1200 Word Essay Examples

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Social Issues

Non-citizen Youth in the Juvenile Justice System: Analytical Essay

The topic that I chose for my final paper is Non-citizen Youth in the Juvenile Justice System. The reason why I chose this topic is because we are currently in a generation where racism and hate is still very much alive and we live in a generation that is tackling the issue with un-documentation in a very bad way. Splitting families up, losing undocumented youth and keeping them in detention facilities with unbearable in humane conditions. The primary goals of...
3 Pages 1170 Words

Comparative Analysis and SWOT Analysis: Dolphin Nautilus Versus Polaris 9550 Pool Cleaner

Pool cleaner Pool cleaner models are proposed by companies to collect sediments and debris from our swimming pools and reduce the human intervention. Dirty pool can cause health problems so cleaning your pools is necessary. These models provide us with ease and can be used for both small-sized and large-sized pools. There are many types of pool cleaner models which include manually-powered as well as battery-powered automated cleaners. Maytronics is a USA company that designed great products and ensure safety...
3 Pages 1170 Words

Effects of Myoblast Transfer As a Way to Treat Duchenne’s Muscular Dystrophy

Duchenne’s Muscular Dystrophy is a genetic disorder linked to the X chromosome that is caused by a deficiency in the protein dystrophin (Mendell et al., 1995). This disease weakens skeletal and cardiac muscles, and may pose obstacles when sitting, standing, walking, and speaking. Treatment by myoblast transfer showed promising results in animal trials. This method strives to replace dystrophin through the injection of donor myoblast cells into skeletal muscles. The donor cells are able to replace dystrophin by fusing with...
3 Pages 1231 Words

Critical Analysis of Amazon Diversification

Amazon was created with the intention of it being a book selling website, but with its success Jeff Bezos diversified it into many different markets to expand his own company. The website is now used to sell/buy apparel, medicine, movies, electronics, and even grocery shopping for some people. With online shopping at its highest point it's ever been, Amazon is pursuing the perfect strategies to keep their company at the absolute top. A few reasons why Amazon is as successful...
3 Pages 1244 Words

Analytical Essay on the Art in China: Chinese Calligraphy

The non-western society I chose to research about its art tradition is China because its art has one of the oldest traditions in the world and it comes in many forms. Chinese Calligraphy is one of the eight most elegant forms of art in China, in the same ranking as “Zheng (harp), chess, paintings, poems, tea, flowers, and liquor”. Calligraphy has been changing since the Chinese language developed because different dynasties use a different official font for Chinese. China is...
3 Pages 1231 Words

Representation of Camus’s Idea of the Absurd through the Story of Sisyphus: Analytical Essay

According to Albert Camus, the Absurd is man’s impossible search for meaning in life arising from our desire to understand the world and our existence but never being able to. Camus expands upon this idea by stating that the only response to the absurdity of life is Revolt and not suicide. In this essay, I argue in support of Camus’ view that Revolt is essential because both physical and philosophical suicide represent giving up. Revolt is the only way for...
3 Pages 1197 Words

Scholarship Essay to Get A MasterCard Scholarship at Edinburgh

I need financial help to attend college in the UK because I am a low-income student. I am the 1st child to attend college. Although my parents gave me much support, I received limited financial help because of low family income. My father, who was the bread weaner of the family, passed away. To reduce family burden, I took out student loans, enter competitions to pay for my tuition. Meanwhile, I am working 45 hours per week off-campus to support...
3 Pages 1182 Words

Inequality and Injustice: Perspective of South Africa during the Early 1900s in Cry, the Beloved Country

Alan Paton’s, Cry, the Beloved Country, is a compelling novel that really puts the reader in the perspective of South Africa during the early 1900’s. It is a story of discrimination, determination, and forgiveness. It tells the story of a brave father and leader who is willing to risk it all for his family. The novel is consistent of two main themes throughout: the breakdown of traditional family and society structures within the black African population and the economic inequalities...
3 Pages 1241 Words

Review of The Witches Salem, 1692 by Stacy Schiff: Analysis of the Salem Witch Trials

Many novelists have tackled the historical events of the infamous Salem witch trials of Massachusetts, one of the novelists being Stacy Schiff. She is well known for winning the Pulitzer Prize for her novel Cleopatra. When I saw that Stacy Schiff wrote a novel on the Salem Witch trials, I was immediately drawn and intrigued to read her perception of the historical events found written in our history books and portrayed on the movie screens. Stacy Schiff’s book The Witches,...
3 Pages 1224 Words

Importance of Developing Critical Thinking Skills for Effective Leadership

Effective leadership involves problem-solving and decision making. These are only achievable if one can think critically without assuming lots of things and looking at everything from the face value. It is, therefore, necessary that a critical thinker has to learn critical thinking skills so that he can be best placed to successfully lead and control a company. These critical thinking skills enable the leaders to understand the effect of their decisions and the impact it might bring to the company....
2 Pages 1183 Words

Richard Wright As the Author and Protagonist In the book Black Boy: Critical Analysis

