane Dorian Evacuation Protocol

Hurricane Dorian is a category five hurricane that formed over the Central Atlantic as merely a tropical wave on August 24th, 2019. The storm became a hurricane on August 28th as it reached north of the Greater Antilles. Dorian reached its peak of one hundred and eighty-five miles per hour and was declared a category five hurricane on the 1st of September. It made its way through Elbow Cay to the Grand Bahamas and remained there for the next few...
3 Pages 1160 Words

Knights of the Ku Klux Klan

In true David Duke style, the foundation of the Knights of the Ku Klux Klan (KKKK) is shrouded in political myth. Duke's claim that the Knights were founded in 1956 by Ed White (a pseudonym for Jim Lindsay) has, however, been largely discredited as a propagandistic attempt by the budding Klan leader to fend off depictions of his group as an inconsequential upstart. The group seems to have first appeared briefly in New Orleans in 1973, with Duke billing himself...
3 Pages 1213 Words

Taming of The Shrew': Gender Roles in a Play

In The Taming of the Shrew Shakespeare highlights and examines issues regarding gender relationships and inequality in the Elizabethan era. The subject of gender serves as a central idea of the work and interpretation can vary from reader to reader. Shakespeare uses Baptista’s two daughters Katherina and Bianca and their suitors within the play to examine the concept of Gender relationships and the issues within said relationships. In The Taming of the Shrew, The Minola sisters are written with a...
3 Pages 1215 Words

Minimization of Biases and Increasing of Objective Decision Making

Decision making is an important business function which is prevalent within every process at every level of an organization. It is largely dependent upon support from accurate information and data to successfully maintain effective and rational decisions on the basis of analysis of data and information presented. The results of analysis become the foundation for the decision being made. However, the prevalence of bias and errors within the data can result in erroneous decisions due to the analysis providing skewed...
3 Pages 1209 Words

Have a Glimpse of the Lordly State by Opting for Desert Safari in Rajasthan

Are you interested in experiencing Arab Nights fantasies? Do you belong to a cold place and want to feel the desert heat? Or do you intend to experience freezing cold sand while sitting around the bonfire? If any of this falls true in your case, then you are craving for a desert safari in Rajasthan. You can actually treat yourself the way you want by choosing the right weather to explore the desert. Rajasthan desert safari tour brings you to...
3 Pages 1194 Words

Sustainability Pros and Cons

What is sustainable development? According to the International Institute for Sustainable Development, it involves “development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs.” The definition is nearly as broad and all-encompassing as it sounds, covering everything from infrastructure to climate to water and energy usage to economics to equality and social justice. But just because the goals of sustainable development sound lofty and beneficial that doesn’t mean it’s automatically...
3 Pages 1246 Words

Sweat': Delia's Path to Been Free

Hurston’s Sweat is a short story that represents not only the constraints of a racially divided society but also, and more notably the oppression of women in a patriarchal society. Delia is a microcosm for women of the time, physically inferior, meek at times, but irrepressible no matter how demeaned she feels. Sweat as a feminist text delves into ideas of intersectionality, the oppression of women and African Americans, and presents an uplifting narrative of a way towards freedom. Delia...
3 Pages 1223 Words

Actions to Counter Risk of the Oil Spill

Do Nothing If I were Amora Srinivar, I would choose to sit back and watch as events unfold because my immediate supervisor has no confidence in me. There is nothing that can be disgusting as sharing ideas with someone who undermines your efforts. The supervisor is one of the people who view women as inferior and that’s why he does not handle this issue with the seriousness it deserves. Ignoring the issue is not the best option but it has...
3 Pages 1231 Words

Mythology Study: The God Apollo

Mythology is everywhere. In fact it has such a grip on our world that our lives would be very different without it. Mythology is the subject of myths and legends, normally dealing with imaginary creatures. Myths have been told since the beginning of time. The purpose of these myths is to explain questions mankind has always asked: “Who am I? Why am I here? Is there something else besides me?” (History) Besides answering these fundamental questions, myths were also used...
3 Pages 1211 Words

The Final George Washington's Request

After his second term, George Washington formally resigned from his role as President of the United Sates. Washington took advantage of his resignation by preaching his political views of how our country should be run. He wrote what is called the Farewell Address as his final statement, or warning, to the American people. Washington’s public adieu embodied his fundamental values and what he believed was the right path for the US. However, Washington was not the sole author of this...
3 Pages 1207 Words

Slacktivism As Means of Effective Protest

The constant creation of newer and more captivating technological devices draws in individuals and captivates them. For organizers behind activist causes, this calls for new techniques to draw attention from the public in order to gain support and attention. Enter slacktivism, the solution to every lazy person’s wish to join a movement, to have a hand in a committed objective that sounds good to be a part of whether it be cancer research donation or saving animals from extinction. Slacktivism...
3 Pages 1223 Words
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