1200 Word Essay Examples

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Social Issues

Intellectual Property Rights Violation in the UAE and Laws to Protect Against It

Intellectual Property violation is an out breaking criminal offense in the UAE. Many traders sold unlocked set-top-boxes which given access to several free exclusive channels. The circumstances fall under the Federal Copyright Law No. 7 and Federal Trademark Law No. 37 of protection laws of IP which considered acting against the trades for such criminal activities. Formal charges under Federal Law No. 3 of 2003 must be made if any guilty is found and caught stated by Harfan and Doudar...
3 Pages 1170 Words

The Use of Robots in Teaching Children of Primary School Age

These days, robots are used more often in colleges, beyond their regular applications in engineering. Robot teachers could be a big step to prepare the primary kids to be an innovative and smart generation in the future so they could build their life and country. It promotes interactive learning, making kids more involved in their learning activities. In order to develop their skills, primary school students face the most critical time of their life in order to. So, the use...
3 Pages 1173 Words

The Importance of Saving Money on a Rainy Day: An Essay

Saving is an attitude of the person keeping extra money before or after expenses. It is very important and needs to be a priority in life. However, most of the financial expert suggests that savings must be done before expenses and includes in the personal budgeting. Life is unpredictable, maybe a sudden car repair, the stove that stops working, or a medical emergency could occur. This fact was clearly defined by Merriam-Webster website dictionary that saving is, ā€œpreservation from danger...
3 Pages 1224 Words

Book Review of Timothy Egan's 'The Worst Hard Time'

The name of the book I read is ā€˜The Worst Hard Timeā€™ by Timothy Egan. Timothy Egan is an American author, journalist and op-ed columnist for The New York Times and has written a total of seven books. ā€˜The Worst Hard Timeā€™ perfectly captures Americas worst environmental disaster through the eyes of those that experienced it first-hand, better known as the Dust Bowl. The Dust Bowl primarily affected southeastern Colorado, southwest Kansas and parts of Oklahoma and Texas from 1930-1936....
3 Pages 1163 Words

Is Amazon a Monopoly? Essay

Amazon is among the four great Big Tech companies dominating market. In recent years, these Big Tech companies have garnered scrutiny at home and abroad. Google ran afoul with the European Union resulting in $9 billon dollars in fines. Facebook has received criticism for failing to address fake news story on its platform. These two giants while increasingly powerful deal primarily in the digital realm with a few exceptions. The company Amazon excels in both the digital and physical markets....
3 Pages 1165 Words

Ronald Reagan and His Role in Changing the Republican Party's Abortion Policy

When Ronald Reagan was elected in 1980, there was no doubt that he would be an anti-choice president. Well, almost no doubt. In 1967, Ronald Reagan (the governor at the time) signed the California Therapeutic Abortion Law which ā€œauthorized California physicians to perform abortions in a hospital up to twenty-one (21) weeks in cases in which the pregnancy resulted from rape or incest or endangered the physical or mental health of the mother. In 1969, the California Supreme Court found...
3 Pages 1228 Words

Impact of the American Revolution on American Society

Parliament and the British king imposed a multitude of taxes on the colonists during the mid to late 1700s in order to raise the revenue needed to pay off their debt from the French and Indian War. The colonists held various forms of protests and boycotts on the newly imposed taxes, such as The Boston Tea Party where they dumped all the British tea into the Boston harbor. Eventually, the Declaration of Independence was created in 1776 and concluded that...
3 Pages 1159 Words

Medicaid Program: History, Advantages and Disadvantages, Perspectives

Most countries in the world can get and provide good and ample medical coverage to each of their citizens throughout and give good healthcare facilities by the provision of universal health care coverage. Though this may be a factor that helps in the inclusion of all ages and all people in these countries, the United States of America offers a new and all-round system towards healthcare. This has impacted more than just the inclusion of all ages but also it...
3 Pages 1160 Words

Hearing Loss and Ways to Prevent It

What is hearing loss? One of the less frequently asked questions, for obvious reasons which is it is something seem to be not so vital. Until it happens to you which will be too late. I can confidently say I am very fortunate to be part of the masses that were taught and enlightened about hearing loss at a young age, of which I still wish I knew about it way earlier. As an aspiring sound engineer studying at an...
3 Pages 1171 Words

The Key Facts and Consequences of the 9/11 Terrorist Attacks

The morning of September 11, 2001, was and still is, a tragedy, not only for all Americans but for the whole world. First, the Al-Qaeda members hijacked four commercial airliners, then, the four aircraft were used in suicide attacks that were carried out on important buildings (one of the attacks was unsuccessful) in the USA. One of the planes hit the Pentagon, another crash-landed in a field in Pennsylvania, while the other two planes hit Twin Towers in New York....
3 Pages 1186 Words