Black people have had a hard time going through many different situations just because of their skin color. Every single individual deserves to receive their own rights and be treated equally. Growing up in the 20th century was hard, because racism happened all the time. The Blacks suffered a lot through different oppressions; it makes them hurt both physically and mentally. In the book Black Boy, Richard Wright is the author of his book and protagonist. He shared his early...
3 Pages 1242 Words

Analytical Essay on Bill of Rights: Civil Liberty Versus Civil Right, Differences between the Federalists and Anti-Federalists

What is the difference between a civil liberty and a civil right? What are two different amendments related to civil liberties? Briefly explain each and provide examples/ cases that speak to each. Civil Rights – They include how an individual is treated regarding certain rights, and have a protective aspect of the rights. In the US, people may not be discriminated against based on their protected characteristics in education, employment, access to public facilities, and housing. When people are discriminated...
3 Pages 1211 Words

Critical Analysis of “May Day” by F. Scott Fitzgerald

Introduction: “May Day”, by F.scott Fitzgerald is a tale of America after the World War I. The author begins the tale with, “There had been a war fought and won 
”The setting is in New York, USA in May 1919 which is evident from the references of Yale graduates, and Gordon’s telephonic conversation with Phil when he said, “I heard you were in New York.” The main protagonist, Gordon Sterrett, is a soldier who has recently got back from France...
3 Pages 1179 Words

Concept of the Code of Chivalry in Sir Gawain and the Green Knight: Analytical Essay

Can anyone remain entirely chivalrous? The medieval institution of knighthood had only one answer for this; to live and die by a code of chivalry that included courage, honour, loyalty and consideration of others was indispensable. The influences of noble love and Christianity expanded the code of chivalry to include complete devotion to the church followed by impeccable etiquette and social talent. Despite its respectable nature, this knightly code of honour, as seen in ​Sir Gawain and the Green Knight​,...
3 Pages 1184 Words

Science and Technology in Ancient Egypt: Analytical Essay

From anciĐ”nt timĐ”s till today, an Đ”normous amount of discovĐ”riĐ”s and invĐ”ntions wĐ”rĐ” madĐ” by humans to makĐ” thĐ”ir lifĐ” much Đ”asiĐ”r. In ordĐ”r to Đ°chiĐ”vĐ” thĐ” goĐ°l of improving thĐ”ir living stĐ°ndĐ°rds, Đ°nciĐ”nt civilizĐ°tions focusĐ”d on thĐ” dĐ”vĐ”lopmĐ”nt of sciĐ”ncĐ” Đ°nd tĐ”chnology. OnĐ” of thĐ”sĐ” civilizĐ°tions is Đ°ncient Egypt sociĐ”ty. ThĐ”ir knowlĐ”dgĐ” and tĐ”chnology wĐ”rĐ” so dДДp and complĐ”x that thĐ”y could build gorgĐ”ous structurĐ”s callĐ”d pyramids which is Đ”vĐ”n nĐ”arly impossiblĐ” to build with today’s tĐ”chnology. This sociĐ”ty...
2 Pages 1230 Words

Critical Analysis of In the Time of The Butterflies by DedĂš Mirabal

In the book, In the Time of The Butterflies, Dedù Mirabal the final surviving Mirabal sister tells the story of her family and how her three sisters grew to become martyrs and national heroines. The novel takes place in The Dominican Republic during the era of rule under Rafael Trujillio. The story focuses on three of the four sisters, Patria, Minerva and Mate (“The Butterflies”) who go through many hardships as they fight for freedom as a woman in their...
3 Pages 1204 Words

Parallels between The Crucible and McCarthyism during the Cold War: Critical Analysis

The Salem witch trials were a time of mass fear and hysteria around witches. Hundreds of women and girls were accused of being “witches.” A similar time of mass hysteria and fear also occurred at the beginning of the 20th century. It was called the Red Scare, spurred on by McCarthyism. Named after its leader, Joseph Mccarthy, a Republican Wisconsin senator, the movement gained huge traction due to pre-established hysteria around so-called “Reds” in the government and by hyping up...
2 Pages 1155 Words

Analysis of Rhetorical Strategies in Music Videos from Past and Present

Genre is defined as typical rhetorical ways of responding to a situation that repeatedly occurs within a scene. To help better understand that a scene is a place in which communication happens among groups of people with some shared objectives. Lastly, a situation are various rhetorical interactions happening within a scene, involving participants, subject, setting, and purposes. To further analyze genre, we look to music videos, which is when an artist creates a short film to go along with the...
3 Pages 1173 Words

Guillermo del Toro’s Crimson Peak and Tim Burton’s Sleepy Hollows: Comparative Analysis

Gothic Fiction, in present day, refers to a particular type of writing that is characterized by elements of death, horror, mystery, atmosphere & setting, supernatural & paranormal and fear, but also have romantic elements like nature, individuality and character emotion. But to clarify, gothic fiction isn’t by all means a new type of genre, but surprisingly began in the mid 1700’s. The first known gothic fiction book of its time is The Castle of Otranto by Horace Walpole. Gothic fiction...
3 Pages 1246 Words

Essay on Black Lives Matter Organization: Critical Analysis of Discourse Community

