1200 Word Essay Examples

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Social Issues

Parrot in The Oven': The Theme of Lack of Schooling, Ignorance and Good Name

Relations determine the way in which people feel about or behave toward each other. Take any problem in life and it will fall under relationships, money, and stress. However, there are more as well according to the book Parrot in the Oven by Victor Martinez, which are lack of education, lack of understanding, and reputation. My question to everybody is why people who are in relations don’t learn to compromise or think about others? In my opinion relations are very...
3 Pages 1185 Words

We Were a Revolution': What Became of Occupy Wall Street

Exactly ten years ago, the messages of 'Occupy Wall Street' and its criticism of the financial system and social inequality went around the world. What has become of it? People march through the streets with backpacks, US flags and placards. 'People Power,' they shout, and 'Occupy Wall Street.' They stop in front of the bronze bull, which is behind a barrier and is already being guarded by police officers. For the protesters, it is the symbol of capitalism, of the...
3 Pages 1165 Words

Critical Appraisal of Sustainability in the Construction Supply Chain

The meaning of sustainability differs drastically depending on which perspective you look at it from. It could mean lower carbon emissions, green and eco-friendly or it could mean a self-sufficient system, or even could be about creating a healthy environment that is based on ecological principles. Putting sustainability within the context of a Supply Chain Management (SCM) process, more accurately a construction supply chain management process, would require immense care. To claim truly sustainable construction would mean that every aspect...
3 Pages 1241 Words

Teaching and Poverty in Scotland: Closing the Attainment Gap

Although parental and community engagement is one of the key improvement drivers set within the National Improvement Framework (Scottish Government, 2019), its strategy primarily shows a reusing of prior policy aspirations concerning parental engagement, that have not so far been fully applied in Scottish schools and communities. Education Scotland (2019) found the most successful challenge authorities in Scotland to narrow the poverty-related attainment gap, put in place effective partnership initiatives working with family engagement strategies. Shared learning activities that engage...
3 Pages 1211 Words

Pablo Neruda: Stylistic Elements and Literary Devices

Deriving his name from a Czech Republican poet named Jan Neruda, the Chilean poet with a Spanish background, Neftali Ricardo Reyes’ life was always kaleidoscopic. His life was subjected to a multitude of colours like the Spanish Civil war, being a ‘Consul General’ in Mexico, communism and exile. From being a prolific poet to donning a prominent political persona, he mustered awards like the International Peace Prize (1950) and even the Nobel Prize in Literature (1971). Born in 1904, time...
3 Pages 1172 Words

She Stoops to Conquer': Female Manipulation in a Book

The female characters of She Stoops to Conquer are very ambitious, they would do anything to achieve whatever they want. Even if their goal would cost them manipulating the men in their lives. Henceforth, this paper shall discuss the female manipulation in the play. Kate Hardcastle is a smart, sensible, ambitious and a beautiful young woman. She knows how to use these merits to her own benefits. Thus, she knows how to manipulate her father, and Marlow, the son of...
2 Pages 1157 Words

Critical Analysis of The Message of Black Lives Matter

The subject of black lives matter can be very touchy for the people affected by violence on black lives. Ignited by the acquittal of Trayvon martin’s murderer, George Zimmerman. There are always two sides of the spectrum on a matter and although some may believe the theme of black lives matter is just a shrouded message as an excuse to stage protest are dreadfully wrong. We all know in America you don’t need an excuse to stage protest. America was...
3 Pages 1168 Words

Critical Analysis of the Development of the European Union in the Context of Crises

This assignment was prepared with the intent to critically analyze the European development through crises that drive integration and collaboration, strongly focusing on the impacts of the Euro crisis and elements of the recent Brexit event. A further strategic examination was carried out to address regional integration theories in the context of the EU’s development as well as confidently evaluate the political, social, and economic diversity of its member states. Qualitative data was gathered from various sources to express views...
3 Pages 1241 Words

The Importance of Fair and Equitable Compensation

Compensation is an indispensable and widespread thing of the management procedure of each organization. Most corporations choose to fulfill their mission, gain their objectives and maximize return on their investment, especially on their human capital. Doing so requires that their compensation philosophy, design, transport and decisions be balanced, fair, focused, and understood by using their worker and plausible worker constituencies. Compensation is an indispensable and widespread thing of the management procedure of each organization. Most corporations choose to fulfill their...
3 Pages 1246 Words

Competition Authorities and Their Role in Price Control in the UK

The coronavirus pandemic is the first time that all economies across the world have faced such a severe global challenge since the recovery from World War II, and it would be fair to say that the UK have been among the worst affected. In this report, I will investigate how the UK Competitions and Markets Authority (CMA) have adapted to price rises in the economy, how they should ensure a strong recovery in the future, and then conclude whether it...
3 Pages 1248 Words