Artificial Intelligence and Its Relationship with God and the Ego in ā€˜Ex Machinaā€™

Even with its flaws, ā€˜Ex Machinaā€™ perfectly captured the relationship between artificial intelligence, God and the ego. ā€˜Ex Machinaā€™ looks like a film about the future of artificial intelligence, but like most science fiction, it tells us more about the present than the future; and like most discussion around AI, it ends up reflecting not on technological progress so much as the human ego. A tiny change in its closing moments would have given it an intriguing new dimension. Artificial...
3 Pages 1196 Words

What Was the Vietnam War Like for the Soldiers and What Were the Main Difficulties Associated with It

The United States of America has fielded combat troops all the way back during its very beginning, and since then has participated in numerous armed conflicts. The American combat soldier of the twentieth century had already participated in two world wars as well as the Korean War before seeing action in Vietnam. War is a vicious thing, claiming the lives of many millions of combatants and non-combatants alike over the course of history. During each conflict they found themselves in,...
3 Pages 1239 Words

Scott Russell Sanders' Position on Human Migration

Scott Russell Sanders, American novelist, responds to an essay by author Salman Rushdie in his novel ā€˜Staying Put: Making a Home in a Restless Worldā€™. Rushdie maintains the perspective of the human race constantly migrating, rooting themselves in places rather than ideas, and praises these ideals. Sanders chooses to refute this, discussing the dangers of finding solace in ideas as opposed to places. His conflicting opinion to Rushdie may have been what prompted him to write this passage, but the...
3 Pages 1152 Words

An Essay on Preparing for a Career in the Computer Industry as a Computer Engineer

Since 1936, computers have been one of the most important machines ever created. Computers are the staple of society as they can do anything such as solving math problems to finding people the love of their lives. Computer engineering is a subpart of engineering that puts together the two fields of computer science and electronic engineering which are used to develop computer hardware and software. Computer engineers usually have training in electronic engineering, software design, and hardware-software integration instead of...
3 Pages 1249 Words

Christmas Spirit Network in the Human Brain

For those who celebrate, they would probably describe the Christmas Spirit as the feeling of joy and merriment and for some it may also have tangible associations such as gifts, holiday related scents, family, and a lot of good food. When asking people where Christmas Spirit comes from, some people and movie adaptations such as ā€˜A Christmas Carolā€™ would answer that it comes from the heart. However, like love the Christmas Spirit stems from neurochemical reaction, which means it is...
3 Pages 1193 Words

Analysis of the Painting 'Antoine Dominique Sauveur Aubert' by Paul Cezanne

The paper will be concerned with the analysis of art named ā€˜Antoine Dominique Sauveur Aubertā€™ which was done by Paul Cezanne for his uncle who was a monk. The paper will seek to explain the various elements that have been applied to the painting which make it unique and give it the ability to stand the test of time. comparison of the art with others by the same artist and time will also be made in the paper to highlight...
3 Pages 1227 Words

Corruption Through Organized Crime as an Important Issue

Corruption as a widely named term has no universal definition however it can be described as a dishonest or fraudulent conduct by those in power or an abuse of entrusted power for private gains. Widely spread in developing countries, it wires the propagation of organised criminal groups, enabling its activities and illicit operations and this occurs in developing countries with weak governance and state institutions. Organised criminal groups penetrate political, economic and social levels all over the world using all...
3 Pages 1184 Words

The Impact of Huntington's Disease on Personal and Family Life

Huntingtonā€™s is a disease in the brain, Huntingtonā€™s disease affects the Neurological and nervous system. Huntingtonā€™s disease is passed on from generation to generation through an altered gene from your parents. Huntingtonā€™s causes the death of brain cells in parts of the brain causing slow loss of cognitive ability, physical and emotional functions. Huntingtonā€™s disease is a serious and debilitating disease for which there is currently no cure. The most noticeable symptom of Huntingtonā€™s disease is jerky movements that is...
2 Pages 1164 Words

The Costco's Customer Service Problem

Don't you do shopping at Costco wholesale? Here we will examine the customer service problem at Costco. We will look at three issues (turnoffs) with references, and further we will explain the impact of each inadequacy on Costco. As customer satisfaction is fundamental for the accomplishment of the business. Without customer satisfaction, your business will never get viable. We all in all understand the present affiliations dismissal to appreciate the estimation of their customers regarding the accomplishment of their business....
3 Pages 1186 Words

Consequences of the Dust Bowl in the 1930's

ā€œThe Dust Bowl was the name given to the drought-stricken Southern Plains region of the United States, which suffered severe dust storms during a dry period in the 1930sā€ (Editors, 1). This came about when farmers were not educated about the land. The farmers would plow and plant the same crops on the same fields year after year. They never gave the dirt a rest or used fertilisers. When they continued these habits it kicked all the dirt dust in...
2 Pages 1151 Words