A discourse community is a group of people who share a set of goals, which are basic values and assumptions, and ways of communicating about those goals. The ability to communicate is very important to a discourse community. It is important because without communication the community would not be able to convey information to each other, and they wouldn’t have the knowledge they need to do their jobs. An example of this would be the Black Lives Matter organization. I...
3 Pages 1237 Words

Analysis of “The Company of Wolves” with Formalist Lens in Contrast to Original “Little Red Riding Hood”

Everyone knows the classic fairy tale “Little Red Riding Hood.” But what some people don’t know is that the story has had several adaptions, each of which have been reimagined into something that is like the original story, yet more interesting. Some of those adaptations, however, were written as exaggerations of what the narrator was saying. One example of an LRRH adaptation that has been recreated – yet not exaggerated – is “The Company of Wolves”, in which certain plot...
3 Pages 1228 Words

Critical Analysis of O'Connor's Short Stories: Everything That Rises Must Converge, A Good Man Is Hard to Find, Good Country People

As humans, it is in our nature to have a way of characterizing ourselves than what we may be giving out to the world. In O'Connor's short stories, “Everything That Rises Must Converge” and “A Good Man Is Hard to Find”, and “Good Country People” they show multiple characters that portray themselves in a different perspective than what they think of themselves, even though they may not be aware that they don't see themselves as a malicious person. In the...
3 Pages 1194 Words

Injustice in Criminal Justice System: Analytical Essay on Just Mercy by Bryan Stevenson

The United States of America, the “land of the free”, is not living up to its ideals of freedom. Our criminal justice system is unjust and discriminatory towards people of color and low socioeconomic status. They’re more likely to receive a death penalty sentence than a white person because race and finacial assets, unfortunately, are some of the determining factors of who gets the death penalty. It has turned into a system of oppression for the poor, defenseless, and falsely...
3 Pages 1185 Words

Importance of Second Amendment: Argumentative Essay

Although the 2nd Amendment is only 27 words in its entirety, it has been the focus of controversy many times in the last 223 years. In 1791 when the second amendment was added to the bill of rights America did not have a well put together army. They relied on the civilians to pretty much be the protection if someone invaded their town or city. So an addition was made to The Bill of Rights the second amendment: 'A well-regulated...
3 Pages 1208 Words

Ideology of McCarthyism in Twelve Angry Men and The Crucible: Comparative Essay

Justice comes from acknowledging the truth. Discuss in relation to Twelve Angry Men and The Crucible. In the allegorical plays The Crucible and Twelve Angry Men, Arthur Miller and Reginald Rose unveil the flaws within the American legal system by expressing how justice cannot be truly obtained unless the truth is recognized. Justice is represented in the two texts and is found when the truth is acknowledged by looking at the facts, evidence, testimonies and then removing the bias. In...
3 Pages 1214 Words

Analysis of Analogy for the Climate Change Movement with the Black Lives Matter Movement

Speaker: I'm qualified to speak about this issue because I'm passionate about learning history. I think it's crucial to draw ties between similar social movements because you might be able to prevent repeating history. Purpose: The purpose of this letter is to inspire those in the Climate Change movement to learn from their opponents and not view the incoming hate as necessarily detrimental. Audience: My audience is the Climate Change movement. I chose this movement because they have recently come...
2 Pages 1164 Words

Reflection on Work Experience in Del Paso Dental

Del Paso Dental is located in Sacramento on Del Paso Blvd. It is a Health Clinic for the community primarily for Medi-Cal patients. The agency that Bou Vang works specifically for the Health and Life Organization which is a non-profit corporation that administers quality inclusive initial healthcare to under income and ethnically diverse and impoverished residents residing inside the city of Sacramento. She is a registered dental assistant who performs a wide variety of responsibilities inside the dental office. Such...
3 Pages 1213 Words

Case Study of The Sneakerhead Discourse Community

The Sneakerhead Discourse Community The Sneaker discourse community is a diverse one, which encompasses the minds of many creative members ranging from a plethora of diverse backgrounds. To communicate ideas with a central focus on modern and retro footwear, members of this group use specific terminology in their dialect. This “sneakerhead language” allows a smooth transfer of ideas between one member to another, which leaves no loose information excluded. Interestingly enough, I first entered this world through listening to what...
3 Pages 1170 Words

Importance of Education: Views of Richard Rodriguez, Frederick Douglass, Chris McCandless

A good education is something that all children, teens, and young adults across America deserve, but what’s the point of it? Over time, people learn the basic skills needed to function in society such as reading, writing, and basic arithmetic, but beyond that, what’s the purpose? Although people are going to college more than ever, so many more are asking why they’re even there. They may ask themselves, “why am I wasting four years of my life for a piece...
3 Pages 1212 Words

Analysis of the Documents Concerning Colonial Labor Systems, The Columbian Exchange, and Colonial Fur Trade

Documents 1 and 2 can both relate to the colonial labor systems that happened in the 1600s through 1700s by both describing the way people were treated. In the first document it talks about how people in the ship had different kinds of sea sicknesses, and they were also fed poorly from given expired food to drinking dirty water that made their condition worse. The people in the best condition were the once who mainly got bought once they arrived,...
3 Pages 1155 Words
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