Essay on the Economic Development of Japan

Japan is a highly developed first world country and is currently (2019-2020) ranked the third largest economy in the world after China. Japan has gone through major economic success and challenges through the years but its ability to learn, adapt and combine the skills and knowledge acquired has enabled it to always hold and avoid. The paper below looks at the various changes that the Japanese economy underwent from the early 1600s to date. It also looks at the role...
3 Pages 1242 Words

Hard Work to Make Dreams Come True

Ever since I can remember, I have been intrigued by how things in the world go round. I like getting my hands dirty and trying to invent my own unique creations like, my own homemade restaurant with bad sketches of multiple blueprints of how I wanted it to look like. Blueprints just sucks me in and I can spend hours looking at how every detail pulls together the end product. My grandfather used to show me how clocks work and...
3 Pages 1153 Words

The Famous Lewis and Clark Expedition

Thomas Jefferson gave a proposal to Congress to have a secret expedition in the West. In his proposal, he stated that it was for, “economic reasons which could lead to commercial intercourse”. Congress approved and Jefferson was quick to begin planning for the expedition. The territory that Jefferson wanted to explore was owned by the French. Napoleon had lost many soldiers in Hispaniola and lost interest in America therefore decided to sell the land know as Louisiana, at its time,...
3 Pages 1171 Words

Later School Start Times for Better Health and Academics

Across the United States, 93% of high schools start at or before 8:30 a.m. Of these, there are schools that start at or before 7:30 a.m., causing these students to wake up even earlier to get ready, eat breakfast and arrive at school on time. According to the CDC (Center for Disease & Control), early school start times are the most important contributor to sleep deprivation among high school age groups. Many parents, administrators and health officials are calling for...
3 Pages 1184 Words

An Experiment to Determine the Unknown Tension by Using the Components of the Force Vectors in Equilibrium

In this experiment, our aim is to determine the unknown tension by using the components of the force vectors in equilibrium. Method First, we place a ring with three strings over the center (reference point), and set up the three pulleys. We will have two known masses which are 50 g each hanged from two strings which can be changed by applying different masses, and moving the direction of the force. In addition, the third pulley will help the system...
3 Pages 1153 Words

Overview of the Structural Composition of the Ivy League Demographics

Ivy League schools are the most prestigious educational institutions in the United States of America. Along with offering world-class education in different fields, Ivy Leagues are home to a diverse population of students. From Native Americans to Asians, the demographic of the Ivy League institutions constitute students from every nook and cranny of the world, traveling wide and far to attain education in the world’s best universities and colleges. Currently, the Ivy League are a community of 8 private member...
3 Pages 1170 Words

Substance Abuse: History, Epidemiology, Brain-Behavior Relationships and Treatment Approaches

Analysis of behavioural response to substance is a critical point of discussion when formulating a assertion around addiction/substance use disorders. The diagnosis manual, referred to in psychiatry is used to define the different psychiatric diagnoses that are presented within societal groups which is commonly known as the DSM. Advances in neuroscience identified addiction as a chronic brain disease alluding to strong genetic, neurodevelopmental and social components that offer a debate towards classification of a personal lifestyle choice or a biological...
3 Pages 1214 Words

The Importance of Physical Education in Childhood

Physical education is a general education course of study from kindergarten through grade 12 in which students participate in physical activities. The purpose of physical education is to introduce children to the basic elements of exercise and to help them develop a healthy lifestyle. Children can exercise their bodies and improve their mental sports ability by playing basketball, football and other traditional sports, and taking part in weight-lifting, calisthenics and other physical exercise activities. Physical education is the teaching and...
3 Pages 1244 Words

Global Development of Russia in the 18th Century

The Russian 18th century was characterized by the presence in power of two personalities, who both brought deep changes to Russia. The first one was Peter the Great, who modernized and Europeanized the country, building a new capital looking west. The second was the Empress Catherine, who carried on Peter reforms and expanded the boarders of Russia. At the beginning of the 1700 Peter the Great wanted to access the Baltic Sea, therefore signed an alliance with Denmark and Norway...
3 Pages 1197 Words

Nelson Mandela's Imprisonment Essay

Leadership is a social process in which an individual uses the support of others in attaining particular goals. A leader is an individual who is moving towards a certain direction, whereas managing to influence others to be his or her followers. Nelson Mandela is one of the leaders who demonstrated clear leadership styles during his tenure of office as the first Black President of South Africa. Mandela's journey through his self-transformation occurred in prison, where he had been imprisoned for...
3 Pages 1163 Words