Evolving, But Not Changing

I agree with Shapiro and Varian's statement of technology changes, economic laws do not. I would say economic principles do not change but evolve as technological advances take place and have a significant influence on shaping our modern-day economy. As the technology that surrounds us and is immersed in our daily life advances, it changes the efficiency and level of production for the most part, in a beneficial form for the consumer and the producer, but at the cost of...
3 Pages 1193 Words

The Progressive Era as a Steppingstone in the Correcting of Democracy and the Eradicating Issues Spawned by Monopolistic Industrialists

An era seeing vast social, political, and economic changes, the Progressive Era from 1890 to the 1920ā€™s was a steppingstone in correcting democracy and eradicating widespread issues spawned by monopolistic industrial figures. A precursor in laying the framework for WWI and the Roaring Twenties, the Progressive movement saw a dramatic rise in industrialization as movement supporters were avid modernizers. Nonetheless, despite its prosperous economic growth, the rise of unionization and economic/ social public policy posed as a threat towards many...
3 Pages 1159 Words

White Privilege of Modern American Society

Americaā€™s demographic has been skewed to the advantage of white people throughout its history. From slavery to Jim Crow laws, the systems in place has always valued the white majority. As recently as 2018, the US census has shown that white people make up around 62.4% of the United States. As a result of this, people began to believe that American society is skewed to the advantage of white people. This belief exists despite laws that are designed to help...
3 Pages 1227 Words

Comparative Analysis of Narcissistic Personality Disorder and Histrionic Personality Disorder

A personality is an individualā€™s ā€œspecific way of thinking, feeling, and behavingā€ that sets them apart from the rest of society. Each person's personality is unique, heavily influenced by their past experiences, their current environment, and their inherited characteristics. A personality disorder is a way of thinking, feeling, and behaving that strays from the typical expectations of society. There are currently ten diagnosed personality disorders labeled in the DSM-5; two of which are called Narcissistic Personality Disorder (NPD) and Histrionic...
3 Pages 1221 Words

Chef's Kitchen Marketing Plan

Chef Kitchen is named after the person who had an initial idea for the business. The vegan community is very close and welcoming, the author wanted our name to represent that. All interactions with customers, who are buying products, will be face to face, which means it develops emotional connections with their customers. This will also allow us to build a personal style relationship verse the typical business style relationship with their customers (Burns and Dewhurst, 2016). It also gives...
3 Pages 1231 Words

Changing the Native American World by European Pioneers

The years 1620-1760 caused immense changes to the North American continent. The Native Americans first encountered European pilgrims, and in the blink of the eye, saw their world change by European pioneers. Not only did the Europeans venture to the Americas, but they also traveled to Africa. There they established a transatlantic slave exchange. This slave exchange would begin a different cultural and financial system; where the pigment of skin determines whether that person might live as a free man...
3 Pages 1152 Words

Volcanic Hazards of the Seattle Region: Implications for Strategic Business

The city of Seattle houses corporate headquarters of large corporations that play a strategic role in numerous industries. Corporations such as Boeing, Costco, Microsoft, Starbucks and Weyerhaeuser contribute much to the United States economy. Mt. Rainier, an active volcano in the state of Washington poses a legitimate threat to the not only the city and people of Seattle, but also furthermore to the industries established there. If anything were to happen to the city of Seattle that were to result...
3 Pages 1216 Words

Literary Devices and Main Ideas of John Krakauer in ā€˜Into Thin Airā€™

The beloved poet, Langston Hughes, once wrote this in his poem ā€˜Dreamsā€™: ā€œHold fast to dreams, for if dreams die life is a broken-winged bird that cannot flyā€ (3-4). Hughes uses a metaphor to let the readers better envision the true meaning of a story or sentence. In this case, Hughes is attempting to inform the readers that if we fail to accomplish our dreams, life is pointless. Huges contrasts a bird whose wing is broken to unaccomplished dreams. Hughes...
3 Pages 1196 Words

Key Scientists of Atomic Theory

In this essay, I will present the key scientists who studied the atomic theory and their contributions to science. Democritus Democritus lived in 5th century B.C. in Greece. ā€œDemocritus knew that if a stone was divided in half, the two halves would have essentially the same properties as the whole. Therefore, he reasoned that if the stone were to be continually cut into smaller and smaller pieces then, at some point, there would be a piece which would be so...
3 Pages 1245 Words

Prospectus of Thomas Starr King Middle School

As more and more people are flocking to Koreatown, it is necessary to build a school to educate the growing population of children. A highly diverse area of Los Angeles, Koreatown contains especially high populations of Latino and Asian immigrants, most of whom are low income. Thomas Starr King Middle School is a satellite branch from the Los Feliz location that will be created for the children of low-income families in the central LA area and to help tackle overpopulation...
2 Pages 1151 Words
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