The Importance of Mass Communication on the Example of the Watergate Scandal

Nowadays, when you are thinking about the relationship between these two words, the first sense that flash in your head is probably President Trump and Twitter. The man who posts all the thoughts and decisions on twitter, even faster than ‘Fake News Company’ CNN reporters. Lots of people nowadays are saying that the media and the news company are the fourth power of the politicians, in my opinion, it is partly true. The TV show presented by Netflix, also shows...
3 Pages 1152 Words

New Education Policy as a Boost To The Indian Education System

Education is a very essential and crucial asset for a country’s development by attaining full human potential, developing an equitable and fair society. The fourth agenda of the Sustainable Development Goals also concerns about the quality education. The Government of India had endeavoured to enhance and ensure inclusive and equitable quality of education and promote lifelong learning opportunities for all. This has brought a revolutionary change in the Indian Education System. The world has undergone many rapid and dramatic changes...
3 Pages 1216 Words

Our Century with Technology

All over the world we’ve read or seen how people were born and raised before technology. Changes began when light, machines and newer inventions were made to when the newest smartphone, watch, and devices were created. Some of us have experienced throughout these changes when our world was introduced to the Internet and how it brought impacts to our society today. Technology shouldn’t be used as a distraction that will separate us from our social world. It should bring benefits...
3 Pages 1198 Words

The Importance of Virtual Reality for Modern Society

In 1968, Ivan Sutherland, an American computer scientist, with his student Bob Sproull made the first ever virtual reality head-mounted display. Virtual reality (VR) is a technological interface that allows users to experience computer-generated environments within a controlled setting. VR has made some remarkable advancements in the past few years; when Sutherland and Sproull invented this VR display it was a large and heavy contraption that was suspended from the ceiling, now it can be as simple as a headband...
3 Pages 1190 Words

Overview of the Drawbacks of Industrialization

Industrialization, which has begun in Britain during the 18th century, caused rapid change in the manufacturing of goods. The revolution of industry has invented many ways to produce goods in much faster and efficient ways, making our lives easier. It emphasizes the usage of machines and labor power. The basic needs of human such as food, water, housing and transportation become more easily available. The rapid improvement of industrialization also gives way to the development of technology. This caused a...
3 Pages 1194 Words

Gloria Anzaldua's and Amy Tan's Growing Up with Language Barriers

Individuals tend to evade things they don't comprehend, to abuse the new. This is something that Gloria Anzaldua and Amy Tan know all too well. The author of 'How to Tame a Wild Tongue' Gloria Anzaldua was an American scholar of Chicana cultural and feminist theory. She grew up on the Mexico–Texas border and incorporated her lifelong experiences of social and cultural marginalization into her work. She also developed theories about the marginal, in-between, and mixed cultures that develop along...
3 Pages 1171 Words

Review of Peggy McIntosh's Article 'White Privilege: Unpacking the Invisible Knapsack'

This white privilege essay is about the main point of view that McIntosh discusses in her work, focusing on white privilege. “I was taught to see racism only in individual acts of meanness, not in invisible systems conferring dominance on my group”, this is one of Peggy McIntosh famous quotes in her article ‘White Privilege: Unpacking the Invisible Knapsack’. There the main point of view that McIntosh talks about in her is the daily effects of white privilege that happens...
2 Pages 1153 Words

Harm of the Laws 'No Promo Homo' for the LGBTQ+ Community

Homophobia is defined as dislike of or prejudice against homosexual people. People being homophobic is causing children across the world to go through pain every day because of their sexuality. Most of the pain and suffering is caused by bullying in schools. Making children feel welcome in schools should be a priority, not a choice. Students can not feel welcome if they do not feel safe; No Promo Homo Laws make it where students cannot be protected. No Promo Homo...
3 Pages 1161 Words

Use of Performance Enhancing Drugs by Athletes

Some athletes take a form of steroids, acknowledged as anabolic-androgenic steroids or just anabolic steroids, to enlarge their muscle mass and strength. The important anabolic steroid hormone produced by your body is testosterone. Testosterone has two most important outcomes on your body. Anabolic consequences promote muscle building. Androgenic consequences are responsible for male traits, such as facial hair and a deeper voice's athletes take straight testosterone to raise their performance. The anabolic steroids used by athletes are frequently synthetic modifications...
3 Pages 1200 Words

Using Social Media to Promote Political Awareness Through the Example of the Million People March

The Republic of the Philippines has been called the ‘promise of Asia’ and the ‘sick man of Asia’ alternately ever since its search for stability, prosperity and development began (Manrique & Manrique, 2017). This review attempts to show how the use of social media in one country, the Republic of the Philippines, has grown and has been used to encourage political awareness and participation among the Filipino masses. The country is ranked among the most technologically savvy in the world...
3 Pages 1158 Words
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